diff --git a/cordova/config.xml b/cordova/config.xml index 00919d73680..12b88e6c1eb 100644 --- a/cordova/config.xml +++ b/cordova/config.xml @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ + version="1.0.2" + android-versionCode="119" + ios-CFBundleVersion="1.0.2"> GroestlPay A secure Groestlcoin wallet for friends and companies. diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 926ffc7528d..b7cabbc051e 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ "name": "GroestlPay", "description": "A multisignature Groestlcoin wallet", "author": "Groestlcoin", - "version": "2.7.1", - "androidVersionCode": "118", + "version": "2.7.2", + "androidVersionCode": "119", "keywords": [ "wallet", "GroestlPay", diff --git a/src/js/translations.js b/src/js/translations.js index 0e63bcfa13c..b53cdd38bf4 100644 --- a/src/js/translations.js +++ b/src/js/translations.js @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ angular.module('copayApp').run(['gettextCatalog', function (gettextCatalog) { /* jshint -W100 */ - gettextCatalog.setStrings('cs', {"(possible double spend)":"(pravděpodobná dvojitá platba)","(Trusted)":"(Věrohodný)","[Balance Hidden]":"[skrytý zůstatek]","{{fee}} will be deducted for groestlcoin networking fees":"{{fee}} bude odečteno jako poplatek Groestlcoinové síti","{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction":"{{feeRateStr}} z transakce","{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}":"{{index.m}} z {{index.n}}","{{index.txProgress}} transactions downloaded":"{{index.txProgress}} transakce stažena","{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}":"{{item.m}} z {{item.n}}","* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created.":"* Návrh k platbě může být odstraněn pokud 1) jste jej vytvořil(a) a žádný spoluplátce jej nepodepsal 2) Uběhlo 24 hodin od vytvoření návrhu.","IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR GroestlPay WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY GROESTLCOINS YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT GroestlPay WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE.":"POKUD ZTRATÍTE PŘÍSTUP K VAŠI SPOLUPLÁTCOVSKÉ PENĚŽENCE NEBO VAŠÍM ŠIFROVANÝM KLÍČŮM A NEMÁTE ULOŽENOU ZÁLOHU VAŠI PENĚŽENKY A HESLEM ZVLÁŠTĚ, BERETE NA VĚDOMÍ ŽE VŠECHNY GROESTLCOINY ULOŽENÉ V TÉTO SPOLUPLÁTCOVSKÉ PENĚŽENCE NEBUDOU DOSTUPNÉ. ","A multisignature groestlcoin wallet":"A vícepodpisová Groestlcoin peněženka","About GroestlPay":"O GroestlPay","Accept":"Přijmout","Account":"Účet","Account Number":"Číslo účtu","Activity":"Aktivita","Add a new entry":"Přidat nový záznam","Add wallet":"Přidat peněženku","Address":"Adresa","Address Type":"Typ adresy","Advanced":"Pokročilé","Alias":"Název","Alias for {{index.walletName}}":"Název pro {{index.walletName}}","All contributions to GroestlPay's translation are welcome. Sign up at crowdin.com and join the GroestlPay project at":"Všichni spoluúčastníci překladů GroestlPay jsou vítání. Přihlaště se na crowdin.com a přidejte se k projektu GroestlPay na","All transaction requests are irreversible.":"Všechny žádosti o platbu jsou nevratné.","Alternative Currency":"Alternativní měna","Amount":"Částka","Amount in":"Částka v","Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?":"Opravdu si přejete odstranit tuto peněženku?","Available Balance":"Dostupný zůstatek","Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes":"Průměrný čas potvrzení je: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minut","Back":"Zpět","Backup":"Záloha","Backup failed":"Chyba zálohování","Backup Needed":"Vyžadována záloha","Backup now":"Vytvořit zálohu","Bad wallet invitation":"Chybný požadavek do peněženky","Balance By Address":"Zůstatek adres","BIP32 path for address derivation":"BIP32 cesta pro derivaci adres","Groestlcoin address":"Groestlcoin adresa","Groestlcoin Network Fee Policy":"Zásady poplatků Groestlcoinové sítě","Groestlcoin URI is NOT valid!":"Groestlcoin URI neni platná!","Broadcast Payment":"Vysílání platby","Broadcasting transaction":"Vysílání transakce","Browser unsupported":"Nepodporovaný prohlížeč","Calculating fee":"Vypočítávám poplatek","Cancel":"Zrušit","Cancel and delete the wallet":"Zrušit a odstranit peněženku","Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds":"Nelze vytvořit transakci. Nedostatek prostředků","Cannot join the same wallet more that once":"Nelze spojit stejnou peněženku více než jednou","Cannot sign: The payment request has expired":"Chyba podpisu: Návrh platby vypršel","Certified by":"Ověřeno od","Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name.":"Změna názvu peněženky bude aktualizovat pouze název na tomto zařízení.","Choose a backup file from your computer":"Vyberte zálohu z PC","Clear cache":"Vymazat cache","Close":"Zavřít","Color":"Barva","Commit hash":"Hash softwaru","Confirm":"Potvrdit","Confirmations":"Potvrzení","Congratulations!":"Gratulujeme!","Connection reset by peer":"Spojení obnoveno uzlem","Continue":"Pokračovat","copayer already in this wallet":"Spoluplátce je již v peněžence","copayer already voted on this spend proposal":"Spoluplátce pro tento návrh již hlasoval","copayer data mismatch":"Data spoluplátce nesouhlasí","copayers":"Spoluplátci","Copied to clipboard":"Zkopírováno","Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)":"Zkopírujte tento text do bezpečného místa (např. email nebo poznámkový blok)","Copy to clipboard":"Zkopírovat","Could not access Wallet Service: Not found":"Nebylo možné navázat spojení se službou peněženky: Nebyla nalezena","Could not broadcast payment":"Nebylo možné vyslat platbu","Could not build transaction":"Nebylo možné sestavit transakci","Could not create address":"Nebylo možné vytvořit adresu","Could not create payment proposal":"Nebylo možné vytvořit návrh platby","Could not create using the specified extended private key":"Nebylo možné vytvořit rozšířený veřejný klíč","Could not create using the specified extended public key":"Nebylo možné vytvořit rozšířený veřejný klíč","Could not delete payment proposal":"Nepodařilo se odstranit návrh platby","Could not fetch payment information":"Nebylo možné získat údaje platby","Could not get fee value":"Nebylo možné získat hodnotu