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Updating (3DS, Universal Updater)

Pk11 edited this page Nov 3, 2020 · 7 revisions


  1. Open Universal-Updater
    • If you don't have it, follow the installing instructions
  2. Find TWiLight Menu++ in the app grid, you can search for it if your having trouble finding it
  3. Press A or tap the download icon in the sidebar and select TWiLight Menu++ to install it
    • This will take a while

More steps for the flashcard side

If you can switch between the SD and flashcard contents in TWLMenu++, and if the flashcard TWLMenu++ is on v16.3.0 or later, please follow these steps.

  1. Go into TWLMenu++ Settings
  2. Select Update TWiLight Menu++
  3. Select Console (micro)SD > Slot-1 microSD