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Jenkins DSL

The Jenkins DSL is a project originally developed by Eli Lilly and Company and DMI's Application Development division as the foundation for all of Lilly's Jenkins pipelines. Inside this repository you will find how we build basic pipelines, create and run docker images, and how we delegate our code to run on our openshift cluster.


As a shared library

In Jenkins, you are going to have to configure this package as a shared library. Here is some information on how to do that. It is important to note how to set up multiple sets of shared libraries that work together. That can also be found in that document.

In order to get this to work as a shared library, you are going to have to make sure you have installed the following plugins:


If you are looking to use what we have directly, then your Jenkins instance must be running on OpenShift. We host our images in Artifactory so if you are looking to set that up as well, it will likely be easiest to host from Artifactory to start. Obviously, this a great place for the community to come in and contribute back as many teams are not running Jenkins on OpenShift or hosting their images in Artifactory.

These will allow you to run our shared library core. Also, you are going to need to set up some custom credentials. For example, default-docker-credentials living in your Jenkins space will allow you to work with Docker. Here is a list of the credentials you are likely going to need to set up.

  1. Docker : We use this as a credential in our Jenkins instance to pull images.
  2. GitHub : We use this as a Personal Access Token that has access to any repository in our org that we need to read from.
  3. OpenShift : We have created a service account on our OpenShift instance that allows us to work with it to run specific builds.

Extending from these Libraries

There are a few places to be aware of when extending these libraries.

  1. ArtifactoryImage: This class is setup with defaults for Lilly's artifactory registry. When extending, this is obviously going to need to be given the correct parameters that are specific to your registry.
  2. OpenshiftClient: This class is going to need decorated or modified if you intend to reuse the runInPod method. Currently, this is intended for use with our current openshift implementation. We have it in our backlog to update this so that it is easier to use. For now however, this is going to need some modification. Here is a run down of what needs changed:
Change Line Number Description
containerName 55 This is the name of the default container name that we run when we create a pod. This will need modified or passed in based on which container you would like to run when a new pod is generated.
image 58 Our image name is going to need changed to whichever image you would like to run when runInPod is called.
serviceAccount 62 This is the name of the service account that we have added to our Openshift instance. You are going to want to replace that with the service account that you create on your Openshift.

As a dependency in your project

This will allow you to extend off of the core and create your own custom stages for running your own steps. In order to do this, you will have to add this package to your gradle dependencies. Then you will need to rebuild your project. Then, you will have access to all classes and files that exist in this project.

DSL Methods Common To All Pipelines

These methods are available to all pipelines and can be accessed using the freeFormPipeline {...} DSL.

