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CompClub Constitution

  1. The official name of the club shall be CompClub.
  2. The club shall be affiliated with Arc.
  3. The aims and objectives of the club are:
    1. Introduce highschool students to computer science, programming, related careers and industries.
    2. Promote the computing field to underrepresented groups of highschool students.
    3. Deliver engaging and high quality learning content to students.
    4. Help current CSE students gain teaching and volunteering experience.
  4. The assets and income of the organisation shall be applied solely in furtherance of its above-mentioned objects and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the organisation except as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the organisation.
  5. In all matters not specifically dealt with herein, the procedures set out in the latest edition of Guide for Meetings and Organisations by N.E. Renton shall apply.
  1. For the purposes of this Constitution:
    1. The University shall mean the University of New South Wales;
    2. Arc shall mean Arc @ UNSW Limited;
    3. Members shall mean full members of the club;
    4. Associate members shall mean associate members of the club;
    5. The Executive shall mean the Executive of the club;
    6. The Committee shall mean the Executive of the club as well as any member appointed by the Executive to fill a specific role;
    7. The Annual General Meeting shall mean the Annual General Meeting of the club;
    8. An academic day shall mean a day during the first, second or third term of the University's academic year which is not a Saturday, Sunday, Public Holiday or University Holiday;
    9. Subjects shall mean units of study offered by the University in progression to the award of a degree;
    10. The School shall mean the School of Computer Science and Engineering, at the University;
    11. The ACNC shall mean the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission; and
    12. CSESoc shall mean the Computer Science and Engineering Society of UNSW.
  2. Unless a contrary statement appears in Section 7 of this Constitution, the Club shall be bound by all the clauses in Section 1 to Section 6 of this Constitution.
  1. Contact details for members of the Club are to remain with the Executive to have sole access. Contact details are not to be given or sold to any other person.
  2. Full membership of the club shall be subject to the following conditions:
    1. That person is a current UNSW student
    2. That person completes the membership form prepared by the club Executive
    3. Full membership shall not require any fee
  3. Associate membership shall be open to all persons who are not UNSW students, and shall be subject to the following conditions:
    1. That person completes the membership form prepared by the club Executive
    2. Associate membership shall not require any fee
  4. The duration of a person's membership shall be until the Club's next Annual General Meeting after they have become a member, or until the end of Week One in Term One of the University year after they have become a member, whichever is the latter.
  5. The Club shall comply with Anti-Discrimination legislation in all of its activities and procedures, including the granting of club membership.
  6. Notwithstanding clause 9, a member of the Club Executive may have their position declared vacant according to the procedures set out in Section 3.1 clause 7.
  7. Notwithstanding clauses 8 and 9, an Executive, a member or associate member of the Club may have their membership terminated after the following procedure is followed:
    1. A motion is carried by the Executive, or the Executive is petitioned by twenty (20) members to instigate impeachment proceedings;
    2. The members of the Club are notified of the proceedings formally as a motion on notice to an Extraordinary General Meeting under Section 4.3;
    3. The member concerned is notified in writing of the procedures and reasons for proceedings at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
    4. The member concerned is given five (5) minutes to speak against the motion at the Extraordinary General Meeting.
    5. The motion is carried by the Extraordinary General Meeting.
  8. Notwithstanding clause 9, an Executive, a member or associate member of a Club may have their membership terminated if the following occurs:
    1. The person in question has acted in a way that has sabotaged the functions of the Club or disregarded the Constitution to the detriment of the Club's membership; and/or,
    2. The person in question has instigated instances of bullying, harassment, assault and/or gendered violence to one or multiple individuals.
    3. The Club has liaised with Arc about the person in question and Arc has determined the issue is of a serious nature.
    4. That the Club has, in consultation with Arc, determined that a public EGM to remove the individual would cause undue harm to those that have been victimised or harmed.
    5. Notice of a General Meeting must then be presented via the email they provided when signing up to the Club, to the person(s) in question, and the Executive, at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
    6. This meeting must be held in-camera (privately) and the only people permitted to attend the meeting are:
      1. Executive as listed within their Constitution,
      2. the person(s) in question,
      3. a support person for each of the person(s) in question, as required
      4. Any member of Arc Clubs Management, as required
    7. The person(s) in question must be afforded procedural fairness, including five (5) minutes to speak against the motion. (refer to Arc Clubs Policy Section E, 33.5 - 33.11)
    8. The motion is carried by the General Meeting.
  9. Any member of the Club or Club Executive who believes they have been wrongly expelled may appeal to Arc, who will arrive at the final resolution of the matter.
