Here is where I state my project plans and how I want to accomplish them.
My goal with this project is to examine how game writing has changed over the decades, starting with early 90s games and continuing up until the late 2010s. As well as highlight sociolinguistic phenomena which occur in video game writing depending on the game's genre and setting. The bulk of my data will be coming from the video-game-text-corpora created by Ph.D student Judith van Stegeren. However, I also would like to collect some data myself if I am given permission to do so (this is not an outright I am setting for myself as I feel the data provided can be sufficient, but every bit helps!). The aforementioned author published Fantastic Strings and Where to Find Them: The Quest for High-Quality Video Game Text Corpora, an academic paper which highlights how to find and curate good video game text data, whose technique I could employ myself.
Here is my rough outline for how I plan to go about doing this.
- Comb through the data provided by the repository, cleaning it up for my use and getting in-touch with the repository's creator (if able).
- Begin working on exploring the data, as well as reading-up on the lore of the video games used.
- At this point, I want to be able to get a sense for how writing has changed (particularly with the Elder Scrolls portion of the data), and start to form hypothesize about what sociolinguistic phenomena could occur in the various games.
- Start to plot and graph aspects in the data: TTR, hapaxes, k-band count potentially, anything that could yeild new information about the writing.
- At this point, I would also begin trying to get the various permissions necessary to try to collect my own data
- Here is where I want to begin to dive deeply into the data and sociolinguistics, inferential and descriptive statistics will be used to test/debunk my initial hypothesis and I might form new ones.
This is as far as I have planned so far for the project, I am really excited about this as I did not originally expect to be able to do something like this.