diff --git a/BiostatsGithubPage/correlation.R b/BiostatsGithubPage/correlation.R
index 1650ff8..7b7d7d9 100644
--- a/BiostatsGithubPage/correlation.R
+++ b/BiostatsGithubPage/correlation.R
@@ -1,122 +1,136 @@
corrSidebarUI <- function(id) {
- tabPanel(
- "Correlation",
- textInput(NS(id, "dep"), "dependent Variable", value = "var1"),
- textInput(NS(id, "indep"), "independent Variable", value = "var2"),
- actionButton(NS(id, "pear"), "Pearson correlation"),
- actionButton(NS(id, "spear"), "Spearman correlation"),
- actionButton(NS(id, "kendall"), "Kendall correlation"),
- sliderInput(NS(id, "conflevel"), "Confidence level of the interval",
- min = 0, max = 1, value = 0.95),
- selectInput(NS(id, "alt"), "Alternative hypothesis",
- c("Two sided" = "two.sided",
- "Less" = "less",
- "Greater" = "greater"))
+ tabPanel(
+ "Correlation",
+ textInput(NS(id, "dep"), "dependent Variable", value = "var1"),
+ textInput(NS(id, "indep"), "independent Variable", value = "var2"),
+ actionButton(NS(id, "pear"), "Pearson correlation"),
+ actionButton(NS(id, "spear"), "Spearman correlation"),
+ actionButton(NS(id, "kendall"), "Kendall correlation"),
+ sliderInput(NS(id, "conflevel"), "Confidence level of the interval",
+ min = 0, max = 1, value = 0.95
+ ),
+ selectInput(
+ NS(id, "alt"), "Alternative hypothesis",
+ c(
+ "Two sided" = "two.sided",
+ "Less" = "less",
+ "Greater" = "greater"
+ )
+ )
corrUI <- function(id) {
- tags$head(
- tags$script(src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jszip/3.7.1/jszip.min.js"),
- tags$script(src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/FileSaver.js/2.0.5/FileSaver.min.js"),
- tags$script(src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/html2canvas/0.4.1/html2canvas.min.js"),
- tags$script(src = "download.js")
- ),
- h4(strong("Results of test:")),
- tableOutput(NS(id, "corr_result")),
- verbatimTextOutput(NS(id, "corr_error")),
- actionButton(NS(id, "corr_save"), "Add output to result-file"),
- actionButton(NS(id, "download_corr"), "Save results"),
- checkboxGroupInput(NS(id, "TableSaved"), "Saved results to file", NULL)
+ tags$head(
+ tags$script(src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jszip/3.7.1/jszip.min.js"),
+ tags$script(src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/FileSaver.js/2.0.5/FileSaver.min.js"),
+ tags$script(src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/html2canvas/0.4.1/html2canvas.min.js"),
+ tags$script(src = "download.js")
+ ),
+ h4(strong("Results of test:")),
+ tableOutput(NS(id, "corr_result")),
+ verbatimTextOutput(NS(id, "corr_error")),
+ actionButton(NS(id, "corr_save"), "Add output to result-file"),
+ actionButton(NS(id, "download_corr"), "Save results"),
+ checkboxGroupInput(NS(id, "TableSaved"), "Saved results to file", NULL)
corrServer <- function(id, data, listResults) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
- corr_fct <- function(method) {
- output$corr_error <- renderText(NULL)
- req(is.data.frame(data$df))
- df <- data$df
- req(input$dep)
- req(input$indep)
- dep <- input$dep
- indep <- input$indep
- d <- df
- fit <- NULL
- err <- NULL
- e <- try({
- stopifnot(get_ast(str2lang(indep)) != "Error")
- stopifnot(get_ast(str2lang(dep)) != "Error")
- fit <- broom::tidy(
- cor.test(d[, dep], d[, indep],
- method = method,
- alternative = input$alt,
- conf.level = input$conflevel))
- })
- if (inherits(e, "try-error")) {
- err <- conditionMessage(attr(e, "condition"))
- output$corr_error <- renderText(err)
- } else {
- listResults$curr_data <- fit
- listResults$curr_name <- paste("Test Nr", length(listResults$all_names) + 1, "Conducted test: ", method)
- output$corr_result <- renderTable(fit, digits = 6)
- }
- }
- observeEvent(input$pear, {
- corr_fct("pearson")