  10. Appeals must be submitted in writing within seven (7) days of receiving the penalty and must include a justification for seeking an appeal.
  1. The Executive of the Club shall be elected from the full members at the Annual General Meeting and shall consist of:
    1. One (1) President;
    2. One (1) Secretary;
    3. One (1) Treasurer;
    4. One (1) Community Liaison;
    5. One (1) Vice President (Internals);
    6. One (1) Vice President (Outreach);
    7. One (1) Vice President (Operations);
  2. Subject to this Constitution, members of the Executive hold office until the Executive is dissolved at the conclusion of the Handover Period.
  3. One member is permitted to hold up to two Executive positions, provided that a minimum of three different members shall remain on the Executive at all times, with the exception that the positions of President and Treasurer, and President and Community Liaison may not be held by the same person.
  4. The Executive shall be responsible for the following duties:
    1. The activities of the club;
    2. The finances of the club;
    3. Appointing members to the Committee;
      1. Appointments will be made by majority vote of the Executive.
    4. The maintenance and review of policies & procedures of the Club, including its Grievance Resolution Policy & Procedure and Child Protection Policy.
  5. There is no maximum number of consecutive terms for which an Executive member may hold office.
  6. The Executive is at all times bound by the decisions of a club Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.
  7. Any member of the Executive shall have their position declared vacant if they:
    1. Die;
    2. Cease to be a member of the club;
    3. Cease to be a UNSW student;
    4. Have their position declared vacant at an Extraordinary General Meeting;
    5. Have their working with children check suspended, revoked or otherwise expired;
    6. Are absent from any three (3) consecutive meetings of the Club without apology or leave;
    7. Meet the criteria outlined in Section 2 clause 7 or 8.
  8. Any member of the Committee shall have their position declared vacant if they:
    1. Meet the criteria outlined in clause 7 or Section 2 clause 7 or 8; or
    2. Are removed from their role by majority vote of the executive.
  9. Any vacancy on the club Executive must be filled at an Extraordinary General Meeting, via the procedures outlined in Section 4.3, unless covered by clause 10.
  10. Executive positions that become vacant less than one (1) month before the yearly affiliation period may be filled by majority vote of the Executive. People appointed this way will be 'Acting' in the position, may not be the President or Treasurer, may not be a bank signatory and cannot act as Arc Membership Portal administrators.
  11. Duties of the following Executive positions shall include but not be limited to:
  1. The duties of the President shall be:
    1. To chair all club, Committee, General and Annual General Meetings (held during their term) of the club;
    2. To oversee and coordinate the activities and administration of the club;
    3. To ensure that the elected officers of the club perform duties as laid down by the clubs' Constitution, through regular e-mail updates, regularly advertised meetings, reports and notices and/or regular newsletters;
    4. To ensure that all other tasks necessary for the running of the activities of the club are performed, properly either by doing them or delegating the duties;
    5. To have a thorough knowledge of the club's Constitution;
    6. To plan the coming year's activities;
    7. To act as official spokesperson for the club;
    8. To arrive at a membership fee with the Executive;
    9. To liaise with fellow office bearers;
    10. To acquaint each committee member with their function, responsibility, duties and maintain personal contact with them;
    11. To liaise with Arc and departments of the University where necessary;
    12. To ensure that all required reaffiliation documentation is submitted to Arc within the time period prescribed by Arc;