Method Description Arguments Relevant Sections
Scope root() Returns the outermost scope of the given scope. n/a Variable Scoping and Field Protection
Scope root(String field) Starting from the current scope, returns the outermost scope that defines the field. field: A field name
Scope nearest(String field) Starting from current scope, returns the nearest scope that defines the field. field: A field name
T withJenkins(Closure<T> body) Delegates calls to all methods and fields in the closure to the Jenkins' script processing object. Returns what the last statement evaluates to in the closure. body: A Closure body to execute Running Pipeline Code
def runBlock(String name, Closure body) Executes the supplied closure and returns what the closure returns. name: Name of the block (optional),
body: A closure to execute as a part of the block.
Grouping Similar Stages
def runParallel(String name, Closure body) Executes the supplied closure and returns what the closure returns. name: Name of the parallel block (optional), body: A closure to execute as a part of the parallel block. Running Stages in Parallel
def runTask(String name, Closure body) Executes the supplied closure and returns what the closure returns. name: Name of the parallel task,
body: A closure to execute as a part of the parallel task.
Running Stages in Parallel
def onFinish(Closure body) Registers the closure to handle clean up logic after the block finishes execution. body: A closure to execute Specifying Clean Up Logic
void configureCredentials(Map nsToRegistryToCredId) Creates an Openshift secret for each namespace to registry to credential id entry to be later used in pulling and pushing images. nsToRegistryToCredId: namespace mapped to registry uri mapped to Jenkins credential store id Configuring Docker Credentials
void deleteCredentials() Deletes all Openshift secrets created by the configureCredentials() method. n/a Deleting Docker Credentials
void runSetup(Closure body) Runs the setup logic in a pod before running containers. body: A code block to execute as a part of the pod setup. Running Containers in a Pod
void runTearDown(Closure body) Runs the tear down logic in a pod after all containers have finished running. body: A code block to execute as a part of cleanup before the pod terminates. Running Containers in a Pod
void runPod(String nameSpace, Map args, Closure body) Runs the pod executing the specified setup, teardown, and container blocks. nameSpace: The namespace where the pod runs (optional),
args: For specifying Kubernetes podTemplate args. This is non-functional and is available for future support only (optional),
body: Code for running the pod.
Running Containers in a Pod
void runContainer(String image, Map args, Closure body) Runs the specified container logic inside a pod. image: an image string containing registry, name, and tag,
args: For specifying Kubernetes containerTemplate args. This is non-functional and is available for future support only (optional),
body: Code for running the container logic.
Running Containers in a Pod
boolean isPull() Returns true when the build is due to a pull request or false otherwise. Can only be called after calling getGitHubEventType() n/a Getting GitHub Event Type,
Conditional Builds
boolean isPullOnMaster() Returns true when the build is due to a pull request on master or false otherwise. Can only be called after calling getGitHubEventType() n/a Getting GitHub Event Type,
Conditional Builds
boolean isPullOnDevelop() Returns true when the build is due to a pull request on develop or false otherwise. Can only be called after calling getGitHubEventType() n/a Getting GitHub Event Type,
Conditional Builds
boolean isRelease() Returns true when the build is due a new release tag on GitHub or false otherwise. Can only be called after calling getGitHubEventType() n/a Getting GitHub Event Type,
Conditional Builds
boolean isPreRelease() Returns true when the build is due a new pre-release tag on GitHub or false otherwise. Can only be called after calling getGitHubEventType() n/a Getting GitHub Event Type,
Conditional Builds
boolean isPullRequestMergeToMaster() Returns true when the build is due a pull request merge onto master or false otherwise. Can only be called after calling getGitHubEventType() n/a Getting GitHub Event Type,
Conditional Builds
boolean isPullRequestMergeToDevelop() Returns true when the build is due a pull request merge onto develop or false otherwise. Can only be called after calling getGitHubEventType() n/a Getting GitHub Event Type,
Conditional Builds
boolean isPushToMaster() Returns true when the build is due a push to master or false otherwise. Can only be called after calling getGitHubEventType() n/a Getting GitHub Event Type,
Conditional Builds
boolean isBranchChange() Returns true when a branch changed and the change is not due to a pull request, release, or a pre-release. n/a Getting GitHub Event Type, Conditional Builds
boolean when(Closure body) Returns true when the when closure evaluates to true or false otherwise. body: A condition as a closure to evaluate whether the block or stage containing the when() call should be executed or not. Getting GitHub Event Type,
Conditional Builds,
All About the DSL Stage
boolean anyOf(boolean... varArg) Returns the disjunction of the supplied varArg conditions. varArg: A list of boolean conditions. Getting GitHub Event Type, Conditional Builds
boolean allOf(boolean... varArg) Returns the conjunction of the supplied varArg conditions. varArg: A list of boolean conditions. Getting GitHub Event Type, Conditional Builds
Stage runStage(Closure body) Executes the stage defined by the supplied closure and returns the stage. body: Closure to define a new DSL stage All About the DSL Stage
Stage runShellStage(String name, String command) Executes the supplied shell command in a DSL stage and returns the stage. name: Name of the stage,
command: The shell command to run.
Convenience Methods for Running Shell Script Stages
Stage runStashingShellStage(String name, String stashName, String command) Executes the supplied shell command, stashes the result using the supplied stash name in a DSL stage and returns the stage. name: Name of the stage,
stashName: The name of the stash to use for stashing command output,
command: The shell command to run.
Convenience Methods for Running Shell Script Stages

Variable Scoping and Field Protection

At the very top of the class hierarchy is the Scope class. The Scope class provides scope/context for variables.

