Thanks @JounQin! - fix(eslint): moveprefer-optional-chain
to type awared section -
Thanks @JounQin! - chore: bump all (dev)Dependencies -
Updated dependencies [
]:- @1stg/[email protected]
- #153
Thanks @JounQin! - fix: ignore UPPER_CASE yaml files as markdown for files like.github/FUNDING.yml
Thanks @JounQin! - perf(eslint): bumpeslint-import-resolver-typescript
Thanks @JounQin! - chore(eslint): replaceeslint-plugin-import
- #133
Thanks @JounQin! - fix(eslint): incorrect prettier parser inferred for angular html files
- #131
Thanks @JounQin! - fix(eslint): disable prettier/prettier rule for md/mdx automatically
- Updated dependencies [
]:- @1stg/[email protected]
Thanks @JounQin! - fix(prettier): .vscode/*.json should be considered as jsonc -
Updated dependencies [
]:- @1stg/[email protected]
- #98
Thanks @JounQin! - feat!: use official eslint-plugin-prettier and eslint-plugin-svelte v2
Thanks @JounQin! - chore(deps): upgrade eslint-plugin-markup for better performance (synckit)
- #48
Thanks @JounQin! - fix: enableallowNullOrUndefined
for rule@angular-eslint/template-eqeqeq
Thanks @JounQin! - - fix(eslint-config): disable prefer-nullish-coalescing which is difficult to use- fix(eslint-config): disable import/namespace for .ts which is redundant
- #39
Thanks @JounQin! - feat(eslint-config): only enable eslint-plugin-sonar with typescript available
- #34
Thanks @JounQin! - fix(eslint-config): incorrect project due to recommended angular-eslint config
Thanks @JounQin! - fix(eslint-config): allow TSTypeParameterInstantiation and TSQualifiedName
- #26
Thanks @JounQin! - feat: enable stricter ts rules, bumpstylelint-no-unsupported-browser-features
1.12.2 (2021-04-30)
- eslint-config: bump (dev)Dependencies except babel, disbale few rules (12d125f)
1.12.1 (2021-04-20)
1.12.0 (2021-04-15)
- use official eslint-plugin-prettier again, fix postcss config (a05fefc)
1.11.1 (2021-04-08)
- disable unicorn/no-unreadable-array-destructuring (b194734)
1.11.0 (2021-04-02)
- enable eslint-plugin-jsdoc, disable ivy for ng-lib (988f810)
1.10.2 (2021-03-25)
- eslint-config: disable no-labels in favor of snoar/no-labels (2471d37)
1.10.1 (2021-03-23)
- add .*.js files should be considered as non source (f9a1d3e)
- consider .storybook folder too (f4841d0)
1.10.0 (2021-03-23)
- use @rxts/eslint-plugin-prettier temporarily (46dde2e)
1.9.0 (2021-03-14)
- enable plugin:sonar/recommended, refactor tsconfig/tslint files (70c8a99)
1.8.0 (2021-03-02)
- eslint-config: enable sonar/deprecation to replace tslint's (0679fcf)
1.7.3 (2021-02-28)
- stylelint-config: use official stylelint-prettier (39599d8)
1.7.2 (2021-02-25)
- disable jest if inavailable (e24a825)
1.7.1 (2021-02-25)
- eslint-config: disable no-extraneous-class for angular temporarily (addaf1b)
1.7.0 (2021-02-25)
- eslint-config: enable allowWithDecorator for no-extraneous-class (6be38ee)
1.6.0 (2021-02-23)
- eslint-config: use eslint-plugin-svelte for consistency 🎉 (f9e6edd)
1.5.1 (2021-02-23)
- eslint-config: should not enable js related rules on .md files (abc8489)
1.5.0 (2021-02-23)
- stylelint-config: use @rxts/stylelint-prettier to fix as workaround (ccee42c)
1.4.1 (2021-02-23)
- eslint-config: no-negated-condition is not auto-fixable, so disable in loose mode (68196ad)
1.4.0 (2021-02-22)
- better support for svelte (9dcd408)
1.3.0 (2021-02-20)
- eslint-config: arrow-body-style conflict with prettier (b738f32)
- eslint-config: enable eslint-comments, enforce function style (5bb2286)
1.2.1 (2021-02-18)
- eslint-config: disable no-array-for-each for loose config (591a36e)
1.2.0 (2021-02-18)
- tsconfig: enable strictTemplates for angular (d3db8df)
1.1.0 (2021-02-16)
- eslint-config: disable unicorn/prefer-spread for loose config (7d42c93)
1.0.1 (2021-01-26)
- eslint-config: disable unicorn/no-array-callback-reference for ts files (10f3ce8)
1.0.0 (2021-01-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @1stg/eslint-config
