GDPR Compliance #189
Hello everyone, In A pragmatic introduction to Event Sourcing (49:09) on YouTube, @frankdejonge answered, that there are two possible way to deal with personal data in a GDPR compliant system:
I'm very interested in the 2nd option and I'm wondering, what the "best" implementation of such a solution would look like. Default architecture w/out GDPR: Adding a namespace MarkupV1 {
final class GDPR
// NOP
final class AccountWasUpdatedEvent implements \EventSauce\EventSourcing\Serialization\SerializablePayload
public function __construct(
public readonly string $myFavoriteColor,
public readonly string $mySocialSecurityNumber,
) {}
public function toPayload(): array
return (array)$this;
public static function fromPayload(array $payload): static
return new static(
} Using a custom namespace MarkupV1 {
* based on \EventSauce\EventSourcing\Serialization\ConstructingMessageSerializer
final class GdprMessageSerializer implements \EventSauce\EventSourcing\Serialization\MessageSerializer
// (...)
public function serializeMessage(Message $message): array
/** @var SerializablePayload $event */
$event = $message->payload();
$personalData = [];
$hasEventPersonalData = false;
// simplefied for readablity: this can not resolve nested objects or iterables.
foreach (get_object_vars($event) as $property => $value) {
$reflect = new ReflectionProperty($event::class, $property);
$attributes = $reflect->getAttributes(GDPR::class);
if ($attributes !== []) {
$hasEventPersonalData = true;
$personalData[$property] = '[REDACTED]';
if ($hasEventPersonalData) {
$redactedEvent = $event->fromPayload(array_merge($event->toPayload(), $personalData));
// persist personal data
$this->personalDataRepository->save($headers[Header::EVENT_ID], $personalData);
// (...)
} And to reconstitute an aggregate: namespace MarkupV1 {
* based on \EventSauce\EventSourcing\Serialization\ConstructingMessageSerializer
final class GdprMessageSerializer implements \EventSauce\EventSourcing\Serialization\MessageSerializer
// (...)
public function unserializePayload(array $payload): Message
// (...)
try {
$personalData = $this->personalDataRepository->get($payload['headers'][Header::EVENT_ID]);
$eventAsArray = array_merge($event->toPayload(), $personalData);
$event = $event->fromPayload($eventAsArray);
} catch (PersonalDataNotFound) {
// NOP
return new Message($event, $payload['headers']);
} This mockup reveals multiple problems:
Is this a good idea? Could this be done within the library itself? |
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Replies: 4 comments
Update I wrapped the namespace MockupV2
final class GdprMessageSerializer implements MessageSerializer
public function __construct(
private readonly ConstructingMessageSerializer $eventSauceMessageSerializer,
private readonly GdprRepository $gdprRepository,
private readonly GdprAttributeReader $gdprAttributeReader,
public function serializeMessage(Message $message): array
$payload = $this->eventSauceMessageSerializer->serializeMessage($message);
$payload['headers'][Header::EVENT_ID] ??= Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
$messageAnalyseResult = $this->gdprAttributeReader->analyse($message);
if ($messageAnalyseResult->hasPersonalData()) {
// persist personal data
$personalData = $messageAnalyseResult->personalData();
$eventId = $payload['headers'][Header::EVENT_ID];
$this->gdprRepository->save($eventId, $personalData);
// redact payload
$redactedData = $messageAnalyseResult->redactedData();
$payloadAsJson = json_encode($payload['payload'], flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
$payloadAsArray = json_decode($payloadAsJson, true);
$payload['payload'] = array_replace_recursive($payloadAsArray, $redactedData);
return $payload;
public function unserializePayload(array $payloadAsArray): Message
// get personal data or empty array
$eventId = (string)@$payloadAsArray['headers'][Header::EVENT_ID];
$personalData = $this->gdprRepository->find($eventId);
// restore personal data
$originalPayload = $payloadAsArray['payload'];
$payloadAsArray['payload'] = array_replace_recursive($originalPayload, $personalData);
return $this->eventSauceMessageSerializer->unserializePayload($payloadAsArray);
} And added a namespace MockupV2
final class MessageAnalyseResult
public function __construct(
private readonly bool $hasPersonalData,
private readonly array $personalData,
private readonly array $redactedData,
public function hasPersonalData(): bool
return $this->hasPersonalData;
public function personalData(): array
return $this->personalData;
public function redactedData(): array
return $this->redactedData;
} Then I tried to resolve all (nested) properties and check, if they have the namespace MockupV2
final class GdprAttributeReader
public function analyse(Message $message): MessageAnalyseResult
/** @var SerializablePayload $event */
$event = $message->payload();
[$redactedData, $personalData] = $this->readPropertiesWithGdprAttribute($event);
$hasPersonalData = $personalData !== [];
return new MessageAnalyseResult($hasPersonalData, $personalData, $redactedData);
// oh god...