    13. To ensure that the Treasurer submits a Financial Report to the club at the AGM, to be made publicly available;
    14. To ensure that Arc and the School is informed of changes to the Executive;
    15. To ensure that the club continues to be a charity;
    16. To pass on their knowledge to their successor; and
    17. Other duties as in accordance with the Constitution of the club.
  1. The duties of the Secretary shall be:
    1. To be responsible for receiving and replying to all correspondence on behalf of the club;
    2. To organise meetings, agendas (in consultation with the President), and minutes;
    3. To communicate with the Executive before and after any relevant CSESoc Meetings, to pass on information;
    4. To liaise with CSESoc and the club's Executive;
    5. To notify the ACNC of the details of changes of the club as outlined by the ACNC.
    6. To submit the Annual Information Statement to the ACNC.
    7. To keep relevant club papers in order;
    8. To coordinate elections;
    9. To maintain the membership list, updating when changes are made;
    10. To have a thorough knowledge of the Club's constitution;
    11. To ensure that changes made to the constitution at an EGM or AGM are in line with Arc requirements;
    12. To ensure that Arc is informed of any changes to the Executive; and
    13. To assume the role of Arc Delegate and its duties:
      1. To be aware of the Arc funding system, its requirements and its possibilities for the club;
      2. To communicate with the Executive before and after each Arc Clubs Briefing to pass on information (about grants etc);
      3. To liaise with Arc and the club's Executive;
      4. To have a good working knowledge of Arc forms;
      5. To collect mail on behalf of the Club from the Arc Clubs Space at least every two weeks; and
      6. To attend Arc Clubs Briefings or nominate a fellow club member to attend on their behalf, or send apologies in advance (taking the form of an email detailing their name, club, and the date of the meeting they cannot attend).
  1. The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
    1. To keep and maintain all club financial records;
    2. To hold cheque books, petty cash tins etc;
    3. To coordinate with the School on budgets and funding where appropriate;
    4. To keep the club informed of its financial position at meetings, through regular e-mail reports, or regular newsletters;
    5. To carry out financial transactions as directed by the club management;
    6. To not lend money, under any circumstances to themselves, club members or other clubs;
    7. To always ensure that the records are up to date and in good order so that if they are otherwise unable to continue in that capacity someone else can easily take over;
    8. To not put the club in debt that cannot be repaid, but should endeavour to match costs and income as closely as possible;
    9. To always insist on a receipt or docket to validate any expenditure by the club;
    10. To pay all accounts by cheque;
    11. To always provide a receipt to a person who gives money to the club for any reason and bank all money received IMMEDIATELY;
    12. To ensure the Club has at least two and not more than three signatories who are Executive members to the cheque account;
    13. To ensure that club funds are not misused at any time; and
    14. To ensure that when smaller amounts of money are spent (petty cash) a receipt or docket must be obtained;
    15. To ensure that under no circumstances are any expenses to be met without documentation.
  1. The duties of the Community Liaison shall be:
    1. To foster an inclusive culture within the Club and its events and activities;
    2. To lead efforts ensuring that your internal Club culture is positive and to prioritise and foster wellbeing and balance within the Club;
    3. Ensure that Club events will not result in poor wellbeing outcomes and will not lead to grievances from Club members and/or Executives;
    4. To be an accessible contact for members, UNSW students and UNSW staff in receiving complaints and grievances relating to the Club and on any matters regarding equity of events and activities as well as conduct and diversity within the Club;
    5. To investigate grievances (where necessary) and resolve grievances or make recommendations to the Club Executive on the resolution of grievances;
    6. To act in a fair, ethical and confidential manner in the performance of their duties, and pass on their responsibilities for specific grievances to other Club Executives if they cannot act impartially; and
    7. To notify those involved of the outcome of the grievance.
    8. To maintain the club's grievance procedure alongside the Executive;
    9. To not act as counsellor during any grievances, but to ensure that anyone experiencing distress is provided with adequate resources on who to speak to or where to go to seek professional advice or help.
    10. Facilitating & promoting the engagement of non-majority demographics of the Club (which may include culturally diverse students, students with disabilities, female-identifying students, gender diverse students and LGBTQIA+ students and indigenous students). This may include:
      1. Fostering and expanding an online community.
    11. Engaging & representing student members of non-majority demographics of the Club;
    12. Ensuring the Club takes into consideration needs and requirements of non-majority demographics of the Club in its events and activities, such that all of events are as inclusive as possible and appropriate for non-majority demographics (including but not exclusive to minimising the number of events in the year that coincide with cultural holidays);
    13. Being an accessible contact for members, highschool students, parents/guardians/carers, UNSW students and UNSW staff for matters regarding accessible and equitable events, activities, conduct and diversity within the Club;
    14. Keeping apprised of any significant issues affecting students from non-majority demographics within the Club and report any relevant issues to the Club Executive;
    15. Providing guidance to members and representatives of the Club (Executives, committee members, volunteers etc) on appropriate ways to communicate and behave inclusively;
    16. Ensure that all Club communications can be understood clearly by all students by avoiding the use of slang and idioms, where practicable;
    17. Monitor engagement, membership and any significant issues from students relating to non-majority demographics within the Club and provide reports to Club Executive as required;
    18. Undertake training as required to build understanding of how to look out for your peers and how to improve the internal culture of your Club; and,
