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Janis Workshop (1.3)

Building alignment workflow

In this stage, we are going to build a simple workflow to align short reads of DNA. This section is specifically modelled from the GATK4 data processing for variant discovery WDL workflow. As discussed before, we've made modifications to simplify the workflow creation, and start with unaligned Fastqs rather than uBAMs.

This is the full workflow we'll build:

Diagram of variant-calling workflow showing connections

Our workflow will consist of the following steps:

  1. Start with a pair of compressed FASTQ files,
  2. Align these reads using BWA MEM into an uncompressed SAM file (the de facto standard for short read alignments),
  3. Compress this into the binary equivalent BAM file using samtools, and finally
  4. Mark duplicates using gatk4 MarkDuplicates.

These tools already exist within the Janis Tool Registry, you can see their documentation online:

Creating our file

A Janis workflow is a Python script, so we can start by creating a file called and importing Janis.

Use a text editor to edit part1/ file.

You'll see there already a number of imports for you, Let's go through them:

from janis_core import WorkflowBuilder, String

# Import bioinformatics types
from janis_bioinformatics.data_types import FastqGzPairedEnd, FastaWithIndexes

# Import bioinformatics tools
from import BwaMemLatest
from import SamToolsView_1_9
from import (
  • From janis_core library, we've imported the WorkflowBuilder and String types
  • From janis_bioinformatics.data_types, we've imported FastqGzPairedEnd and FastaWithIndexes
  • We've imported the four tools:
    • BwaMemLatest from bwa
    • SamToolsView_1_9 from samtools
    • Gatk4MarkDuplicates_4_1_4 from gatk4
    • Gatk4SortSam_4_1_4 from gatk4
    • Gatk4SetNmMdAndUqTags_4_1_4 from gatk4

Importing additional data_type

We'll import additional data_type to handle our Bam output. Add the following line to the file:

from janis_bioinformatics.data_types import Bam

Declaring our workflow

We'll create an instance of the WorkflowBuilder class, this just requires a name for your workflow (can contain alphanumeric characters and underscores).

w = WorkflowBuilder("preprocessingWorkflow")

A workflow has 3 methods for building workflows:

  • workflow.input - Used for creating inputs,
  • workflow.step - Creates a step on a workflow,
  • workflow.output - Exposes an output on a workflow.

We give each input / step / output a unique identifier, which then becomes a node in our workflow graph. We can refer to the created node using dot-notation (eg: w.input_name). We'll see how this works in the later sections.

More information about each step will be linked from this page about the Workflow and WorkflowBuilder class.

Creating inputs on a workflow

Further reading: Creating an input

To create an input on a workflow, you can use the Workflow.input method, which has the following structure:

    identifier: str, 
    datatype: DataType, 
    default: any = None, 
    doc: str = None


This is a little confusing. They're not actually key: value pairs - theyre positional args. Could reword this to

A workflow input must have two items:

  • A unique identifier (the name of the input)
  • The datatype of the input (a janis DataType)

Additionally, we can give a default, and a doc explaining what the input is.

# a paired-end gz fastq
w.input("fastq", FastqGzPairedEnd)

# a sample name with defaults and an explanation
w.input("sample_name", String, "mysample", "The name of the sample")

An input requires a unique identifier (string) and a DataType (String, FastqGzPair, etc). We have four inputs we want to expose on this workflow.

  1. Sequencing Reads (FastqGzPairedEnd - paired end sequence)
  2. Sample name (String)
  3. Read group header (String)
  4. Reference files (FastaWithIndexes) - Fasta + index files)

To add these input definitions to the workflow, add the following lines to your code:

w.input("sample_name", String)
w.input("read_group", String)
w.input("fastq", FastqGzPairedEnd)
w.input("reference", FastaWithIndexes)

Declaring our steps and connections

Further reading: Creating a step

Similar to exposing inputs, we create steps with the Workflow.step method. It has the following structure:

    identifier: str, 
    tool: janis_core.tool.tool.Tool, # why is this .tool.tool.Tool lol? 
    scatter: Union[str, List[str], ScatterDescription] = None, 

[NOTE] scatter is not explained here! better to leave it out for now? touch on it later when it becomes relevant.

We provide a identifier for the step (unique amongst the other nodes in the workflow), and intialise our tool, passing our inputs of the step as parameters.

We can refer to an input (or previous result) using the dot notation. For example, to refer to the fastq input, we can use w.fastq.


We use bwa mem's documentation to determine that we need to provide the following inputs:

  • reads: FastqGzPair (connect to w.fastq)
  • readGroupHeaderLine: String (connect to w.read_group)
  • reference: FastaWithDict (connect to w.reference)
  • markShorterSplits: True

The -M flag (markShorterSplits) causes BWA to mark shorter split hits as secondary (essential for Picard compatibility). (howto) Map and mark duplicates

To add BWA MEM step to your workflow, add the following step definition to your code:

    "bwamem",   # step identifier

Samtools view

We'll use a very similar pattern for Samtools View, except this time we'll reference the output of bwamem. From bwa mem's documentation, there is one output called out with type Sam. We'll connect this to SamtoolsView only input, called sam. Add the following step definition to your code:


Mark Duplicates

Now that we have an aligned BAM file, we can use gatk4 MarkDuplicates. MarkDuplicates requires sorted inputs so the secondary and supplementary reads get marked correctly. The output of BWA is query-grouped, using assumeSortOrder="queryname" is good for MarkDuplicates [source].

Janis will automatically generate a filename for the metrics file, so we don't need to provide that.

Hence, we'll provide MarkDuplicates the following params:

Add the following step definition to your code:


Exposing outputs

Further reading: Creating an output

Outputs have a very similar syntax to both inputs and steps, they take an identifier and a named source parameter. Here is the structure:

    identifier: str,
    datatype: DataType = None,
    source: Node = None,
    output_folder: List[Union[String, Node]] = None,
    output_name: Union[String, Node] = None

Often, we don't want to specify the output data type, because we can let Janis do this for us. We'll talk about the output_folder and output_name in the next few sections. For now, we just have to specify an output identifier and a source.

We'll add an output called tmp_out_unsortedbam, and use markduplicates.out as the source. To add this output to your workflow, add the following line to your code:

w.output("tmp_out_unsortedbam", Bam, source=w.markduplicates.out)

Let's test what we have!

Now that we've implemented part of our workflow, let's test that it's working so far!

Translating to WDL

Although we're using CWL to run the tools, because we've written out analysis in Janis, we can also translate to WDL for free! You can translate your workflow to Janis using:

# in bash now
janis translate part1/ wdl
version development

import "tools/bwamem_v0_7_15.wdl" as B
import "tools/SamToolsView_1_9_0.wdl" as S
import "tools/Gatk4MarkDuplicates_4_1_4_0.wdl" as G

workflow preprocessingWorkflow {
  input {
    String sample_name
    String read_group
    Array[File] fastq
    File reference
    File reference_fai
    File reference_amb
    File reference_ann
    File reference_bwt
    File reference_pac
    File reference_sa
    File reference_dict
    Boolean? bwamem_markShorterSplits = true
    String? markduplicates_assumeSortOrder = "queryname"
  call B.bwamem as bwamem {
      markShorterSplits=select_first([bwamem_markShorterSplits, true])
  call S.SamToolsView as samtoolsview {
  call G.Gatk4MarkDuplicates as markduplicates {
      assumeSortOrder=select_first([markduplicates_assumeSortOrder, "queryname"])
  output {
    File tmp_out_unsortedbam = markduplicates.out

You can export the CWL translation too!

We're looking good! Now let's run the worfklow using Janis and CWLTool. We'll include the --development flag, as when we re-run the pipeline, it won't recompute steps we've already ran!

janis run -o part1 --development --keep-intermediate-files \
    part1/ \
    --fastq data/BRCA1_R*.fastq.gz \
    --reference reference/hg38-brca1.fasta \
    --sample_name NA12878 \
    --read_group "@RG\tID:NA12878\tSM:NA12878\tLB:NA12878\tPL:ILLUMINA"

[NOTE] I hadn't downloaded the data at this stage. When I downloaded the data, the file was overwritten, which was kinda annoying. Had to copy the workflow out again.

Hopefully we got Task has finished with status: Completed. We can check out output directory:

$ ls -lgh part1/
# drwxr-xr-x  288B Jul 16 16:50 janis
# -rw-r--r--  1.4K Jul 16 16:49
# -rw-r--r--  411B Jul 16 13:15
# -rw-r--r--  2.6M Jul 16 16:50 tmp_out_unsortedbam.bam

We see the tmp_out_unsortedbam.bam which is the BAM output of mark duplicates.

Preparing for next exercise

Once you are happy with this task, you can now remove the tmp_out_unsortedbam.bam output we created in this section.

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