Server Side:
- Created function to recieve scores throught the server
- Determined method of storing json objects in mongoDB
Client Side:
- Added drag-to-draw lines functionality
- Added Google Directions API best route calculation, and ability to compare that to the user made path
- Added score guideline
- Added user simple user interface
- There was no way to make user-drawn paths cleanly snap to roads without mangling them or giving away the optimal route.
- Solution: We changed our scoring system. Now, the user's path and Google's Directions API path are connected to form a polygon. The area of this polygon determines the user's score, with minimal area scores being best.
- A leaderboard web-page for displaying top scores
- More game like interface and smoother graphics
- Connecting all of the modules we have built
##Comments by Ming
- Visualizations from status report 2 --done?
- "There was no way to make user-drawn paths cleanly snap to roads without mangling them or giving away the optimal route." => Correct. And you know the problem is the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), right? #goodluckwiththat