diff --git a/pages/internship.tsx b/pages/internship.tsx
index 5072c8d..ee3a25c 100644
--- a/pages/internship.tsx
+++ b/pages/internship.tsx
@@ -1,1053 +1,1106 @@
 import {
-  Heading,
-  Avatar,
-  Box,
-  Center,
-  Text,
-  Stack,
-  Button,
-  useColorModeValue,
-  Flex,
-  Divider,
-  Wrap,
-  ListItem,
-  UnorderedList,
-  OrderedList,
-  Accordion,
-  AccordionItem,
-  AccordionButton,
-  AccordionPanel,
-  SimpleGrid,
-  Image,
-  useTheme,
-  Link,
+    Heading,
+    Avatar,
+    Box,
+    Center,
+    Text,
+    Stack,
+    useColorModeValue,
+    Flex,
+    Divider,
+    ListItem,
+    UnorderedList,
+    Accordion,
+    AccordionItem,
+    AccordionButton,
+    AccordionPanel,
+    Image,
+    useTheme,
+    Link,
 } from '@chakra-ui/react';
-import { FaCode, FaInfoCircle } from 'react-icons/fa';
-import { BsGlobe2 } from 'react-icons/bs';
-import { ChevronDownIcon, ExternalLinkIcon, EmailIcon } from '@chakra-ui/icons';
+import { ChevronDownIcon, ExternalLinkIcon } from '@chakra-ui/icons';
 import PageLayout from '@/components/page-layout';
-import Community from '@/components/Community';
 import { useEffect } from 'react';
 import { useAnalytics } from '../src/utils/analytics';
 import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
-import CallToActionWithVideo, { SplitWithImage } from '@/components/CTA';
+import { SplitWithImage } from '@/components/CTA';
 import GridListWithCTA from '@/components/GridCTA';
 import { ApplyButtonWithPopover } from '@/components/ApplyButton';
-import Head from "next/head"
+import Head from 'next/head';
 const InternshipPage = () => {
-  const { t } = useTranslation();
-  const banner = '/assets/images/banner.png';
-  const { analytics } = useAnalytics();
-  const theme = useTheme();
-  const spacing = theme.space[5];
-  useEffect(() => {
-    analytics.page('Links/Intern');
-  }, []);
-  return (
-    <>
-      <Head>
-        <title>{t('internship.Intro.title')}</title>
-        <meta property="og:image" content="https://links.crypto-arsenal.io/assets/images/ca-internship-cover.png" />
-        <meta property="og:title" content={t('internship.Intro.subTitle')} />
-        <meta property="og:description" content={t('internship.Intro.content')} />
-      </Head>
-      <PageLayout title={t('internship.Intro.title')} ogTitle={t('internship.Intro.subTitle')} description={t('internship.Intro.content')} image="https://links.crypto-arsenal.io/assets/images/ca-internship-cover.png">
-        <Center py={3}>
-          <Box
-            w={'full'}
-            bg={useColorModeValue('white', 'gray.900')}
-            boxShadow={'2xl'}
-            rounded={'lg'}
-            p={4}
-            pb={8}
-            textAlign={'center'}
-          >
-            <Box
-              bg={`url(${banner})`}
-              bgSize='cover'
-              borderRadius='16px'
-              h='131px'
-              w='100%'
-            />
-            <Avatar
-              mt='-42px'
-              border='4px solid'
-              size={'xl'}
-              src={'/assets/images/ca1.png'}
-              mb={4}
-              pos={'relative'}
-            />
-            <Heading fontSize={'2xl'} fontFamily={'body'}>
-              <Flex
-                justify={'center'}
-                align='center'
-                letterSpacing={'wide'}
-                fontWeight='bold'
-              >
-                Crypto Arsenal
-                <Box ml='1'>
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-                    height='16'
-                    viewBox='0 0 16 16'
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-                    xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
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-                </Box>
-              </Flex>
-            </Heading>
-            <Box mb={4}>
-              <Text
-                fontWeight={'semibold'}
-                color={'gray.500'}
-                as='a'
-                href='https://twitter.com/_cryptoarsenal_'
-              >
-                @CryptoArsena1
-              </Text>
-            </Box>
-            <Text
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-              fontWeight={'thin'}
-              textAlign={'center'}
-              letterSpacing={'wide'}
-              color={useColorModeValue('gray.700', 'gray.400')}
-              px={3}
-            >
-              ๐Ÿ“„ {t('intro.Strategy Development')} & {t('intro.Copy Trading')}
-              ๐Ÿ”— {t('intro.Integration with APIs of Major Exchanges')}
-              ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป TradingView & Python
-            </Text>
-            <Center mt={4}>
-              <Stack direction={'row'} justify={'center'} spacing={4} ml='15px'>
-                <Stack spacing={0} align={'center'}>
-                  <Text fontWeight={600}>2k</Text>
-                  <Text fontSize={'sm'} color={'gray.500'}>
-                    {t('stats.Trading Bots')}
-                  </Text>
-                </Stack>
-                <Stack spacing={0} align={'center'}>
-                  <Text fontWeight={600}>6.6k</Text>
-                  <Text fontSize={'sm'} color={'gray.500'}>
-                    {t('stats.Users')}
-                  </Text>
-                </Stack>
-                <Stack spacing={0} align={'center'}>
-                  <Text fontWeight={600}>$145M</Text>
-                  <Text fontSize={'sm'} color={'gray.500'} fontWeight={'normal'}>
-                    {t('stats.Trading Volume')}
-                  </Text>
-                </Stack>
-              </Stack>
-            </Center>
-            {/* <Wrap spacing='2px' justify='center' mt={6}>
-            <Button
-              as='a'
-              href='https://crypto-arsenal.io'
-              target='_blank'