poplatku","Could not import":"Chyba importu","Could not join wallet":"Chyba spojování peněženek","Could not recognize a valid Groestlcoin QR Code":"Groestlcoin QR kód nebyl rozpoznán","Could not reject payment":"Chyba odmítnutí platby","Could not send payment":"Chyba při odesílání platby","Could not update Wallet":"Chyba při aktualizování platby","Create":"Vytvořit","Create {{requiredcopayers}}-of-{{totalcopayers}} wallet":"Vytvořit peněženku {{requiredcopayers}}-z-{{totalcopayers}}","Create new wallet":"Vytvořit novou peněženku","Create, join or import":"Vytvořit, spojit nebo importovat","Created by":"Vytvořil","Creating transaction":"Vytvářím transakci","Creating Wallet...":"Vytvářím peněženku...","Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB":"Současná zásadu poplatků je: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB","Date":"Datum","Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open.":"Dešifrování papírové peněženky může na tomto zařízení trvat okolo 5 minut, buďte prosím trpělivý a nechejte aplikaci otevřenou.","Delete it and create a new one":"Smazat a vytvořit novou","Delete Payment Proposal":"Odstranit návrh platby","Delete wallet":"Odstranit peněženku","Delete Wallet":"Odstranit peněženku","Deleting Wallet...":"Mažu peněženku...","Derivation Path":"Cesta derivace","Derivation Strategy":"Způsob derivace","Details":"Detail","Disabled":"Nedostupné","Do not include private key":"Nevyplňujte soukromý klíč","Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language.":"Nevidíte na Crowdin váš jazyk? Kontaktujte správce repozitáře na Crowdin. Rádi váš jazyk přidáme.","Done":"Hotovo","Download":"Stáhnout","Economy":"Ekonomický","Edit":"Upravit","Email for wallet notifications":"Email pro upozornění","Email Notifications":"Email upozornění","Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated.":"Limit prázdných adres dovrše. Nové adresy nemohou být vytvořeny.","Enable push notifications":"Povolit notifikace","Encrypted export file saved":"Šifrovaný soubor byl vytvořen","Enter your password":"Vyplňte heslo","Error at Wallet Service":"Chyba Služby Peněženky","Error creating wallet":"Chyba vytváření peněženky","Expired":"Vyprošelo","Expires":"Vyprší","Export options":"Možnosti exportu","Export to file":"Exportovat do souboru","Export Wallet":"Exportovat peněženku","Extended Public Keys":"Rozšířený veřejný klíč","Failed to export":"Chyba exportu","Failed to verify backup. Please check your information":"Chyba ověření zálohy. Zkontrolujte zadané informace","Family vacation funds":"Úspory rodiny na dovolenou","Fee":"Poplatek","Fetching Payment Information":"Stahuji platební údaje","Finish":"Konec","French":"Francouzština","Funds are locked by pending spend proposals":"Zůstatky jsou blokovány probíhajícím návrhem platby","Funds found":"Zůstatky nalezeny","Funds received":"Obdržena platba","Funds will be transferred to":"Částka bude převedena k","Generate new address":"Vytvořit novou adresu","Generate QR Code":"Vytvořit QR kód","Generating .csv file...":"Vytvářím .csv soubor...","German":"Němčina","Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ...":"Získávání adres peněženky {{selectedWalletName}} ...","Global preferences":"Obecná nastavení","Hardware wallet":"Hardware peněženka","Hardware Wallet":"Hardwarová peněženka","Hide advanced options":"Skrýt rozšířená nastavení","I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms.":"Potvrzuji, že jsem si přečetl, porozuměl a odsouhlasil uvedené podmínky.","I AGREE. GET STARTED":"SOUHLASÍM. ZAČÍT","Import":"Import","Import backup":"Import zálohy","Import wallet":"Import peněženky","Importing Wallet...":"Importuji peněženku...","In no event shall the authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software.":"Za žádných okolností autoři softwaru, zaměstnanci a přidružené osoby, vlastníci ochranných známek, nejsou odpovědni za škody nebo náhradu nákladů, plynoucí z používání tohoto softwaru.","Incorrect address network":"Neplatná síť adres","Insufficient funds":"Nedostatečná částka","Insufficient funds for fee":"Nedostatečný zůstatek pro poplatek","Invalid":"Neplatné","Invalid account number":"Neplatné číslo účtu","Invalid address":"Neplatná adresa","Invalid derivation path":"Neplatná cesta derivace","Invitation to share a GroestlPay Wallet":"Pozvánka ke sdílené GroestlPay Peněžence","Japanese":"Japonština","John":"John","Join":"Spojit","Join my GroestlPay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download GroestlPay for your phone or desktop at https://GroestlPay.io":"Propojení mé GroestlPay peněženky. Toto je kód pozvánky: {{secret}} GroestlPay je možné stáhnout do telefonu nebo počítače na https://GroestlPay.io","Join shared wallet":"Spojit sdílenou peněženku","Joining Wallet...":"Spojuji peněženky...","Key already associated with an existing wallet":"Klíč je již spojený s některou z peněženek","Label":"Štítek","Language":"Jazyk","Last Wallet Addresses":"Poslední adresa peněženky","Learn more about GroestlPay backups":"Dozvědět se více o zálohování GroestlPay","Loading...":"Načítám...","locked by pending payments":"zablokováno probíhající platbou","Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal":"Čekání na locktime. Prosím vyčkejte na vytvoření nového platebního návrhu","Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal":"Čekání na locktime. Prosím vyčkejte na vytvoření tohoto platebního návrhu","Make a payment to":"Vytvořit platbu pro","Matches:":"Shody:","me":"já","Me":"Já","Memo":"Poznámka","Merchant message":"Zpráva obchodníka","Message":"Zpráva","Missing private keys to sign":"Chybějící soukromý klíč pro podpis","Moved":"Přesunuto","Multiple recipients":"Více příjemců","My Groestlcoin address":"Moje Groestlcoin adresa","My contacts":"Moje kontakty","My wallets":"Moje peněženky","Need to do backup":"Vyžaduje zálohu","Network":"Síť","Network connection error":"Chyba síťového spojení","New Payment Proposal":"Nový návrh platby","No hardware wallets supported on this device":"Toto zařízení nejsou podporována žádná hardware zařízení","No transactions yet":"Žádné transakce","Normal":"Normální","Not authorized":"Neautorizováno","Not completed":"Nedokončeno","Not valid":"Neplatné","Note":"Poznámka","Note: a total of {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} were excluded. The maximum size allowed for a transaction was exceeded":"Poznámka: celkem {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} bylo vyloučeno. Byla překročena maximální povolená velikost transakce","Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided.":"Pozn.: bylo vyloučeno celkem {{amountBelowFeeStr}}. Tyto prostředky pocházejí z menších UTXO, než kolik činí poplatek sítě.","Official English Disclaimer":"Oficiální Disclaimer v Angličtině","Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time.":"Viditelné jsou pouze hlavní (ne adresy pro vratky). Adresy na tomto seznamu nebyly lokálně ověřeny.","Open Settings app":"Otevřít nastavení aplikace","optional":"nepovinný","Paper Wallet Private Key":"Soukromý klíč papírové peněženky","Participants":"Účastníci","Passphrase":"Heslo","Password":"Heslo","Paste invitation here":"Pozvánku zkopírujte sem","Paste the backup plain text code":"Zálohu zkopírujte sem","Paste your paper wallet private key here":"Soukromý klíč papírové peněženky zkopírujte sem","Pasted from clipboard":"Zkopírovano","Pay To":"Placeno komu","Payment Accepted":"Platba přijata","Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted":"Platba přijata, ale doposud nebyla odeslána","Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created.":"Platba přijata. Bude vyslánat do sítě pomocí Glidera. V případě, že nastanou komplikace, může být odstraněna po 6 hodinách od vytvoření.","Payment details":"Údaje platby","Payment expires":"Expirace platby","Payment Proposal":"Návrh platby","Payment Proposal Created":"Návrh platby byl vytvořen","Payment Proposal Rejected":"Návrh platby byl odmítnut","Payment Proposal Rejected by copayer":"Návrh platby odmítnut spoluplátcem","Payment Proposal Signed by copayer":"Návrh platby byl podepsán spoluplátcem","Payment Proposals":"Návrhy plateb","Payment Protocol Invalid":"Neplatný platební protokol","Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App":"Chrome App nepodporuje Platební protokol","Payment Rejected":"Platba odmítnuta","Payment request":"Žádost platby","Payment Sent":"Platba odeslána","Payment to":"Platba komu","Pending Confirmation":"Vyčkávající potvrzení","Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED":"Trvalé odstraněné této peněženky. NELZE VRÁTIT ZPĚT","Personal Wallet":"Osobní peněženka","Please enter the required fields":"Vyplňte požadovaná pole","Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written.":"Potvrďte pořadí slov pro potvrzení správnosti zálohy.","Please upgrade GroestlPay to perform this action":"Pro tuto funkci je potřeba aktualizovat GroestlPay","Please, select your backup file":"Vyberte soubor zálohy","Preparing backup...":"Připravuji zálohu...","Press again to exit":"Pro ukončení stiskněte tlačítko znovu","Priority":"Priorita","Private key is encrypted, cannot sign":"Soukromý klíč je šifrovaný, nelze podepsat","Push notifications for GroestlPay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app.":"Oznámení pro GroestlPay jsou v současné době zakázána. Povolte v nastavení aplikace.","QR Code":"QR kód","QR-Scanner":"QR čtečka","Receive":"Přijmout","Received":"Přijato","Recipients":"Příjemci","Recreate":"Znovu vytvářím","Recreating Wallet...":"Znovu vytvářím peněženku...","Reject":"Odmítnout","Release Information":"Vypouštění informací","Remove":"Odstranit","Repeat password":"Heslo znovu","Request a specific amount":"Vyžádat konkrétní částku","Required":"Vyžadováno","Required number of signatures":"Vyžadováno více podpisuů","Retrieving inputs information":"Načítání informací vstupů","Russian":"Ruština","Save":"Uložit","Scan addresses for funds":"Naskenujte adresu pro zobrazení zůstatku","Scan Fingerprint":"Skenovat otisk","Scan Finished":"Skenování dokončeno","Scan status finished with error":"Status skenování je chybová","Scan Wallet Funds":"Skenovat zůstatek peněženky","Scan your fingerprint please":"Naskenujte prosím svůj otisk","Scanning Wallet funds...":"Skenuji zůstatek peněženky...","Search transactions":"Vyhledávám transakce","Security preferences":"Nastavení zabezpečení","See it on the blockchain":"Zobrazit na blockchainu","Select a backup file":"Vybrat soubor zálohy","Select a wallet":"Vybrat peněženku","Self-signed Certificate":"Vlastnoručně podepsaný certifikát","Send":"Odesláno","Send addresses by email":"Odeslat adresy emailem","Send groestlcoin":"Odeslat GRS","Send by email":"Odeslat emailem","Send Max":"Odeslat max","Sending":"Odesílám","Sending transaction":"Odesílání transakce","Sent":"Odesláno","Server response could not be verified":"Server nemůže být ověřen","Session log":"Log sekce","SET":"NASTAVIT","Set default url":"Nastavit výchozí URL","Set up a password":"Nastavit heslo","Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more.":"Nastavení emailových notifikací může snížit vaše soukromí, pokud je poskytovatel emailu napaden. Útočník by mohl mít k dispozici vaše adresy peněženek a zůstatek, soukromé klíče k ovládání zůstatků ne.","Settings":"Nastavení","Share address":"Sdílet adresu","Share invitation":"Sdílet pozvánku","Share this invitation with your copayers":"Sdílet tuto pozvánku se spoluplátci","Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them.":"Sdílet adresu této peněženky pro přijímání plateb. Pro ochranu soukromí po použití adresy je generována nová.","Shared Wallet":"Sdílená peněženka","Show advanced options":"Zobrazit rozšířená nastavení","Signatures rejected by server":"Podpisy byly serverem odmítnuty","Spanish":"Španělština","Spend proposal is not accepted":"Návrh platby nebyl přijat","Spend proposal not found":"Návrh platby nebyl nalezen","Success":"Úspěšné","Sweep paper wallet":"Převést papírovou peněženku","Sweep Wallet":"Převést peněženku","Tap to retry":"Klikněte pro zopakování pokusu","Terms of Use":"Podmínky používání","The authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Groestlcoin network.":"Autoři tohoto software, zaměstnanci a ostatní, vlastníci ochranných známek, nemůže obnovit vaše soukromé klíče nebo hesla, pokud dojde ke ztrátě a negarantuje potvrzení transakcí, protože nedrží kontrolu nad Groestlcoin sítí.","The Ledger Chrome application