Resque is a ruby library for creating background jobs, which are tasks that are placed in a queue and processed by a separate process than our running application. Resque is build upon Redis, redis is a key-value store, or referred to as a NoSQL database, the idea is basically that it's a database that stores hashes.
Resque depends on a redis server to be running.
brew update
brew install redis
To start the server, run:
See Try Redis for more info.
Add the resque gem to the Gemfile
gem "resque"
Next we'll need to start an addition process to run in the background of our application. Resque provides a rake task to start this process, but first we need to include the tasks within our application, add the following to the Rakefile
require "resque/tasks"
task "resque:setup" => :environment
Then to start the process you can use
bundle exec rake resque:work QUEUE='*'
Resque uses the idea of Jobs
to create items for the a queue. We'll start by creating a new class in a jobs dir.
mkdir app/jobs
touch app/jobs/email_job.rb
In the email_job.rb
create a new class:
class EmailJob
Resque depends on two things, a @queue
instance variable, and a class method called perform:
class EmailJob
@queue = :email
def self.perform
puts "THIS IS A JOB"
We can then use the Resque
gem to add something to this queue, in the rails console
Mount the resque server to the rails app
require 'resque/server'
Golf::Application.routes.draw do
mount Resque::Server, :at => "/resque"
Now we can replace the contents of the perform
method to actually do logic, we can also accepts arguments on the perform method:
class EmailJob
@queue = :email
def self.perform(club_id)
Be sure to restart the Resque rake task after changing any of the job classes. Now to enqueue this job, we will need to pass in an additional argument, which is the clubs id
Now our mailer can be sent in a background job using Resque