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ corr_fct <- function(method) {
+ output$corr_error <- renderText(NULL)
+ req(is.data.frame(data$df))
+ df <- data$df
+ req(input$dep)
+ req(input$indep)
+ dep <- input$dep
+ indep <- input$indep
+ d <- df
+ fit <- NULL
+ err <- NULL
+ e <- try({
+ stopifnot(get_ast(str2lang(indep)) != "Error")
+ stopifnot(get_ast(str2lang(dep)) != "Error")
+ fit <- broom::tidy(
+ cor.test(d[, dep], d[, indep],
+ method = method,
+ alternative = input$alt,
+ conf.level = input$conflevel
+ )
+ )
- output$cor_result <- renderTable({
+ if (inherits(e, "try-error")) {
+ err <- conditionMessage(attr(e, "condition"))
+ output$corr_error <- renderText(err)
+ } else {
+ listResults$curr_data <- fit
+ listResults$curr_name <- paste("Test Nr", length(listResults$all_names) + 1, "Conducted test: ", method)
+ output$corr_result <- renderTable(fit, digits = 6)
+ }
+ }
+ observeEvent(input$pear, {
+ corr_fct("pearson")
+ })
+ output$cor_result <- renderTable(
+ {
- }, digits = 6
- )
- observeEvent(input$spear, {
- corr_fct("spearman")
- })
- output$cor_result <- renderTable({
+ },
+ digits = 6
+ )
+ observeEvent(input$spear, {
+ corr_fct("spearman")
+ })
+ output$cor_result <- renderTable(
+ {
- }, digits = 6
- )
- observeEvent(input$kendall, {
- corr_fct("kendall")
- })
- output$cor_result <- renderTable({ # issue: check whether this is required
+ },
+ digits = 6
+ )
+ observeEvent(input$kendall, {
+ corr_fct("kendall")
+ })
+ output$cor_result <- renderTable(
+ { # issue: check whether this is required
- }, digits = 6
+ },
+ digits = 6
+ )
+ observeEvent(input$corr_save, {
+ if (is.null(listResults$curr_name)) {
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ if (!(listResults$curr_name %in% unlist(listResults$all_names))) {
+ listResults$all_data[[length(listResults$all_data) + 1]] <- listResults$curr_data
+ listResults$all_names[[length(listResults$all_names) + 1]] <- listResults$curr_name
+ }
+ updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "TableSaved",
+ choices = listResults$all_names
- observeEvent(input$corr_save, {
- if(is.null(listResults$curr_name)) return(NULL)
- if (!(listResults$curr_name %in% unlist(listResults$all_names)) ) {
- listResults$all_data[[length(listResults$all_data) + 1]] <- listResults$curr_data
- listResults$all_names[[length(listResults$all_names) + 1]] <- listResults$curr_name
- }
- updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "TableSaved",
- choices = listResults$all_names)
- })
- observeEvent(input$download_corr, {
- lr <- unlist(listResults$all_names)
- indices <- sapply(input$TableSaved, function(x) {
- which(x == lr)
- })
- req(length(indices) >= 1)
- l <- listResults$all_data[indices]
- jsString <- createJSString(l)
- session$sendCustomMessage(type = "downloadZip",
- list(numberOfResults = length(jsString),
- FileContent = jsString))
+ })
+ observeEvent(input$download_corr, {
+ lr <- unlist(listResults$all_names)
+ indices <- sapply(input$TableSaved, function(x) {
+ which(x == lr)
- })
+ req(length(indices) >= 1)
+ l <- listResults$all_data[indices]
+ jsString <- createJSString(l)
+ session$sendCustomMessage(
+ type = "downloadZip",
+ list(
+ numberOfResults = length(jsString),
+ FileContent = jsString
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/BiostatsGithubPage/statisticalTests.R b/BiostatsGithubPage/statisticalTests.R
index 811063f..d0baae4 100644
--- a/BiostatsGithubPage/statisticalTests.R
+++ b/BiostatsGithubPage/statisticalTests.R
@@ -3,60 +3,77 @@ testsSidebarUI <- function(id) {
textInput(NS(id, "dep"), "dependent Variable", value = "var1"),
textInput(NS(id, "indep"), "independent Variable", value = "var2"),
condition = "input.TestsConditionedPanels == 'Two groups'",
