Tensor Cores | Loop over Seqlen/HeadDim | Tile Block (Br, Bc) | MMA (m16n8k16) |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Pack LDST (pack 128 bits) | SMEM Padding | Copy Async (cp.async.cg/ca) | Tile MMA (More Threads) |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Tile Warp (More Values) | Multi Stages (1/2) | Collective Store (Warp Shuffle & Reg Reuse) | Split KV/Q |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Shared KV SMEM | Fully Shared QKV SMEM | Prefetch Q s2r | SMEM/Block Swizzle |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ? |
This repository's implementation of FlashAttention is intended solely for learning CUDA programming. For optimal performance, please use the official flash-attention. Currently, for small-scale attention (B<=4, H <=48, SeqLen <= 8192)
can run faster than offical FA2 on some Devices, for example, NVIDIA RTX 3080 Laptop. However, for large-scale attention computations, there remains a performance gap. Performance optimizations are ongoing; stay tuned for updates.
- Example: B=1, H=8, N=8192, D=64 (NVIDIA RTX 3080 Laptop)
python3 flash_attn_mma.py --B 1 --H 8 --D 64 --N 8192 --iters 10 # NVIDIA RTX 3080 Laptop
B: batch_size, H: n_head, N: seq_len, D: head_dim, seed: 1617, Warmup: 1, Iters: 10
B=1, H=8, N=8192, D=64, Warmup: 1, Iters: 10
mma(split-kv+stage1): ['0.01960754 ', '0.01452637 ', '-0.02592468 '], time:5.586338ms, TFLOPS:25.08
mma(split-kv+stage2): ['0.01960754 ', '0.01452637 ', '-0.02592468 '], time:5.326223ms, TFLOPS:26.31
mma(split-q+stage1): ['0.01960754 ', '0.01452637 ', '-0.02592468 '], time:3.834152ms, TFLOPS:36.54
mma(split-q+stage2): ['0.01960754 ', '0.01452637 ', '-0.02592468 '], time:4.328346ms, TFLOPS:32.37
mma(split-q+share-kv+stage1): ['0.01960754 ', '0.01452637 ', '-0.02592468 '], time:2.636528ms, TFLOPS:53.15
mma(split-q+share-qkv+stage1): ['0.01960754 ', '0.01452637 ', '-0.02592468 '], time:2.594471ms, TFLOPS:54.01
mma(split-q+share-qkv+stage2): ['0.01960754 ', '0.01452637 ', '-0.02592468 '], time:2.574611ms, TFLOPS:54.42
(flash): ['0.01963806 ', '0.0145874 ', '-0.02593994 '], time:3.764462ms, TFLOPS:37.22
The Split KV
and Split Q
implementations have been carried out in flash-attention-mma⚡️⚡️ for performance comparison. The Split KV
method, which involves splitting all QKV across MMA (Warps) using a naive matmul (MMA) and Warp tiling policy, is slower compared to the Split Q
policy, which splitting Q across MMA(Warps) and keep access KV for all MMA(Warps).
- 📚 Split KV (Basic, FlashAttention-1)
// Split QKV across MMA(Warps) using naive matmul MMA&Warp tiling policy.
// case: The layout of 8 MMA(2x4) [after] kWarpTileSeqLenQxkWarpTileSeqLenK(2x2) -> 32x2,32x2=64x64:
// | [64,64] | warp_KV 0 | warp_KV 1 | warp_KV 2 | warp_KV 3 |
// | warp_QP 0 |-- MMA 0,MMA 0 --|-- MMA 2,MMA 2 --|-- MMA 4,MMA 4 --|-- MMA 6,MMA 6 --|
// | warp_QP 0 |-- MMA 0,MMA 0 --|-- MMA 2,MMA 2 --|-- MMA 4,MMA 4 --|-- MMA 6,MMA 6 --|
// | warp_QP 1 |-- MMA 1,MMA 1 --|-- MMA 3,MMA 2 --|-- MMA 5,MMA 5 --|-- MMA 7,MMA 7 --|
// | warp_QP 1 |-- MMA 1,MMA 1 --|-- MMA 3,MMA 2 --|-- MMA 5,MMA 5 --|-- MMA 7,MMA 7 --|
__global__ void
flash_attn_mma_stages_split_kv_kernel(half* Q, // [B, H, N, D]
half* K, // [B, H, D, N] K^T transposed
half* V, // [B, H, N, D]
half* O, // [B, H, N, D]
int QKV_seqlen);
- 📚 Split Q (Faster, FlashAttention-2)
// Split Q across MMA(Warps) and keep access KV for all MMA(Warps),
// in order to reduce the comm between warps via smem and warp shuffle.