    19. Other relevant duties as required.
  1. The common duties of the Vice President (Internals), Vice President (Outreach) and Vice President (Operations) shall be:
    1. In the absence of the president, to chair all Club, Committee, General and Annual General Meetings (held during their term) of the Club;
    2. To assist the President in coordinating the activities and administration of the Club wherever practical;
    3. To liaise with fellow office bearers;
    4. To coordinate the events and activities of the Club;
    5. To evaluate the performance of past events;
    6. To ensure that events are financially responsible and within budget;
    7. To ensure that events are accessible and inclusive for Club members;
    8. To facilitate culture and team relations within the society; and
    9. To maintain a consistent brand image for the Club in line with the Clubs values and identity.
  2. The duties of the Vice President (Internals) shall be:
    1. To supervise events conducted within the University and related Portfolios;
    2. To communicate with the Executive before and after any relevant Meetings with the School, to pass on information;
    3. To liaise with the School and the club's Executive;
    4. Other relevant duties as required.
  3. The duties of the Vice President (Outreach) shall be:
    1. To supervise the external-facing aspects of the Club, including events conducted at high schools and related Portfolios;
    2. To sustain and build external relationships with high schools and sponsors for CompClub;
    3. Other relevant duties as required.
  4. The duties of the Vice President (Operations) shall be:
    1. To supervise the operations of internally operating portfolios that facilitate the events conducted within the University and at high schools;
    2. To manage the online presence of the Club including responding to social media inboxes;
    3. To coordinate external communications of the Club;
    4. Other relevant duties as required.
  1. The Executive may choose when these nominations open, subject to the requirements of this section.
    1. In the event of a vacant Executive position, nominations must be opened within ten (10) business days of the position becoming vacant.
  2. Nominations must remain open until at least the later of:
    1. one calendar week after nominations open; or
    2. there is at least one (1) nominee for each position, and at least five (5) unique nominees for the positions in total.
      1. Nominees must be current UNSW students at the time of nomination, and have a valid working with children check (or be in the process of obtaining one);
  3. Nominations must be entered and seconded by two (2) full members, one of whom must be the nominee.
  4. The President shall maintain the official list of nominees during the nomination period.
    1. The Executive may choose that the list be made publicly available during the nomination period. If they choose to do so, it must be on the Society website.
    2. The election will run for at least three academic days.
  5. If there is a tie for any Executive position between candidates, the outgoing executives shall have a casting vote in the election.
  6. Upon finalising of the election results, they must be pronounced to the membership within one (1) business day.
    1. In order to be appointed to an executive position, winner(s) of the election must accept their role and the motion to appoint them has to pass at the Annual General Meeting meeting, or at an Extraordinary General Meeting.
  7. Only full members of the Club are entitled to vote for the Executive.
  8. Voting is to be confidential and anonymous with the exception of, the Returning Officer and any scrutineers (who cannot be the candidate themselves).
  9. Votes will be counted using the “single transferable vote” electoral system, a variant of the instant-runoff preferential voting system.
    1. Each candidate must reach the quota of votes as determined by the Droop quota for that position.
  1. The Executive may, by instrument in writing, delegate to one or more Portfolios (consisting of the member or members of CompClub that the Executive thinks fit) the exercise of any of the functions of the Executive that are specified in the instrument, other than:
    1. this power of delegation, and
    2. a function which is a duty imposed on the Executive by the Act or by any other law.
    3. for the avoidance of doubt, any function that would require a General Meeting.
  2. Subject to Section 3.2.5 clauses 2.1, 3.1 and 4.1, the members of the Executive are to each supervise and oversee the delegated functions of at least one Portfolio.
  3. A function the exercise of which has been delegated to a Portfolio under this clause may, while the delegation remains unrevoked, be exercised from time to time by the Portfolio in accordance with the terms of the delegation.
  4. A delegation under this clause may be made subject to any conditions or limitations as to the exercise of any function, or as to time or circumstances, that may be specified in the instrument of delegation.
