#Change Log for AdonitSDK (iOS) #v3.9.2
- Add privacy manifest.
- Support for upcoming Adonit Note⁺ 2.
- Add xcframeworks to support the arm64 simulator slice
- Fix crash issue that when app resumes to foreground
- Improved stability when connected with external display with iOS 13.
- Implement azimuthAngleInView, azimuthUnitVectorInView, altitudeAngle for note plus.
- Fix disable offset can't get altitudeAngle.
- Fixed issue that online configuration file from persisting updating.
- Add note plus support.
- Add iPad mini5, iPad Air 3, iPad Pro (11-inch), iPad 2018 configuration.
- Fix duplicate symbols incompatible with beta 5 of Xcode 10.
- Add recommend string notification when using pixel on ipad pro series.
Jot Workshop
- added example code for creating customized UIs (on connection/disconnection management)
- added notification message to show unexpected connection events (e.g. connect pixel pro on non-pro ipads)
- disable Pixel Pro connection on non-iPad Pro devices
- fine-tuned offset values for existing iPad Pro models
- added support for "Pixel Pro", a soon-to-be released stylus which is designed especially for iPad Pro models
- optimized SDK features for all iPad Pro models
- improved stroke latency for a more responsive drawing experience
- improved offset correction for more accurate strokes
- improved palm rejection algorithm
- allow updating of stylus pictures (in the connection ui) from a remote server
- optimized ui controls for iPhone models (6/6+, 7/7+)
- tested for iOS 11 beta
- Define stylus parameters from online (# of button clicks, enable/disable correctors, stylus name, etc.)
- Allow updating of stylus pictures from online
- Allow updating of URLs for “support” & “policy” pages from online
- Change UI text to show "Adonit Stylus" instead of "Jot"
- Show “Connection UI panel” in non-fullscreen mode on iPhone devices
Jot Workshop
- Reinstate gesture functionality
- optimize correction algorithms for better writing experience of the Adonit Pixel on iPad Pro (9.7/12.9), IP6/IP6+ and IP7/IP7+.
- show SDK and Configuration versions in Adonit "Press-To-Connect" UI
- fix issue that sometimes show opaque or invisible UI components
- fix issue that shows wrong information when no shortcut button is set on first run
- fix issue that resets shortcut button settings after a reconnection or force close
- fix issue that resets stylus settings after an app update
Jot Workshop
- show host device model name in UI
- removed unused UI element (Gestures)
- Added support for Adonit Pixel-only features: double tap & scroll.
- Removed option to “Send Diagnostics to Adonit” found in connections UI.
- Fixed broken link to the “Help” page found in connections UI.
- Implemented a new mechanism to adjust stroke correction parameters from an online config file
- Fix app crash issue when open JotPressToConnectView during bt turn off
- Fix repetitively connect/disconnect different stylus crash issue
- New 3x Assets for all images for better fidelity on iPhone 6 Plus and iPhone 6s Plus.
- New pixel assets for shortcut buttons when an Adonit Pixel is connected.
- By optimizing assets and some occasional programatic drawing, we’ve reduced the bundle size by 50% despite adding in pixel assets.
- Minor Performance increase of offset correction when palms are detected on screen.
- Improved coalescing of coalescedJotStrokes at the beginning of a stroke.
- Removed Support for iOS 7.
- Fixed issue that prevented online configuration file from persisting or appropriately updating.
- Improved responsiveness of altitudeAngle on jotStroke with compatible styluses.
- Updated default primaryColor of JotSettings UI to match Adonit Branding. (Can still be changed to match your apps palette.)
- Support for upcoming Adonit Stylus
- Predictive jotStrokes.
- JotStroke pressure is now an adonit calibrated pressure curve that returns a float value beween 0.0 and 1.0
- Added "rawPressure" property to JotStroke for access to NSUInteger raw pressure value. (Similar to pressure in previous versions of the SDK).
- Added allitutde angle to JotStroke on supported styluses.
- Added "stylusSupportsAltitudeAngle" property to JotStylusManager.
- Added "minimumAltitudeAngleSupported" property to JotStylusManager.
- New "AdonitViewControllerDebugStatusIdentifier" JotModelController for debug information on a connected stylus.
