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372 lines (325 loc) · 12.4 KB

File metadata and controls

372 lines (325 loc) · 12.4 KB

Here you will find all hotkey values you can use in a configuration file and instructions on how to use them.


A table with all possible values, both as text or number, lies at the end of this page.

You can write values either by name (enclosed between ") or number.

// By name. Same as 207.
"hotkey": "End"

// By number. Same as "End".
"hotkey": 207

Hotkey names are case sensitive.
This means "CapsLock" is a valid value, while "capsLock", "capslock", "CaPsLoCk"... are not.

Removing hotkeys

If you are never going to use some key, it's better for performance reasons to just disable it.

You can use either of these values.

"hotkey": 0
"hotkey": ""
"hotkey": "None"
// Invalid casing is considered to be "None"
"hotkey": "CaPsLoCk"
// Values not in table are considered to be "None"
"hotkey": "meh"

Read carefully instructions on per mod basis.
Some mods like the Skimpify Framework or Max Sick Gains will automatically switch off these hotkeys based on whatever functionality you have activated, so you don't need to explicitly remove hotkeys for them.

Others, like Easy Containers, will require to switch off hotkeys you won't use.

What if I don't disable hotkeys?

If you were living in the 80's or this mod was made in Papyrus, maybe you could expect some frame drops.

But since that is neither the case, the only thing that would happen is that your processor will waste nanoseconds doing useless checks that will never come true.

Those inconceivable short fractions of seconds would be better spent doing other things.


When writing a hotkey by name (the preferred way) it's possible to add modifiers to a hotkey.

These are the three possible modifiers:


Modifiers are also case sensitive.

// Modifiers ARE ONLY SEPARATED BY AN SPACE. Never use "+".
"hotkey1": "Shift E",
"hotkey2": "Alt E",
"hotkey3": "Ctrl E"
"hotkey4": "E"

As you just saw, you can assign the same key to many different functions by using a modifier.

When doing so, expect hotkey4 to be run only and only when E is pressed alone.

Modifiers are keys that have both left and right key (right shift, left shift, right control...).
It doesn't matter which of both you press, since both are the same for whatever mod sent you here.

Modifier combinations

You can also combine many modifiers to define a hotkey.

This effectively raises the possible number of hotkeys to... what? Around 800 possible combinations, so you won't ever get short on hotkeys to use.

Just look at all possibilities for just one key ("F1").

"hotkey1": "F1",
"hotkey2": "Alt F1",
"hotkey3": "Ctrl F1",
"hotkey4": "Shift F1",
"hotkey5": "Alt Shift F1",
"hotkey6": "Alt Ctrl F1",
"hotkey7": "Ctrl Shift F1",
"hotkey8": "Alt Ctrl Shift F1"

Order doesn't matter, by the way.
All of these are the same:

"hotkey5": "Alt Shift F1"
"hotkey5": "F1 Alt Shift"
"hotkey5": "Alt F1 Shift"
"hotkey5": "Shift Alt F1"
// etc...


Modifiers are expected to be used only in combination with other keys.

This means all of these are invalid:

"error1": "Shift",
"error2": "Alt",
"error3": "Ctrl"

If for some reason you REAAAAALLY want to use one of those keys by itself (what for? You have another 800 options), you must define your hotkey as a number.

// When defining a hotkey like this, SIDE DOES ACTUALLY MATTER

// Alt
"hotkey": 56  // Left
"hotkey": 184 // Right

// Ctrl
"hotkey": 29  // Left
"hotkey": 157 // Right

// Shift
"hotkey": 42  // Left
"hotkey": 54  // Right

Still, it's not recommended to do so, since some mods like Easy Containers expect you to use a modifier to invert its operations.