    1. This may specify decisions may only be made or voted upon by certain persons specified by the delegation.
  5. Despite any delegation under this clause, the Executive may continue to exercise any function delegated.
  6. Any act or thing done or suffered by a Portfolio acting in the exercise of a delegation under this clause has the same force and effect as it would have if it had been done or suffered by the Executive.
  7. The Executive may, by instrument in writing, revoke wholly or in part any delegation under this clause.
  1. The duration of the Handover Period shall begin following the election of the Executive-elect, and be until the Club's final planned activity, or until the end of Week One in Term One of the next University year, whichever is earlier.
  2. During this period:
    1. The current Executive shall pass on all knowledge of, and advice regarding the Society to the Executive-elect.
    2. Conduct a Handover Meeting no more than a calendar month after the pronouncement of election results.
      1. All members of both the Executive, and the Executive-elect are required to attend the Handover Meeting.
      2. The Handover Meeting shall be held in confidence.
      3. At the Handover Meeting, the outgoing Executive shall pass on all knowledge of, and advice regarding the Society to the Executive-elect.
    3. All decisions of the Club are to remain solely of the outgoing Executive, subject to Section 3.1 clause 6.
    4. The Executive and Executive-elect may choose to terminate the Handover Period at any time by majority vote.
  3. At the conclusion of the Handover Period, the Executive is dissolved and the Executive-elect assumes their elected positions.
Explantory Note:

CompClub is unique in that we conduct one of our flagship events during the Summer University Holidays. Section 3.1 clause 5
and Section 3.5 were added to the Constitution to account for the administrative and logistical challenges
that arise whilst conducting Club activities during this period of drastic change. These clauses ensure that the Club's
planned activities operate smoothly under the jurisdiction of the outgoing Executive as the Executive-elect and
Committee-elect familiarise themselves with their respective roles.

The Executive-elect is suggested to carry on their duties outlined in Section 3.1 clause 3 within the context of their tenure.
The outgoing Executive is strong advised against enacting decisions that will infringe on the duties and decisions of the
Executive-elect within the context of Executive-elect's tenure, and should merely act as an advisory body.

~ the 2023 Executive Team
  1. At least one (1) Returning Officer must be appointed by the Executive prior to a General Meeting at which an election will take place.
  2. The Returning Officers duties are as follows:
    1. Ensure that they are at all times impartial and objective and cannot be determined to have a real or perceived conflict of interest by Club members, Executive or by Arc Clubs Management.
    2. Ensure that all elections are run fairly and in line with the rules set out by this Club's Constitution and according to Arc Clubs Policy and Procedure.
    3. Prepare and circulate all notices of election, nominations, voting and proxies to be held as part of any General Meeting in which an election is to take place.
    4. Provide all members with access to an email address that is designated for use by the Returning Officer over the course of their duties.
    5. Accept all nominations submitted that satisfy the rules of this Club's Constitution and Arc Clubs Policy and treat any defective or late nominations in the manner prescribed by this Club's Constitution and/or Arc policy.
    6. If voting is to take place online, ensure that the appointed Returning Officer(s) are the only person(s), alongside Arc Clubs Management, with access to the voting forms and spreadsheets.
    7. If voting is to take place in person, ensure that they have provided all members with instructions surrounding proxies, have received any proxies via accepted channels and determined the validity of proxies submitted prior to the General Meeting taking place.
    8. Runs the portion of the General Meeting pertaining to the election of candidates.
    9. Allows for at least 1 scrutineer per candidate, (who cannot be the candidate themselves) to be present for the counting of votes, if this is held in person, or for that person to be provided access to the voting sheets if the election was held online.
    10. To present a report announcing all successful candidates following the conclusion of the voting process.
    11. Where there is a clash between this Club's Constitution and Arc Clubs Policy, Arc Clubs Policy takes precedence.
  1. Each Annual General meeting (AGM) must occur within fifteen (15) months since the calendar date of the last AGM or Initial General Meeting.
  2. Notice in the form of an agenda for the Annual General Meeting shall be no less than fourteen (14) days, and is to be:
    1. Given in writing to Arc;
    2. Given in writing to all club members, or upon approval by Arc displayed in a way that will guarantee an acceptable level of exposure among Club members.