sliderInput(NS(id, "confLevel"), "Confidence level of the interval",
- min = 0, max = 1, value = 0.95),
- selectInput(NS(id, "altHyp"), "Alternative hypothesis",
- c("Two sided" = "two.sided",
+ min = 0, max = 1, value = 0.95
+ ),
+ selectInput(
+ NS(id, "altHyp"), "Alternative hypothesis",
+ c(
+ "Two sided" = "two.sided",
"Less" = "less",
- "Greater" = "greater")),
- selectInput(NS(id, "paired"), "Paired or unpaired t-test",
- c("Unpaired" = "up",
- "Paired" = "p")),
- selectInput(NS(id, "varEq"), "Are the two variances treated as equal or not?",
- c("Equal" = "eq",
- "Not equal" = "noeq")),
- actionButton(NS(id, "tTest"), "t test")
+ "Greater" = "greater"
+ )
+ selectInput(
+ NS(id, "paired"), "Paired or unpaired t-test",
+ c(
+ "Unpaired" = "up",
+ "Paired" = "p"
+ )
+ ),
+ selectInput(
+ NS(id, "varEq"), "Are the two variances treated as equal or not?",
+ c(
+ "Equal" = "eq",
+ "Not equal" = "noeq"
+ )
+ ),
+ actionButton(NS(id, "tTest"), "t test")
+ ),
condition = "input.TestsConditionedPanels == 'More than two groups'",
actionButton(NS(id, "aovTest"), "anova"),
actionButton(NS(id, "kruskalTest"), "kruskal wallis test"),
- ),
+ ),
selectInput(NS(id, "PostHocTests"), "Choose a Post Hoc test",
choices = c(
"Tukey HSD" = "HSD", "Kruskal Wallis post hoc test" = "kruskalTest",
"Least significant difference test" = "LSD",
"Scheffe post hoc test" = "scheffe", "REGW post hoc test" = "REGW"
- )),
+ )
+ ),
condition = "input.TestsConditionedPanels == 'Posthoc tests'",
actionButton(NS(id, "PostHocTest"), "run test"),
sliderInput(NS(id, "pval"), "P-value",
- min = 0, max = 0.15, value = 0.05),
- selectInput(NS(id, "design"), "Design",
- c("Balanced" = "ba",
- "Unbalanced" = "ub") ),
+ min = 0, max = 0.15, value = 0.05
+ ),
+ selectInput(
+ NS(id, "design"), "Design",
+ c(
+ "Balanced" = "ba",
+ "Unbalanced" = "ub"
+ )
+ ),
condition = "input.PostHocTests == 'kruskalPHTest' || input.PostHocTests == 'lsdTest'",
selectInput(NS(id, "padj"), "Adjusted p method",
- c("Holm" = "holm",
+ c(
+ "Holm" = "holm",
"Hommel" = "hommel",
"Hochberg" = "hochberg",
"Bonferroni" = "bonferroni",
"BH" = "BH",
"BY" = "BY",
- "fdr" = "fdr"), selectize = FALSE )
- )
+ "fdr" = "fdr"
+ ),
+ selectize = FALSE
+ )
+ )
testsUI <- function(id) {
@@ -66,36 +83,35 @@ testsUI <- function(id) {
tags$script(src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/FileSaver.js/2.0.5/FileSaver.min.js"),
tags$script(src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/html2canvas/0.4.1/html2canvas.min.js"),
tags$script(src = "download.js")
- ),
+ ),
- tabPanel("Two groups",
+ tabPanel(
+ "Two groups",
- ),
- tabPanel("More than two groups",
+ ),
+ tabPanel(
+ "More than two groups",
- ),
- tabPanel("Posthoc tests",
+ ),
+ tabPanel(
+ "Posthoc tests",
- ),
- id = "TestsConditionedPanels"
+ id = "TestsConditionedPanels"
+ ),
h4(strong("Results of test:")),
tableOutput(NS(id, "test_result")),
verbatimTextOutput(NS(id, "test_error")),
actionButton(NS(id, "test_save"), "Add output to result-file"),
actionButton(NS(id, "download_test"), "Save results"),
checkboxGroupInput(NS(id, "TableSaved"), "Saved results to file", NULL)
- )
+ )
testsServer <- function(id, data, listResults) {
- moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
+ moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
tTest <- function() {
- output$test_error <- renderText(NULL)
+ output$test_error <- renderText(NULL)
df <- data$df
@@ -118,7 +134,8 @@ testsServer <- function(id, data, listResults) {
fit <- broom::tidy(t.test(formula,
data = df, conf.level = input$confLevel,
- alternative = input$alt, paired = paired, var.equal = eq))
+ alternative = input$alt, paired = paired, var.equal = eq
+ ))
if (inherits(e, "try-error")) {
err <- conditionMessage(attr(e, "condition"))
