Elastic Silicon Interfaces provides a feature called cosimulation. Cosim in general allows communication between the simulation and software. In the ESI case, it is typed and can be used to build an application and language specific API which is nearly identical to how the real hardware would interface. This allows users to simulate against the actual target software (or some simplification of it), enabling easier co-design.
ESI cosim uses Cap'nProto as a message format and RPC client/server. Capnp was chosen due to its relatively low-overhead encoding/decoding (as compared to Protocol Buffers and ilk) is a good fit for hardware. Using a standard messaging protocol allows users to work with a variety of languages: the Cap'nProto website lists C++, C#, Erlang, Go, Haskell, JavaScript, Ocaml, Python, and Rust as languages which support messages and RPC!
Status: production Documentation status: out of date needs to be updated to reflect the new RPC interface and library.
To interface with RTL simulators, the DPI interface is used. ESI cosim builds and provides a set of SystemVerilog sources and a shared library which implement both DPI sides. The shared library (C++) starts a capnp RPC server for client(s) to connect to and interface with the simulations.
ESI has the capability to generate a Cap'nProto schema customized to an ESI
system. Run command below on an MLIR assembly file with esi.cosim
ops. It
will find all of the cosim ops and output a capnp schema struct for each
input and output type.
circt-translate <esi_system.mlir> -export-esi-capnp
Comments in the generated file indicate the type converted from. In cases
where the ESI type is smaller than the capnp type (e.g. i5
vs UInt8
), the
ESI-generated conversion gasket will simply ignore the extra bits.
The struct IDs (0x<hexStructID>
) will match the TypeID
s in the
which dynamically describes each endpoint, described
ESI cosim works through a notion of endpoints -- typed, bi-directional cosim bridges which are exposed over RPC. Endpoints are registered with the RPC interface.
On the RTL side, we provide a SystemVerilog module (Cosim_Endpoint
) which
provides a simple interface to the client. The modules instances take care of
registering themselves. DataOut
and DataIn
carry the raw capnp messages
with corresponding control signals. At present, we only support fixed-size
module Cosim_Endpoint
parameter int ENDPOINT_ID = -1,
parameter longint ESI_TYPE_ID = -1,
parameter int TYPE_SIZE_BITS = -1
input logic clk,
input logic rst,
output logic DataOutValid,
input logic DataOutReady,
output logic[TYPE_SIZE_BITS-1:0] DataOut,
input logic DataInValid,
output logic DataInReady,
input logic [TYPE_SIZE_BITS-1:0] DataIn
The RPC interface allows clients to query all the registered endpoints, grab a reference to one, and send/receive messages and/or raw data. Once one client opens an Endpoint, it is locked until said client closes it.
interface CosimDpiServer {
list @0 () -> (ifaces :List(EsiDpiInterfaceDesc));
open @1 [S, T] (iface :EsiDpiInterfaceDesc) -> (iface :EsiDpiEndpoint(S, T));
struct EsiDpiInterfaceDesc {
sendTypeID @0 :UInt64;
recvTypeID @1 :UInt64;
endpointID @2 :Int32;
interface EsiDpiEndpoint(SendMsgType, RecvMsgType) {
send @0 (msg :SendMsgType);
recv @1 (block :Bool = true) -> (hasData :Bool, resp :RecvMsgType); # If 'resp' null, no data
close @2 ();
struct UntypedData {
data @0 :Data;
This RPC interface can be used from any supported language. Here's an example for Python:
import capnp
class LoopbackTester:
def __init__(self, schemaPath):
self.dpi = capnp.load(schemaPath)
hostname = os.uname()[1]
self.rpc_client = capnp.TwoPartyClient(f"{hostname}:1111")
self.cosim = self.rpc_client.bootstrap().cast_as(self.dpi.CosimDpiServer)
def openEP(self):
ifaces = self.cosim.list().wait().ifaces
openResp = self.cosim.open(ifaces[0]).wait()
assert openResp.iface is not None
return openResp.iface
def write(self, ep):
r = random.randrange(0, 2**24)
data = r.to_bytes(3, 'big')
print(f'Sending: {binascii.hexlify(data)}')
return data
def read(self, ep):
while True:
recvResp = ep.recv(False).wait()
if recvResp.hasData:
assert recvResp.resp is not None
dataMsg = recvResp.resp.as_struct(self.dpi.UntypedData)
data = dataMsg.data
return data
def write_read(self):
ep = self.openEP()
print("Testing writes")
dataSent = self.write(ep)
print("Testing reads")
dataRecv = self.read(ep)
assert dataSent == dataRecv
In short, an instance of Cosim_Endpoint
registers itself. The first
registration starts the RPC server (or it can be started via a direct dpi
call). Starting the RPC server involves spining up a thread in which the RPC
server runs. Communication between the simulator thread(s) and the RPC server
thread is through per-endpoint, thread-safe queues. The DPI functions poll
for incoming data or push outgoing data to/from said queues. There is no flow
control yet so it is currently very easy to bloat the infinitely-sized
queues. For the time being, flow-contol has be handled at a higher level.