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Deploying the Functions runtime as a private site extension

Christopher Anderson edited this page Oct 20, 2017 · 24 revisions

If you already have a Function App, you can use the following steps to deploy your own Functions runtime as a private site extension. Note: these steps only work on Functions Apps on a regular App Service Plan and not on Function Apps on a Consumption Plan.

  • First you need a site extension package in the proper format
    • you can get one from our CI machine output for a particular build, e.g.
    • or you can build the private package yourself:
      • In VS, right click the WebJobs.Script.WebHost project and choose Publish
      • Select the existing FolderProfile profile and click Publish. This will create the bits under .\src\WebJobs.Script.WebHost\bin\Release\SiteExtensions
      • Zip up the SiteExtension folder to produce a file
  • Go to the Kudu Console for the Function App that you want to use your bits on. Make sure you use a Function App on a regular App Service Plan (i.e. not Consumption), or it will not work. (You can determine this by looking at the WEBSITE_SKU environment variable in kudu. It should be "standard", not "dynamic". The portal creates dynamic skus. You can create a standard sku via the Ibiza portal)
  • Drag and drop the into the root of your Kudu Console. i.e. this should create d:\home\SiteExtensions\Functions
  • In the Kudu Process Explorer, kill the main site (the w3wp that doesn't say scm)
  • To verify that you are running the runtime version you expect, browse to the host status endpoint at https://<functionappname><masterkey> and check the version returned.

You are now using your private Functions runtime.


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