@@ -126,7 +143,7 @@ testsServer <- function(id, data, listResults) {
} else {
listResults$curr_data <- fit
listResults$curr_name <- paste("Test Nr", length(listResults$all_names) + 1, "Conducted t-test")
- output$test_result <- renderTable(fit, digits = 6)
+ output$test_result <- renderTable(fit, digits = 6)
@@ -135,7 +152,7 @@ testsServer <- function(id, data, listResults) {
conductTests <- function(method) {
- output$test_error <- renderText(NULL)
+ output$test_error <- renderText(NULL)
df <- data$df
@@ -148,7 +165,7 @@ testsServer <- function(id, data, listResults) {
e <- try({
formula <- as.formula(paste(dep, "~", indep))
stopifnot(get_ast(formula) != "Error")
- })
+ })
if (inherits(e, "try-error")) {
err <- conditionMessage(attr(e, "condition"))
output$test_error <- renderText(err)
@@ -174,19 +191,19 @@ testsServer <- function(id, data, listResults) {
fit <- agricolae::HSD.test(aov_res,
trt = indep,
alpha = input$pval, group = TRUE, unbalanced = bal
- )$groups
+ )$groups
kruskalTest = {
fit <- with(df, kruskal(df[, dep], df[, indep]),
alpha = input$pval, p.adj = input$padj, group = TRUE
- )$groups
+ )$groups
LSD = {
aov_res <- aov(formula, data = df)
fit <- agricolae::LSD.test(aov_res,
trt = indep,
alpha = input$pval, p.adj = input$padj, group = TRUE
- )$groups
+ )$groups
scheffe = {
aov_res <- aov(formula, data = df)
@@ -196,19 +213,19 @@ testsServer <- function(id, data, listResults) {
aov_res <- aov(formula, data = df)
fit <- agricolae::REGW.test(aov_res, trt = indep, alpha = input$pval, group = TRUE)$groups
- )
+ )
if (inherits(e, "try-error")) {
err <- conditionMessage(attr(e, "condition"))
output$test_error <- renderText(err)
- } else if(is.null(fit)) {
+ } else if (is.null(fit)) {
output$test_error <- renderText("Result is NULL")
} else {
fit <- cbind(fit, row.names(fit))
names(fit)[ncol(fit)] <- paste0(indep, collapse = ".")
listResults$curr_data <- fit
listResults$curr_name <- paste("Test Nr", length(listResults$all_names) + 1, "Conducted: ", method)
- output$test_result <- renderTable(fit, digits = 6)
+ output$test_result <- renderTable(fit, digits = 6)
@@ -230,14 +247,17 @@ testsServer <- function(id, data, listResults) {
observeEvent(input$test_save, {
- if(is.null(listResults$curr_name)) return(NULL)
- if (!(listResults$curr_name %in% unlist(listResults$all_names)) ) {
- listResults$all_data[[length(listResults$all_data) + 1]] <- listResults$curr_data
- listResults$all_names[[length(listResults$all_names) + 1]] <- listResults$curr_name
- }
- updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "TableSaved",
- choices = listResults$all_names)
- })
+ if (is.null(listResults$curr_name)) {
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ if (!(listResults$curr_name %in% unlist(listResults$all_names))) {
+ listResults$all_data[[length(listResults$all_data) + 1]] <- listResults$curr_data
+ listResults$all_names[[length(listResults$all_names) + 1]] <- listResults$curr_name
+ }
+ updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "TableSaved",
+ choices = listResults$all_names
+ )
+ })
observeEvent(input$download_test, {
lr <- unlist(listResults$all_names)
@@ -247,17 +267,15 @@ testsServer <- function(id, data, listResults) {
req(length(indices) >= 1)
l <- listResults$all_data[indices]
jsString <- createJSString(l)
- session$sendCustomMessage(type = "downloadZip",
- list(numberOfResults = length(jsString),
- FileContent = jsString))
+ session$sendCustomMessage(
+ type = "downloadZip",
+ list(
+ numberOfResults = length(jsString),
+ FileContent = jsString
+ )
+ )
+ return(listResults)
diff --git a/Paper/.$DataAnalysisPipeline.drawio.bkp b/Paper/.$DataAnalysisPipeline.drawio.bkp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04789b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Paper/.$DataAnalysisPipeline.drawio.bkp