A variable defined in outer-scope is accessible to any nested/inner blocks. If an inner blocks overwrites a variable, then the change becomes visible to that block or any blocks nested within it. Parent blocks will still see the old value. If an inner block needs to override this field protection, then they can do so using one of the following:

  1. Use root().field = "new value" for making field changes at the root scope, this change will be visible to all blocks.
  2. Use parent.field = "new value" for making field changes to the immediate parent scope.
  3. Use other helper methods available in the Scope class.

Example Jenkinsfile:

@Library('[email protected]') _

freeFormPipeline {
  nodeImage = ""
  runPod {
    runContainer(nodeImage) {
      runStage("Node 8 Demo") {
        script { 
          withJenkins { sh "node --version" } 
          root().nodeImage = "${dynamicDockerRegistry}/node:10.16.0"

  runPod {
    runContainer(nodeImage) {
      runStage("Node 10 Demo") {
        script { 
          withJenkins { sh "node --version" } 

In the example above, we are overwriting the nodeImage to be node:10.16.0 for the second container. Also note that we are using freeFormPipeline. This allows us to access all of the methods available in the Pipeline class and its supertypes.

NOTE: Due to the implementation of the getProperty() and setProperty() methods in the Scope class, all subclasses of Scope must not define a setter for a field. Instead of defining setSomeField(String someField), define someField(String someField). Please review the setter for the name field in the JenkinsScope class for an example.

Running Pipeline Code

The second class in the class hierarchy is JenkinsScope. It extends the functionality of the scope by introducing the withJenkins() method, which accepts a closure and delegates all the pipeline method calls such as sh, echo, and stash in the closure to the Jenkins pipeline object. Here is an example:

Example Jenkinsfile:

@Library('[email protected]') _

freeFormPipeline {
  nodeImage = ""
  runPod {
    runContainer(nodeImage) {
      runStage("Node 8 Demo") {
        script { 
          withJenkins {
            echo "Running some shell Commands ..." 
            sh "node --version"
            sh "npm --version"

Grouping Similar Stages

The third class in the hierarchy is Block. It extends the functionality of JenkinsScope by adding support for grouping related stages in a block as well as running stages in a parallel block (discussed in the next section). Here is an example for running multiple stages in blocks:

Example Jenkinsfile:

@Library('[email protected]') _

freeFormPipeline {
  nodeImage = ""
  runPod {
    runContainer(nodeImage) {
      runBlock("Builds") {
        runStage("Test") {
          script { 
            withJenkins { echo "npm run test"} 
        runStage("Lint") {
          script { 
            withJenkins { echo "npm run lint"} 
      runBlock("Deploy") {
        runStage("Package") {
          script { 
            withJenkins { echo "npm run package"} 
        runStage("Deploy") {
          script { 
            withJenkins { echo "npm run deploy"} 

The name argument supplied to the runBlock() methods are for aesthetic purpose and can be ignored. Running this code will result in executing four stages: Test, Lint, Package, and Deploy all echoing the supplied npm commands. Here is how the build looks in Blue Ocean:

Sequential Build

Note that one of the key reasons to group related stages together is to run them conditionally such as only running deploy stages on a release. We will introduce specifying build conditions in the Conditional Builds section shortly.

Running Stages in Parallel

Assume that we want to speed up the build section of the example above by running testing and linting stages in parallel. We can do so using parallel blocks as follows:

Example Jenkinsfile:

@Library('[email protected]') _

freeFormPipeline {
  nodeImage = ""
  runPod {
    runContainer(nodeImage) {
      runParallel("Builds") {
        failFast = false 
        runTask("Parallel Test") {
          runStage("Test") {
            script { 
              withJenkins { echo "npm run test"} 
        runTask("Parallel Lint") {
          runStage("Lint") {
            script { 
              withJenkins { echo "npm run lint"} 
      runBlock("Deploy") {
        runStage("Package") {
          script { 
            withJenkins { echo "npm run package"} 
        runStage("Deploy") {
          script { 
            withJenkins { echo "npm run deploy"} 

Here is how the build looks in Blue Ocean:

Pralllel Build

Notice that the Blue Ocean UI displays the label specified in the runTask() method rather than runStage() for parallel builds. The recommended approach for running parallel block is to put stages inside parallel tasks as shown in the example. Also note that the failFast options when set to false will not abruptly fail all parallel builds when one of the executions fails. By default, failFast is set to true.

