First Round
Totally 55 questions (35 - General and 20 - Technical ) General contains questions from all topics ranging from Logical aptitude, Pattern matching, Statistics, Reasoning,Profit and loss etc., Technical aptitude is completely based on debugging/trace the output(Java,C,CPP) and OOPS.
Second Round
(40 - 50 mins)
- Tell about yourself
- Tell about ur project
- Difference between overloading and overriding
- Queue, linked list
- Real time example
- Compile time error and run time error and example
- Real life scenarios
- Why should I hire u
- Logical operators
- If a glass is given and u should give him the floor number from which the glass will not be broken if fallen (n= 50 floors)
Final Round
(25 to 30 mins)
- Tell about yourself
- Real life examples of what u've said as ur characteristics
- Extra curricular activities
- Explain ur project
- If anything u learnt apart from academics
- Achievement u r proud of
- About the company
- Which field donu prefer working at
- Do u have any qns
- Occupation of parents
- Why do u have interest in data structure.... As I mentioned it as my area of interest