should implement often required Rails app features using JBoss AS services
and offer drop-in replacements of popular Rails extensions like restful-authentication, Delayed::Job
should expose popular JBoss AS and other libraries features to Rails apps
and allow developers to update their Rails applications with advanced features like instant cloud-readyness, enterprise-grade integration or service management and monitoring easily
should behave exactly like plain Rails deployments until the user configures the app to take adavantage of TorqueBox features
ActionController::Base.cache_store = :jboss_cache_store
If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.
All code snippets show proposals only! In fact the complete document is a collection of ideas and proposals.
TorqueBox should implement or integrate features on-the-fly and in an unobtrusive manner wherever possible.
Features that depend on JBoss AS should be configured with or inherited from sources located in separate directories which could be easily excluded if the Rails app or part of it needs to be deployed traditionally, that is without JBoss AS.
E.g. app/dav_presenter
TorqueBox should provide a clustered session store and use that if configured to do so:
## in config/initializers/session_store.rb
ActionController::Base.session_store = :jboss_session_store
Caveat utilitor: Replacing a default Rails session store with the JBoss session store invalidates every existing session (cookie)!
TorqueBox should provide a clustered cache store and use that if configured to do so:
## in config/initializers/cache_store.rb
ActionController::Base.cache_store = :jboss_cache_store
ActionController::Base.cache_store = :infinispan_store
ActionController::Base.cache_store = :compressed_jboss_cache_store
ActionController::Base.cache_store = :compressed_infinispan_store
Integrate ActiveSupport::Cache with JBoss Cache and Infinispan
Specifications: JCACHE
Status: Beta, available
TorqueBox should provide a clustered and embedded database suitable to replace SQLite and use that if configured to do so:
## in config/database.yml
adapter: hypersonic
While most deployments will continue to use MySQL, PostgreSQL or another dedicated RDBMS server such an embedded database could be useful for testing proposes.
TorqueBox should …
Specifications: JAAS, OpenId, OAuth
restful-authentication, authlogic, clearance
JBoss Security, JBossXACML and desktop and web app single sign-on with JBoss Negotiation
TorqueBox should …
TorqueBox should …
Specifications: OAuth
TorqueBox should …
Specifications: JMX
TorqueBox should integrate … a worklow engine … orchestrate a Rails app …
Specifications: BPEL, XPDL
Ruote formerly known as OpenWFEru
Drools Guvnor, Drools Flow, JBoss jBPM, JBoss BPEL Server aka RiftSaw, POC-UI
# in app/flows/…
TorqueBox should integrate ActiveRecord behind the scenes with JDBC.
TorqueBox should integrate ActiveRecord behind the scenes with Hibernate and make advanced features like Hibernate Search available to the Rails app. Such an integration could render external full text search engines like Ferret or Sphinx and the Rails plug-ins superfluous.
Specifications: JDBC
ActiveRecord, Datamapper, Ferret, Sphinx
Banks: ActiveHibernate, ActiveJPA: allow all Java Persistence frameworks to be swapped under the covers
Status: Released, packaged w/ TorqueBox
TorqueBox should …
Specifications: JCR
Radeox Wiki Render Engine,
Wiki Model,
XWiki Rendering Module
# in app/models/document.rb
class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
markup :content
document = Document.find(:first)
document.content = " … ".markup(:from_html4)
document.content = " … ".markup(:from_markdown)
document.content = " … ".markup(:from_textile)
document.content = " … ".markup(:from_xhtml)
TorqueBox should allow to expose 'stuff' to WebDAV clients using a presenter.
# in app/dav_presenters/document_dav_presenter.rb
class DocumentDavPresenter < TorqueBox::DavPresenter
# expose the default controller actions (index, show, update, delete…)
# caveat utilitor: creating instances of Document can be an issue
expose :Document
# expose the default controller actions (index, show, update, delete…)
# and include 'fake' documents which will be generated by calling
# a non-default action and streamed to the WebDAV-client on-the-fly
# when this file is loaded
expose :Document do
prepare :generate_summary, :cache_for => 1.day
TorqueBox should …
Specifications: SOAP, WS-*
Bank: handsoap
class Ec2Endpoint << TorqueBox::Soap::Endpoint
# configure the defaults of this class
service 'AmazonEC2' do
description 'public/system/wsdl/ec2.wsdl'
namespace 'http://ec2.amazonaws.com/doc/2008-12-01/'
# overwrite everything that should be handled
# individually
# method per operation
# or
class Ec2Endpoint
include TorqueBox::Soap::Endpoint
# method per operation
Status: Beta, partitially packaged w/ TorqueBox
TorqueBox should …
Specifications: JMS
# in app/endpoints/document_thrift_endpoint.rb
class DocumentThriftEndpoint << TorqueBox::Thrift::Endpoint
# method per operation
# or
class DocumentThriftEndpoint
include TorqueBox::Thrift::Endpoint
# method per operation
TorqueBox should …
Specifications: Portlets 2.0
TorqueBox should allow to expose 'stuff' as Excel- and PDF/RTF download as part of scaffolded ActionControllers by leveraging Apache POI and iText.
TorqueBox should spell check 'stuff' using Hunspell and ruby-hunspell or hunspell
TorqueBox should only depend on and include features, libraries and other stuff that's available under commercial use-friendly licenses like APL, LGPL or MIT-license.