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-              leftIcon={<BsGlobe2 />}
-              bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')}
-              size={'sm'}
-            >
-              <Center>
-                <Text>Website</Text>
-              </Center>
-            </Button>
-            <Button
-              as='a'
-              href='https://help.crypto-arsenal.io'
-              target='_blank'
-              variant={'outline'}
-              leftIcon={<FaInfoCircle />}
-              bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')}
-              size={'sm'}
-            >
-              <Center>
-                <Text>Help Center </Text>
-              </Center>
-            </Button>
-            <Button
-              as='a'
-              href={'https://docs.crypto-arsenal.io/'}
-              target='_blank'
-              variant={'outline'}
-              leftIcon={<FaCode />}
-              bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')}
-              size={'sm'}
-            >
-              <Center>
-                <Text>Documentation</Text>
-              </Center>
-            </Button>
-          </Wrap> */}
-            {/* <Community /> */}
-            <Box m={3}>
-              <Divider />
-            </Box>
-            <Flex
-              // textAlign={'center'}
-              justifyContent={'center'}
-              direction={'column'}
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-              overflow={'hidden'}
-            >
+    const { t } = useTranslation();
+    const banner = '/assets/images/banner.png';
+    const { analytics } = useAnalytics();
+    const theme = useTheme();
+    const spacing = theme.space[5];
-              <Box width={{ base: 'full', sm: 'xl', lg: '3xl' }} margin={'auto'}>
-                <SplitWithImage />
-              </Box>
-              <Accordion
-                allowToggle
-                defaultIndex={[0]}
-                width='100%'
-                maxW='3xl'
-                rounded='lg'
-                mx={'auto'}
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-                <AccordionItem>
-                  <AccordionButton
-                    display='flex'
-                    alignItems='center'
-                    justifyContent='space-between'
-                    p={4}
-                  >
-                    <Text fontSize='md' display='flex' alignItems='center'>
-                      {t('internship.Recruitment Plan.title')} ๐Ÿ—“
-                    </Text>
-                    <ChevronDownIcon fontSize='24px' />
-                  </AccordionButton>
-                  <AccordionPanel pb={4}>
-                    <Text
-                      fontFamily={'body'}
-                      fontWeight={'medium'}
-                      fontSize={'15px'}
-                      pb={4}
-                      align={'left'}
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-                      {t('internship.Recruitment Plan.content')}
-                    </Text>
-                  </AccordionPanel>
-                </AccordionItem>
-                <AccordionItem>
-                  <AccordionButton
-                    display='flex'
-                    alignItems='center'
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-                    p={4}
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-                    <Text fontSize='md'>
-                      {t('internship.Company Profile.title')} ๐Ÿข
-                    </Text>
-                    <ChevronDownIcon fontSize='24px' />
-                  </AccordionButton>
-                  <AccordionPanel pb={4}>
-                    <Text
-                      fontFamily={'body'}
-                      fontWeight={'medium'}
-                      fontSize={'15px'}
-                      pb={4}
-                      align={'left'}
-                    >
-                      {t('internship.Company Profile.content')}
-                      <br />
-                      <br />
-                      <Link href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcfetlFndD0&ab_channel=Crypto-Arsenal' isExternal>
-                        About Crypto Arsenal @ Youtube <ExternalLinkIcon mx='2px' />
-                      </Link>
-                      {/* <UnorderedList>
-                      <ListItem mt={2}>
-                        2023 {t('internship.Year')}:
-                        <OrderedList>
-                          <ListItem>
-                            {t('internship.Company Profile.year.2023.0')}
-                          </ListItem>
-                        </OrderedList>
-                      </ListItem>
-                      <ListItem mt={2}>
-                        2022 {t('internship.Year')}:
-                        <OrderedList>
-                          <ListItem>
-                            {t('internship.Company Profile.year.2022.0')}
-                          </ListItem>
-                          <ListItem>
-                            {t('internship.Company Profile.year.2022.1')}
-                          </ListItem>
-                        </OrderedList>
-                      </ListItem>
-                      <ListItem mt={2}>
-                        2021 {t('internship.Year')}:
-                        <OrderedList>
-                          <ListItem>
-                            {t('internship.Company Profile.year.2021.0')}
-                          </ListItem>
-                          <ListItem>
-                            {t('internship.Company Profile.year.2021.1')}
-                          </ListItem>
-                        </OrderedList>
-                      </ListItem>
-                      <ListItem mt={2}>