Possible values tables

Alphabetically sorted:

As name As number
"A" 30
"Apostrophe" 40
"B" 48
"BackSlash" 43
"Backspace" 14
"C" 46
"CapsLock" 58
"Comma" 51
"Console" 41
"D" 32
"Delete" 211
"DownArrow" 208
"E" 18
"End" 207
"Enter" 28
"Equals" 13
"Escape" 1
"F" 33
"F1" 59
"F10" 68
"F11" 87
"F12" 88
"F2" 60
"F3" 61
"F4" 62
"F5" 63
"F6" 64
"F7" 65
"F8" 66
"F9" 67
"ForwardSlash" 53
"G" 34
"H" 35
"Home" 199
"I" 23
"Insert" 210
"J" 36
"K" 37
"L" 38
"LeftArrow" 203
"LeftBracket" 26
"LeftMouseButton" 256
"M" 50
"MiddleMouseButton" 258
"Minus" 12
"MouseButton3" 259
"MouseButton4" 260
"MouseButton5" 261
"MouseButton6" 262
"MouseButton7" 263
"MouseWheelDown" 265
"MouseWheelUp" 264
"N" 49
"N0" 11
"N1" 2
"N2" 3
"N3" 4
"N4" 5
"N5" 6
"N6" 7
"N7" 8
"N8" 9
"N9" 10
"None" 0
"Num0" 82
"Num1" 79
"Num2" 80
"Num3" 81
"Num4" 75
"Num5" 76
"Num6" 77
"Num7" 71
"Num8" 72
"Num9" 73
"NumDot" 83
"NumEnter" 156
"NumLock" 69
"NumMinus" 74
"NumMult" 55
"NumPlus" 78
"NumSlash" 181
"O" 24
"P" 25
"Pause" 197
"Period" 52
"PgDown" 209
"PgUp" 201
"Q" 16
"R" 19
"RightArrow" 205
"RightBracket" 27
"RightMouseButton" 257
"S" 31
"ScrollLock" 70
"Semicolon" 39
"Spacebar" 57
"SysRqPtrScr" 183
"T" 20
"Tab" 15
"U" 22
"UpArrow" 200
"V" 47
"W" 17
"X" 45
"Y" 21
"Z" 44

Same list, sorted by number:

As name As number
"None" 0
"Escape" 1
"N1" 2
"N2" 3
"N3" 4
"N4" 5
"N5" 6
"N6" 7
"N7" 8
"N8" 9
"N9" 10
"N0" 11
"Minus" 12
"Equals" 13
"Backspace" 14
"Tab" 15
"Q" 16
"W" 17
"E" 18
"R" 19
"T" 20
"Y" 21
"U" 22
"I" 23
"O" 24
"P" 25
"LeftBracket" 26
"RightBracket" 27
"Enter" 28
"A" 30
"S" 31
"D" 32
"F" 33
"G" 34
"H" 35
"J" 36
"K" 37
"L" 38
"Semicolon" 39
"Apostrophe" 40
"Console" 41
"BackSlash" 43
"Z" 44
"X" 45
"C" 46
"V" 47
"B" 48
"N" 49
"M" 50
"Comma" 51
"Period" 52
"ForwardSlash" 53
"NumMult" 55
"Spacebar" 57
"CapsLock" 58
"F1" 59
"F2" 60
"F3" 61
"F4" 62
"F5" 63
"F6" 64
"F7" 65
"F8" 66
"F9" 67
"F10" 68
"NumLock" 69
"ScrollLock" 70
"Num7" 71
"Num8" 72
"Num9" 73
"NumMinus" 74
"Num4" 75
"Num5" 76
"Num6" 77
"NumPlus" 78
"Num1" 79
"Num2" 80
"Num3" 81
"Num0" 82
"NumDot" 83
"F11" 87
"F12" 88
"NumEnter" 156
"NumSlash" 181
"SysRqPtrScr" 183
"Pause" 197
"Home" 199
"UpArrow" 200
"PgUp" 201
"LeftArrow" 203
"RightArrow" 205
"End" 207
"DownArrow" 208
"PgDown" 209
"Insert" 210
"Delete" 211
"LeftMouseButton" 256
"RightMouseButton" 257
"MiddleMouseButton" 258
"MouseButton3" 259
"MouseButton4" 260
"MouseButton5" 261
"MouseButton6" 262
"MouseButton7" 263
"MouseWheelUp" 264
"MouseWheelDown" 265