is not installed":"Chrome aplikace pro Leger není instalována","The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen":"Platba byla vytvořena ale nemohla být dokončena. Opakujte akci z domovské obrazovky","The payment was removed by creator":"Platba byla odstraněna tvůrcem","The request could not be understood by the server":"Požadavek nebyl serverem pochopen","The software does not constitute an account where other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your groestlcoin.":"Tento software nepředstavuje účet kde jiné třetí strany slouží jako finanční zprostředkovatelé nebo správci vašeho Groestlcoin.","The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet.":"Software který hodláte začít používat je zdarma, open-source, vícepodpisová digitální peněženka.","The spend proposal is not pending":"Platební návrh neočekává další schválení","The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted":"Peněženka \"{{walletName}}\" byla odstraněna","There are no wallets to make this payment":"Pro platbu je potřeba založit peněženku","There is a new version of GroestlPay. Please update":"Existuje nová verze GroestlPay. Proveďte aktualizaci","There is an error in the form":"Na formuláři je chyba","This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt.":"Transakce je neplatná, zřejmě kvůli pokusu o dvojí platbu.","This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information.":"Tato peněženka není registrována na Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). Můžete jej znovu vytvořit z lokální informací.","Time":"Čas","To":"Komu","To restore this {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} shared wallet you will need":"Pro obnovu této {{index.m}} z {{index.n}} sdílené peněženky potřebujete","To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement.":"V plném rozsahu povoleném zákonem tento software je poskytován \"tak jak je\" a žádné prohlášení ani záruky nemohou být zaručeny.","too long!":"příliš dlouho!","Total Locked Balance":"Blokovaný zůstatek","Total number of copayers":"Počet spoluplátců","Touch ID Failed":"Chyba Touch ID","Transaction":"Transakce","Transaction already broadcasted":"Transakce byla již odeslána","Transaction History":"Historie transakcí","Translation Credits":"Poděkování překladatelům","Translators":"Překladatelé","Try again":"Zkusit znovu","Unconfirmed":"Nepotvrzené","Unit":"Jednotka","Unsent transactions":"Neodeslaná transakce","Updating transaction history. Please stand by.":"Aktualizuji historii transakcí.","Updating Wallet...":"Aktualizuji peněženku...","Use Unconfirmed Funds":"Použít nepotvrzené částky","Version":"Verze","View":"Pohled","Waiting for copayers":"Vyčkávání na spoluplátce","Waiting...":"Vyčkávání...","Wallet already exists":"Peněženka již existuje","Wallet Configuration (m-n)":"Nastavení peněženky (m z n)","Wallet Export":"Export peněženky","Wallet Id":"Id peněženky","Wallet incomplete and broken":"Peněženka je neúplná a chybná","Wallet Information":"Údaje peněženky","Wallet Invitation":"Pozvánka peněženky","Wallet Invitation is not valid!":"Neplatná pozvánka peněženky!","Wallet is full":"Peněženka je plná","Wallet is locked":"Peněženka je zablokována","Wallet is not complete":"Peněženka není úplná","Wallet name":"Název peněženky","Wallet Name (at creation)":"Název peněženky (při vytváření)","Wallet Network":"Síť peněženky","Wallet not found":"Peněženka nenalezena","Wallet service not found":"Služba peněženky nenalezena","WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.":"VAROVÁNÍ: Bez vložení soukromého klíče je možná kontrola zůstatků peněženek, historie transakcí a vytváření návrhů plateb z exportu. Nicméně, tyto údaje neumožňují (podepsat) návrhy plateb, tudíž zůstatky nebudou z exportů ovladatelné.","WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.":"VAROVÁNÍ: Soukromý klíč této peněženky není dostupný. Export umožňuje kontrolu zůstatků peněženky, historii transakcí, vytvoření návrhu platby z exportu. Nicméně neumožňuje potvrdit (podepsat) návrhy, zůstatky budou z exportu neovladatelné.","Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs":"Varování: Tato transakce odesílá nepotvrzené zůstatky","WARNING: UNTRUSTED CERTIFICATE":"VAROVÁNÍ: NEDŮVĚRYHODNÝ CERTIFIKÁT","WARNING: Wallet not registered":"VÁROVÁNÍ: Neregistrovaná peněženka","Warning!":"Varování!","We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time.":"Rezervujeme si právu upravit podmínky užívání.","WELCOME TO COPAY":"VÍTEJTE V GroestlPay","While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software.":"Zatímco software byl podroben testování beta a nadále je vylepšován zpětnou vazbou od open source uživatelské a vývojářské komunity, nemůžeme zaručit, že nedojde k žádným chybám v softwaru.","Yes":"Ano","You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws.":"Potvrzujete, že používáte tento software na vlastní uvážení a v souladu se všemi platnými zákony.","You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software.":"Jste odpovědni za bezpečné uchování hesel, soukromých klíčů, PINů a další údajů potřebných pro ovládání softwaru.","You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software.":"Berete na vědomí risk spojený s používání tohoto softwaru.","You backed up your wallet. You can now restore this wallet at any time.":"Zálohovali jste peněženku. Nyní je možné přistoupit k obnově.","You can safely install your wallet on another device and use it from multiple devices at the same time.":"Bezpečně můžete instalovat peněženku na jiné zařízení a použít jej z jiného zařízení ve stejnou dobu.","Your nickname":"Vaše přezdívka","Your password":"Vaše heslo","Your wallet has been imported correctly":"Vaše peněženka byla úspěšně importována"}); - gettextCatalog.setStrings('de', {"(possible double spend)":"(mögliche Doppelausgabe)","(Trusted)":"(Vertraut)","[Balance Hidden]":"[Guthaben versteckt]","{{fee}} will be deducted for groestlcoin networking fees":"{{fee}} wird als Netzwerkgebühr abgezogen","{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction":"{{feeRateStr}} der