Releases: 3DStreet/3dstreet
Releases · 3DStreet/3dstreet
What's Changed
- Add missing thumbnails by @ewei2406 in #966
- Streetplan updates by @kfarr in #970
- Auto save by @rahulkgupta in #957
- In SceneGraph, only scroll node into view if it's not currently visible by @vincentfretin in #981
- Curb radius option by @ewei2406 in #983
- Use random seed by @kfarr in #971
- load from managed street object by @kfarr in #965
- Delete segment with flow by @kfarr in #985
- Insert new segment by @kfarr in #987
- Detach with multi command by @kfarr in #996
- Add multi command to be able to undo a sequence of actions in one step by @vincentfretin in #995
- allow ped and stencil detach by @kfarr in #997
- striping first cut by @kfarr in #998
- Intersection crosswalk options by @ewei2406 in #993
- Fix intersection sidewalk being in wrong position for intersections with non-default sizes by @ewei2406 in #994
- revert horiz scroll by @kfarr in #1003
- Converting default streets to managed street format by @kfarr in #1001
- better justification of dirtbox by @kfarr in #1007
- mvp polygon offset by @kfarr in #1004
- labels with manage-street event dispatcher by @kfarr in #1008
- quick autosave bug fix by @rahulkgupta in #1009
- select null entity upon scene load by @kfarr in #1010
- Fix scene save right after creation by @vincentfretin in #1014
- Streetplan to managed street by @kfarr in #1011
- Epic street editing by @kfarr in #989
- Remove intro modal by @kfarr in #1015
- Fix clone nan by @kfarr in #1022
- emit segments-changed on length change by @kfarr in #1023
- remove ar script by @kfarr in #1016
- Manage street - simpler UI by @kfarr in #1017
- Less moving parts during the saved animation by @vincentfretin in #959
- Style updates by @kfarr in #1026
- Remove storybook by @vincentfretin in #1031
- edit 3d tiles opacity and blending mode by @kfarr in #1012
- Use a focus-animation component instead of a fake component by @vincentfretin in #1032
- Update husky and lint-staged by @vincentfretin in #1033
- attempt to fix uniqueID issue by @kfarr in #1040
- Sidebar UI for street segment components by @kfarr in #1037
- Add support for editing a property of type array by @vincentfretin in #1038
- Backport fixes from inspector by @vincentfretin in #1041
- stencils ui and some modelsArray fixes by @kfarr in #1042
- autofix scenes with dupe ids by @kfarr in #1045
- a-frame 1.7 by @kfarr in #1034
- upgrade three node package by @kfarr in #1046
- Backport fixes from inspector 2 by @vincentfretin in #1043
- separate and add versioning to building glb models by @kfarr in #1048
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.5.4...0.5.5
What's Changed
- fix saving as so that the user can save after by @rahulkgupta in #844
- preserve scene url when opening by @rahulkgupta in #845
- prompt for title when doing saveAs by @kfarr in #847
- domain based pro access by @rahulkgupta in #835
- update to aframe master build (post 1.6.0, three r167) to fix undo material src by @vincentfretin in #842
- Minibus tuktuk busstop motorcycle by @kfarr in #849
- Add support for undo mixin change by @vincentfretin in #848
- revert to a-frame 1.5 by @kfarr in #850
- rotate and translate by @rahulkgupta in #858
- Make the whole 'Upload 3DStreet JSON File' button clickable by @vincentfretin in #856
- Better double click on item in scene graph by @vincentfretin in #855
- remove console error, simplify code by @kfarr in #861
- Create layer updates -- add image layer by @kfarr in #864
- remove cross section since its broken by @rahulkgupta in #875
- log history by @rahulkgupta in #874
- upgrade posthog by @rahulkgupta in #869
- keep scene id when loading URL by @rahulkgupta in #868
- Bump express from 4.19.2 to 4.21.0 by @dependabot in #876
- autosave by @rahulkgupta in #865
- Revert "Merge pull request #874 from 3DStreet/log-history" by @rahulkgupta in #883
- obb clipping by @kfarr in #882
- Bump body-parser and express in /public/functions by @dependabot in #881
- Bump serve-static and express in /public/functions by @dependabot in #880