- Fixed an issue that could cause JotStroke ended events to have a nil view property.
- Fixed an issue that could cause JotStroke ended events to have an incorrect location.
- Minor performance and stability updates.
- Fixed an issue where repeatedly connecting and disconnecting a stylus could cause a crash.
- Fixed an issue where quick multiple strokes could cause a crash.
- Fixed an issue where an end stroke could jump down to a users onscreen palm.
- Fixed an issue with the "Done" button not always appearing with our Settings UI on iPhone or in iOS 9 multi-tasking.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash in the iOS Simulator.
- Fixed a crash around switching in and out of an app in iOS 9 with a connected Stylus.
#V3.0 Beta 4 / Release Canidate
- Renamed JotTouchSDK to AdonitSDK
- Added Coalesced JotStrokes for iOS 9.
- Added Bitcode.
- Changed the configuration file server location to comply with HTTPS
- Fixed bug where asking to disconnect stylus multiple times could cause crash.
- Done button automatically added to Settings UI during sizeclass change.
#JotTouchSDK Change Log
- Registering a view with the SDK will limit jotStroke event delivery to strokes that began in registered views.
- More consistent naming. Shortcut buttons now labeled Button 1 & Button 2 in settings UI.
- More customization. New innerPressToConnectIconColor property for when using a transparent background in a pressToConnect view.
- New stylusSupportsPressureSensitivity property on JotStylusManager to query if the connected stylus supports pressure sensitivity.
- Improved compatibility in APIs for apps written in swift.
- Cleanup and organization of JotStylusManager.h
- Improved palm rejection and stroke syncing on iOS devices running iOS 8 or later.
- Switch to JotStroke object and JotStrokeDelegate from JotTouch object and JotPalmRejectionDelegate.
- added settings and connection UI
- improved wavy line correction
- improved dropped stroke connections
- removed the tap to connect connection style
- removed support for iOS 6
- other miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
- fixes issues with dropped strokes
- improved rejection of palm touches
- improved palm rejection performance (less latency)
- increased small detail and writing clarity in correction of wavy-line
- improved stylus support for iPad Air 2
- deprecated the tap to connect connection style
- other miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
- NOTE: JotTouchSDK now requires SytemConfiguration.framework to be added to apps
- SDK uses reachability to detect when it can download updated configuration file
- fixes issues with iPad Air 2 and wavy-lines
- fixes issues with iPad mini 3 and wavy-lines
- improved wavy-line correction for older iPads
- fixes excessive failed battery check logging
- fixes crash when app goes into the background
- other miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
- fixes issue where SDK might disconnect from a stylus that goes off screen
- fixes issue with sending commands to already disconnected stylii during connection process
- fixes offset and palm rejection issues when compiled against iOS 8 SDK with Xcode 6
- fixes issues around registering/unregistering views that could cause a leak
- fixes a crash when switching between different Jot stylii
- fixes issues where JotTouch events could arrive out of order or multiple times
- fixes issues where stylii could disconnect unexpectedly
- fixes issues where palm rejection could interfere with gesture recognizers
- other miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
- fix a possible conflict with popular UIColor category that added red/green/blue methods
- fix caching issue with pen commands
- fix a tableview inconsistency crash when showing the settings detail view and switching apps
- Added the ability to report diagnostic and usage data
- Fixed pressure curve issues with some Jot Touch Pixel Points
- Allow suggestionToEnableGestureDelay to be zero
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
- Added the ability to turn line smoothing on or off
- Press-and-Hold Settings View controller now works on iOS 6
- Fixed an issue where palm rejection setting switch was not working for script
- update the shortcut screen in settings UI to include JTPP
- fix alignment issue when selecting shortcut button
- see UPDATE.md for a rundown of API changes in this release
- fixed numerous bugs when running on legacy iOS 6 devices
- added ability for SDK to update configuration settings. this will allow us to support future iOS devices without requiring apps to distribute new builds.