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
diff --git a/Paper/DataAnalysisPipeline.drawio b/Paper/DataAnalysisPipeline.drawio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ca0462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Paper/DataAnalysisPipeline.drawio
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
diff --git a/Paper/DataAnalysisPipeline.drawio.png b/Paper/DataAnalysisPipeline.drawio.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0367e3a
Binary files /dev/null and b/Paper/DataAnalysisPipeline.drawio.png differ
diff --git a/Paper/DesignMatrix.pdf b/Paper/DesignMatrix.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a605641
Binary files /dev/null and b/Paper/DesignMatrix.pdf differ
diff --git a/Paper/DesignMatrix.qmd b/Paper/DesignMatrix.qmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d41038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Paper/DesignMatrix.qmd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ pdf:
+ code-fold: true
+#| echo: false
+X <- model.matrix(uptake ~ conc * Type * Treatment, data = CO2)
+points <- data.frame(matrix(".", ncol = ncol(X), nrow = 3))
+names(points) <- colnames(X)
+df <- rbind(head(X), points, tail(X))
+knitr::kable(df, format = "latex", booktabs = TRUE) |>
+ kableExtra::kable_styling(
+ latex_options = "scale_down"
+ )
diff --git a/Paper/Equations.aux b/Paper/Equations.aux
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b640121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Paper/Equations.aux
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+\gdef \@abspage@last{1}
diff --git a/Paper/Equations.log b/Paper/Equations.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c32f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Paper/Equations.log
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.25 (TeX Live 2023/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2024.10.11) 11 OCT 2024 12:11
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+No file Equations.aux.
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new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/Paper/Equations.tex b/Paper/Equations.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f001e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Paper/Equations.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+$CooksDistance_{i} = \frac{r_{i}^{2}}{p \cdot MSE} \cdot \frac{h_{i}}{(1 - h_{i})^{2}}$
+$r_{i} = y_{i} - \hat{y}_{i}$
+$MSE = \frac{1}{n} \cdot \sum_{i=1}^{n} r_{i}^{2}$
+$p =$ number of predictors in the model
+$h_{i} =$ leverage of the i-th observation
+$h_{i} = \frac{1}{n} + (X_{i} - \overline{X})(X'X)^{-1}(X_{i}-\overline{X})'$
diff --git a/Paper/Figures.pdf b/Paper/Figures.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index a55b9b2..0000000
Binary files a/Paper/Figures.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Paper/Figures.qmd b/Paper/Figures.qmd
deleted file mode 100644
index 25c2c1e..0000000
--- a/Paper/Figures.qmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- pdf:
- code-fold: true
-#| warning: false
-#| echo: false
-df <- list(
- Arithmetic = c(
- "-", "+", "*", "/"
- ),
- Math = c(
- "log", "log10", "sqrt", "exp", "^"
- ),
- Trigonometric = c(
- "sin", "cos", "tan", "tanh", "sinh",
- "cosh", "acos", "asin", "atan"
- ),
- TypeChecksCasts = c(
- "is.numeric", "is.character", "is.logical", "is.factor", "is.integer",
- "as.numeric", "as.character", "as.logical", "as.factor", "as.integer"
- ),
- Comparison = c(
- ">", "<", "<=", ">=", "==", "!="
- ),
- Rounding = c(
- "abs", "ceiling", "floor", "trunc", "round"
- ),
- StringManipulation = c(
- "grep", "substr", "sub", "paste", "paste0",
- "strsplit", "tolower", "toupper"
- ),
- RNG1 = c(
