diff --git a/src/components/Community.tsx b/src/components/Community.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2ed4fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/Community.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+import {
+    Center,
+    Text,
+    Button,
+    useColorModeValue,
+    Wrap,
+} from '@chakra-ui/react';
+import {
+    FaDiscord,
+    FaLinkedin,
+    FaMediumM,
+    FaReddit,
+    FaTwitter,
+} from 'react-icons/fa';
+import { BsInstagram, BsTelegram } from 'react-icons/bs';
+import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
+const communityList = [
+    {
+        href: 'https://discord.gg/DfVSwYprvK',
+        icon: <FaDiscord />,
+        text: 'Discord',
+    },
+    {
+        href: 'links.twitter',
+        icon: <FaTwitter />,
+        text: 'Twitter',
+    },
+    {
+        href: 'https://t.me/TG_Crypto_Arsenal',
+        icon: <BsTelegram />,
+        text: 'Telegram',
+    },
+    {
+        href: 'links.instagram',
+        icon: <BsInstagram />,
+        text: 'Instagram',
+    },
+    {
+        href: 'links.medium',
+        icon: <FaMediumM />,
+        text: 'Medium',
+    },
+    {
+        href: 'https://www.linkedin.com/company/crypto-arsenal',
+        icon: <FaLinkedin />,
+        text: 'LinkedIn',
+    },
+    {
+        href: 'https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoArsenal',
+        icon: <FaReddit />,
+        text: 'Reddit',
+    },
+    {
+        href: 'https://www.tradingview.com/u/Crypto-Arsenal/',
+        icon: (
+            <>
+                <svg
+                    width='20'
+                    height='20'
+                    viewBox='0 0 36 27'
+                    xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
+                >
+                    <path
+                        d='M14 22H7V11H0V4h14v18zM28 22h-8l7.5-18h8L28 22z'
+                        fill='currentColor'
+                    ></path>
+                    <circle cx='20' cy='8' r='4' fill='currentColor'></circle>
+                </svg>
+            </>
+        ),
+        text: 'TradingView',
+    },
+export default function Community() {
+    const { t } = useTranslation();
+    return (
+        <Wrap spacing='2px' justify='center' mt={6}>
+            {communityList.map((community) => (
+                <Button
+                    as='a'
+                    href={t(community.href)}
+                    target='_blank'
+                    variant={'outline'}
+                    leftIcon={community.icon}
+                    bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')}
+                    size={'sm'}
+                >
+                    <Center>
+                        <Text>{community.text}</Text>
+                    </Center>
+                </Button>
+            ))}
+        </Wrap>
+    );
diff --git a/src/components/Profile.tsx b/src/components/Profile.tsx
index 0f6225a..fb3525d 100644
--- a/src/components/Profile.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Profile.tsx
@@ -29,19 +29,53 @@ import {
-    HStack
+    HStack,
 } from '@chakra-ui/react';
-import { TbMathFunction, TbNumber1, TbNumber2 } from 'react-icons/tb'
+import { TbMathFunction, TbNumber1, TbNumber2 } from 'react-icons/tb';
 import { FcGlobe, FcGoogle } from 'react-icons/fc';
-import { FaCaretDown, FaCaretUp, FaCode, FaDiscord, FaExpand, FaFacebook, FaInfo, FaInfoCircle, FaInstagram, FaLinkedin, FaMediumM, FaReddit, FaRobot, FaTelegram, FaTv, FaTwitter } from 'react-icons/fa';
-import { SiJirasoftware, SiLinkedin, SiMessenger, SiTelegram } from 'react-icons/si';
+import {
+    FaCaretDown,
+    FaCaretUp,
+    FaCode,
+    FaDiscord,
+    FaExpand,
+    FaFacebook,
+    FaInfo,
+    FaInfoCircle,
+    FaInstagram,
+    FaLinkedin,
+    FaMediumM,
+    FaReddit,
+    FaRobot,
+    FaTelegram,
+    FaTv,
+    FaTwitter,
+} from 'react-icons/fa';
+import {
+    SiJirasoftware,
+    SiLinkedin,
+    SiMessenger,
+    SiTelegram,
+} from 'react-icons/si';
 import Verified from 'public/assets/images/verified.svg';
-import { BsCaretDown, BsFileWordFill, BsGiftFill, BsGlobe, BsGlobe2, BsInstagram, BsJournalBookmark, BsLink, BsPeople, BsPeopleFill, BsTelegram } from 'react-icons/bs';
+import {
+    BsCaretDown,
+    BsFileWordFill,
+    BsGiftFill,
+    BsGlobe,
+    BsGlobe2,
+    BsInstagram,
+    BsJournalBookmark,
+    BsLink,
+    BsPeople,