- updated example app to support new API changes
- see UPDATE.md for a rundown of API changes in this release
- better offset calculations based on writing style and stylus angle
- improved behavior of JotTouch events when other gestures cancel touches
- only enable JotTouches when stylus connected
- add gesture recognizers to view instead of window
- allow user to control whether BT warning dialog appears
- misc bug fixes and cleanup
- fix to forgetAndTurnOffStylus
- new press-and-hold connection settings view controller.
- JotShortcut now has a shortText property
- renamed the gesture enable delay property to suggestToEnableGestureDelay
- fix connection issue with tap style when BT is not initialized
- fix example app to use legacy connection style
- update for new JTPP and Adobe Ink models
- new writing style enums
- switch to standard #import <AdonitSDK/AdonitSDK.h> header style
- new press-and-hold connection style support
- new JotPalmGestureRecognizer interaction model to avoid spurious gestures
- many bugfixes and improvements
- fix issue where enabling the SDK can cause disconnects from pens
- fix possible bluetooth issue when app goes to background
- fix issue disconnecting and disabling stylus manager causing scanning
- improvements to palm rejection code, especially when using light pressure
- improvements to multi-device connection when there are multiple Jots and iPads in the same vicinity
- misc bug fixes
- 64bit support in framework
- Unconnected Pressure now properly set in touch events for Jot Script
- Fixed pen button notifications that were showing up on a background thread. They are now dispatched on the main thread.
- Fixed Palm rejection fixes to handle corner cases
- Fixed bug with disabling the SDK followed by forgetAndTurnOffStylus causing the SDK to be in a bad state
- Fixed palm rejection to be more reliable in all writing styles
- Slowed down offset change with Jot Script when writing quickly
- Fixed connection bug on second stylus connection registering initial pressure
- Fixed duplicate jotTouchMoved events
- Fixed problem where battery status was not updating
- Fixed issue with stylus connection coming out from app being backgrounded
- Added PreferredJotModel to JotStylusManager
- Added public firmwareVersion property on JotStylusManager
- Added public hardwareVersion property on JotStylusManager
- Removed issue that caused the "<CBCentralManager: 0x14dc25c0> is disabling duplicate filtering, but is using the default queue (main thread) for delegate events" warning.
- Fixed delay in pen connection status notification
- Fixed JotConstants.h compile problem. Made Header public.
- Cleaned up public header list to only needed headers
- Added support for new Adonit Jot Script stylus
- Added iOS7 Support
- Added iOS7 Look and feel to Settings UI views
- Added CoreMotion.framework dependency
- Added new JotStylusManager.palmDetectionTouchDelay for better tuning of palm rejection timeout window
- Added new JotStylusManager.palmDetectionTouchDelayNoPressure for better tuning of palm rejection timeout window
- Added new jotStylusManagerDidPairWithStylus notification to inform when a stylus is paired
- Added new notification events to defaultCenter for button presses -- jotStylusButton1Down -- jotStylusButton1Up -- jotStylusButton2Down -- jotStylusButton2Up
- Added JotStylusManager.writingStyle to add more flexibility to writing angle and orientation
- Renamed the JotShortcut.shortcutDescription to .descriptiveText to remove app store submission warnings
- Renamed JotShortcut initWithShortcutDescription to initWithDescriptiveText to remove app store submission warnings
- Deprecated JotStylusManager.preferredStylusType
- Deprecated JotStylusManager.palmRejectionOrientation
- Removed AVFoundation.framework
- Removed -all_load linker flag requirement
- Removed support and loading of Bluetooth 2.1 Jot Stylus to eliminate app store submission problems and iOS7 microphone access prompt
##JotTouchSDK V1.0.4
- Fixes additional compatibly issues/warnings for non ARC apps
- JotSettingsViewController no longer shows the shortcut buttons list item if no shortcuts have been registered.
##JotTouchSDK V1.0.3
- Removed a leftover NSLog
##JotTouchSDK V1.0.2
- Added an unregisterView: method
- Fixed a memory leak with the touch gestures
##JotTouchSDK V1.0.1
- Fixes compatibly issues/warnings for non ARC apps.
- Fixes compatibly issues with apps that do not use "shortVersion" entry in the application plist.
- JotSettingsViewController disabled when run on iOS5.0, no longer crashing because of the missing NSLayoutConstraint
##JotTouchSDK V1.0.0
- Initial release