  3. Quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be:
    1. Ten (10) or one half of the Club membership, whichever is the lesser, for all Clubs with less than 75 members, and for any other Club that has been active for less than 18 months from the time they first affiliated to Arc; or,
    2. Fifteen (15) ordinary members for all Clubs with more than 75 members that have been active for more than 18 months from the time they first affiliated to Arc. An ordinary member is defined as a member of the Club that did not serve as Executive in the current year.
  4. At an Annual General Meeting:
    1. Reports shall be presented by at least the President and the Treasurer;
    2. Full financial reports shall be presented and adopted;
    3. Constitutional amendments and other motions on notice may be discussed and voted upon; and
    4. The Chair will hand over the meeting to the Returning Officer who will:
      1. Hold elections for a new Executive; and/or if this has already happened online,
      2. Announce the winners and any other relevant information to attendees as required, before handing the meeting to the new, Incoming President, or in their absence, a duly elected Chair.
  5. Full minutes of this meeting, including a list of the new Executive, written financial reports, and constitutional amendments, shall be forwarded to Arc and the School, and published on the Club's website within fourteen (14) days of the meeting.
  1. There shall be Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) as the Executive sees fit or as petitioned under Section 2 clause 7.
  2. The format, procedures, notice and quorum for an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be the same as for an Annual General Meeting, except that Executive elections will not be held unless specifically notified.
  3. To petition for an Extraordinary General Meeting, twenty (20) voting members or half of the club membership, whichever is the lesser, must petition the Executive in writing.
  4. Such a petitioned meeting must be held within twenty-one (21) days, but no sooner than fourteen (14) days.
  5. There shall be other general meetings of the club as the Executive sees fit.
  1. General requirements for all meetings are as follows:
    1. All voting at meetings shall be with a simple majority required for a resolution to be passed;
    2. Each voting member is entitled to one vote;
    3. Directed proxies shall be allowed in meetings and the procedure shall comply with the requirements of Arc;
    4. Only a Returning Officer, or in their absence, meeting Chair, may hold proxy votes;
    5. Elections for Executive shall use the "optional preferential" system;
    6. In the case of equality of voting, the President may a cast an extra vote to break the tie.
    7. Constitutional changes must be in the form of a motion on notice to an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting;
    8. Constitutional changes passed at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting must be approved by Arc for the Club to remain affiliated with Arc.
    9. Motions not pertaining to Constitutional changes may be raised at the Meeting from any member in attendance.
  1. If required, the club shall hold an account with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA).
  2. The Executive must approve all accounts and expenditures for payment.
  3. All financial transactions shall require two signatures of members of the Executive.
  4. The club shall nominate three members of the Executive as possible signatories for the account, one of which must be the club Treasurer.
  5. The financial records of the club shall be open for inspection by Arc at all times, and can be requested for inspection by a motion at an EGM or AGM.
  1. Dissolution of the club will occur after the following conditions have been met:
    1. An Extraordinary General Meeting is petitioned in writing as set out in Section 4.3 clause 3;
    2. Procedures for notification as set out in Section 4.2 clause 2 are followed, and the reasons for the proposed dissolution are included with the notification to Arc;
    3. Quorum for the meeting to dissolve the club shall be twenty (20) voting members or three-quarters of the club membership, whichever is the lesser;
    4. No other business may be conducted at the meeting to dissolve the club;
    5. After the petitioning body has stated its case any opposition must be given the opportunity to reply, with at least ten minutes set aside for this purpose;
    6. A vote is taken and the motion to dissolve lapses if opposed by fifteen (15) or more members of the club;
    7. If the motion to dissolve is carried, Arc and the School must be notified within fourteen (14) days.
  2. Dissolution of the club will also occur if the club has been financially and administratively inactive for a period of eighteen (18) months.
  3. On dissolution of the club, the club is not to distribute assets to members. All assets are to be distributed to an organisation with similar goals or its successor, provided they are charitable at law. This organisation may be nominated at the dissolution meeting of the club. If no other legitimate club or organisation is nominated, Arc will begin procedures to recover any property, monies or records belonging to the club which it perceives would be useful to other Arc-affiliated clubs, provided it is charitable at law. The club will be given twenty one (21) days to forward all relevant items to Arc before any action is instigated. If Arc is not charitable at law, all assets will be distributed to an organisation with similar goals or objectives to the club that also prohibits the distribution of assets to members.