+    BsPeopleFill,
+    BsTelegram,
+} from 'react-icons/bs';
 import { ImInstagram } from 'react-icons/im';
 import { CheckIcon, ExternalLinkIcon } from '@chakra-ui/icons';
 import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
+import Community from '../components/Community';
 const size = '96px';
 const color = 'teal';
@@ -60,11 +94,12 @@ const pulseRing = keyframes`
 const ExpandableMeetTaipieButton = () => {
-    const { isOpen, onToggle } = useDisclosure()
-    const [isClicked, { on }] = useBoolean()
+    const { isOpen, onToggle } = useDisclosure();
+    const [isClicked, { on }] = useBoolean();
-    const { t } = useTranslation()
-    const { onCopy, value, setValue, hasCopied } = useClipboard("meettaipei2022");
+    const { t } = useTranslation();
+    const { onCopy, value, setValue, hasCopied } =
+        useClipboard('meettaipei2022');
     return (
@@ -83,42 +118,66 @@ const ExpandableMeetTaipieButton = () => {
             // align={{ base: null, md: 'center' }}
-            border="1px solid #e3007f"
+            border='1px solid #e3007f'
-                as="button"
+                as='button'
                 align={{ base: 'center', md: 'center' }}
                 // flexDir={{ base: 'column', md: 'row' }}
-                    <Flex bg="#e3007f" width={{ base: '40px', md: '50px' }} height={{ base: '40px', md: '50px' }} rounded="md" justifyContent='center' alignItems={'center'}>  <BsGiftFill color="white" />  </Flex>
+                    <Flex
+                        bg='#e3007f'
+                        width={{ base: '40px', md: '50px' }}
+                        height={{ base: '40px', md: '50px' }}
+                        rounded='md'
+                        justifyContent='center'
+                        alignItems={'center'}
+                    >
+                        {' '}
+                        <BsGiftFill color='white' />{' '}
+                    </Flex>
-                <Box w='full' >
-                    <Flex justifyContent='center' alignItems={'center'} textAlign="center" >
-                        <Text fontWeight={"bold"} color="#e3007f">  {t("meetTaipei.title")}</Text>
+                <Box w='full'>
+                    <Flex
+                        justifyContent='center'
+                        alignItems={'center'}
+                        textAlign='center'
+                    >
+                        <Text fontWeight={'bold'} color='#e3007f'>
+                            {' '}
+                            {t('meetTaipei.title')}
+                        </Text>
-                <Box mr={2}>
-                    {isOpen ? <FaCaretUp /> : <FaCaretDown />}
-                </Box>
+                <Box mr={2}>{isOpen ? <FaCaretUp /> : <FaCaretDown />}</Box>
             <Collapse in={isOpen} animateOpacity>
                 <Box mt={3}>
                     <Divider />
                     <Box m={1}>
-                        <Box bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.900')} px={2} py={3}>
+                        <Box
+                            bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.900')}
+                            px={2}
+                            py={3}
+                        >
                             <List spacing={5}>
                                 <ListItem mt={4}>
-                                    <Text fontWeight={'bold'}> Step 1️⃣: {t("meetTaipei.Join Discord and Receive Gift Code")}</Text>
+                                    <Text fontWeight={'bold'}>
+                                        {' '}
+                                        Step 1️⃣:{' '}
+                                        {t(
+                                            'meetTaipei.Join Discord and Receive Gift Code'
+                                        )}
+                                    </Text>
                                         // variant={'outline'}
-                                        as="a"
-                                        href="https://discord.gg/DfVSwYprvK"
-                                        target={"_blank"}
+                                        as='a'
+                                        href='https://discord.gg/DfVSwYprvK'
+                                        target={'_blank'}
@@ -126,7 +185,9 @@ const ExpandableMeetTaipieButton = () => {
-                                        boxShadow={'0 5px 20px 0px rgb(114 137 218 / 43%)'}