Transaktion","{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}":"{{index.m}}-von-{{index.n}}","{{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}} more":"{{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}} weitere","{{index.txProgress}} transactions downloaded":"{{index.txProgress}} Transaktionen werden heruntergeladen","{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}":"{{item.m}}-von-{{item.n}}","* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created.":"* Ein Zahlungsvorschlag kann gelöscht werden, wenn 1) Du diesen erzeugt hast und noch kein anderer GroestlPayer unterschrieben hat, oder 2) 24 Stunden vergangen sind, seit der Vorschlag erstellt wurde.","IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR GroestlPay WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY GROESTLCOINS YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT GroestlPay WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE.":"WENN DER ZUGRIFF AUF DAS GroestlPay WALLET ODER DEN VERSCHLÜSSELTEN PRIVATEN SCHLÜSSELN VERLOREN GEHT UND KEINE SICHERUNG DES WALLETS UND KORRESPONDIERENDEM PASSWORT EXISTIERT, DANN WIRD BESTÄTIGT UND AKZEPTIERT, DASS AUF ALLE MIT DIESEM WALLET VERBUNDENEN GROESTLCOIN KEIN ZUGRIFF MEHR MÖGLICH IST.","OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet recovery phrases (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet recovery phrases of any of the other copayers).":"ODER 1 Exportdatei des Wallets und und die noch benötigten Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrasen (z.B. für ein 3-5 Wallet: 1 Exportdatei + 2 Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrasen anderer GroestlPayer).","OR the wallet recovery phrase of all copayers in the wallet":"ODER die Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrasen aller GroestlPayer des Wallets","OR the wallet recovery phrases of all copayers in the wallet":"ODER die Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrasen aller GroestlPayer des Wallets","A multisignature groestlcoin wallet":"Ein Groestlcoin Wallet mit Mehrfachunterschriften","About GroestlPay":"Über GroestlPay","Accept":"Akzeptieren","Account":"Benutzerkonto","Account Number":"Kontonummer","Activity":"Aktivität","Add a new entry":"Einen neuen Eintrag hinzufügen","Add a Password":"Passwort festlegen","Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase":"Ein optionales Passwort zur Sicherung der Wiederherstellungsphrase hinzufügen","Add comment":"Kommentar hinzufügen","Add wallet":"Wallet hinzufügen","Address":"Adresse","Address Type":"Adresstyp","Advanced":"Erweitert","Alias":"Alias","Alias for {{index.walletName}}":"Alias für {{index.walletName}}","All contributions to GroestlPay's translation are welcome. Sign up at crowdin.com and join the GroestlPay project at":"Alle Beiträge zur Übersetzung von GroestlPay sind willkommen. Melde Dich bei crowdin.com an verbinde Dich mit dem GroestlPay-Projekt über","All transaction requests are irreversible.":"Transaktionen können unmöglich rückgängig gemacht werden.","Alternative Currency":"Alternative Währung","Amount":"Betrag","Amount below minimum allowed":"Betrag unter zulässigem Minimum","Amount in":"Betrag in","Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Wiederherstellungsphrase löschen möchten?","Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?":"Soll das Wallet wirklich gelöscht werden?","Auditable":"Prüffähig","Available Balance":"Verfügbarer Gesamtbetrag","Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes":"Durchschnittliche Zeit für die Bestätigung der Transaktion: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} Minuten","Back":"Zurück","Backup":"Sicherung","Backup failed":"Backup ist fehlgeschlagen","Backup Needed":"Backup wird benötigt","Backup now":"Jetzt sichern","Bad wallet invitation":"Ungültige Einladung","Balance By Address":"Guthaben nach Adresse","Before receiving funds, you must backup your wallet. If this device is lost, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup.":"Es ist notwendig Ihre Brieftasche zu sichern bevor Sie Beträge empfangen. Wenn Sie dieses Gerät verlieren, ist es ohne Sicherung unmöglich auf empfangene Beträge zuzugreifen.","BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:":"BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:","BIP32 path for address derivation":"BIP32 Pfad für die Adressen-Ableitung","Groestlcoin address":"Groestlcoinadresse","Groestlcoin Network Fee Policy":"Groestlcoin-Netzwerk Gebührenübersicht","Groestlcoin transactions may include a fee collected by miners on the network. The higher the fee, the greater the incentive a miner has to include that transaction in a block. Current fees are determined based on network load and the selected policy.":"Für Groestlcoin-Transaktionen können Gebühren hinzugefügt werden. Transaktionen mit höheren Gebühren werden meist schneller verarbeitet und bestätigt. Die tatsächlichen Gebühren werden anhand der Netzwerklast und der ausgewählte Richtlinie bestimmt.","Groestlcoin URI is NOT valid!":"Groestlcoin URI ist NICHT gültig!","Broadcast Payment":"Zahlung übermitteln","Broadcasting transaction":"Übermittlung der Transaktion","Browser unsupported":"Der eingesetzte Browser wird nicht unterstützt","Calculating fee":"Mining-Fee Berechnung","Cancel":"Abbruch","Cancel and delete the wallet":"Abbrechen und Brieftasche löschen","Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds":"Transaktion kann nicht erstellt werden. Keine Deckung","Cannot join the same wallet more that once":"An einem Wallet kann nicht mehrfach teilgenommen werden","Cannot sign: The payment request has expired":"Signieren nicht möglich: die Zahlungsanforderung ist abgelaufen","Certified by":"Zertifiziert von","Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name.":"Änderung der Aliases hat nur Auswirkungen auf den lokalen Namen des Wallets","Chinese":"Chinesisch","Choose a backup file from your computer":"Bitte eine Sicherungsdatei vom Computer wählen","Clear cache":"Cache leeren","Close":"Schließen","Color":"Farbe","Comment":"Kommentar","Commit hash":"Hash übertragen","Confirm":"Bestätigen","Confirm your wallet recovery phrase":"Bestätigen Sie Ihre Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase","Confirmations":"Bestätigungen","Congratulations!":"Herzlichen Glückwunsch!","Connecting