0.21.1 (2021-01-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @1stg/eslint-config
0.21.0 (2020-11-27)
- upgrade all deps (b615c2d)
0.20.5 (2020-07-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @1stg/eslint-config
0.20.4 (2020-06-18)
- htmlWhitespaceSensitivity is not safe to use (b94fcfb)
0.20.3 (2020-06-02)
- eslint-config: disable some too strict rules in loose mode (078eda1)
0.20.2 (2020-05-24)
Note: Version bump only for package @1stg/eslint-config
0.20.1 (2020-04-23)
- tslint-config: bump tslint-plugin-prettier (3559406)
0.20.0 (2020-04-21)
- bump versions, change schedule to monthly (ae34961)
0.19.5 (2020-04-07)
- eslint-config: disable duplicate rule no-process-exit (c74bbcb)
- eslint-config: disable prefer-number-properties for loose config (d5caba9)
0.19.4 (2020-04-02)
- deps: bump all (dev)Dependencies (31f5f14)
0.19.3 (2020-02-22)
Note: Version bump only for package @1stg/eslint-config
- dpes: upgrade husky (abc4f63)
- eslint-config: set sortCharacterClasses false for regex-shorthand (a60f2e2)
- eslint-config: disable some too strict unicorn rules (337ee1c)
- lint-staged: remove
git add
commands (6595d7f)
- downgrade husky temporarily, remove
git add
in lint-staged config (50c4532)
- prettier-config: add next config for babel-ts parser (0804cc8)
- prettier-config: add arrowParens avoid to prevent regression via prettier 2.0 (1336067)
- tslint-config: migrate rxjs-tslint to @rxts/rxjs-tslint (a46a510)
- deps: bump all (dev)Dependencies, migrate to GitHub Actions (8b3b84c)
0.16.3 (2020-01-26)
- deps: bump all (dev)Dependencies, ignore UPPER_CASE markdown filenames (a679e88)
0.16.2 (2020-01-17)
0.16.1 (2020-01-12)
- eslint-config: enable prettier/babel and prettier/unicorn configs (5e7421e)
0.16.0 (2020-01-12)
- eslint-config: add eslint-plugin-unicorn support (2e2a117)
0.15.4 (2020-01-12)
Note: Version bump only for package @1stg/eslint-config
0.15.3 (2019-12-11)
- deps: bump all (dev)Dependencies, support prettier .*shrc files (cab346c)
0.15.2 (2019-11-18)
- deps: bump (dev)Dependencies (1a02a42)
0.15.1 (2019-11-09)
0.15.0 (2019-11-08)
- eslint-config: export recommended config as default, try ts like other types (a6238f6)
0.14.6 (2019-11-05)
- eslint-config: disable member-ordering in loose config (e118451)
0.14.5 (2019-11-05)
- eslint-config: disable no-type-alias in loose config (420f61a)
0.14.4 (2019-11-03)
- eslint-config: disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any for .d.ts (808ee1e)
0.14.3 (2019-11-03)
- bump @pkgr/utils version, dTs config takes highest priority (e980ddb)
0.14.2 (2019-11-01)
- eslint-config: remove isSrcDirAvailable from resolvePaths (aa218d2)
0.14.1 (2019-11-01)
- eslint-config: remove isSrcAppDirAvailable which seems useless (7906321)
0.14.0 (2019-10-31)
- enable sonar for eslint/tslint, refactor dependencies declaration (a27422f)
0.13.6 (2019-10-30)
- eslint-config: enable import/external-module-folders option (8e89e14)
0.13.5 (2019-10-28)
- eslint-config: angular rules should take higher priority (a4860d4)
0.13.4 (2019-10-28)
- eslint-config: rename isNgAvailable to isNgAvailable (9471805)
0.13.3 (2019-10-28)
- eslint-config: use @pkgr/utils to simplify codes (0ae5b71)
0.13.2 (2019-10-23)
- eslint-config: upgrade eslint-mdx to fix issue of typescript-eslint (355e578)
0.13.1 (2019-10-22)
- set parser option for vue correctly (a9804e0)
- treat mdx as jsx correctly, remove standard-jsx for vue (e9e488f)
- eslint-config: split react and vue config correctly (ce82dd8)
0.13.0 (2019-10-22)
- eslint-config: check react and vue availability like angular (c6fcb11)
0.12.22 (2019-10-21)
- eslint-config: disable node/shebang for {bin,cli}.ts (42cdbf0)
0.12.21 (2019-10-15)
- eslint-config: disable some redundant rules (837f6f3)
0.12.20 (2019-10-05)
- deps: upgrade buggy/outdated (dev)Dependencies (7dceac0)
0.12.19 (2019-10-03)
- babel-preset: detect react-hot-loader and enable it automatically (795a2fe)