// case: MMA = m16n8k16, Br=16x4=64, Bc=8x8=64, layout: 4 warps
// | 64x64 | warp_KV 0 |
// | warp_QP 0 | MMA 0 ... MMA 0 (x8) |
// | warp_QP 1 | MMA 1 ... MMA 1 (x8) |
// | warp_QP 2 | MMA 2 ... MMA 2 (x8) |
// | warp_QP 3 | MMA 3 ... MMA 3 (x8) |
__global__ void
flash_attn_mma_stages_split_q_kernel(half* Q, // [B, H, N, D]
half* K, // [B, H, D, N] K^T transposed
half* V, // [B, H, N, D]
half* O, // [B, H, N, D]
int QKV_seqlen);
- 📚 Split Q + Shared KV SMEM (Faster+)
// K, V shared the same shared memory, improve block occupancy.
__global__ void
flash_attn_mma_stages_split_q_shared_kv_kernel(half* Q,
half* K,
half* V,
half* O,
int QKV_seqlen);
- 📚 Split Q + Fully Shared QKV SMEM (Faster++)
// Q, K, V fully shared the same shared memory and prefetch Q s2r, improve block occupancy.
__global__ void
flash_attn_mma_stages_split_q_shared_qkv_kernel(half* Q,
half* K,
half* V,
half* O,
int QKV_seqlen);
- flash-attention >= 2.6
- PyTorch >= 2.0, CUDA >= 12.0
- Recommended: PyTorch 2.5.1, CUDA 12.5
pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation # need offical flash-attention for comparison
Currently, for small-scale attention (B<=4, H <=48, SeqLen <= 8192), the flash-attention-mma implemented in this repository matches the performance of the official FA version. However, for large-scale attention computations, there remains a performance gap. Performance optimizations are ongoing; stay tuned for updates.
cd kernels/flash-attn
# Volta, Ampere, Ada, Hopper, ...
python3 -m pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation
export TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST=Ada # for Ada only
export TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST=Ampere # for Ampere only
python3 flash_attn_mma.py --D 64 # test all default settings for D=64
- B=2, H=2, N=4096, D=64
python3 flash_attn_mma.py --B 2 --H 2 --D 64 --N 4096 --iters 10 # NVIDIA RTX 3080 Laptop
B: batch_size, H: n_head, N: seq_len, D: head_dim, seed: 9655, Warmup: 1, Iters: 10
B=2, H=2, N=4096, D=64, Warmup: 1, Iters: 10
mma(split-kv+stage1): ['0.01901245 ', '-0.02037048 ', '-0.01722717 '], time:0.765753ms, TFLOPS:22.87
mma(split-kv+stage2): ['0.01901245 ', '-0.02037048 ', '-0.01722717 '], time:0.731516ms, TFLOPS:23.94
mma(split-q+stage1): ['0.01901245 ', '-0.02037048 ', '-0.01722717 '], time:0.526834ms, TFLOPS:33.24
mma(split-q+stage2): ['0.01901245 ', '-0.02037048 ', '-0.01722717 '], time:0.660753ms, TFLOPS:26.51
mma(split-q+share-kv+stage1): ['0.01901245 ', '-0.02037048 ', '-0.01722717 '], time:0.460815ms, TFLOPS:38.01
mma(split-q+share-qkv+stage1): ['0.01901245 ', '-0.02037048 ', '-0.01722717 '], time:0.465345ms, TFLOPS:37.64
mma(split-q+share-qkv+stage2): ['0.01901245 ', '-0.02037048 ', '-0.01722717 '], time:0.474334ms, TFLOPS:36.92
(flash): ['0.01904297 ', '-0.02037048 ', '-0.01724243 '], time:0.596189ms, TFLOPS:29.38
- B=2, H=2, N=8192, D=64
python3 flash_attn_mma.py --B 1 --H 8 --D 64 --N 8192 --iters 10 # NVIDIA RTX 3080 Laptop
B: batch_size, H: n_head, N: seq_len, D: head_dim, seed: 5669, Warmup: 1, Iters: 10
B=1, H=8, N=8192, D=64, Warmup: 1, Iters: 10
mma(split-kv+stage1): ['-0.0087738 ', '0.012146 ', '-0.01319122 '], time:5.572367ms, TFLOPS:25.15
mma(split-kv+stage2): ['-0.0087738 ', '0.012146 ', '-0.01319122 '], time:5.295920ms, TFLOPS:26.46
mma(split-q+stage1): ['-0.0087738 ', '0.012146 ', '-0.01319122 '], time:3.607082ms, TFLOPS:38.85
mma(split-q+stage2): ['-0.0087738 ', '0.012146 ', '-0.01319122 '], time:4.600883ms, TFLOPS:30.45