+                                        boxShadow={
+                                            '0 5px 20px 0px rgb(114 137 218 / 43%)'
+                                        }
                                             bg: '#637ddb',
@@ -135,7 +196,14 @@ const ExpandableMeetTaipieButton = () => {
                                         leftIcon={<FaDiscord />}
-                                        {t("meetTaipei.Join Discord")} {t("meetTaipei.and Text")} <Code fontWeight={'semibold'} color="white">/meetca </Code>
+                                        {t('meetTaipei.Join Discord')}{' '}
+                                        {t('meetTaipei.and Text')}{' '}
+                                        <Code
+                                            fontWeight={'semibold'}
+                                            color='white'
+                                        >
+                                            /meetca{' '}
+                                        </Code>
                                     {/* <Text fontWeight={'normal'} fontSize={'md'}>  {t("meetTaipei.to receive steps & gift code")}  </Text> */}
@@ -144,12 +212,14 @@ const ExpandableMeetTaipieButton = () => {
-                                            as="a"
+                                            as='a'
-                                            target="_blank"
+                                            target='_blank'
                                             // variant={'outline'}
-                                            leftIcon={<FaTwitter />} size={'sm'}>
+                                            leftIcon={<FaTwitter />}
+                                            size={'sm'}
+                                        >
@@ -158,14 +228,15 @@ const ExpandableMeetTaipieButton = () => {
-                                            as="a"
-                                            href="https://t.me/TG_Crypto_Arsenal"
-                                            target="_blank"
+                                            as='a'
+                                            href='https://t.me/TG_Crypto_Arsenal'
+                                            target='_blank'
                                             // variant={'outline'}
                                             leftIcon={<BsTelegram />}
                                             // bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')}
-                                            size={'sm'}>
+                                            size={'sm'}
+                                        >
@@ -174,74 +245,144 @@ const ExpandableMeetTaipieButton = () => {
-                                            as="a"
+                                            as='a'
-                                            target="_blank"
+                                            target='_blank'
                                             // variant={'outline'}
                                             leftIcon={<BsInstagram />}
                                             // bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')}
-                                            size={'sm'}>
+                                            size={'sm'}
+                                        >
-                                        {isClicked ? "🎁" : "🔐"}  <Code>{isClicked ? 'meettaipei2022' : '********'} </Code>
-                                        <Button size="sm" onClick={onCopy} disabled={!isClicked}>{hasCopied ? "Copied!" : (isClicked ? "Copy" : "Follow to unlock 👆")}</Button>
+                                        {isClicked ? '🎁' : '🔐'}{' '}
+                                        <Code>
+                                            {isClicked
+                                                ? 'meettaipei2022'
+                                                : '********'}{' '}
+                                        </Code>
+                                        <Button
+                                            size='sm'
+                                            onClick={onCopy}
+                                            disabled={!isClicked}
+                                        >
+                                            {hasCopied
+                                                ? 'Copied!'