-                        2020 {t('internship.Year')}:
-                        <OrderedList>
-                          <ListItem>
-                            {t('internship.Company Profile.year.2020.0')}
-                          </ListItem>
-                        </OrderedList>
-                      </ListItem>
-                    </UnorderedList> */}
-                    </Text>
-                  </AccordionPanel>
-                </AccordionItem>
-                <AccordionItem>
-                  <AccordionButton
-                    display='flex'
-                    alignItems='center'
-                    justifyContent='space-between'
-                    p={4}
-                  >
-                    <Text fontSize='md'>
-                      {t('internship.Internship Content.title')} ๐Ÿ’ผ
-                    </Text>
-                    <ChevronDownIcon fontSize='24px' />
-                  </AccordionButton>
-                  <AccordionPanel pb={4}>
-                    <Text
-                      fontFamily={'body'}
-                      fontWeight={'medium'}
-                      fontSize={'15px'}
-                      pb={4}
-                      align={'left'}
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-                      <UnorderedList>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Internship Content.list.0')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Internship Content.list.1')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Internship Content.list.2')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Internship Content.list.3')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Internship Content.list.4')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                      </UnorderedList>
-                    </Text>
-                  </AccordionPanel>
-                </AccordionItem>
-                <AccordionItem>
-                  <AccordionButton
-                    display='flex'
-                    alignItems='center'
-                    justifyContent='space-between'
-                    p={4}
-                  >
-                    <Text fontSize='md'>
-                      {t('internship.Internship Benefit.title')} ๐ŸŽ
-                    </Text>
-                    <ChevronDownIcon fontSize='24px' />
-                  </AccordionButton>
-                  <AccordionPanel pb={4}>
-                    <Text
-                      fontFamily={'body'}
-                      fontWeight={'medium'}
-                      fontSize={'15px'}
-                      pb={4}
-                      align={'left'}
-                    >
-                      {t('internship.Internship Benefit.content')}
-                      <UnorderedList>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Internship Benefit.list.0')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Internship Benefit.list.1')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Internship Benefit.list.2')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Internship Benefit.list.3')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Internship Benefit.list.4')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Internship Benefit.list.5')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                      </UnorderedList>
-                    </Text>
-                  </AccordionPanel>
-                </AccordionItem>
-                <AccordionItem>
-                  <AccordionButton
-                    display='flex'
-                    alignItems='center'
-                    justifyContent='space-between'
-                    p={4}
-                  >
-                    <Text fontSize='md'>
-                      {t('internship.About The Internship.title')} ๐Ÿ“‹
-                    </Text>
-                    <ChevronDownIcon fontSize='24px' />
-                  </AccordionButton>
-                  <AccordionPanel pb={4}>
-                    <Text
-                      fontFamily={'body'}
-                      fontWeight={'medium'}
-                      fontSize={'15px'}
-                      pb={4}
-                      align={'left'}
-                    >
-                      <UnorderedList>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.About The Internship.list.0')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.About The Internship.list.1')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.About The Internship.list.2')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.About The Internship.list.3')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                      </UnorderedList>
-                    </Text>
-                  </AccordionPanel>
-                </AccordionItem>
-                <AccordionItem>
-                  <AccordionButton
-                    display='flex'
-                    alignItems='center'
-                    justifyContent='space-between'
-                    p={4}
-                  >
-                    <Text fontSize='md'>
-                      {t('internship.Required Skills.title')} ๐Ÿ”‘
-                    </Text>
-                    <ChevronDownIcon fontSize='24px' />
-                  </AccordionButton>
-                  <AccordionPanel pb={4}>
-                    <Text
-                      fontFamily={'body'}
-                      fontWeight={'medium'}
-                      fontSize={'15px'}
-                      pb={4}
-                      align={'left'}
-                    >
-                      <UnorderedList>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Required Skills.list.0')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Required Skills.list.1')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Required Skills.list.2')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Required Skills.list.3')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                      </UnorderedList>
-                    </Text>
-                  </AccordionPanel>
-                </AccordionItem>
-                <AccordionItem>
-                  <AccordionButton
-                    display='flex'
-                    alignItems='center'
-                    justifyContent='space-between'
-                    p={4}
-                  >
-                    <Text fontSize='md'>
-                      {t('internship.Internship Details.title')} ๐Ÿ“
-                    </Text>
-                    <ChevronDownIcon fontSize='24px' />
-                  </AccordionButton>
-                  <AccordionPanel pb={4}>
-                    <Text
-                      fontFamily={'body'}
-                      fontWeight={'medium'}
-                      fontSize={'15px'}
-                      pb={4}
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-                      <UnorderedList>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Internship Details.list.0')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Internship Details.list.1')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Internship Details.list.2')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                        <ListItem>
-                          {t('internship.Internship Details.list.3')}
-                        </ListItem>
-                      </UnorderedList>
-                    </Text>
-                  </AccordionPanel>
-                </AccordionItem>
-              </Accordion>
+    useEffect(() => {
+        analytics.page('Links/Intern');
+    }, []);
-              {/* <Center>
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-              >
-                <Box w={'full'} mt={5}>
-                  <Box fontWeight='extrabold' fontSize={'xl'}>
-                    <Text color='#3F73FF'>Register Now</Text>
-                  </Box>
-                  <Button
-                    as='a'
-                    href='mailto:mkrt.crypto.arsenal@gmail.com?subject=ๆ กๅœ’ๅคงไฝฟ_ๅง“ๅXXX&body=Tell Us About Yourself'
-                    target={'_blank'}
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-                    mkrt.crypto.arsenal@gmail.com
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-            <Box m={6}>
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+    return (
+        <>
+            <Head>
+                <title>{t('internship.Intro.title')}</title>
+                <meta
+                    property='og:image'
+                    content='https://links.crypto-arsenal.io/assets/images/ca-internship-cover.png'
+                />
+                <meta
+                    property='og:title'
+                    content={t('internship.Intro.subTitle')}
+                />
+                <meta
+                    property='og:description'
+                    content={t('internship.Intro.content')}
+                />
+            </Head>
+            <PageLayout
+                title={t('internship.Intro.title')}
+                ogTitle={t('internship.Intro.subTitle')}
+                description={t('internship.Intro.content')}
+                image='https://links.crypto-arsenal.io/assets/images/ca-internship-cover.png'
-              <Box width={{ base: 'full', sm: 'lg', lg: 'xl' }} margin={'auto'}>
-                <Heading
-                  py={4}
-                  fontSize={34}
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-                  {t('internship.Program Partners')}
-                </Heading>
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+                            ๐Ÿ“„ {t('intro.Strategy Development')} &{' '}
+                            {t('intro.Copy Trading')}
+                            ๐Ÿ”—{' '}
+                            {t(
+                                'intro.Integration with APIs of Major Exchanges'
+                            )}
+                            ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป TradingView & Python
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+                                            ๐Ÿ—“
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+                                            ๐Ÿข
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+                                                About Crypto Arsenal @ Youtube{' '}
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+                                            ๐Ÿ’ผ
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+                                            {t(
+                                                'internship.Internship Benefit.title'
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+                                            ๐ŸŽ
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+                                                        'internship.Internship Benefit.list.4'
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+                                                'internship.About The Internship.title'
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+                                            ๐Ÿ“‹
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+                                                        'internship.About The Internship.list.2'
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+                                            ๐Ÿ”‘
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+                                                        'internship.Required Skills.list.2'
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+                                            ๐Ÿ“
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