mma(split-q+share-kv+stage1): ['-0.0087738 ', '0.012146 ', '-0.01319122 '], time:2.744508ms, TFLOPS:51.05
mma(split-q+share-qkv+stage1): ['-0.0087738 ', '0.012146 ', '-0.01319122 '], time:2.700114ms, TFLOPS:51.89
mma(split-q+share-qkv+stage2): ['-0.0087738 ', '0.012146 ', '-0.01319122 '], time:2.692103ms, TFLOPS:52.05
(flash): ['-0.00882721 ', '0.01213074 ', '-0.01314545 '], time:3.778219ms, TFLOPS:37.09
- B=1, H=8, N=8192, D=64
python3 flash_attn_mma.py --B 1 --H 8 --D 64 --N 8192 --iters 10 # NVIDIA RTX 3080 Laptop
B: batch_size, H: n_head, N: seq_len, D: head_dim, seed: 1617, Warmup: 1, Iters: 10
B=1, H=8, N=8192, D=64, Warmup: 1, Iters: 10
mma(split-kv+stage1): ['0.01960754 ', '0.01452637 ', '-0.02592468 '], time:5.586338ms, TFLOPS:25.08
mma(split-kv+stage2): ['0.01960754 ', '0.01452637 ', '-0.02592468 '], time:5.326223ms, TFLOPS:26.31
mma(split-q+stage1): ['0.01960754 ', '0.01452637 ', '-0.02592468 '], time:3.834152ms, TFLOPS:36.54
mma(split-q+stage2): ['0.01960754 ', '0.01452637 ', '-0.02592468 '], time:4.328346ms, TFLOPS:32.37
mma(split-q+share-kv+stage1): ['0.01960754 ', '0.01452637 ', '-0.02592468 '], time:2.636528ms, TFLOPS:53.15
mma(split-q+share-qkv+stage1): ['0.01960754 ', '0.01452637 ', '-0.02592468 '], time:2.594471ms, TFLOPS:54.01
mma(split-q+share-qkv+stage2): ['0.01960754 ', '0.01452637 ', '-0.02592468 '], time:2.574611ms, TFLOPS:54.42
(flash): ['0.01963806 ', '0.0145874 ', '-0.02593994 '], time:3.764462ms, TFLOPS:37.22
- B=1, H=48, N=8192, D=64
python3 flash_attn_mma.py --B 1 --H 48 --D 64 --N 8192 --iters 10 # NVIDIA RTX 3080 Laptop
B: batch_size, H: n_head, N: seq_len, D: head_dim, seed: 4669, Warmup: 1, Iters: 10
B=1, H=48, N=8192, D=64, Warmup: 1, Iters: 10
mma(split-kv+stage1): ['-0.01280212 ', '-0.02825928 ', '0.0146637 '], time:42.534423ms, TFLOPS:19.77
mma(split-kv+stage2): ['-0.01280212 ', '-0.02825928 ', '0.0146637 '], time:42.349815ms, TFLOPS:19.85
mma(split-q+stage1): ['-0.01280212 ', '-0.02825928 ', '0.0146637 '], time:35.657477ms, TFLOPS:23.58
mma(split-q+stage2): ['-0.01280212 ', '-0.02825928 ', '0.0146637 '], time:36.065412ms, TFLOPS:23.31
mma(split-q+share-kv+stage1): ['-0.01280212 ', '-0.02825928 ', '0.0146637 '], time:23.619652ms, TFLOPS:35.59
mma(split-q+share-qkv+stage1): ['-0.01280212 ', '-0.02825928 ', '0.0146637 '], time:23.893070ms, TFLOPS:35.19
mma(split-q+share-qkv+stage2): ['-0.01280212 ', '-0.02825928 ', '0.0146637 '], time:23.590446ms, TFLOPS:35.64
(flash): ['-0.01280212 ', '-0.02825928 ', '0.0146637 '], time:22.385812ms, TFLOPS:37.56
- B=1, H=8, N=8192, D=32
python3 flash_attn_mma.py --B 1 --H 8 --D 32 --N 8192 --iters 10 # NVIDIA RTX 3080 Laptop
B: batch_size, H: n_head, N: seq_len, D: head_dim, seed: 2322, Warmup: 1, Iters: 10
B=1, H=8, N=8192, D=32, Warmup: 1, Iters: 10
mma(split-kv+stage1): ['-0.00616074 ', '-0.00230789 ', '0.02029419 '], time:3.930807ms, TFLOPS:18.16
mma(split-kv+stage2): ['-0.00616074 ', '-0.00230789 ', '0.02029419 '], time:3.901839ms, TFLOPS:18.30
mma(split-q+stage1): ['-0.00616074 ', '-0.00230789 ', '0.02029419 '], time:1.839685ms, TFLOPS:38.81
mma(split-q+stage2): ['-0.00607681 ', '-0.00229454 ', '0.02029419 '], time:1.511669ms, TFLOPS:47.23
mma(split-q+share-kv+stage1): ['-0.00616074 ', '-0.00230789 ', '0.02029419 '], time:1.400948ms, TFLOPS:50.97
mma(split-q+share-qkv+stage1): ['-0.00616074 ', '-0.00230789 ', '0.02029419 '], time:1.393318ms, TFLOPS:51.25
mma(split-q+share-qkv+stage2): ['-0.00616074 ', '-0.00230789 ', '0.02029419 '], time:1.322961ms, TFLOPS:53.97
(flash): ['-0.00617599 ', '-0.00231934 ', '0.02029419 '], time:1.810646ms, TFLOPS:39.43