Specifying Clean Up Logic

Every DSL block is given an opportunity to perform clean up tasks after it has finished execution irrespective of whether the block executed successfully or prematurely failed due to an error. The clean up logic is specified in the onFinish() hook. Let's look at an example:

Example Jenkinsfile:

@Library('[email protected]') _

freeFormPipeline {
  nodeImage = ""
  onFinish {Exception e ->
    withJenkins {
      if(e) echo "Pipeline failed with the error: ${e.message}!"
      else echo "Pipeline completed successfully!"
  runPod {
    runContainer(nodeImage) {
      runBlock("Demo") {
        onFinish { 
          withJenkins { echo "Demo block complete!" }

        runStage("Stage Demo") {
          script { 
            withJenkins { echo "Running stage demo!"} 

Here is the sequence of output that shows up in the Console Output log:

Running stage demo!
Demo block complete!
Pipeline completed successfully!

The Exception argument to the onFinish() method is optional and only needed when we want to process failure in a block. The following snippet shows a pipeline that fails:

Example Jenkinsfile:

@Library('[email protected]') _

freeFormPipeline {
  nodeImage = ""
  onFinish {Exception e ->
    withJenkins {
      if(e) echo "Pipeline failed with the error: ${e.message}!"
      else echo "Pipeline completed successfully!"
  runPod {
    runContainer(nodeImage) {
      runBlock("Demo") {
        onFinish { 
          withJenkins { echo "Demo block complete!" }

        runStage("Stage Demo") {
          script { throw new Exception("Forced Failure") }

Here is the sequence of output that shows up in the Console Output log:

Demo block complete!
Pipeline failed with the error: java.lang.Exception: Forced Failure!
<exception trace elided for brevity>

As can be seen in the log, the calls to onFinish() travel up the closure hierarchy. After the innermost block executes the call, the outer blocks get opportunities to run their onFinish() logic.

NOTE: It is recommended that the onFinish() hook be registered before executing any stage-specific logic in a block. If an error occurs before registering onFinish() closure, then such errors will not be caught by onFinish().

Container Support

The fourth class in the hierarchy is ContainerBlock. It extends the functionality of a Block by adding container support . The ContainerBlock adds six more DSL methods as follows:

  • void configureCredentials(Map namespaceToRegistryToCredentialId)
  • void deleteCredentials()
  • void runSetup(Closure body)
  • void runTearDown(Closure body)
  • void runPod(String nameSpace, Closure body)
  • void runContainer(String image, Map args, Closure body)

Configuring Docker Credentials

The configureCredentials(Map namespaceToRegistryToCredentialId) method takes in a map of namespaces to maps of docker registry to Jenkins credential id. The Jenkins credential id, in our case, holds Artifactory service account as user and API key as password. Here is an example:

configureCredentials "cje-slaves-freestyle-dmz": [ 
                     "cje-slaves-openshift-dmz": [

Note that more than one namespace and more than one credential per namespace can be configured at the same time using this method. We need as many namespaces as are relevant to our pipeline and as many credentials per namespace as there are docker repositories in use in that namespace in our pipeline. This method results in creation of OpenShift secrets that will be used in pulling and pushing container images from Docker repositories in the OpenShift cluster while running the pipeline.

Deleting Docker Credentials

The deleteCredentials() method deletes all the credentials previously created through the configureCredentials() method.

It is recommended to call this method as the very last step in the pipeline.

Running Containers in a Pod

The containers are run inside a pod.