private function readPropertiesWithGdprAttribute(
?string $parentProperty = null,
array $redactedData = [],
array $personalData = [],
bool $isIterable = false,
mixed $key = null,
): array
if (is_iterable($object)) {
foreach ($object as $key => $item) {
// recursive
[$redactedData, $personalData] = $this->readPropertiesWithGdprAttribute(
object: $item,
parentProperty: $parentProperty,
redactedData: $redactedData,
personalData: $personalData,
isIterable: true,
key: $key
if (!is_object($object)) {
return [$redactedData, $personalData];
foreach (get_object_vars($object) as $property => $value) {
$reflect = new ReflectionProperty($object::class, $property);
$attributes = $reflect->getAttributes(GDPR::class);
if ($attributes !== []) {
if (!$isIterable) {
$redactedData[$parentProperty][$property] = '[REDACTED]';
$personalData[$parentProperty][$property] = $value;
} else {
$redactedData[$parentProperty][$key][$property] = '[REDACTED]';
$personalData[$parentProperty][$key][$property] = $value;
// recursive
[$redactedData, $personalData] = $this->readPropertiesWithGdprAttribute(
object: $value,
parentProperty: $property,
redactedData: $redactedData,
personalData: $personalData,
isIterable: $personalData
return [$redactedData, $personalData];
} |
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An implementation option can be to embrace GDPR in the domain itself rather than hiding it away in technical concerns (repositories serializers, etc). This would consist of passing the GDPR compliant storage to the actions where PII is collected, received, or generated. In a bit of pseudo-code, this would look like this: $aggregateRoot = $repository->retrieve($id);
function performAction(GdprStorage $gdprStorage, PersonalIdentifiableInformation $pii)
$storageId = $gdprStorage->storePii([
'key' => $pii->value(),
$this->recordThat(new PiiWasCollected($storageId));
} This leaves the PII out of the information flow of events. The domain can deal with storage, retrieving, an having forgotten PIIl. |
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Thank you, that is an interesting approach! Does this mean you would have a one In your example, how would the I tried to flesh it out a bit - this is the storage interface: interface GdprStorageInterface
public function save(PersonalIdentifiableInformation $pii);
public function getOrCreate(string $aggregateId): PersonalIdentifiableInformation;
public function delete(string $aggregateId): void;
} A simple DTO for the moment: final class PersonalIdentifiableInformation
public function __construct(
public readonly string $aggregateId,
public ?string $socialSecurityNumber = null,
public ?string $emailAddress = null,
} The aggregate: final class UserAggregate
private string $aggregateId;
private bool $isSubscribedToNewsletter = false;
public function subscribeToNewsletter(GdprStorageInterface $storage, string $emailAddress): void
// ensure user is currently not subscribed
// update PII
$pii = $storage->getOrCreate($this->aggregateId);
$pii->emailAddress = $emailAddress;
$this->recordThat(new UserWasSubscribedToNewsletter($emailAddress));
public function applyUserWasSubscribedToNewsletter(UserWasSubscribedToNewsletter $event): void
$this->isSubscribedToNewsletter = true;
} Deleting PII looks like this: final class UserAggregate
// (...)
public function deleteEmailAddress(GdprStorageInterface $storage): void
// update PII
$pii = $storage->getOrCreate($this->aggregateId);
$emailAddress = $pii->emailAddress;
$pii->emailAddress = null;
$this->recordThat(new UserEmailAddressWasDeleted($emailAddress));
public function applyUserEmailAddressWasDeleted(UserEmailAddressWasDeleted $event): void
$this->isSubscribedToNewsletter = false;
public function deleteAccount(GdprStorageInterface $storage): void
// delete PII
$this->recordThat(new UserAccountWasScheduledForDeletion());
public function applyUserAccountWasScheduledForDeletion(UserAccountWasScheduledForDeletion $event): void
$this->isSubscribedToNewsletter = false;
} I think, most methods would require the final class UserAggregate
// (...)
public function abusingWriteModelForReads(GdprStorageInterface $storage): ExampleUserViewModel
$pii = $storage->getOrCreate($this->aggregateId);
return new ExampleUserViewModel(
// $this
// PII
} |
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To answer this question: Yes, GDPR-compliance can be archived with one of these options:
Additional considerations
(I'll mark this question as "solved" just to get it out of the way. |
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To answer this question:
Yes, GDPR-compliance can be archived with one of these options: