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Camotoy edited this page May 29, 2021 · 65 revisions

Floodgate is a hybrid mode plugin which allows for Minecraft: Bedrock Accounts to join Minecraft: Java Edition servers without needing a Minecraft: Java Edition account. This is something you install in addition to Geyser. Unlike Geyser, Floodgate can only be installed as a plugin on Spigot (including Paper and forks), Bungeecord, and Velocity, and can only be utilized on servers that have it installed.



  • You must own/manage the server in order to add Floodgate. If you do not own the server, Floodgate does not allow you to bypass logging into Java servers that require a Mojang Java account.
  • The CraftBukkit/Bukkit server software is not supported. Use floodgate-bukkit for installing on a Spigot/Paper server.

Setting Up

NOTE: Floodgate does not replace the Geyser jar. If you are running a plugin version of Geyser, you still MUST have Geyser installed.

Any reference to Spigot here also refers to any compatible server software such as Paper.

Plugin Setup (You have Geyser and Floodgate on the same server)

For multi-server setups: you only are required to install Floodgate on the BungeeCord or Velocity instance unless you want to use the Floodgate API on the other servers - see below for the installation process.

If using Velocity: Set player-info-forwarding-mode to LEGACY in velocity.toml. This will be unnecessary for 1.17.

  • Download the Floodgate plugin from here and add it to your plugins folder on your server (BungeeCord only requires it on the proxy - if you wish to use IP forwarding see below).
  • Change the auth-type in the Geyser config to floodgate.
  • Restart/start up the server.

Standalone Setup (Geyser and Floodgate are not on the same server)

  • Download the Floodgate plugin from here and add it to your plugins folder on your server (BungeeCord only requires it on the proxy - if you wish to use IP forwarding see below).
  • Run the server with Floodgate.
  • Copy the public-key.pem file in the Floodgate config folder to the same directory as Geyser Standalone. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS KEY TO ANYBODY! This key is what allows for Bedrock accounts to bypass the Java Edition authentication, and if anyone gets ahold of this, they can wreak havoc on your server.
  • Change the auth-type in the Geyser config to floodgate.

Running Floodgate on Spigot servers behind BungeeCord or Velocity

This is only needed when you want to use the Floodgate API on your Spigot server(s) behind a proxy.

  • Download the Floodgate plugin from here and install it as a plugin on both BungeeCord/Velocity and the Spigot server(s).
  • Enable ip_forward in your BungeeCord config.yml if using BungeeCord
  • Set player-info-forwarding-mode to LEGACY in velocity.toml if using Velocity. This will be unnecessary for 1.17.
  • Set bungeecord to true in your spigot.yml
  • Start the proxy server.
  • Edit the Floodgate config on your proxy server and set send-floodgate-data to true.
  • Copy both key files and the encrypted.txt in the proxy Floodgate config folder to all Spigot servers' Floodgate config folder. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS KEY TO ANYBODY! This key is what allows for Bedrock accounts to bypass the Java Edition authentication, and if anyone gets ahold of this, they can wreak havoc on your server.
  • Restart the Spigot servers and proxy server.

Account Linking

Floodgate supports account linking, allowing you to join as your Java account on the server. This is an option that can be enabled in the Floodgate config. (Note that, unless using a custom command prefix or similar workaround, xbox-achievements-enabled must be disabled during initial linking; this is due to a limitation in Bedrock.) Once enabled, the steps to link your account are as follows:

  • Log in on java and run /linkaccount .
  • You will get a message asking you to run the linkaccount command on Bedrock.
  • Run the command given to you, and you will be kicked on Bedrock. Upon relogging, you will be logged in as your java account.

No credentials for either your Java or Bedrock account are needed nor stored in this process.

Changing/disabling the prefix

Please note: we do not recommend removing the prefix unless you are certain that no one will share a username between a Java and Bedrock player.

In your Floodgate config, change username-prefix to whichever prefix you desire - you can set it to "" and there will be no prefix.

On some older Paper servers (or any forks that use them), you may need to also shut down your server and delete your usercache.json file located in the same folder as your server jar to prevent users who already joined from having the old prefix. See below if you qualify.

Running commands

In some instances, you may need to wrap the Bedrock player's username in quotes; for example: /tp "*BedrockPlayer".

Known Issues/Caveats


Due to how Minecraft: Java Edition handles skins, Bedrock players from some platforms will appear as Steve or Alex to other Java players.

Access token can not be null or empty

This may be because you forgot to set the auth-type in the config to floodgate. If that isn't it, check to make sure your config contains the line floodgate-key-file: public-key.pem. If not, just copy that in directly.

Invalid packet id:

This usually means one of two things:

  • You did not follow the Floodgate instructions properly. However, in an unlikely scenario, this could also be an error related to uploading through FTP. Using ASCII will not work here, and you need to make sure you're on binary when uploading. We recommend using WinSCP if you need to use FTP.
  • You're trying to log in without an Xbox account. Floodgate requires an Xbox account to authenticate the Bedrock player.

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

You're trying to log in without an Xbox account. Floodgate requires an Xbox account to authenticate the Bedrock player.

Geyser-Floodgate:51777 lost connection: Internal Exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "SfqdXv36" (or a similar error)

Set ip-forwarding in your BungeeCord to true.

Whitelist command not working

See this page.

Prefix is not changing on the server after changing it in the config.

Between the Paper builds of 1.15.2-355 and 1.16.5-505, there was a bug where Floodgate players who had already connected to the server would not have their prefixed changed. Paper builds 1.16.5-506 and later fix this issue.

Ensure that you removed the usercache.json file from the server root directory and restart your server.

Error with Forge/Fabric

At this time, there is no way to run Floodgate on a Forge or Fabric server - most Bukkit/Forge hybrids do not support the complicated procedures we need to do in order to allow Bedrock players to connect (for the technically minded: these server softwares typically don't support NMS). If you wish to use Floodgate in combination with Forge/Fabric, we recommend putting these servers behind BungeeCord or Velocity.

Obtaining UUIDs for Floodgate players

Check the server log for their UUIDs, or use this method.

Using PlaceholderAPI

If you're using the Bukkit version of Floodgate, download the Placeholder plugin here. Using the placeholders shouldn't require additional setup other than having PlaceholderAPI installed. See the section above on installing Floodgate on backend servers if you wish to use this on BungeeCord.

Using Skript

If you're using the Bukkit version of Floodgate, there is an unofficial plugin that adds Skript support here.