Example Jenkinsfile:

@Library('[email protected]') _

freeFormPipeline {
  podNameSpace = "cje-slaves-freestyle-dmz"
  node8Image = ""
  node10Image = ""
  runPod(podNameSpace) {
    parallelContainers = false
    runSetup {
      runStage("Setup") {
        script {
          withJenkins { checkout scm }

    demoScript = { 
      withJenkins { sh "node --version" }    
    runContainer(node8Image) {
      runStage("Node8 Demo") {
        script demoScript
    runContainer(node10Image) {
      runStage("Node10 Demo") { 
        script demoScript
    runTearDown {
      runStage("Tear Down") {
        script {
          withJenkins { echo "Running tear down!" }

The runPod() method runs a pod and takes in a pod namespace, an argument map, and closure body to execute. If the pod namespace is left empty, the default pod namespace is used, which is cje-slaves-freestyle-dmz. The Map arguments is a placeholder for supporting kubernetes podTemplate arguments for future enhancements and can be left empty for now. The closure passed to runPod is evaluated first, setting up the Kubernetes pod template and container templates, before actually running all the stages defined in the containers.

The runSetup() is a lifecycle hook for the pod that gets executed before any containers run in the pod. Since all containers use the same filesystem resource, this method is an ideal place to run a git checkout.

The runTearDown() is another lifecycle hook for the pod that gets executed after all the containers have finished running in the pod. This method is ideal for running any clean up task for the pod.

The runContainer() method takes in the image string, an arguments map, and closure body to execute. A pod can run several different containers. Containers in a pod run sequentially by default or when the parallelContainers field is set to false. The output of the code above looks like the following in Blue Ocean:

Sequential Containers

To optimize performance, we can run these containers in parallel by setting parallelContainers = true. Even though the pipeline behaves as expected, due to a limitation of Blue Ocean plugin on capturing nested parallel stages, the display will lump up all stages in a container into one node and label the node with the container name as shown below. You can read more about this limitation here.

Parallel Containers

Notice in the example code above, how we are using the demoScript closure to reuse the same build logic in multiple stages. We will discuss more about runStage() in the All About a DSL Stage section shortly.

DSL Entry Point

The fifth class in the hierarchy is EntryPoint. It extends the functionality of a ContainerBlock by allowing the shared library DSL objects in the vars directory to pass on the pipeline closure from a Jenkinsfile to the DSL object for execution. The entry point exposes the start() method that takes in the Jenkins pipeline object and the pipeline execution logic as a closure to start the DSL-based pipeline. Let's take a closer look at the vars/freeFormPipeline.groovy shared library object.


#!/usr/bin/env groovy

def call(Closure<?> body) {
  Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()
  pipeline.start(this, body)

The start() method of the Pipeline, which is subclass of EntryPoint, accepts the closure body from Jenkinsfile as an input. This is the block following freeFormPipeline in the Running Containers in a Pod example above. In the Jenkinsfile, the @Library annotation imports the groovy files in the vars directory of the DSL. Calling freeFormPipeline {...} will result in the call to the call(Closure) method of the freeFormPipeline object shown above. The Pipeline class then executes the closure, thus, executing all the DSL method calls in the closure.

Reusable Pipeline Methods

The sixth class in the hierarchy is Pipeline which builds on EntryPoint by exposing some of the reusable methods for various pipelines. Let's explore each of these methods in the following subsections:

Getting GitHub Event Type

After creating the github event type object, the successive blocks and stages should be able to invoke the following methods related to GitHub events:

  • isPull(): true when the build is due to a pull request
  • isPullOnMaster(): true when the PR is on master
  • isPullOnDevelop(): true when the PR is on develop
  • isRelease(): true when a new release tag is created on GitHub
  • isPreRelease(): true when a pre-release tag is created on GitHub
  • isPullRequestMergeToMaster(): true when a pull request is merged onto master
  • isPullRequestMergeToDevelop(): true when a pull request is merge onto develop
  • isPushToMaster(): true when the master branch got a new push.
  • isBranchChange(): true when a branch changed and the change is not due to a PR, release, or a pre-release.
  • isFeaturePull(): true: when a pull requested is created to merge a branch that is neither develop not master.

The Conditional Builds section discusses another example.