- "dnorm", "pnorm", "qnorm", "rnorm",
- "dbinom", "pbinom", "qbinom", "rbinom"
- ),
- RNG2 = c(
- "dpois",
- "ppois", "rpois", "dunif", "punif", "qunif", "runif"
- ),
- Statistics = c(
- "mean", "sd", "median", "quantile", "range"
- ),
- General = c(
- "c", "vector", "length", "matrix",
- "sum", "diff", "min", "max", "scale"
- )
-fill_rows <- function(df) {
- nrow <- max(lengths(df))
- lapply(df, function(x) {
- if (length(x) < nrow) {
- c(x, rep("", nrow - length(x)))
- } else {
- x
- }
- })
-df <- fill_rows(df)
-df <- as.data.frame(df)
diff --git a/Paper/diagnosticplot.png b/Paper/diagnosticplot.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5789346
Binary files /dev/null and b/Paper/diagnosticplot.png differ
diff --git a/TestingStuff/Rplots.pdf b/TestingStuff/Rplots.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 12d17de..0000000
Binary files a/TestingStuff/Rplots.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/TestingStuff/addFitToPlot.R b/TestingStuff/addFitToPlot.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eb4eaf..0000000
--- a/TestingStuff/addFitToPlot.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-method <- "glm"
-p <- ggplot(data = CO2, aes(x = conc, y = uptake, colour = Treatment)) +
- geom_point() +
- geom_smooth(method = method) +
- #geom_smooth(method = method, formula = y ~ s(x, bs = "cs", k = 5)) +
- facet_wrap(.~ Type)
-# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40854225/how-to-identify-the-function-used-by-geom-smooth
-getInfo <- function(plot, layer = 2) {
- layerData <- plot$layers[[layer]]$layer_data(plot$data)
- layout <- ggplot2:::create_layout(plot$facet, plot$coordinates)
- data <- layout$setup(list(layerData), plot$data, plot$plot_env)
- data[[1]] <- plot$layers[[layer]]$compute_aesthetics(data[[1]], plot)
- scales <- plot$scales
- data[[1]] <- ggplot2:::scales_transform_df(scales = scales, df = data[[1]])
- layout$train_position(data, scales$get_scales("x"), scales$get_scales("y"))
- data <- layout$map_position(data)[[1]]
- statParams <- suppressMessages(
- plot$layers[[layer]]$stat$setup_params(data = data,
- params = plot$layers[[layer]]$stat_params)
- )
- if(identical(statParams$method, mgcv::gam)) statParams$method <- "gam"
- return(list(statParams, data))
-res <- getInfo(p, 2)
-resModel <- res[[1]]
-formula <- resModel$formula
-method <- resModel$method
-df <- res[[2]]
-df$interaction <- interaction(df$PANEL, df$group)
-calcParams <- function(df, formula, method) {
- if (method == "lm") {
- model <- lm(formula, data = df)
- r_squared <- summary(model)$r.squared
- anova_table <- anova(model)
- f_value <- anova_table$`F value`[1]
- coefficients <- coef(model)
- equation <- paste("Y =", round(coefficients[1], 2), "+",
- round(coefficients[2], 2), "* X")
- p_value <- summary(model)$coefficients[2,4]
- n <- nrow(df)
- annotations <- paste("R-squared:", round(r_squared, 2),
- "F-value:", round(f_value, 2), "\n",
- "Equation:", equation,
- "Sample Size (n):", n, "\n",
- "p-value:", round(p_value, 8) )
- df$annotation <- annotations
- df$xPos <- mean(df$x)
- df$yPos <- max(df$y)
- return(df)
- } else if(method == "glm") {
- model <- glm(formula, data = df)
- r_squared <- with(summary(model), 1 - deviance/null.deviance)
- coefficients <- coef(model)
- n <- nrow(df)
- equation <- paste("Y =", round(coefficients[1], 2), "+",
- round(coefficients[2], 2), "* X")
- p_value <- summary(model)$coefficients[2,4]
- annotations <- paste("R-squared:", round(r_squared, 2),
- "Equation:", equation,
- "Sample Size (n):", n, "\n",
- "p-value:", round(p_value, 16) )
- df$annotation <- annotations
- df$xPos <- mean(df$x)
- df$yPos <- max(df$y)
- return(df)
- } else if(method == "gam") {
- model <- gam(formula, data = df)
- print(formula)
