The objective of this project is to formalize in Lean the Prime Number Theorem (with classical error term), as well as related results such as the Prime Number Theorem in Arithmetic Progressions. A stretch goal would be to obtain the Chebotarev density theorem.
The project is coordinated via a Lean Zulip channel.
This project has a blueprint, which is available at
To use the tool, first install local requirements using
pip install -r blueprint/requirements.txt
Then compile documentations using make blueprint
in the top-level directory. Alternatively, if the PDF is needed, type
cd blueprint
make pdf
For those using github's copilot (free for educators), it's very convenient to have the natural language statements
right next to the Lean to be formalized. So we write the blueprint TeX right in the *.lean document, separated by
delimiters /-%% text here %%-/
for multi-line and --%% text here
for single-line TeX. The code automatically
scrapes these and populates the blueprint accordingly.
If you want to quickly contribute to the project without installing your own copy of lean, you can do so using gitpod. Simply visit:, or click the button below:
All the required dependencies will be loaded (this takes a few minutes), after which you will be brought to a web-based vscode window, where you can edit the code, and submit PR's.