+                                                : isClicked
+                                                ? 'Copy'
+                                                : 'Follow to unlock 👆'}
+                                        </Button>
-                                    <Text fontWeight={'normal'} fontSize={'md'}>  {t("meetTaipei.to receive steps & gift code")}  </Text>
+                                    <Text fontWeight={'normal'} fontSize={'md'}>
+                                        {' '}
+                                        {t(
+                                            'meetTaipei.to receive steps & gift code'
+                                        )}{' '}
+                                    </Text>
-                                    <Text fontWeight={'bold'} fontSize={'md'}> Step 2️⃣:  {t("meetTaipei.Sign Up and Unlock Starter Plan")} </Text>
+                                    <Text fontWeight={'bold'} fontSize={'md'}>
+                                        {' '}
+                                        Step 2️⃣:{' '}
+                                        {t(
+                                            'meetTaipei.Sign Up and Unlock Starter Plan'
+                                        )}{' '}
+                                    </Text>
                                     {/* <ListIcon as={TbNumber1} color="green.400" fontWeight={'bold'} bg="green" /> */}
-                                        as="a"
-                                        href="https://crypto-arsenal.io/?ref=Trader-Alex"
-                                        target="_blank"
+                                        as='a'
+                                        href='https://crypto-arsenal.io/?ref=Trader-Alex'
+                                        target='_blank'
-                                        boxShadow={'0 5px 20px 0px rgb(154 230 180 / 43%)'}
+                                        boxShadow={
+                                            '0 5px 20px 0px rgb(154 230 180 / 43%)'
+                                        }
                                         // variant={'outline'}
                                         leftIcon={<BsLink />}
                                         // bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')}
-                                        size={'sm'}>
+                                        size={'sm'}
+                                    >
-                                            <Text> {t("meetTaipei.Your Sign Up Link")} </Text>
+                                            <Text>
+                                                {' '}
+                                                {t(
+                                                    'meetTaipei.Your Sign Up Link'
+                                                )}{' '}
+                                            </Text>
-                                    <Text fontWeight={'normal'} fontSize={'md'}> {t("meetTaipei.Register and redeem the Gift Code")}  (<Link target="_blank" href="https://help.crypto-arsenal.io/en/articles/6576020-how-to-redeem-gift-code" color={'yellow'}>{t("meetTaipei.see tutorial")}</Link>)  </Text>
+                                    <Text fontWeight={'normal'} fontSize={'md'}>
+                                        {' '}
+                                        {t(
+                                            'meetTaipei.Register and redeem the Gift Code'
+                                        )}{' '}
+                                        (
+                                        <Link
+                                            target='_blank'
+                                            href='https://help.crypto-arsenal.io/en/articles/6576020-how-to-redeem-gift-code'
+                                            color={'yellow'}
+                                        >
+                                            {t('meetTaipei.see tutorial')}
+                                        </Link>
+                                        ){' '}
+                                    </Text>
-                                    <Text fontWeight={'bold'} fontSize={'md'}> Step 3️⃣: {t("meetTaipei.Trade with the Pros")}   </Text>
+                                    <Text fontWeight={'bold'} fontSize={'md'}>
+                                        {' '}
+                                        Step 3️⃣:{' '}
+                                        {t(
+                                            'meetTaipei.Trade with the Pros'
+                                        )}{' '}
+                                    </Text>
                                     {/* <ListIcon as={TbNumber1} color="green.400" fontWeight={'bold'} bg="green" /> */}
-                                        as="a"
-                                        href="https://crypto-arsenal.io/arena?tab=Trader%20Alex"
-                                        target="_blank"
+                                        as='a'
+                                        href='https://crypto-arsenal.io/arena?tab=Trader%20Alex'
+                                        target='_blank'
-                                        boxShadow={'0 5px 20px 0px rgb(251 182 206 / 43%)'}
+                                        boxShadow={
+                                            '0 5px 20px 0px rgb(251 182 206 / 43%)'
+                                        }
                                         // variant={'outline'}
                                         leftIcon={<FaRobot />}
                                         // bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')}
-                                        size={'sm'}>
+                                        size={'sm'}
+                                    >
-                                            <Text>{t("meetTaipei.Visit Arena")}</Text>
+                                            <Text>
+                                                {t('meetTaipei.Visit Arena')}
