Fixtures without validation with Factory Girl - Nice idea for generating bad data in a concise and repeatable way
Pickle gives you Cucumber steps that create your models easily from FactoryGirl or Machinist factories/blueprints.
- Vines is a XMPP chat server for Ruby
react-jsonschema-form is a React component for building Web forms from JSON Schema
649 Euro per concurrent user per year
jquery.xmleditor is a web browser based XML editor. It provides a general use graphical tool for creating new or modifying existing XML documents in your web browser. Information is extracted from an XML schema (XSD file) to provide the user with information about what elements, subelements and attributes are available at different points in the structure, and a GUI based means of adding or removing them from the document
ProseMirror is an in-browser semantic rich text editor component
2500 Euro + 250 Euro per named user
SDL Xopus
from 1.90 US$ per user for 1000 users (Σ 1899 US$) to 19.90 US$ per user for 10 users (Σ 199 US$)
Apache Abdera
Alumina is a Ruby gem that implements Atom, both the syndication format and the publishing protocol -
Atom Protocol Exerciser is a tool to test your AtomPub protocol server
atompub-server to add AtomPub server capabilities to your Rails application
ActiveCMIS is a Ruby library aimed at easing the interaction with various CMIS providers. It creates Ruby objects for CMIS objects, and creates Ruby classes that correspond to CMIS types
cmis client for JRuby
CmisSync: Dropbox-like sync for your enterprise file server (Github)
yaccl is a Ruby CMIS browser binding client library implementation
sabre/dav is an open source CardDAV, CalDAV and WebDAV server written in PHP
WsgiDAV is a generic WebDAV server written in Python and based on WSGI
Rails 2:
Rails 3:
- Add-in Express are sets of components, visual designers and wizards for developing secure, managed, isolated, deployable and version-neutral Microsoft Office extensions, including COM add-ins, Outlook plug-ins, Office smart tags, Excel RTD servers, Excel XLL and UDF add-ons.
Rocco is a Ruby port of Docco, the quick-and-dirty, hundred-line-long, literate-programming-style documentation generator
YARD is a documentation generation tool for the Ruby programming language
Natural Language Toolkit is a book, too
Natural Language Processing Tools
Stanford NLP Annotated List of Resources
Plagiarism detection algorithms
Greedy String Tiling (GST), Running-Karp-Rabin Greedy-String-Tiling (RKS-GST)
nGram Overlap
After the Deadline is an Open Source proofreading software for English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish. Server (Server sources @ SVN repos; Client sources @ Github) GPL, Client Libraries: LGPL
ClearTK is a framework for developing machine learning and natural language processing components within the Apache UIMA
DKPro is a community of projects focussing on re-usable Natural Language Processing software
DKPro Core is a collection of software components for natural language processing (NLP) based on the Apache UIMA framework
DKPro Similarity is an open source framework for text similarity
WebAnno is a general purpose web-based annotation tool for a wide range of linguistic annotations
GATE General Architecture for Text Engineering
LanguageTool is an Open Source proofreading software for English, French, German, Polish, and more than 20 other languages (Github) LGPL
LingPipe is a suite of Java libraries for the linguistic analysis of human language
Apache OpenNLP
Chalk: Jason Baldridge's Scala spinoff from OpenNLP (GitHub)
Jason Baldridge's Weblog
See also the code examples at Incorporating and using OpenNLP in Scalabha’s SBT build system
clojure-opennlp: Clojure wrapper
Pattern and the pattern.de module contains a fast part-of-speech tagger for German (identifies nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc. in a sentence) and tools for German verb conjugation and noun singularization & pluralization
Apache UIMA
Strip HTML from text (Source)
bjspell JavaScript based spell checker compatible with Hunspell dictionaries
Hyphenator.js Javascript that implements client-side hyphenation of HTML-Documents
jspos is a Javascript port of Mark Watson's FastTag part of speech tagger
TextStatistics.js generates information about texts including syllable counts and Flesch-Kincaid, Gunning-Fog, Coleman-Liau, SMOG and Automated Readability scores (English only) (a port of TextStatistics.php)
Typo.js Client-side JavaScript Spellchecking
To integrate a Python library like the NLTK with JVM-based application we could resort to
See also Communication between Java and Python
Classifier is a general module to allow Bayesian and other types of classifications.
CRM114.rb, a Ruby interface to CRM114 Controllable Regex Mutilator, an advanced and fast text classifier that uses sparse binary polynomial matching with a Bayesian Chain Rule evaluator and a hidden Markov model to categorize data with up to a 99.87% accuracy.
ffi-hunspell, Ruby FFI bindings for Hunspell
Ruby Linguistics Framework
treetagger-ruby a Ruby based wrapper for the TreeTagger by Helmut Schmid which is the foundation of LinguLab
RubyGSL is a ruby interface to the GSL (GNU Scientific Library), for numerical computing with Ruby.
Ruby/GSL-ng is a new generation Ruby/GSL wrapper that strives for code simplicity while retaining acceptable performance. Other GSL wrappers are either utterly complicated (lots of C code) or poorly documented. Ruby/GSL-ng uses Ruby/FFI and little bits of C code to achieve a simple implementation that integrates neatly with Ruby's standard classes and follows most of its conventions.
RSRuby is a port of RPy (the equivalent Python module) and embeds a full R interpreter into Ruby.
Chris Lowis' Using R and Ruby slides from February 2009 LRUG demonstrate RSRuby.
Chris Lowis blog and repositories offer more statistics with Ruby related stuff. The Data Visualisation with Ruby repository demonstrates different options to visualize data using Ruby and external applications and libraries (slides).
