Loads ServiceNow location model with coordinate locations for each facility, all levels for each facility and all units for each level and models the hierarchy relationship between the units, levels and facilities.
The tool accepts Facilities, Levels and Units layers as input.
The person accessing the supplied ServiceNow rest endpoint must have Read/Write privileges in the ServiceNow cmn_location table.
The tool loads the ServiceNow location model with location name and centroid latitude and longitude coordinate information for the units, levels and facilities.
The Levels layer should contain a FACILITY_ID field that associates that level with a feature in the Facilities layer.
The Units layer should contain a LEVEL_ID field that associates that unit with a feature in the Levels layer.
The tool populates the address information along with coordinates, if it is available in the data.
To populate address information it must be contained in fields with the following field names: NAME, ADDRESS, LOCALITY, PROVINCE, POSTAL_CODE, COUNTRY
The tool will load the parent facility’s address for all the spaces contained within.
The following fields will be populated in the ServiceNow location table: Name, Street, City, State / Province, Zip / Postal Code, Country, Parent, Latitude, Longitude.
ServiceNow is expecting coordinates in a geographic coordinate system. Data in other coordinate systems will be projected to Geographic by the tool.
ServiceNowLocationLoader (in_facility_layer, in_level_layer, in_unit_layer, {keepDuplicates}, in_servicenow_url, {in_username}, {in_password})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_facility_layer | Facilities Layer of the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model. | Feature Layer |
in_level_layer | Levels Layer of the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model. | Feature Layer |
in_unit_layer | Units Layer of the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model. | Feature Layer |
keepDuplicates (Optional) | Specifies whether to load duplicate locations in ServiceNow location model or overwrite existing locations. | Boolean |
- KEEP_DUPLICATE_VALUES - Duplicates are loaded if location already exists in ServiceNow | ||
- NO_DUPLICATE_VALUES - Updates the location if already exists in ServiceNow | ||
in_servicenow_url | URL of the ServiceNow REST Table API endpoint. Note: The tool has been certified against the Madrid version of ServiceNow. | String |
in_username (Optional) | User ID as required by ServiceNow Rest endpoint. | String |
in_password (Optional) | Password as required by ServiceNow Rest endpoint. | String Hidden |
The following code sample demonstrates how to use the tool to load data in ServiceNow location model with duplicates.
import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox("C:\\Projects\\GitHub\\arcgis-indoors\\integrations\\servicenow\\Python Tool\\ServiceNow.pyt")
arcpy.ServiceNow.ServiceNowLocationLoader("Facilities", "Levels", "Units",
"KEEP_DUPLICATE_VALUES", "https://servicenow-server.com/api/now/table/cmn_location", "userid", "*****")
The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the tool to load data in ServiceNow location model without duplicates.
# Name: ServiceNowLocationLoader_example2.py
# Description: The following stand-alone script demonstrates the usage of the tool to load data in ServiceNow location model without duplicates.
# Imports
import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox("C:/Projects/GitHub/arcgis-indoors/integrations/servicenow/Python Tool/ServiceNow.pyt")
# Set variables
in_facility_layer = "C:/Indoors/AIIM_1_0_v1.gdb/AIIM/Facilities"
in_level_layer = "C:/Indoors/AIIM_1_0_v1.gdb/AIIM/Levels"
in_unit_layer = "C:/Indoors/AIIM_1_0_v1.gdb/AIIM/Units"
keepDuplicates = "NO_DUPLICATE_VALUES"
in_servicenow_url = "https://servicenow-server.com/api/now/table/cmn_location"
in_username = "userid"
in_password = "*****"
# Execute ServiceNowLocationLoader
arcpy.ServiceNow.ServiceNowLocationLoader(in_facility_layer, in_level_layer, in_unit_layer, keepDuplicates, in_servicenow_url, in_username, in_password)
This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.
- Download tool from GitHub repo.
- See Connect to a toolbox and follow the steps to either "Access a toolbox in a folder" or "Add a toolbox directly to the project":