+                                            </Text>
-                                    <Text fontWeight={'normal'} fontSize={'md'}> {t("meetTaipei.Trade with the best strategies from Alex's Trading League")}  (<Link target="_blank" href="https://youtu.be/RCni_smvI90" color={'pink'}>{t("meetTaipei.see tutorial")}</Link>) </Text>
+                                    <Text fontWeight={'normal'} fontSize={'md'}>
+                                        {' '}
+                                        {t(
+                                            "meetTaipei.Trade with the best strategies from Alex's Trading League"
+                                        )}{' '}
+                                        (
+                                        <Link
+                                            target='_blank'
+                                            href='https://youtu.be/RCni_smvI90'
+                                            color={'pink'}
+                                        >
+                                            {t('meetTaipei.see tutorial')}
+                                        </Link>
+                                        ){' '}
+                                    </Text>
@@ -306,14 +447,14 @@ const ExpandableMeetTaipieButton = () => {
-            </Collapse >
-        </Box >
-    )
+            </Collapse>
+        </Box>
+    );
 const ExpandableButton = () => {
-    const { isOpen, onToggle } = useDisclosure()
-    const { t } = useTranslation()
+    const { isOpen, onToggle } = useDisclosure();
+    const { t } = useTranslation();
     return (
@@ -332,62 +473,93 @@ const ExpandableButton = () => {
             // align={{ base: null, md: 'center' }}
-            border="1px solid #3F73FF"
+            border='1px solid #3F73FF'
-                as="button"
+                as='button'
                 align={{ base: 'center', md: 'center' }}
                 // flexDir={{ base: 'column', md: 'row' }}
-                    <Flex bg="#3F73FF" width={{ base: '40px', md: '50px' }} height={{ base: '40px', md: '50px' }} rounded="md" justifyContent='center' alignItems={'center'}>  <BsPeopleFill color="white" />  </Flex>
+                    <Flex
+                        bg='#3F73FF'
+                        width={{ base: '40px', md: '50px' }}
+                        height={{ base: '40px', md: '50px' }}
+                        rounded='md'
+                        justifyContent='center'
+                        alignItems={'center'}
+                    >
+                        {' '}
+                        <BsPeopleFill color='white' />{' '}
+                    </Flex>
-                <Box w='full' >
-                    <Flex justifyContent='center' alignItems={'center'} textAlign="center" >
-                        <Text fontWeight={"bold"} color="#3F73FF">{t("job.Join our Wordclass Team")}  </Text>
+                <Box w='full'>
+                    <Flex
+                        justifyContent='center'
+                        alignItems={'center'}
+                        textAlign='center'
+                    >
+                        <Text fontWeight={'bold'} color='#3F73FF'>
+                            {t('job.Join our Wordclass Team')}{' '}
+                        </Text>
-                <Box mr={2}>
-                    {isOpen ? <FaCaretUp /> : <FaCaretDown />}
-                </Box>
+                <Box mr={2}>{isOpen ? <FaCaretUp /> : <FaCaretDown />}</Box>
             <Collapse in={isOpen} animateOpacity>
                 <Box mt={3}>
                     <Divider />
                     <Box m={1}>
-                        <Box bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.900')} px={2} py={3}>
+                        <Box
+                            bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.900')}
+                            px={2}
+                            py={3}
+                        >
                             <List spacing={3}>
-                                    <ListIcon as={CheckIcon} color="green.400" />
-                                    {t("job.Quant Intership")}
+                                    <ListIcon
+                                        as={CheckIcon}
+                                        color='green.400'
+                                    />
+                                    {t('job.Quant Intership')}
-                                    <ListIcon as={CheckIcon} color="green.400" />
-                                    {t("job.Backend Internship")}
+                                    <ListIcon
+                                        as={CheckIcon}
+                                        color='green.400'
+                                    />
+                                    {t('job.Backend Internship')}
-                                    <ListIcon as={CheckIcon} color="green.400" />
-                                    {t("job.Frontend Internship")}
+                                    <ListIcon
+                                        as={CheckIcon}
+                                        color='green.400'
+                                    />
+                                    {t('job.Frontend Internship')}
-                                    <ListIcon as={CheckIcon} color="green.400" />
-                                    {t("job.Marketing Internship")}
+                                    <ListIcon
+                                        as={CheckIcon}
+                                        color='green.400'
+                                    />
+                                    {t('job.Marketing Internship')}
-                                as="a"
-                                href="https://www.cakeresume.com/companies/crypto-arsenal/jobs"
-                                target={"_blank"}
+                                as='a'
+                                href='https://www.cakeresume.com/companies/crypto-arsenal/jobs'