to Coinbase...":"Verbinde mit Coinbase...","Connecting to Glidera...":"Verbinde mit Glidera...","Connection reset by peer":"Verbindung von Peer zurückgesetzt","Continue":"Weiter","copayer already in this wallet":"GroestlPayer nimmt bereits teil","copayer already voted on this spend proposal":"GroestlPayer hat schon für diesen Zahlungsvorschlag angestimmt","copayer data mismatch":"GroestlPayer Datenkonflikt","copayers":"GroestlPayer","Copied to clipboard":"In die Zwischenablage kopiert","Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)":"Diesen Text an einem sichern Ort einfügen (Notepad oder E-Mail)","Copy to clipboard":"In die Zwischenablage kopieren","Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:":"Kein Zugriff auf Wallet des Servers. Überprüfen Sie bitte:","Could not access wallet":"Auf Wallet konnte nicht zugegriffen werden","Could not access Wallet Service: Not found":"Auf den Wallet-Dienst konnte nicht zugegriffen werden: Nicht gefunden","Could not broadcast payment":"Zahlung konnte nicht gesendet werden","Could not build transaction":"Transaktion konnte nicht erstellt werden","Could not create address":"Adresse konnte nicht erstellt werden","Could not create payment proposal":"Es kann kein Zahlungsvorschlag erzeugt werden","Could not create using the specified extended private key":"Erzeugung mit erweiterten privaten Schlüssel nicht möglich","Could not create using the specified extended public key":"Erzeugung mit dem angegebenen erweiterten öffentlichen Schlüssel nicht möglich","Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase":"Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase nicht gültig","Could not decrypt file, check your password":"Datei konnte nicht entschlüsselt werden, bitte das Passwort überprüfen","Could not delete payment proposal":"Zahlungsvorschlag konnte nicht gelöscht werden","Could not fetch payment information":"Zahlungsinformationen können nicht abgerufen werden","Could not get fee value":"Gebühr konnte nicht ermittelt werden","Could not import":"Import nicht möglich","Could not import. Check input file and spending password":"Import nicht möglich. Bitte Datei und Berechtigungscode überprüfen","Could not join wallet":"Beteiligung am Wallet nicht möglich","Could not recognize a valid Groestlcoin QR Code":"Es konnte kein gültiger Groestlcoin-QR-Code erkannt werden","Could not reject payment":"Zahlung konnte nicht abgelehnt werden","Could not send payment":"Zahlung kann nicht gesendet werden","Could not update Wallet":"Wallet kann nicht aktualisiert werden","Create":"Erzeugen","Create {{requiredcopayers}}-of-{{totalcopayers}} wallet":"Ein {{requiredcopayers}}-von-{{totalcopayers}} Wallet erzeugen","Create new wallet":"Neues Wallet erzeugen","Create, join or import":"NEU | TEILNAHME | IMPORT","Created by":"Erstellt von","Creating transaction":"Transaktion erstellen","Creating Wallet...":"Wallet erstellen...","Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB":"Aktuelle Gebühr für dieses Einstellung: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/KiB","Czech":"Tschechisch","Date":"Datum","Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open.":"Das Entschlüsseln eines Paperwallets kann auf diesem Gerät bis zu 5 Minuten dauern. Bitte abwarten und die App nicht beenden.","Delete it and create a new one":"Löschen und neues Wallet erzeugen","Delete Payment Proposal":"Zahlungsvorschlag löschen","Delete recovery phrase":"Wiederherstellungsphrase löschen","Delete Recovery Phrase":"Wiederherstellungsphrase löschen","Delete wallet":"Wallet löschen","Delete Wallet":"Wallet löschen","Deleting Wallet...":"Wallet wird gelöscht...","Derivation Path":"Ableitungsstruktur","Derivation Strategy":"Ableitungstrategie","Description":"Beschreibung","Details":"Details","Disabled":"Deaktiviert","Do not include private key":"Den privaten Schlüssel nicht einbeziehen","Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language.":"Wird deine Sprache auf Crowdin nicht angezeigt? Kontaktiere den Support von Crowdin, denn wir würden deine Sprache gerne hinzufügen.","Done":"Fertig","Download":"Herunterladen","Economy":"Wirtschaftlich","Edit":"Bearbeiten","Edit comment":"Kommentar bearbeiten","Edited by":"Editiert von","Email for wallet notifications":"E-Mail für Wallet Benachrichtigungen","Email Notifications":"Benachrichtigunen per E-Mail","Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated.":"Obergrenze für leere Adressen erreicht. Neue Adressen können nicht generiert werden.","Enable Coinbase Service":"Coinbase-Dienst aktivieren","Enable Glidera Service":"Glidera-Dienst aktivieren","Enable push notifications":"Pushbenachrichtigungen aktivieren","Encrypted export file saved":"Verschlüsselte Exportdatei gespeichert","Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)":"Wiederherstellungsphrase eingeben (BIP39)","Enter your password":"Passwort eingeben","Enter your spending password":"Berechtigungscode eingeben","Error at Wallet Service":"Fehler beim Wallet-Dienst","Error creating wallet":"Fehler beim Erstellen des Wallets","Expired":"Abgelaufen","Expires":"Gültig bis","Export options":"Export-Optionen","Export to file":"In eine Datei exportieren","Export Wallet":"Wallet exportieren","Exporting via QR not supported for this wallet":"Für diese Wallet ist Export per QR nicht unterstützt","Extended Public Keys":"Erweiterte öffentliche Schlüssel","Extracting Wallet Information...":"Entpacke Wallet...","Failed to export":"Fehler beim Exportieren","Failed to verify backup. Please check your information":"Die Überprüfung der Sicherung ist gescheitert. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Angaben","Family vacation funds":"Familienurlaub","Fee":"Gebühr","Fetching Payment Information":"Zahlungsinformationen abrufen","File/Text":"Datei/Text","Finger Scan Failed":"Abtasten des Fingerabdrucks gescheitert","Finish":"Beenden","For audit purposes":"Zur Kontrolle","French":"Français","From the destination device, go to Add wallet > Import wallet and scan this QR code":"Gehen Sie auf Wallet Hinzufügen > Wallet Importieren von dem Zielgerät und scannen Sie diesen QR-Code","Funds are locked by pending spend proposals":"Beträge sind durch ausstehende Zahlungsvorschläge gesperrt","Funds found":"Beträge gefunden","Funds received":"Beträge empfangen","Funds will be transferred to":"Beträge werden überwiesen an","Generate new address":"Neue Adresse erzeugen","Generate QR Code":"QR-Code generieren","Generating .csv file...":"CSV-Datei erzeugen...","German":"Deutsch","Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ...":"Ermittle die Adresse des Wallets {{selectedWalletName}}...","Global preferences":"Globale Einstellungen","Hardware wallet":"Hardware-Wallet","Hardware Wallet":"Hardware-Wallet","Hide advanced options":"Erweiterte Optionen ausblenden","I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms.":"Ich bestätige, dass ich diese Bedingungen gelesen habe, diese verstehe und diesen zustimme.","I AGREE. GET STARTED":"Ich stimme zu. Lege los!","Import":"Import","Import backup":"Importiere Sicherung","Import wallet":"Wallet importieren","Importing Wallet...":"Wallet wird importiert...","In no event shall the authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software.":"Die Autoren der Software, Mitarbeiter, Inhaber von Urheberrechten, haften in keinem Fall für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die sich im Rahmen einer Klage zum Vertrag, unerlaubter Handlung, auf andere Weise oder aus bzw. im Zusammenhang mit der Software ergeben.","In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your password:":"Um die Sicherung der Wallet zu überprüfen, geben Sie bitte Ihr Passwort ein:","Incorrect address network":"Falsche Netzwerk-Adresse","Incorrect code format":"QR code hat falsches Format","Insufficient funds":"Nicht ausreichendes Guthaben","Insufficient funds for fee":"Nicht ausreichendes Guthaben für die Gebühr","Invalid":"Ungültig","Invalid account number":"Ungültige Kontonummer","Invalid address":"Ungültige Adresse","Invalid derivation path":"Ungültige Ableitungsstruktur","Invitation to share a GroestlPay Wallet":"Einladung zum GroestlPay-Wallet teilen","Italian":"Italienisch","Japanese":"日本語","John":"Sascha","Join":"Teilnehmen","Join my GroestlPay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download GroestlPay for your phone or desktop at https://GroestlPay.io":"GroestlPay Wallet beitreten. Hier ist der Einladungscode: {{secret}} Die Desktopversion oder die App fürs Handy kann auf https://GroestlPay.io heruntergeladen werden","Join shared wallet":"Gemeinschaftliches Wallet","Joining Wallet...":"Teilnahme am Wallet einrichten...","Key already associated with an existing wallet":"Schlüssel ist bereits mit einem existierenden Wallet verbunden","Label":"Beschreibung","Language":"Sprache","Last Wallet Addresses":"Letzte Wallet-Adressen","Learn more about GroestlPay backups":"Erfahren Sie mehr über GroestlPay-Sicherungen","Loading...":"Lade...","locked by pending payments":"durch ausstehende Zahlungen gesperrt","Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal":"Zeitsperre aktiv. Bitte mit neuem Zahlungsvorschlag warten","Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal":"Zeitsperre aktiv. Bitte auf die Entfernung des Zahlungsvorschlags warten","Make a payment to":"Sende eine Zahlung an","Matches:":"Übereinstimmungen:","me":"Ich","Me":"Ich","Memo":"Notiz","Merchant message":"Händlernachricht","Message":"Nachricht","Missing parameter":"Angabe fehlt","Missing private keys to sign":"Zum Signieren fehlen die privaten Schlüssel","Moved":"Verschoben","Multiple recipients":"Mehrere Empfänger","My Groestlcoin address":"Eigene Groestlcoinadresse","My contacts":"Meine Kontakte","My wallets":"Meine Wallets","Need to do backup":"Zuerst ist eine Sicherung notwendig","Network":"Netzwerk","Network connection error":"Netzwerkverbindungsfehler","New Payment Proposal":"Neue Zahlungsvorschlag","New Random Recovery Phrase":"Neue zufällige Wiederherstellungsphrase","No hardware wallets supported on this device":"Hardware-Wallets werden auf diesem Gerät nicht unterstützt","No transactions yet":"Noch keine Transaktionen","Normal":"Normal","Not authorized":"Nicht berechtigt","Not completed":"Nicht abgeschlossen","Not enough funds for fee":"Das Guthaben reicht nicht für die Gebühr","Not valid":"Nicht gültig","Note":"Notiz","Note: a total of {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} were excluded. The maximum size allowed for a transaction was exceeded":"Hinweis: insgesamt wurden {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} ausgeschlossen. Die maximale Größe für eine Transaktion wurde überschritten","Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided.":"Hinweis: insgesamt {{amountBelowFeeStr}} wurden ausgeschlossen. Diese Gelder stammen aus UTXOs, die kleiner sind als die Netzwerkgebühr.","NOTE: To import a wallet from a 3rd party software, please go to Add Wallet > Create Wallet, and specify the Recovery Phrase there.":"Hinweis: Um eine Brieftasche aus einer 3rd-Party-Software zu importieren, gehen Sie bitte auf Wallet Hinzufügen > Wallet Importieren, und geben Sie die Wiederhestellungsphrase ein.","Official English Disclaimer":"Offizieller englischer Haftungsausschluss","OKAY":"Okay","Once you have copied your wallet recovery phrase down, it is recommended to delete it from this device.":"Sobald Sie Ihre Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase kopiert haben, wird empfohlen, diese vom Gerät zu löschen.","Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time.":"Nur die Haupt (unveränderbaren) Adressen werden angezeigt. Die Adressen in dieser Liste sind momentan noch nicht lokal überprüft.","Open Settings app":"Einstellungen öffnen","optional":"zusätzlich","Paper Wallet Private Key":"Privater Schlüssel des Paperwallets","Participants":"Teilnehmer","Passphrase":"Passphrase","Password":"Passwort","Password required. Make sure to enter your password in advanced options":"Passwort erforderlich. Geben Sie Ihr Passwort in den erweiterten Optionen ein","Paste invitation here":"Einladung hier einfügen","Paste the backup plain text code":"Den Klartext der Sicherung einfügen","Paste your paper wallet private key here":"Privaten Schlüssel des Paperwallets hier einfügen","Pasted from clipboard":"Aus der Zwischenablage eingefügt","Pay To":"Zahle an","Payment Accepted":"Zahlung