Conditional Builds

Every DSL block allows a when() predicate which dictates whether any elements of the block are executed or not. Let's revisit the example shown in the Grouping Similar Stages and add when predicates to the Builds and Deploy blocks:

Example Jenkinsfile

@Library('[email protected]') _

freeFormPipeline {
  nodeImage = ""
  runPod {
    runSetup {
      withJenkins { checkout scm }
    runContainer(nodeImage) {
      runBlock("Builds") {
        when { anyOf isBranchChange(), isPull(), isRelease() }
        runStage("Test") {
          script { 
            withJenkins { echo "npm run test"} 
        runStage("Lint") {
          script { 
            withJenkins { echo "npm run lint"} 
      runBlock("Deploy") {
        when { isRelease() } // This does require you to set up the GithubEventType object wherever you see fit. 
        runStage("Package") {
          script {
            withJenkins { echo "npm run package"} 
        runStage("Deploy") {
          script { 
            withJenkins { echo "npm run deploy"} 

Notice that there is one when predicate for the Builds block and another one for the Deploy block. Also, notice that we can use vararg disjunction predicate, anyOf(), or the conjunction predicate, allOf, in the when predicate. The available GitHub event types are discussed in the Getting GitHub Event Type section.

On running the pipeline for a regular branch push to GitHub, the Blue Ocean UI shows the following output:

Conditional Builds

Notice that the Deploy block did not run because its when predicate evaluated to false.

All About the DSL Stage

The Pipeline class composes a Stage to run each reusable DSL method. For instance, the logic for Pipeline.abortPreviousBuilds() is implemented in the BuildAbortionStage class, which is a subclass of the Stage class. Let's look more closely at the implementation of BuildAbortionStage():

Stage abortPreviousBuilds(Closure<?> body) {
    Stage stage = BuildAbortionStage.Builder.create()
      .withName("Abort Previous Builds")

Inside the DSL framework, all Stage classes use the Builder pattern to configure Stage parameters. The supertype of all DSL stage builders is the StageBuilder class, which provides setters for common Stage properties so that the builder subtypes for a specific Stage do not have to re-invent the wheel.

NOTE: Builders are particularly handy for IDE based auto-completion. Since we are subclassing StageBuilder in the subclasses of Stage, it is recommended to call the subclass specific builder methods before calling the super class specific builder methods in the method chain. In the code above, we call withFileName() before calling the super type builder methods such as withName() and withBody(). Reversing the order, will hide subclass methods during auto-completion, i.e., if you call withName() first, then the IDE will not show withFileName() in the auto-completion proposal.

In general, there are two recommended ways to configure a Stage, each applicable in a distinct scenario:

  1. Use a Builder - when developing DSL-based shared library methods.
  2. Use Closure injection - when developing the pipeline code in a Jenkinsfile.

We have already shown the builder way above. Let's look at how to configure a Stage directly from the Jenkinsfile next.

Creating a Stage in a Jenkinsfile

The Pipeline class exposes the runStage() method for creating a new Stage to be used in a Jenkinsfile. Let's look at an example:

Example Jenkinsfile

@Library('[email protected]') _

freeFormPipeline {
  dryRun = false
  nodeImage = ""
  runPod {
    runContainer(nodeImage) {
      runStage("Test") {      
        when { isBranchChange() }
        preScript { 
          withJenkins { echo "Dry running: pre-script"} 
        script { 
          withJenkins { echo "npm run test"} 
        dryScript {
          withJenkins { echo "Dry running: npm run test"} 
        postScript {Exception e ->
          withJenkins {
            if(e) echo "Got an exception: ${e.message}"
            else echo "Cleaning up Stage"
      runStage("Lint") {
        script { 
          withJenkins { echo "npm run lint"} 

A DSL stage has five life-cycle hooks:

  1. Stage Condition (represented by the when {...} closure)
  2. Pre-Script (represented by the preScript {...} closure)
  3. Script Body (represented by the script {...} closure)
  4. Dry-Script Body (represented by the dryScript {...} closure)
  5. Post-Script Body (represented by the postScript {...} closure)

NOTE: A stage must run inside a Pod or Container. If a DSL stage is run outside of the runPod closure, then the pipeline will fail with an Exception.

Specifying Build Conditions

Similar to a DSL Block, a DSL stage has its own when predicate that gets evaluated before running any Stage logic. The stage will be executed if the when predicate evaluates to true. The when predicate is optional.

Specifying Pre-Script Setup Script

The preScript closure can be used to run a small setup script before the main script closure is executed. Exceptions thrown in the preScript closure are handled in the postScript closure. The preScript closure is optional.

