- Docker Desktop (latest stable version for your platform)
Given that we are using Docker, then most common development tasks you will just need the core services which are essentially the OSCaR App Service (Rails) and the OSCaR Database Service (Postgres). To spin these services up only, use the following make
make start_core
This starts a Rails, Postgres and Webpack container. If you need the Mongo container running then execute the following command in a separate terminal:
make start_mongo
See the project Makefile for a list of all the available commands.
Once the containers have fired up open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to open the app. To login, click on the 'dev' organizations logo (there should only be the one logo) and the username (email) is any of the users (listed in the 'users' sheet) of the lib/devdata/dev_tenant.xlsx spreadsheet with the password set to 123456789
NOTE If this is the first time you have run this you may need to stop the containers and run it again!
If you want to debug the Rails application using Pry you need to attach to the container running Rails first. To do that in a new terminal window run:
make rails_attach
Now when your code runs and gets to the binding.pry
line it will halt and a Pry REPL session will be available in the terminal window where you are attached.
When you have finished dubugging just type exit
in the Pry REPL session as you normally would. Keep this terminal attached for convenience if you need to use Pry again.
NOTE: To detach the tty without also terminating the Rails container, you need to use the escape sequence Ctrl+P followed by Ctrl+Q.
If you have pending migrations that prevent the Docker container from starting for example:
app | You have 2 pending migrations:
app | 20200603071312 ________
app | 20200603081325 ________
app | Run `rake db:migrate` to update your database then try again.
app exited with code 1
Then you can fix this by running the following command and then starting services again.
make db_migrate
If after you start the application and you see the following in the terminal:
Migrations are pending. To resolve this issue, run: bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
Then you need to run the migration in a terminal session in the running docker container. Keep the services running and then run the following command:
make db_migrate
If you get a an error while running database migrations for example:
StandardError: An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:
Then you can drop the database and restart the services like so:
make stop_all
make db_drop
make start_core
Note after doing this you may still need to run the database migrations. If you still have an error with the migration then check the migrations and ask the developer who committed them to help you!
Sometimes you might start the service and the container cannot start because it returns an error due to a missing Gem dependency, something like this:
app | Could not find ________ in any of the sources
app | Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.
app | exited with code 7
Then, it means there is a Gem depenency missing. You should rebuild the image like this and then start the services again.
OSCaR is an open source and free to use (under AGPL) software for case managment focusing on family care first policies of vulnerable children.
The service is available as a subscription via the OSCaR Online Application and can be run privately from this repository. For more information about using the hosted version via the online application please reach out to the support contacts there. If you are already using OSCaR and need support you can find the training manual available on the website as well as inline, contextual help thoughout the application.
We have three guides available depending on how you are wanting to use OSCaR, either via the hosted version, a private hosted version or locally to run tests or even contribute code to the project!
So with that, if you are:
- Looking for the hosted version of OSCaR, please visit out official OSCaR Website
- Want to run a privately hosted vesion of OSCaR in the cloud then visit the private hosting guide
- Want to run a local vesion of OSCaR on your laptop or home computer as a developer then visit developer guide
bundle exec rake rails_rbi:model
For more instruction please read: sorbet-rails
rubocop app/models/bar.rb
So if you use Vcode, you should use the plugin ruby-rubocop and if you use sublime you should use SublimeLinterRubocop and this bellow is the sublime config
// SublimeLinter Settings - User
"debug": true,
"linters": {
"rubocop": {
"executable": "/Users/your_user_name/.rbenv/shims/rubocop",
"excludes": ["**/*.js.erb"],
"args": ["--config", ".rubocop.yml"]
"paths": {
"osx": [
Noted: /Users/your_user_name/.rbenv/shims/rubocop you might use RVM so you can find rubocop by running which rubocop
and use that path and see the path if you use Linux
change key to Linux and use rvm
path instead
If you experience with bugs or need further improvement, please create a new issue under Issues.
Pull requests are very welcome. Before submitting a pull request, please make sure that your changes are well tested. Pull requests without tests will not be accepted.
Perhaps pick one of the existing issues or submit an issue and then work on that. Alternatively, please feel free to reach out to one of the supporting authors either at DevZep or CIF as indicated below.
OSCaR is developed in partnership by DevZep Consulting (Cambodia) and CIF
OSCaR Web Application is released under AGPL