This is an experimental repository for making any generic UI in HTML-like syntax.
Pick the elements you want to use. Wrap everything with screen
. Use .show()
to show.
(screen, div, text) = actions.user.ui_elements(["screen", "div", "text"])
my_ui = screen()[
text("Hello world")
To define css, we put it inside of the parentheses. To define children, we put it inside the square brackets.
my_ui = screen(align_items="flex_end", justify_content="center")[
text("Hello world", font_size=24, color="FF0000"),
Show and hide
def show_ui():
my_ui = screen(id="commands")[
def hide_ui():
# or
ui_elements have the same box model as normal HTML, with padding
, margin
, border
, and width
and height
and operate under box-sizing: border-box
all ui_elements operate under display: flex
assumption, and default to flex_direction="column"
. This means when you don't provide anything, it will act like normal HTML where children are stacked vertically.
You can look up CSS flexbox guide for learning more about alignment. Here are some examples:
# children of screen will be bottom right
screen(align_items="flex_end", justify_content="flex_end")
# children of screen will be center
screen(align_items="center", justify_content="center")
# children of screen will be top left
screen(align_items="flex_start", justify_content="flex_start")
# children of screen will be top right
screen(flex_direction="row", align_items="flex_start", justify_content="flex_end")
# full width or height depending on flex_direction
We must give a unique id to the thing we want to update.
text("Hello world", id="test"),
Then we can use this action to update the text:
actions.user.ui_elements_update_text("test", "New text")
We must give a unique id to the thing we want to highlight.
text("Hello world"),
We can then use these actions to trigger a highlight or unhighlight:
# highlight color FF0000 with transparency of aa
actions.user.ui_elements_highlight_briefly("box", "FF0000aa")
If you use a button, the UI will block the mouse instead of being pass through.
# button
button("Click me", on_click=lambda: print("clicked")),
button("Click me", on_click=actions.user.hide_my_custom_ui),
input_text(id="your_name", on_change=lambda value: print(value)),
# later
commands = [
text("Commands", font_weight="bold"),
*(text(command) for command in commands)
# 50% opacity
div(background_color="FF0000", opacity=0.5)[
text("Hello world")
# or we can use the last 2 digits of the color
text("Hello world")
# screen 1
screen(1, align_items="flex_end", justify_content="center")[
text("Hello world")
# or
screen(screen=2, align_items="flex_end", justify_content="center")[
text("Hello world")
It it takes time to render the UI, you can use on_mount
to know when it's done.
def on_mount():
my_ui = screen()[
text("Hello world")
CSS Property | Type |
align_items | 'flex_start' , 'flex_end' , 'center' |
background_color | str - 6-digit hexadecimal with 2 optional digits for opacity e.g. 'FF0000' or FF000088 for opacity of 88 from 00 to FF |
border_color | str |
border_radius | int - for rounded corners |
border_bottom | int - border bottom only width |
border_left | int - border left only width |
border_right | int - border right only width |
border_top | int - border top only width |
border_width | int - for border on all sides |
bottom | int |
color | str - 6-digit hexadecimal with 2 optional digits for opacity e.g. 'FF0000' or FF000088 for opacity of 88 from 00 to FF |
flex | int - 1 for full width |
flex_direction | 'row' , 'column' |
font_size | int - for text |
font_weight | str - e.g. 'bold' |
gap | int - gap between children |
height | int |
highlight_color | str - 6-digit hexadecimal with 2 optional digits for opacity e.g. 'FF0000' or FF000088 for opacity of 88 from 00 to FF . Only works for screen component at the moment. |
id | str - Required on builder, and for 'highlight' feature to work on a div |
justify | str |
justify_content | 'flex_start' , 'flex_end' , 'center' |
left | int |
margin | int - Margin in every direction |
margin_bottom | int |
margin_left | int |
margin_right | int |
margin_top | int |
on_click | Callable[[], None] - Callback function to call when button is clicked. Takes 0 arguments. |
on_change | Callable[[str], None] - Callback function to call when value of input changes. Takes 1 argument for the current value. |
opacity | float - 0.0 to 1.0. Or you can use the last 2 digits of the color instead of opacity |
padding | int - Padding in every direction |
padding_bottom | int |
padding_left | int |
padding_right | int |
padding_top | int |
right | int |
screen | int - Screen number (only applicable to screen element). Defaults to main screen if omitted. |
top | int |
value | str - For input |
width | int |
Action | Description |
ui_elements |
This acts like an import for the components you want to use. div, text, screen, button, input_text. |
ui_elements_screen |
Only the screen ui element. Has .show() method. Give it an id if you want to specifically hide it later with actions.user.ui_elements_hide(id) |
ui_elements_hide |
Hide and destroys a ui_element based on the id assigned to the screen ui_element |
ui_elements_hide_all |
Hide and destroys all currently active ui_elements |
ui_elements_set_text |
set text based on id |
ui_elements_highlight |
highlight based on id |
ui_elements_unhighlight |
unhighlight based on id |
ui_elements_highlight_briefly |
highlight briefly based on id |
ui_elements_get |
Get the UI builder with the given ID. Only for informational purposes. Not for mutation. |
ui_elements_get_value |
Get value of an input based on id |
ui_elements_register_on_lifecycle |
Register a callback to be called on mount or unmount |
ui_elements_unregister_on_lifecycle |
Unregister a lifecycle callback |