0.12.18 (2019-10-01)
- browserslist-config: update modern queries, bump dep versions (d749107)
- eslint-config: disable some no so useful rules, add stories and config (74d1a69)
0.12.17 (2019-10-01)
- postcss-config: add postcss-modules support, skip npm and .global.* files automatically (b4e7d15)
- upgrade eslint to 6.5.1 to fix
0.12.16 (2019-09-30)
- eslint-config: add 1024 as magic number, extends jest rules from test (e41f0cf)
0.12.15 (2019-09-29)
- eslint-config: no need to enable tslint twice if tslint.json presents (6505628)
0.12.14 (2019-09-29)
- disable node/no-extraneous-import for .d.ts (dcaf6b4)
0.12.13 (2019-09-26)
- deps: bump dependencies, add tslint-config/eslint, disable no-namespace for .d.ts (8b340e8)
0.12.12 (2019-09-23)
- check package.json existence, add compose tsconfig (47da218)
0.12.11 (2019-09-23)
- allow triple-slash for path, add more common tsconfigs (69996d3)
0.12.10 (2019-09-21)
- eslint-config: disable rule node/no-extraneous-require like node/no-extraneous-import for test(s) (eb88521)
0.12.9 (2019-09-21)
- disable ban-ts-ignore, enable allow-empty-catch (3bb2b34)
0.12.8 (2019-09-20)
- eslint-config: only enable compat plugin if browserslist installed specifically (6ce0240)
0.12.7 (2019-09-19)
- incorrect src directory, add i bin for imagemin (6281909)
0.12.6 (2019-09-18)
- eslint-config: bump eslint-plugin-prettier, add more common magic numbers (01d94a3)
0.12.5 (2019-09-18)
- eslint-config: add common ignorable magic numbers (5f8f2e1)
0.12.4 (2019-09-18)
- eslint-config: refactor vue config based on ts config without types (e5fc2a1)
0.12.3 (2019-09-18)
- eslint-config: exports.angular is an array, use concat directly (6d5f759)
0.12.2 (2019-09-18)
- eslint-config: extract angular overrides, resolve src(/app) automatically (0b98eb6)
0.12.1 (2019-09-17)
- eslint-config: remove @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions rule (3b24b4e)
0.12.0 (2019-09-17)
- eslint-config: support angular/webpack out of box, more rules (657eb68)
0.11.1 (2019-09-16)
- deps: upgrade eslint-plugin-mdx, use recommended config directly (6c54a92)
0.11.0 (2019-09-16)
- eslint: bump eslint version, use overrides in npm pkg (8e02136)
0.10.6 (2019-09-13)
- eslint: match deeper and deeper test files! (3053871)
0.10.5 (2019-09-13)
- eslint: match deeper test files (13da11e)
0.10.4 (2019-09-13)
- eslint: disable node/no-extraneous-import in tests? folder (aa231f1)
0.10.3 (2019-09-13)
- eslint: statSync also breaks if packages does not exist (0f7a37f)
0.10.2 (2019-09-13)
- eslint: readdirSync breaks if packages does not exist (f10c8dd)
0.10.1 (2019-09-13)
- deps: bump dep versions, support directory option of ts resolver (0c6bcf1)
0.10.0 (2019-09-12)
- eslint: enable
feature to simplify ts linter (63f9332)
0.9.3 (2019-09-10)
- deps: enable eslint-import-resolver-ts, add prod option for rollup (3471316)
0.9.2 (2019-09-09)
- eslint: disable promise/catch-or-return for ts files (d4bc677)
0.9.1 (2019-09-07)
- deps: upgrade eslint-plugin-mdx and remark-preset-prettier (c735d6d)
0.9.0 (2019-09-07)
0.8.2 (2019-09-07)
- add module related rules for eslint config (5d1c36c)
0.8.1 (2019-09-07)
- eslint: try other extensions in overrides rules (4a48196)
0.8.0 (2019-09-05)
- enable eslint-plugin-compat, disable node query temporarily (a003dac)
0.7.0 (2019-09-05)
- enable eslint-plugin-node, more plugins for rollup (abfa39b)
- disable prettier in eslint for .md temporarily (8a7f3ed)
- missing error binding in eslint config, bump dependencies (3210985)
- add rollup config, improve eslint and ts configs (c3523bb)
- enable eslint-plugin-tslint (117a1df)
- enhance eslint-config and more useful tsconfig files (acae220)
- first blood, should just work (f925e8e)
- improve babel-preset and eslint-config usage (4884606)
- support lint markdown files, add standard-react config (8841cde)
- upgrade eslint/stylelint-scss, consider mdx content as jsx (032e9bf)