Releases: Ensembl/ensembl-vep
Releases · Ensembl/ensembl-vep
Fixes an issue when forcing sorting of rsID input files
- Fix issue when checking that the VCF variants are sorted by position
New VEP features
- Allele-specific clinical significance available. See new option --clin_sig_allele.
- Include the new --mane option into the --everything group option.
- Update --pick and --pick_order to support MANE Select transcripts.
- Check if the input variants are ordered: non ordered variants slow down VEP and require more memory.
- Skip annotation of complex and long structural variants and display a warning message.
New VEP options
- --clin_sig_allele: report allele specific clinical significance (it is variant-specific by default).
- --mane: report if a transcript is the MANE Select.
- --max_sv_size: extend the maximum Structural Variant size VEP can process.
- --no_check_variants_order: permit the use of unsorted input files (WARNING - this is slow and requires more memory).
- --overlaps: report the proportion and length of a transcript overlapped by a structural variant in VCF format.
VEP web tool
- The transcript identifiers are now returned with versions unless otherwise specified, e.g.:
'ENST00000403559.8' instead of 'ENST00000403559'.
VEP installer
- tabix-indexed variant cache files are now installed by default.
Variant recoder
- Add an option --vcf_string to return results in VCF format.
VEP plugins
- FunMotifs - new: provide information about overlapping tissue-specific transcription factor motifs.
- Mastermind - new: reports variants that have clinical evidence cited in the medical literature.
- StructuralVariantOverlap - new: provide information from overlapping structural variants.
- G2P - update: now the plugin can be run offline.
→ VEP_plugins repository
Fix VEP process issue when the alleles from an input variant are the same (i.e. REF = ALT)
Haplosaurus - fix comparison for non numeric chromosomes
Haplosaurus - fix interpretation issue when following entries have similar coordinates but on different chromosomes in the input file
- Add SPDI format for VEP (input) and Variant Recoder (input and output)
- Update VEP cache with gnomAD 2.1 (human)
- Update the Docker VEP base image to Ubuntu 18.04
- Retire deprecated flags: --gmaf, --maf_1kg, --maf_esp, --maf_exac, --check_alleles, --html, --gvf
- Retire legacy code about the pileup input format, which is no longer supported
- Deprecate the installation flag "--VERSION"
- Force numbers to be encoded as numbers in JSON output
Fix to ignore the empty MotifFeatures from the VEP cache
Fix the installation script issue when an older version of VEP is specified with the flag '--VERSION'
Add the Perl library Text::CSV
in the cpanfile (required for the G2P VEP plugin)