Youtube channels of interest: alfresco101, jeffpotts01
DevOps, Installation …
Alfresco alf_docker, SPK
Martin Cosgrave's docker-alfresco
Alternative front ends
Jeff Potts ecmarchitect.com site
Sustainable IDE, based on TOPCASED, based on Eclipse EMF
Alvex is an open source Alfresco-based solution for managing dynamic and unstructured business processes
Chef cookbook to install Alfresco Community Edition, vergl. vagrant-alfresco
Crafter CMS (was Crafter Rivet)
Alfresco Datalist Extensions for Share ./. fme Datalist extension
Alfresco MetaDBConnector Component allows you to link complex database information with your content's metadata in Alfresco
Mixing Grails and Alfresco Share w/ Alfresco Share Grails Plugin
semantics4alfresco integrating Alfresco w/ Apache Stanbol and OpenCalais
BigCouch is a highly available, fault-tolerant, clustered, mostly api-compliant version of Apache CouchDB.
While it appears to the end-user as one CouchDB instance, it is in fact one or more nodes in an elastic cluster, acting in concert to store and retrieve documents, index and serve views, and serve CouchApps. BigCouch has been developed and is continually maintained by Cloudant who offer hosted CouchDB as a service.
Clusters behave according to concepts outlined in Amazon's Dynamo paper, namely that each node can accept requests, data is placed on partitions based on a consistent hashing algorithm, and quorum protocols are for read/write operations.
GT.M Database Engine with Extreme Scalability and Robustness
M/DB is a Free Open Source "plug-compatible" alternative to Amazon's SimpleDB database
M/DB:X is a simple, lightweight, yet powerful hybrid JSON/Native XML Database
Enterprise Web Developer (EWD) is an advanced web application delvelopment technology and Ajax framework
PIP includes a JDBC driver and a SQL engine
This forum thread includes hints how to integrate PIP into an existing GT.M installation
gtm-rb is a first draft of a Ruby client library for the GT.M database engine through the M/Wire protocol
InterSystems Caché is an advanced but commercial 'successor' of GT.M
Data stored in Caché can be accessed using JDBC and ODBC.
Max Lapshin wrote a related Ruby driver
See also JCR Links
Apache Jackrabbit, Jackrabbit Oak
Apache Sling, Cheatsheet
Apache Sling is the foundation of
Adobe AEM fka Adobe CQ fka Day CQ5 fka Day Communiqué
…Adobe CQ is the most expensive CMS. Adobe said during their recent partner summit that the average CQ deal is $450,000 in license…
Idium Web
Publick Apache Sling + Sightly blog engine
Sling-Stanbol an Apache Sling launcher containing Apache Stanbol and a servlet offering a front-end to the Enhancer to the enhancer services; Apache Stanbol provides a set of reusable components for semantic content management
Alfresco (s.o.)
eXo Platform, Slideshare, SourceForge, the Enterprise Social Platform, LGPL licensed
Enterprise Edition costs $15000
Magnolia can use ModeShape instead of Jackrabbit
Enterprise Edition costs $1200
Maglev is a Grails plugin
Sinicum is a Ruby (on Rails) client library to the Sinicum Server, a Magnolia CMS module that exposes Magnolia CMS content; see also Magnolia and Rails
SafetyPin is an easy-to-use JCR connector for JRuby
Nuxeo Platform, Documentation, Slideshare, Enterprise Content Management Platform for Business Applications, Apache License, Version 2.0 licensed
Although Lucene is a search index, and not a database, if your fields are reasonably small, you can ask Lucene to store them in the index.
ActiveLucene is like ActiveRecord but with Lucene the full text search engine.
Sunspot Solr-powered search for Ruby objects
MongoDB could be integrated into ElasticSearch by writing a River that would keep the ES index up to date by following the MongoDB Oplog.
There is a bunch of Python and Ruby code to steal from:
Notes on MongoDB, Why I think Mongo is to Databases what Rails was to Frameworks, MySQL and MongoDB working together in Kanbanery thanks to the awesomeness of DataMapper
CarrierWave supports MongoMapper and offers compatibility to Paperclip
GridFS FUSE allows you to mount a MongoDB GridFS instance as a local filesystem
John Nunemaker's fork of Grip (from the author of MongoMapper)
more resources
Neo4j is a graph database. It is an embedded, disk-based, fully transactional Java persistence engine that stores data structured in graphs rather than in tables. A graph (mathematical lingo for a network) is a flexible data structure that allows a more agile and rapid style of development.
Neo4j.rb includes a Lucene wrapper.
InfoGrid is an Internet Graph Database with many additional software components that make the development of REST-ful web applications on a graph foundation easy.
Ontopia for building, maintaining, and deploying Topic Maps-based applications.
NoBrainer is an ORM for RethinkDB
OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
is a scalable cross-platform server that combines SQL/RDF/XML Data Management with Web Application Server and Web Services Platform functionality.