+                                target={'_blank'}
-                                boxShadow={'0 5px 20px 0px rgb(72 187 120 / 43%)'}
+                                boxShadow={
+                                    '0 5px 20px 0px rgb(72 187 120 / 43%)'
+                                }
                                     bg: 'green.500',
@@ -396,18 +568,24 @@ const ExpandableButton = () => {
                                 rightIcon={<ExternalLinkIcon />}
-                                Cakeresume  <Badge colorScheme='green' ml={2}>  3 NEW </Badge>
+                                Cakeresume{' '}
+                                <Badge colorScheme='green' ml={2}>
+                                    {' '}
+                                    3 NEW{' '}
+                                </Badge>
-                                as="a"
-                                href="https://www.yourator.co/companies/Crypto-Arsenal"
-                                target={"_blank"}
+                                as='a'
+                                href='https://www.yourator.co/companies/Crypto-Arsenal'
+                                target={'_blank'}
-                                boxShadow={'0 5px 20px 0px rgb(63 115 255 / 43%)'}
+                                boxShadow={
+                                    '0 5px 20px 0px rgb(63 115 255 / 43%)'
+                                }
                                     bg: 'blue.500',
@@ -416,20 +594,23 @@ const ExpandableButton = () => {
                                 rightIcon={<ExternalLinkIcon />}
-                                Yourator <Badge colorScheme='green' ml={2}> 4 NEW </Badge>
+                                Yourator{' '}
+                                <Badge colorScheme='green' ml={2}>
+                                    {' '}
+                                    4 NEW{' '}
+                                </Badge>
-    )
+    );
 export default function SocialProfileSimple() {
-    const { t } = useTranslation()
-    const banner = '/assets/images/banner.png'
+    const { t } = useTranslation();
+    const banner = '/assets/images/banner.png';
     return (
         <Center py={3}>
@@ -440,7 +621,8 @@ export default function SocialProfileSimple() {
-                textAlign={'center'}>
+                textAlign={'center'}
+            >
@@ -452,38 +634,61 @@ export default function SocialProfileSimple() {
                     border='4px solid'
-                    src={
-                        '/assets/images/ca1.png'
-                    }
+                    src={'/assets/images/ca1.png'}
                     // alt={'Avatar Alt'}
-                // _after={{
-                //     content: '""',
-                //     w: 4,
-                //     h: 4,
-                //     bg: 'green.300',
-                //     border: '2px solid white',
-                //     rounded: 'full',
-                //     pos: 'absolute',
-                //     bottom: 0,
-                //     right: 3,
-                // }}
+                    // _after={{
+                    //     content: '""',
+                    //     w: 4,
+                    //     h: 4,
+                    //     bg: 'green.300',
+                    //     border: '2px solid white',
+                    //     rounded: 'full',
+                    //     pos: 'absolute',
+                    //     bottom: 0,
+                    //     right: 3,
+                    // }}
                 <Heading fontSize={'2xl'} fontFamily={'body'}>
-                    <Flex justify={'center'} align="center" letterSpacing={'wide'} fontWeight="bold">
+                    <Flex
+                        justify={'center'}
+                        align='center'
+                        letterSpacing={'wide'}
+                        fontWeight='bold'
+                    >
                         Crypto Arsenal
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+                        as='a'
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@@ -493,28 +698,39 @@ export default function SocialProfileSimple() {
                     color={useColorModeValue('gray.700', 'gray.400')}
-                    px={3}>
-                    Web2 & Web3 Crypto Bot Marketplace that Bridges the Gap Between Strategy Creators and Traders
+                    px={3}
+                >
+                    Web2 & Web3 Crypto Bot Marketplace that Bridges the Gap
+                    Between Strategy Creators and Traders
                 <Center mt={4}>
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-                                {t("stats.Trading Bots")}
+                                {t('stats.Trading Bots')}
                         <Stack spacing={0} align={'center'}>
                             <Text fontWeight={600}>6k</Text>
                             <Text fontSize={'sm'} color={'gray.500'}>
-                                {t("stats.Users")}
+                                {t('stats.Users')}
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                             <Text fontWeight={600}>120M</Text>
-                            <Text fontSize={'sm'} color={'gray.500'} fontWeight={'normal'}>
-                                {t("stats.Trading Volume")}
+                            <Text
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+                                color={'gray.500'}
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+                            >
+                                {t('stats.Trading Volume')}
@@ -522,114 +738,46 @@ export default function SocialProfileSimple() {
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+                        leftIcon={<BsGlobe2 />}
+                        bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')}
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+                    >
-                        as="a"
-                        href="https://help.crypto-arsenal.io"
-                        target="_blank"