- r_squared <- summary(model)$r.sq
- f_value <- summary(model)$p.t
- coefficients <- coef(model)
- n <- nrow(df)
- equation <- paste("Y =", round(coefficients[1], 2), "+",
- round(coefficients[2], 2), "* X")
- p_value <- summary(model)$p.pv
- annotations <- paste("R-squared:", round(r_squared, 2),
- "F-value:", round(f_value, 2), "\n",
- "Equation:", equation,
- "Sample Size (n):", n, "\n",
- "p-value:", round(p_value, 16) )
- df$annotation <- annotations
- df$xPos <- mean(df$x)
- df$yPos <- max(df$y)
- return(df)
- } else if(method == "loess") {
- }
-results <- lapply(unique(df$interaction), function(x) {
- sub <- df[df$interaction == x, ]
- calcParams(sub, formula, method)
-df <- Reduce(rbind, results)
-names(df) <- ifelse(names(df) == "PANEL", "Panel", names(df))
-p <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = colour)) +
- geom_point() +
- #geom_smooth(method = method, formula = y ~ s(x, bs = "cs", k = 5)) +
- geom_smooth(method = method) +
- facet_wrap(.~ Panel)
-p + geom_text(aes(x = xPos, y = yPos, label = annotation), size = 3)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestingStuff/testPlotting.R b/TestingStuff/testPlotting.R
deleted file mode 100644
index f7c5ed9..0000000
--- a/TestingStuff/testPlotting.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-annotateDF <- function(p, method, level = 2) {
- pB <- ggplot_build(p)
- df <- pB$data[[1]]
- if (length(unique(df$PANEL)) > 1) {
- l <- pB$layout$layout
- l <- data.frame(PANEL = l$PANEL, names = l$``)
- df$PANEL <- l[match(df$PANEL, l$PANEL), 2]
- }
- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40854225/how-to-identify-the-function-used-by-geom-smooth
- formula <- p$layers[[level]]$stat$setup_params(
- df,
- p$layers[[level]]$stat_params
- )$formula
- df$interaction <- interaction(df$PANEL, df$group)
- results <- lapply(unique(df$interaction), function(x) {
- sub <- df[df$interaction == x, ]
- calcParams(sub, formula, method)
- })
- df <- Reduce(rbind, results)
- return(df)
-calcParams <- function(df, formula, method) {
- stopifnot(get_ast(formula) != "Error")
- if (method == "lm") {
- model <- lm(formula, data = df)
- r_squared <- summary(model)$r.squared
- anova_table <- anova(model)
- f_value <- anova_table$`F value`[1]
- coefficients <- coef(model)
- equation <- paste(
- "Y =", round(coefficients[1], 2), "+",
- round(coefficients[2], 2), "* X"
- )
- p_value <- summary(model)$coefficients[, 4]
- p_value <- paste(p_value, collapse = " ")
- n <- nrow(df)
- annotations <- paste(
- "R-squared:", round(r_squared, 2),
- "F-value:", round(f_value, 2), "\n",
- "Equation:", equation, "\n",
- "Sample Size (n):", n, "\n",
- "p-values Intercept & x:", p_value
- )
- df$annotation <- annotations
- df$xPos <- mean(df$x)
- df$yPos <- max(df$y)
- return(df)
- } else if (method == "glm") {
- model <- glm(formula, data = df)
- r_squared <- with(summary(model), 1 - deviance / null.deviance)
- coefficients <- coef(model)
- n <- nrow(df)
- equation <- paste(
- "Y =", round(coefficients[1], 2), "+",
- round(coefficients[2], 2), "* X"
- )
- p_value <- summary(model)$coefficients[2, 4]
- annotations <- paste(
- "R-squared:", round(r_squared, 2),
- "Sample Size (n):", n, "\n",
- "Equation:", equation, "\n",
- "p-value:", round(p_value, 16)
- )
- df$annotation <- annotations
- df$xPos <- mean(df$x)
- df$yPos <- max(df$y)
- return(df)
- } else if (method == "gam") {
- model <- gam(formula, data = df)
- r_squared <- summary(model)$r.sq
- f_value <- summary(model)$p.t
- coefficients <- coef(model)
- n <- nrow(df)
- equation <- paste(
- "Y =", round(coefficients[1], 2), "+",
- round(coefficients[2], 2), "* X"
- )
- p_value <- summary(model)$p.pv
- annotations <- paste(
- "R-squared:", round(r_squared, 2),
- "F-value:", round(f_value, 2), "\n",