Specifying Execution Script

Using the script closure, we can specify the core script to run as a part of the Stage. Typically this is where all the shell scripts get executed. The script closure is required.

Specifying Dry-Run Execution Script

The DSL pipeline supports dry running the pipeline code when the dryRun flag is set to true. During a dry run, the pipeline will not execute the script closure, instead, it will execute the dryScript closure. It is recommended that the dryScript closure use the real credentials and configurations as the script closure, but instead of executing the shell commands, it just echo those commands. The dryScript closure is optional.

NOTE: Since all Groovy code runs on the master Jenkins node, it is not recommended to run a computationally intensive task during dry-run.

Specifying Clean Up Script

The postScript closure runs the Stage clean up tasks if needed. We can supply an optional Exception argument to it if there is a need to handle an exception thrown during the Stage execution. The postScript closure is optional.

Convenience Methods for Running Shell Script Stages

There are two convenience methods supported by the Pipeline class for running a stage that needs to execute shell scripts:

  1. runShellStage(String name, String Command) - takes the stage's name as the first argument and the shell command to run as the second argument.

  2. runStashingShellStage(String name, String stashName, String command) - runs the shell command and stashes the result for later use in the pipeline. It takes the stage's name as the first argument, the name of the stash as the second argument, and the shell command to run as the third argument.

Here is an example showing use of both methods:

Example Jenkinsfile

@Library('[email protected]') _

freeFormPipeline {
  dryRun = false
  nodeImage = ""
  runPod {
    runContainer(nodeImage) {
      runShellStage("Test", "echo 'npm run test'")      
      runStashingShellStage("Lint", "LintResult", "echo 'npm run lint'")

Here is a part of the pipeline execution log that shows the two commands being executed:

[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Test)
[Pipeline] sh
+ echo npm run test
npm run test
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Lint)
[Pipeline] sh
+ echo npm run lint
+ tee LintResult.txt
npm run lint
[Pipeline] stash
Stashed 1 file(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage

Notice that with the use of the stash name, LintResult, the pipeline uses this name to write the output to the LintResult.txt file, which can be un-stashed and used later.

NOTE: Both runShellStage() and runStashingShellStage() support dry-run, which by default echo the shell commands during the dry run.

DSL Testing Framework

The DSL comes with a support for pipeline simulation through a set of simulation support classes. In particular, the PipelineMock exposes the interface for mocking pipeline methods, JenkinsSim provides simulation for the methods exposed in PipelineMock, the SimFactory provides reusable static factory methods to create a pipeline command consistently in test cases as well as in the JenkinsSim simulator, and CirrusDSLSpec provides a reusable Spock Specification class for testing DSL methods. The PipelineSpec class has some rich examples to learn from.

Development Notes

In this section, we document some of the important notes that can help in coding and testing the DSL:


  1. Make every class Serializable and add a unique static field to the class as follows: private static final long serialVersionUID = <a unique long number>.
  2. If you are extending from the Pipeline or Stage classes, please do not use setters. Getters are fine. See the ShellStage class for an example.
  3. With the Scope class overriding getProperty() and setProperty() methods for dynamic fields, a primitive type fields such as int, float, and boolean must not be statically defined in any subtype of the Scope class such as in a Stage class. Instead, directly use such a field without defining them. Access to statically defined primitive field will breaks the current implementation of these two methods.
  4. Please provide a builder for a new Stage that you implement. Again, ShellStage would be a good example.


  1. Look in the sim folder for relevant simulation APIs.
  2. JenkinsSim is the simulator which implements PipelineMock. There is a SimFactory class, which provides a uniform way to create pipeline commands. So, if a pipeline method is missing, you will need to update these three classes accordingly.
  3. If you are testing a stage, you will need a Scope to run the stage in. Set scope.ok = true, otherwise, the test will terminate prematurely. Also keep in mind, that all stages must run inside a pod. So, for testing purposes, set scope.pod = "pod" to bypass this constraint. There are several testing examples that you can learn from. Review StageSpec and PipelineSpec In summary, the following fields must be set in your test cases:
    • ok = true
    • pod = "pod"
    • stages = [:]

