This module has been ported to Azure Verified Modules and will be archived in the near future. https://registry.terraform.io/modules/Azure/avm-utl-regions/azurerm
This module provides an output of all Azure regions and availability zones.
The module outputs a list of objects with the following attributes:
- The name of the region. E.g. "eastus"display_name
- The display name of the region. E.g. "East US".paired_region_name
- The name of the region paired with this region. May benull
if the region has no pair.geography
- The geography of the region.geography_group
- The geography group of the region.zones
- A list of the availability zones in the region. Will benull
if the region does not support zones.
This data is the further composed into useful maps keyed by region name and region display name.
module "regions" {
source = "Azure/regions/azurerm"
version = "<version>" # change this to your desired version, https://www.terraform.io/language/expressions/version-constraints
output "regions" {
value = module.regions.regions
Belatedly adding this, waaaay overdue...
This module was created after a cool chat with @markti whilst we were at Hashiconf 2023. Thanks Mark!