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File metadata and controls

41 lines (38 loc) · 2.77 KB

Data Dictionary

The Donkey Gym server sends JSON telemetry messages every simulation frame. The default rate is 60 frames per second.

Columns Type Description
steering_angle1 continuous ratio of current steering input to maximum steering input
throttle2 continuous ratio of turtent throttle input to maximum throttle input
speed continuous speed (meters per second)
image3 string camera output frame (base-64-encoded string)
hit nominal object with which the car is in contact
time string time since start of simulation (seconds)
accel_x3 continuous acceleration in the camera x axis (meters per seconds squared)
accel_y3 continuous acceleration in the camera y axis (meters per seconds squared)
accel_z3 continuous acceleration in the camera z axis (meters per seconds squared)
gyro_x3 continuous rotation around camera x axis (radians per second)
gyro_y3 continuous rotation around camera y axis (radians per second)
gyro_z3 continuous rotation around camera z axis (radians per second)
gyro_w3 continuous rotation around camera w axis (radians per second)
pitch continuous angle of lengthwise (front to back) tilt from horizontal (degrees)
yaw continuous compass heading (degrees)
roll continuous angle of widthwise (left to right) tilt from horizontal (degrees)
cte (cross track error) continuous distance from track-dependent center line (meters)
activeNode ordinal numbered label of current track segment
totalNodes4 discrete total number of track segments
pos_x continuous position from arbitrary origin on camera x axis (meters)
pos_y continuous position from arbitrary origin on camera y axis (meters)
pos_z continuous position from arbitrary origin on camera z axis (meters)
vel_x continuous instantaneous velocity on camera x axis (meters per second)
vel_y continuous instantaneous velocity on camera y axis (meters per second)
vel_z continuous instantaneous velocity on camera z axis (meters per second)
on_road5 boolean whether car is currently on track
progress_on_shortest_path5 continuous distance along specified shortest path (meters)
lap6 ordinal number of "collisions" with starting line

1. -0.64 (full left) to 0.64 (full right)
2. -1.0 (full brake) to 1.0 (full forward throttle)
3. simulated sensor output
4. mini-monaco: 307
5. mini-monaco: not implemented
6. not provided by server; added by client