- "Equation:", equation,
- "Sample Size (n):", n, "\n",
- "p-value:", round(p_value, 16)
- )
- df$annotation <- annotations
- df$xPos <- mean(df$x)
- df$yPos <- max(df$y)
- return(df)
- } else if (method == "loess") {
- model <- loess(formula, data = df)
- fitted_values <- predict(model)
- r_squared <- cor(df$y, fitted_values)^2
- n <- nrow(df)
- annotations <- paste(
- "R-squared:", round(r_squared, 2),
- "Sample Size (n):", n
- )
- df$annotation <- annotations
- df$xPos <- mean(df$x)
- df$yPos <- max(df$y)
- return(df)
- }
-addFacet <- function(p, facetVar, facetMode) {
- if (facetMode == "facet_wrap") {
- return(p + facet_wrap(. ~ .data[[facetVar]], scales = "free"))
- } else if (facetMode == "facet_grid") {
- return(p + facet_grid(. ~ .data[[facetVar]], scales = "free"))
- }
-DotplotFct <- function(df, x, y, xLabel, yLabel,
- fitMethod,
- colourVar, legendTitleColour,
- colourTheme, facetMode, facetVar, k = 10) {
- # create plot
- # ==========================================
- aes <- aes(x = .data[[x]], y = .data[[y]])
- aesColour <- NULL
- p <- NULL
- if (colourVar != "") {
- aesColour <- aes(colour = .data[[colourVar]])
- }
- if (colourVar == "") {
- p <- ggplot(
- data = df,
- aes(!!!aes)
- ) +
- geom_point()
- } else {
- p <- ggplot(
- data = df,
- aes(!!!aes, !!!aesColour)
- ) +
- geom_point()
- }
- p <- p + xlab(xLabel)
- p <- p + ylab(yLabel)
- if (colourVar != "") {
- p <- p + guides(colour = guide_legend(title = legendTitleColour))
- p <- p + scale_color_brewer(palette = colourTheme)
- }
- if (facetMode != "none") {
- p <- addFacet(p, facetVar, facetMode)
- }
- if (fitMethod == "none" || fitMethod == "") {
- return(p)
- }
- # fit data
- # ==========================================
- if (fitMethod == "gam") {
- p <- p + geom_smooth(
- method = fitMethod,
- formula = y ~ s(x, bs = "cs", k = k)
- )
- } else {
- p <- p + geom_smooth(method = fitMethod)
- }
- # extract information from fit
- # ==========================================
- df_original <- df
- df <- annotateDF(p, fitMethod)
- names(df) <- ifelse(names(df) == "PANEL", "Panel", names(df))
- # TODO: this is a hack. Find a better way.
- df$colour_groups <- df_original[, colourVar][match(
- df$group,
- as.integer(factor(df_original[, colourVar]))
- )]
- # Add annotations to plot
- # ==========================================
- aes <- aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]])
- if (colourVar != "") {
- aesColour <- aes(colour = .data[["colour_groups"]])
- }
- if (fitMethod == "gam") {
- p <- ggplot(data = df, aes(!!!aes, !!!aesColour)) +
- geom_point() +
- geom_smooth(
- method = fitMethod,
- formula = y ~ s(x, bs = "cs", k = k)
- ) +
- geom_text(
- aes(
- x = xPos, y = yPos,
- label = annotation
- ),
- size = 2.5,
- show.legend = FALSE, position = position_dodge(width = .9)
- )
- } else {
- p <- ggplot(data = df, aes(!!!aes, !!!aesColour)) +
- geom_point() +
- geom_smooth(method = fitMethod) +
- geom_text(
- aes(
- x = xPos, y = yPos,
- label = annotation
- ),
- size = 2.5,
- show.legend = FALSE, position = position_dodge(width = .9)
- )
- }
- # Add labels
- # ==========================================
- p <- p + xlab(xLabel)
- p <- p + ylab(yLabel)
- if (length(unique(df$colour)) >= 2) {
- p <- p + guides(colour = guide_legend(title = legendTitleColour))
- p <- p + scale_color_brewer(palette = colourTheme)
- }
- if (facetMode != "none") {
- p <- addFacet(p, "Panel", facetMode)
- }
- return(p)
-df <- CO2
-df$Type_Treatment <- paste(
- df$Type, df$Treatment,
- sep = "_"
- df = df,
- x = "conc",
- y = "uptake",
- xLabel = "",
- yLabel = "",
- fitMethod = "glm",
- colourVar = "Type_Treatment",
- legendTitleColour = "Type & Treatment",
- colourTheme = "Set1",
- facetMode = "facet_wrap",
- facetVar = "Treatment"