End-to-End Testing

The DSL framework supports testing pipeline code developed in the vars folder using its end-to-end testing facility. The idea is that for a DSL-based enterprise pipeline such as the following (say specified in vars/aTestPipeline.groovy):

def call() {
  def dslPipeline = new freeFormPipeline()

  dslPipeline {
    nodeImage = ""

    runPod {
      runContainer(nodeImage) {
        runStage("Node 8 Demo") {
          script {
            withJenkins {
              echo "Running some shell Commands ..."
              sh "node --version"
              sh "npm --version"

we should be able to write an e2e test as follows (say in test/vars/TestPipelineSpec.groovy):

import static*

class TestPipelineSpec extends CirrusEndToEndSpec {
  JenkinsSim pipelineObj = createJenkinsSim()

  def setup() {

  def cleanup() {

  def "end-to-end test the test pipeline"() {
    given: "a test pipeline"
    def testPipeline = new aTestPipeline()

    when: "the pipeline is executed"

    then: "The commands executed in the pipeline can be traced"
    pipelineObj >> sh("npm --version")
    pipelineObj >> sh("node --version")

    and: "A complete execution profile can also be traced"
    pipelineObj >>
      container({ name ->  name.contains("node-8-16-0") }) +
      stage("Node 8 Demo") +
      echo("Running some shell Commands ...") +
      sh("node --version") +
      sh("npm --version")

The key idea behind e2e testing is that we simulate the pipeline execution and capture its trace to check different pipeline behaviors. The JenkinsSim exposes all of the methods for assertion checking and SimFactory exposes all of the Jenkins commands for comparison with commands in the execution trace. In order to check pipeline behavior, we first anchor at a command and then check if the expected next (or previous) command follows the anchored command when the pipeline executes. The >> in the example above is a syntactic sugar for JenkinsSim.anchor() method and the + operator is functionally equivalent to calling method for checking the execution sequence.

NOTE: The testing framework does not yet have support for testing parallel execution blocks. The parallel blocks are simulated to run in the same sequence as they appear in the DSL pipeline code.


You can view your code coverage report after running the Gradle check or build command. Furthermore, you can configure your IntelliJ IDE to use Gradle as your test runner. Change your IntelliJ configuration (preferences) as follows:

IntelliJ Preferences

After you run the test, you can browse to the test coverage report of that class (or all classes) to see which statements are not covered. This way, you will be able to identify uncovered lines and create a more complete test suite. The coverage reports are available at build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html, which can be opened in a web browser.

Security Notes

The DSL scripts in a Jenkinsfile run in a Groovy Sandbox on Jenkins. The Sandbox whitelists a limited set of Groovy methods that are safe to execute on Jenkins and blacklists those that can introduce security vulnerability. You can review the lists here.

Among the blacklisted methods, the DSL needs to use the following three Groovy reflection methods defined in the groovy.lang.GroovyObject class:

  • getProperty(String name): Gets the value of the given property/field of a Groovy object
  • setProperty(String name, Object value): Sets the value of the given property/field on a Groovy object
  • invokeMethod(String name, Object args): Invokes the method with the given name and arguments on a Groovy object

These methods are overridden in the Scope class to allow creating dynamic fields and to execute a DSL block or stage using methods such as runBlock(), runParallel(), and runStage(). Here is more information about the Jenkins In-Script Approval process. A Jenkins Master must have these methods approved / allowed by an admin the first time DSL runs on the node.

Implication of allowing the getProperty() and setProperty() methods

For a Jenkins Master that only runs builds of internal Lilly projects, such as Cirrus supported pipeline projects, allowing these methods should introduce minimum security concerns because these project already have access to the global credential IDs provided by Cirrus if they need access to those. A malicious user, however, can potentially set any properties on a Groovy JVM object during the pipeline execution provided the pipeline object affords access to those objects. Furthermore, such updates can potentially bypass the Jenkins user role check.

Implication of allowing the invokeMethod() method

When a closure that is passed to a DSL block or a DSL stage is executed, the call internally gets translated to an invokeMethod() call. Similar to setProperty(), a malicious user will be able to call virtual methods (non static) on any Jenkins objects accessible via the pipeline object. These calls can potentially bypass the Jenkins user role check.