Releases: AntonelliLab/seqcap_processor
Releases · AntonelliLab/seqcap_processor
Fixed plotting error for large contig sets
Fixed the "ValueError: Image too large..." occurrence when trying to plot large target contig sets with secapr plot_sequence_yield
Updated to Python3
v2.0.2 added manifest
Updated to Python3, added LICENSE
v2.0.1 added license
Updated to Python3
v2.0 added license
fixed matplotlib error
v1.1.15 fixed matplotlib plotting bug
new fastqc plotting and contig-length filter
v1.1.14 min contig length for abyss assembly
bugfixes and new functionality in find_target_contigs
v1.1.13 bugfixes and introduced keep_paralogs flag
Trinity assembly fix
v1.1.12 bugfix trinity assembler
another Trinity bug-fix
v1.1.11 fixed trinity bug
bugfix Trinity assembly
v1.1.10 bugfix trinity assembly