A document is a bounded representation of a body of information designed with the capacity (and usually intent) to communicate. A document may manifest symbolic, diagrammatic or sensory-representational information.1
Research outputs (such as Journal Articles, Datasets, Software, Patents etc.) are an important subclass of documents. Any document or set of documents can also serve as input to research. There are also documents that serve the purpose of planning, organizing and managing research which are of specific interest for Research Management and Administration. However, the CERIF Core does not make any of these functions of documents explicit. Should that be necessary, a particular module should undertake this effort.
title : Multilingual String
publication date: Date in case the document has gone through publication
has-contribution / has-target : A Document any number of contributions that helped it arise.
provides-evidence-of / is-evidenced-by : A Document can provide evidence of any number of Expertise and Skills Possessions.
published-via-channel / has-publication : A Document can be published via publication channel.
describes-resource-request / is-described-by : A Document can provide description of a Resource Request.
describes-resource-offer / is-described-by : A Document can provide description of a Resource Offer.
presents-decision / is-expressed-by : A Document can present a Decision.
awarded-by / awarded-for-a-document : A Document can be awarded by a Prize Award.
proves / is-evidenced-by : A Document can provide evidence of any number of Activities.
- Close match of Bibo Document
- Close match of CreativeWork
[1] Source: The Bibo Ontology,