-                        variant={'outline'} leftIcon={<FaInfoCircle />} bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')} size={'sm'}>
+                        as='a'
+                        href='https://help.crypto-arsenal.io'
+                        target='_blank'
+                        variant={'outline'}
+                        leftIcon={<FaInfoCircle />}
+                        bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')}
+                        size={'sm'}
+                    >
                             <Text>Help Center </Text>
-                        as="a"
-                        href={"https://docs.crypto-arsenal.io/"}
-                        target="_blank"
-                        variant={'outline'} leftIcon={<FaCode />} bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')} size={'sm'}>
+                        as='a'
+                        href={'https://docs.crypto-arsenal.io/'}
+                        target='_blank'
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+                        bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')}
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-                        href="https://discord.gg/DfVSwYprvK"
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-                        <Center>
-                            <Text>Discord</Text>
-                        </Center>
-                    </Button>
-                    <Button
-                        as="a"
-                        href={t('links.twitter')}
-                        target="_blank"
-                        variant={'outline'} leftIcon={<FaTwitter />} bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')} size={'sm'}>
-                        <Center>
-                            <Text>Twitter</Text>
-                        </Center>
-                    </Button>
-                    <Button
-                        as="a"
-                        href="https://t.me/TG_Crypto_Arsenal"
-                        target="_blank"
-                        variant={'outline'} leftIcon={<BsTelegram />} bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')} size={'sm'}>
-                        <Center>
-                            <Text>Telegram</Text>
-                        </Center>
-                    </Button>
-                    <Button
-                        as="a"
-                        href={t('links.instagram')}
-                        target="_blank"
-                        variant={'outline'} leftIcon={<BsInstagram />} bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')} size={'sm'}>
-                        <Center>
-                            <Text>Instagram</Text>
-                        </Center>
-                    </Button>
-                    <Button
-                        as="a"
-                        href={t('links.medium')}
-                        target="_blank"
-                        variant={'outline'} leftIcon={<FaMediumM />} bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')} size={'sm'}>
-                        <Center>
-                            <Text>Medium</Text>
-                        </Center>
-                    </Button>
-                    <Button
-                        as="a"
-                        href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/crypto-arsenal"
-                        target="_blank"
-                        variant={'outline'} leftIcon={<FaLinkedin />} bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')} size={'sm'}>
-                        <Center>
-                            <Text>LinkedIn</Text>
-                        </Center>
-                    </Button>
-                    <Button
-                        as="a"
-                        href="https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoArsenal"
-                        target="_blank"
-                        variant={'outline'} leftIcon={<FaReddit />} bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')} size={'sm'}>
-                        <Center>
-                            <Text>Reddit</Text>
-                        </Center>
-                    </Button>
-                    <Button
-                        as="a"
-                        href="https://www.tradingview.com/u/Crypto-Arsenal/"
-                        target="_blank"
-                        variant={'outline'} leftIcon={
-                            <>
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-                            </>} bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')} size={'sm'}>
-                        <Center>
-                            <Text>TradingView</Text>
-                        </Center>
-                    </Button>
-                </Wrap>
+                <Community />
                 {/* <Stack mt={8} direction={'row'} spacing={4}>
@@ -662,7 +810,12 @@ export default function SocialProfileSimple() {
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-                    <Stack spacing={"40px"} align={'center'} w={'full'} justify='center' >
+                    <Stack
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@@ -686,15 +839,26 @@ export default function SocialProfileSimple() {
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-                            <Box fontWeight="extrabold" fontSize={'xl'} > <Text color="#3F73FF"> {t("job.Work with Us")} </Text> </Box>
-                            <Stack spacing={"40px"} align={'center'} w={'full'} justify='center' mt={'20px'} >
+                            <Box fontWeight='extrabold' fontSize={'xl'}>
+                                {' '}
+                                <Text color='#3F73FF'>
+                                    {' '}
+                                    {t('job.Work with Us')}{' '}
+                                </Text>{' '}
+                            </Box>
+                            <Stack
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