RRb is a very simple Ruby interface to the R statistical computing language.
R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. Rweb is a Web based interface to R.
Stefan Th. Gries' Statistik für Sprachwissenschaftler, engl. Statistics for Linguistics with R, Google Group mit den relevanten Dateien
Stefan Th. Gries' Quantitative corpus linguistics with R: a practical introduction, Google Group mit den relevanten Dateien
Stefan Th. Gries' web page has more links.
METER (MEasuring TExt Reuse) Project incl. algorithm implementations written in Perl
Snowball is a language in which stemming algorithms can be easily represented. The Snowball compiler translates a Snowball script (a .sbl file) into either a thread-safe ANSI C program or a Java program.
- Linked Data is about using the Web to connect related data that wasn't previously linked, or using the Web to lower the barriers to linking data currently linked using other methods
- Radius is a powerful tag-based template language for Ruby inspired by the template languages used in MovableType and TextPattern. It uses tags similar to XML, but can be used to generate any form of plain text (HTML, e-mail, etc…).
Babelmark Markdown Testbed
A derivative of the original Markdown.pl with added features by Fletcher T. Penney.
kramdown is yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using a strict syntax definition and supporting several common extensions
Maruku: a Markdown-superset interpreter
Andrea Censi's Markdown parser with additional features, some borrowed from Markdown Extra.
RDF.rb: RDF API for Ruby
Online Formular zur Bestätigung von ausländischen Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummern des Bundeszentralamts für Steuern mit der Beschreibung einer XML-RPC Schnittstelle ebd.
Backup Databases and Files for Ruby on Rails and plain Unix
Bluepill: a new process monitoring tool
Business Processes / Workflow Engines for Rails
RBPM is a Ruby/Rails Business Process Management System
Ruote, the one-and-only for many years, dead since Nov. 2013, resurrected as operati.ca
Fail2ban scans log files (e.g.
) and bans IPs that show the malicious signs — too many password failures, seeking for exploits, etc -
git-flow is a collection of Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model
httpi provides a common interface for Ruby HTTP libraries: Curb, HTTPClient and Net::HTTP
Liquid HTML Editor - Liquid syntax highlighting for the amazing CodeMirror HTML source code editor
A more interactive Stanza frontend could be build upon Node.JS, Express, Socket.IO, all three foundation of Zappa, and NowJS. See also Derby (GitHub), Meteor and SocketStream (GitHub) (SocketStream 0.4). And vert.x.
A pure Stanza API server with an separate web frontend could be built using
Full Stack Frameworks
- ClojureScript One is both a tutorial and a sample single page web application using Compojure, Enlive and Domina
- Conjure is a Rails like framework
- Hoplon
- Luminus
- octohipster is a toolkit to build REST API servers with JSON Schema and Swagger documentation, uses Liberator
- Pedestal
- Compojure mit compojure-api
- Fnhouse mit fnhouse-swagger
- HTTP Kit
- Ganelon is a microframework bringing instant development of AJAX-enabled web applications to Clojure/Ring
- Noir has been deprecated but lives on as lib-noir, which is used very nicely with Compojure and is now basis of Luminus
Database Access
- Yesql is a Clojure library for using SQL queries
Directories of Clojure libraries
Clojure Cookbook (GitHub), Clojure Documentation is a community-driven documentation site for the Clojure programming language, Clojure vs. Scala
Destructuring in Clojure, Micro services on the JVM part 1 - Clojure, XML manipulation in Clojure
Drip is a launcher for the Java Virtual Machine that provides much faster startup times than the
command. Thedrip
script is intended to be a drop-in replacement for thejava
command, only faster. -
Scala and the Akka framework and
Full Stack Frameworks
Akka extensions
Introduction to Akka Persistence
- BlueEyes
- Scalatra (GitHub) supports Swagger
- spray
- Socko Web Server supports Swagger and the SPDY, WebSocket protocols
- Unfiltered
Database Access
- O/R Broker uses plain SQL
- Prequel uses plain SQL
- Slick
Other Tools and Libraries at the Scala Wiki
Hacking Scala incl. an introductory presentation, Programming Scala (OFPS, Retooling… has learning reflections), Scala Tips
Twitter's Scala School, Effective Scala
Or using Go (The Case For Go) and
go-restful supports Swagger (Example)
JAS router do not use regular expressions, the routing performance would be constant as you define more resource and methods
The TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks offer detailed hints of the performance these frameworks offer
GoConvey is test-driven-development in Go, in the browser. It has a gorgeous web ui, and is really what testing ought to look like
Piwik is a real time web analytics software (GPL)
PDF rending plug-in for Rails using FlyingSaucer: saucerly, saucerly
RightAWS - RightScale's open-source gems provide Ruby-language interfaces to several cloud computing platforms
RSS Renderer for Rails 3 using
Ruleby - Rule Engine for Ruby
Ruby on Sails - Google Wave provider implemented in Ruby
Google Wave is now Apache Wave
class XMLModel def new *args if self == XMLModel klass = use_v1? ? XMLModelV1 : XMLModelV2 instance = klass.allocate instance.initialize *args instance else super *args end end end class XMLModelV1 < XMLModel; end class XMLModelV2 < XMLModel; end
Socky is a complete solution for realtime browser-server communication using WebSockets (where available, falling back to flash sockets where not)
Using Sprockets 2 in Rails 3.0.x with CoffeeScript and SASS
Some of Using CoffeeScript in Rails is maybe useful as well
Supermodel: Simple ActiveModel-Powered In-Memory Models
Open Source Tripwire Intrusion Detection System