- Papers and sources: [sekwiatkowski/awesome-capsule-networks].
- [2011 ICANN] Transforming Auto-Encoders, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [ndrplz/transforming-autoencoders].
- [2017 NIPS] Dynamic Routing Between Capsules, [paper], [bibtex], [blog], [Understanding Hinton’s Capsule Networks], sources: [soskek/dynamic_routing_between_capsules], [naturomics/CapsNet-Tensorflow], [XifengGuo/CapsNet-Keras].
- [2018 ICLR] Matrix Capsules with EM Routing, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [IBM/matrix-capsules-with-em-routing], [www0wwwjs1/Matrix-Capsules-EM-Tensorflow], [yl-1993/Matrix-Capsules-EM-PyTorch], [gyang274/capsulesEM].
- [2019 Arxiv] Reducing the dilution: An analysis of the information sensitiveness of capsule network with a practical improvement method, [paper], [bibtex].
- [2019 NeurIPS] Stacked Capsule Autoencoders, [paper], [bibtex], [blog], sources: [google-research/stacked_capsule_autoencoders].
- [2018 ECCV] CapsuleGAN: Generative Adversarial Capsule Network, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [gusgad/capsule-GAN].
- [2018 EMNLP] MCapsNet: Capsule Network for Text with Multi-Task Learning, [paper], [bibtex].
- [2018 EMNLP] Investigating Capsule Networks with Dynamic Routing for Text Classification, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [andyweizhao/capsule_text_classification].
- [2018 EMNLP] Attention-Based Capsule Networks with Dynamic Routing for Relation Extraction, [paper], [bibtex].
- [2018 NeurIPS] VideoCapsuleNet: A Simplified Network for Action Detection, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [KevinDuarte/VideoCapsuleNet].
- [2019 AAAI] Dynamic Capsule Attention for Visual Question Answering, [paper], [bibtex].
- [2019 AAAI] Multi-labeled Relation Extraction with Attentive Capsule Network, [paper], [bibtex]
- [2019 ICCV] Adaptive Activation Thresholding: Dynamic Routing Type Behavior for Interpretability in Convolutional Neural Networks, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [sunyiyou/dynamic-k-activation].
- [2019 CCL] Capsule Networks for Chinese Opinion Questions Machine Reading Comprehension, [paper], [bibtex].
- [2019 EMNLP] Investigating Capsule Network and Semantic Feature on Hyperplanes for Text Classification, [paper], [bibtex]
- [2019 CVPR] DeepCaps: Going Deeper with Capsule Networks, [paper], [bibtex], sources: [brjathu/deepcaps].
- [2019 NeurIPS] STAR-CAPS: Capsule Networks with Straight-Through Attentive Routing, [paper], [bibtex], [homepage].