- Bump path-to-regexp and express in /public/functions by @dependabot in #879
- Model card previews by @rahulkgupta in #873
- cleanup plus reduce notification duration by @rahulkgupta in #885
- Improve clipping performance by @kfarr in #887
- quick prevention of accidentally hitting new when a scene is saving by @rahulkgupta in #891
- lock gltf by @rahulkgupta in #890
- more thumbnails by @rahulkgupta in #888
- Shadows for intersections by @kfarr in #894
- Bump cookie and express by @dependabot in #895
- log community scene opening and when user saves a scene they dont own by @rahulkgupta in #896
- Osm updates by @kfarr in #897
- Bump cookie and express in /public/functions by @dependabot in #898
- add uoregon to pro domain list by @kfarr in #899
- save changes by @rahulkgupta in #900
- Bump http-proxy-middleware from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 by @dependabot in #902
- newly placed glb should cast shadow by @kfarr in #905
- None map type & OSM performance improvements by @kfarr in #904
- Category cleanup by @rahulkgupta in #906
- logo image change + toolbar button color change by @rahulkgupta in #907
- ignore public index.html by @kfarr in #911
- Css changes by @rahulkgupta in #913
- first cut of data-no-transform by @kfarr in #915
- Zustand by @rahulkgupta in #914
- side panel z-index by @rahulkgupta in #931
- update save notifs by @rahulkgupta in #932
- cleanup prod webpack by @rahulkgupta in #933
- Remove unused watch:css and add prettier-plugin-tailwindcss by @vincentfretin in #930
- Bump firebase from 9.23.0 to 10.9.0 by @dependabot in #934
- Bump undici and firebase by @dependabot in #935
- Bump cross-spawn from 7.0.3 to 7.0.6 by @dependabot in #936
- Zustand cont by @rahulkgupta in #916
- Remove element tag and class by @kfarr in #928
- add data-no-transform in more places by @kfarr in #940
- More save as by @rahulkgupta in #939
- Open geo side bar by @rahulkgupta in #938
- Normalize mixins by @kfarr in #699
- move buttons on right down in z-index by @rahulkgupta in #946
- Be sure to not generate a nanoid with -number, that's not valid for a css selector by @vincentfretin in #944
- Intersection checkout hook by @rahulkgupta in #947
- save buttons were showing up after save by @rahulkgupta in #950
- prevent dragging intersection without pro by @rahulkgupta in #948
- Default sidebar to be open by @rahulkgupta in #951
- Fix posthog canvas recording by @vincentfretin in #952
- Intersection right panel by @rahulkgupta in #949
- first cut of editable street segments by @kfarr in #953
- do not allow transform of intersection children by @kfarr in #956
- Bump nanoid by @dependabot in #958
- Bump path-to-regexp and express in /public/functions by @dependabot in #955
- Bump path-to-regexp, express and serve by @dependabot in #954
- Don't transpile to ES5, no need to support IE11 by @vincentfretin in #961
- Fix thumbnail overlap in SceneCard by @vincentfretin in #960
- change layer name -- without new command by @kfarr in #964
- street-segment wip by @kfarr in #912
Full Changelog: 0.5.3...0.5.4
What's Changed
- change to map selector, reduce google3d tiles distanceScale by @kfarr in #738
- Bump fast-xml-parser from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1 in /public/functions by @dependabot in #739
- change entry level advocate pricing to 9.99 and set up a 30 day free trial by @rahulkgupta in #726
- Clean up code in AddLayerPanel component and drag and drop by @vincentfretin in #746
- Remove previewEntity instead of setting visible to false by @vincentfretin in #748
- Bump fast-xml-parser from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1 by @dependabot in #740
- Check for undefined before accessing the property after getDOMAttribute call by @vincentfretin in #754
- Remove unneeded child-attached listener that refreshes raycaster objects by @vincentfretin in #753
- support drag and drop for pro layers by @kfarr in #752
- try movement controls instead of wasd by @kfarr in #749
- help button opens up documentation by @rahulkgupta in #764
- help button first launches touch & mouse shortcuts by @kfarr in #769
