Edument's CQRS Starter Kit
Jacek Laskowski's Rough Notes about CQRS and ES has many related links
Stream processing, Event Sourcing, Reactive, CEP … and making sense of it all
- Bryan Hunter's Elixir CQRS Eventstore is a port of his CQRS with Erlang
Fast introduction to Event Sourcing for Ruby programmers, Why use Event Sourcing
From ActiveRecord to Event Sourcing by Emanuele DelBono
Introduction to CQRS / ES with Rails by Mirosław Pragłowski, his example depends on Greg's Event Store
Greg's Event Store, the open-source, functional database with Complex Event Processing in JavaScript
Explaining Greg's Event Store, Your solid tool for event sourcing - EventStore examples Stream pagination in Greg's Event Store, all by Tomasz Rybczyński, leading to …
Arkency's HttpEventstore is a Ruby HTTP connector to Greg's Event Store
How to use Greg's Event Store from Ruby by Tomasz Rybczyński, leading to …
Arkency's RubyEventStore is a Ruby implementation of an Event Store and an integral part of the Arkency's RailsEventStore based on Active Record
The Event Store for Rails developers by Tomasz Rybczyński
Building an Event Sourced application using RailsEventStore, Using domain events as success/failure messages, all by Mirosław Pragłowski
Introducing Read Models in your legacy application by Rafał Łasocha
Rails Disco — a distributed party with commands, events and projections, Examples
Ruby CQRS aka rcqrs and rcqrs-rails with Event Sourcing
Event Sourcing Libraries in Ruby: A Guide presents besides RailsEventStore
Event Sourced Record offers an idiomatic way to use the Event Sourcing pattern in Rails code
Sandthorn Event Sourcing is a Ruby library for saving an object's state as a series of events, depends on Sequel
The CQRS diet by Luismi Cavallé and it's example BankSimplistic
Event sourcing on Rails with RabbitMQ by Tymon Tobolski
Scala CQRS Framework on Stack Overflow mentions Akka Persistance and it's inspiration eventsourced
Martin Krasser, the author of both
andAkka Persistance
, wrote a blog to compare the latter with Eventuate which he wrote as well -
CQRS/ES in Scala: an overview lists three CQRS/ES examples in Scala:
Apache Isis, formerly Naked Objects, Add-ons, Dan Haywood's Blog
JMatter is a software framework for constructing workgroup business applications based on the Naked Objects Architectural Pattern
Sculptor is an open source productivity tool that applies the concepts from Domain-Driven Design and Domain Specific Languages for generating high quality Java code and configuration from a textual specification