- add osm3d map type by @kfarr in #741
- Alternate fix for drag and drop pro layer in production by @vincentfretin in #771
- Layers panel by @rahulkgupta in #760
- Bump axios from 1.7.2 to 1.7.4 in /public/functions by @dependabot in #772
- Fix scroll in right panel by @vincentfretin in #778
- Properly unregister listeners when React component unmount by @vincentfretin in #780
- Hide dropPlane from scene graph by @vincentfretin in #779
- Fix reset zoom button that stopped working after going to viewer mode by @vincentfretin in #781
- create new "Streets" group in add entity panel by @kfarr in #775
- Add intro video by @rahulkgupta in #786
- microsoft auth by @kfarr in #785
- change how elevation is set by @rahulkgupta in #788
- Focus object with better camera position and transition animation by @vincentfretin in #807
- change trial length by @rahulkgupta in #805
- Undo create/remove entity, add/remove component by @vincentfretin in #789
- Bump webpack from 5.91.0 to 5.94.0 by @dependabot in #808
- Remove h shortcut that does nothing now we removed the help modal by @vincentfretin in #814
- Remove ctrl+x action by @vincentfretin in #816
- A-Frame 1.6.0 compatibility for the focus element transition animation by @vincentfretin in #817
- Update transform controls scale on camera change by @vincentfretin in #818
- remove the h key to close modals that is not the help modal by @vincentfretin in #821
- remove weird background image when right panel title is clicked by @vincentfretin in #822
- "new" button available for all users by @kfarr in #823
- New sky by @kfarr in #809
- emit newScene event when all the entities are created by @vincentfretin in #825
- Toggling entity visibility is undoable and fix saving visible false by @vincentfretin in #820
- change the geo right panel by @rahulkgupta in #806
- Use bollards instead of safehit by @kfarr in #836
- create lights by @kfarr in #839
- add new compacted gravel and sandy drive lane textures by @kfarr in #841
- adding Tyler's new items by @kfarr in #828
Full Changelog: 0.5.2...0.5.3
What's Changed
- Bump ws from 6.2.2 to 6.2.3 by @dependabot in #651
- Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 by @dependabot in #617
- Bump @grpc/grpc-js and firebase by @dependabot in #608
- Bump @grpc/grpc-js and firebase-admin in /public/functions by @dependabot in #605
- Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 in /public/functions by @dependabot in #520
- posthog improvements by @rahulkgupta in #657
- New scene function by @Algorush in #509
- update aframe-loader-3dtiles-component: fix load errors by @Algorush in #663
- Increase skybox radius to 5,000, revert camera far to 10,000 by @kfarr in #667
- delete unused files by @rahulkgupta in #668
- move posthog auth to auth context rather than signin by @rahulkgupta in #669
- add events for screenshots and exports by @rahulkgupta in #670
- add 3 Card previews for mapbox, google maps, streetmix by @kfarr in #671
- show a popup for when a streetmix scene is loaded for the first time by @rahulkgupta in #674
- Undo/redo position/rotation/scale by @vincentfretin in #676
- use catalog.json for additional asset metadata by @kfarr in #683
- Change street component parameters by @Algorush in #512
- check for isSceneAuthor before saving scene title to firestore by @Algorush in #690
- remove incorrect and unnecessary code by @Algorush in #689
- [wip] Billing rebased by @rahulkgupta in #675
- Zebra box by @kfarr in #701
- add posthog events for checkout by @rahulkgupta in #696
- Add intersection and splat layers by @Algorush in #684
- Fix several issues with entityupdate undo by @vincentfretin in #708
- Don't select entity on raycaster click if we used one of the controls by @vincentfretin in #709
- Don't select entity on raycaster click if we used one of the controls take 2 by @vincentfretin in #710
- Dispose helper when removing it by @vincentfretin in #711
- Fix TextureWidget componentDidUpdate to not crash React UI on aframe 1.6.0 by @vincentfretin in #712
- add allow_promotion_codes by @kfarr in #715
- update camera aspect ratio in Plan View and Cross Section by @Algorush in #694
- Update github actions to v4 by @vincentfretin in #719
- hide add layer panel when opening up payment modal: by @rahulkgupta in #716
- Don't use hoverbox on selected entity by @vincentfretin in #718
- show the geo icon for non pro users by @rahulkgupta in #717
- handle when user is not logged in by @rahulkgupta in #723
- fire checkout success event only when payment is successful by @rahulkgupta in #724
- Remove ending parenthesis by @vincentfretin in #725
- fix to assets by @kfarr in #734
- Reset zoom button now reset the camera even if we didn't zoom by @vincentfretin in #721
- get geoid as javascript function by @kfarr in #720
- Use document.readyState !== 'complete' to be sure startObserving is always executed by @vincentfretin in #735
- Properly stringify some properties of dynamic schema, fallback to static schema by @vincentfretin in #736
Full Changelog: 0.5.1...0.5.2
What's Changed
- Add react-refresh to make hmr work for jsx by @vincentfretin in #572
- Uncomment core bundle in webpack dev config by default by @vincentfretin in #602
- save new scene title in JSON file by @Algorush in #573
- dont save entities with "autocreated" class by @Algorush in #568
- Remove remix label by @kfarr in #616
- Add google maps copyright notice by @kfarr in #612
- add newtitle event by @Algorush in #609
- Make add available for free users, but prevent adding geospatial and custom layers by @rahulkgupta in #621
- Properly update the UI when adding or removing a mixin by @Algorush in #620
- Fix panels disappearing when selecting a-videosphere entity by @vincentfretin in #623
- Firebase title error by @Algorush in #619
- fix 3dtiles loading by @Algorush in #624
- Format scss files with prettier by @vincentfretin in #629
- Posthog import by @rahulkgupta in #601
- Action bar by @rahulkgupta in #626
- Fix pre-commit warning for scss by @vincentfretin in #637
- Fix mouse cursor when switching the move mode by @vincentfretin in #639
- Fix collapse/expand icons in scene graph by @vincentfretin in #644
- dont show icon if there is no icon for card by @Algorush in #642
- Fix flickering issue when hovering over left-panel scene graph by @vincentfretin in #649
- New BoxHelper that take into account the rotation by @vincentfretin in #638
- Only keep y gizmo for rotation by @vincentfretin in #650
- Hide all axes except Y in pickerGizmos by @vincentfretin in #652
Full Changelog: 0.5.0...0.5.1
What's Changed
- add data-elevation-posY attribute by @Algorush in #510
- Combine editor into core Vincent by @vincentfretin in #518
- Combine editor into core by @kfarr in #517
- Street geo by @Algorush in #516
- Fix linting errors Vincent by @vincentfretin in #531
- fix lint errors by @Algorush in #530
- Fix issues UI entity panel by @Algorush in #528
- Fix development build to be in memory by @vincentfretin in #538
- Fix regression of exporting vec2 and vec3 like rotation (fix #534) by @vincentfretin in #548
- Support for translationsnapchanged and rotationsnapchanged by @vincentfretin in #547
- Wait for gltf-model to be loaded to show the selectionBox by @vincentfretin in #546
- Fix error when unselecting entity with Escape key by @vincentfretin in #545
- Pass the entity in entityclone event and register loaded listener once by @vincentfretin in #544
- Proper cleanup of url and link element in saveBlob by @vincentfretin in #543
- Fix typo Elment -> Element in jsdoc by @vincentfretin in #542
- Remove double spaces when copying component representation by @vincentfretin in #541
- Add spring objects by @kfarr in #559
- Fix issue with zoom with mouse wheel jumping when switching camera by @vincentfretin in #560
- add posthog by @rahulkgupta in #558
- Ar mode by @kfarr in #552
- Street geo editor by @Algorush in #540
- fix start:prod command by @vincentfretin in #567
New Contributors
- @vincentfretin made their first contribution in #518
- @rahulkgupta made their first contribution in #558
Full Changelog: 0.4.15...0.5.0
- Add segment layer elevation data for use in add entity panel in editor
Full Changelog: 0.4.14...0.4.15