angenommen","Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted":"Zahlung akzeptiert, aber noch nicht übermittelt","Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created.":"Zahlung akzeptiert. Sie wird durch Glidera übermittelt. Falls ein Problem auftritt, kann sie nach einer Wartezeit von 6 Stunden gelöscht werden.","Payment details":"Zahlungsdetails","Payment expires":"Zahlung läuft ab","Payment Proposal":"Zahlungsvorschlag","Payment Proposal Created":"Zahlungsvorschlag erstellt","Payment Proposal Rejected":"Zahlungsvorschlag abgelehnt","Payment Proposal Rejected by copayer":"Zahlungsvorschlag wurde vom GroestlPayer abgelehnt","Payment Proposal Signed by copayer":"Zahlungsvorschlag wurde vom GroestlPayer abgezeichnet","Payment Proposals":"Zahlungsvorschläge","Payment Protocol Invalid":"Ungültiges Zahlungsprotokoll","Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App":"Zahlungsprotokoll wird nicht von der Chrome App unterstützt","Payment Rejected":"Zahlung abgelehnt","Payment request":"Zahlungsanforderung","Payment Sent":"Zahlung gesendet","Payment to":"Zahlung an","Pending Confirmation":"Ausstehende Bestätigung","Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED":"Wallet dauerhaft löschen. DIESE AKTION KANN NICHT RÜCKGÄNGIG GEMACHT WERDEN","Personal Wallet":"Persönliches Wallet","Please enter the recovery phrase":"Bitte geben Sie die Wiederherstellungsphrase ein","Please enter the required fields":"Bitte die benötigten Felder ausfüllen","Please enter the wallet recovery phrase":"Bitte geben Sie die Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase ein","Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written.":"Bitte tippen Sie auf die Wörter, um zu bestätigen, dass Ihre Backup-Phrase richtig geschrieben ist.","Please upgrade GroestlPay to perform this action":"Bitte GroestlPay aktualisieren, um diese Aktion auszuführen","Please wait to be redirected...":"Bitte warten Sie bis Sie umgeleitet werden...","Please, select your backup file":"Bitte die Sicherungsdatei wählen","Polish":"Polnisch","Preferences":"Einstellungen","Preparing backup...":"Sicherung wird vorbereitet...","preparing...":"in Arbeit...","Press again to exit":"Zum Beenden erneut drücken","Priority":"höchste Priorität","Private key is encrypted, cannot sign":"Der private Schlüssel ist verschlüsselt, signieren ist nicht möglich","Push notifications for GroestlPay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app.":"Pushbenachrichtigungen für GroestlPay sind derzeit deaktiviert. Aktivieren sie Sie in den Einstellungen.","QR Code":"QR-Code","QR-Scanner":"QR-Scanner","Receive":"Empfangen","Received":"Empfangen","Recipients":"Empfänger","Recovery Phrase":"Wiederherstellungsphrase","Recovery phrase deleted":"Wiederherstellungsphrase gelöscht","Recreate":"Wiederherstellen","Recreating Wallet...":"Wallet wiederherstellen...","Reject":"Ablehnen","Release Information":"Information zur Veröffentlichung","Remove":"Entfernen","Repeat password":"Passwort wiederholen","Repeat the password":"Passwort wiederholen","Repeat the spending password":"Berechtigungscode wiederholen","Request a specific amount":"Einen bestimmten Betrag anfordern","Request Spending Password":"Berechtigungscode abfragen","Required":"Benötigt","Required number of signatures":"Erforderliche Anzahl von Signaturen","Retrieving inputs information":"Eingänge werden abgerufen","Russian":"Pусский","Save":"Speichern","Scan addresses for funds":"Adresse auf neue Beträge überprüfen","Scan Fingerprint":"Fingerabdruck scannen","Scan Finished":"Überprüfung abgeschlossen","Scan status finished with error":"Überprüfung wurde mit Fehlern beendet","Scan Wallet Funds":"Prüfe Beträge des Wallets","Scan your fingerprint please":"Scannen Sie bitte Ihren Fingerabdruck","Scanning Wallet funds...":"Prüfe Wallet auf neue Beträge...","Search transactions":"Transaktionen durchsuchen","Search Transactions":"Transaktionen durchsuchen","Security preferences":"Sicherheitseinstellungen","See it on the blockchain":"Im Blockchain anzeigen","Select a backup file":"Eine Sicherungsdatei auswählen","Select a wallet":"Wallet wählen","Self-signed Certificate":"Selbstsigniertes Zertifikat","Send":"Senden","Send addresses by email":"Adressen per e-Mail versenden","Send groestlcoin":"Groestlcoins senden","Send by email":"Per E-Mail versenden","Send Max":"Alles senden","Sending":"Senden","Sending transaction":"Sende Transaktion","Sent":"Gesendet","Server response could not be verified":"Antwort des Servers konnte nicht verifiziert werden","Session log":"Sitzungsprotokoll","SET":"EINRICHTEN","Set default url":"Festlegen der Standard-URL","Set up a password":"Passwort einrichten","Set up a spending password":"Berechtigungscode einrichten","Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more.":"Das Einrichten einer E-Mail Benachrichtigung schwächt die Privatsphäre, wenn der Wallet Service Anbieter kompromittiert wurde. Der Angreifer kann jedoch nur Wallet Adresse und Guthaben erfahren, mehr nicht.","Settings":"Einstellungen","Share address":"Adresse teilen","Share invitation":"Einladung teilen","Share this invitation with your copayers":"Einladung mit GroestlPayern teilen","Share this wallet address to receive payments":"Geben Sie diese Adresse weiter um Zahlungen zu erhalten","Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them.":"Um Zahlungen zu empfangen, die hier angegebene Adresse teilen. Um die Privatsphäre zu schützen wird nach jeder Nutzung eine neue Adresse erzeugt.","Shared Wallet":"Wallet teilen","Show advanced options":"Erweiterte Optionen anzeigen","Signatures rejected by server":"Signaturen wurden vom Server abgelehnt","Signing transaction":"Unterschreibe Transaktion","Single Address Wallet":"Wallet mit einer einzigen Adresse","Spanish":"Español","Specify Recovery Phrase...":"Wiederherstellungsphrase angeben...","Spend proposal is not accepted":"Zahlungsvorschlag wurde nicht akzeptiert","Spend proposal not found":"Zahlungsvorschlag wurde nicht gefunden","Spending Password needed":"Berechtigungscode erforderlich","Spending Passwords do not match":"Berechtigungscodes stimmen nicht überein","Success":"Erfolgreich","Super Economy":"Niedrigste Priorität","Sweep paper wallet":"Paperwallet löschen","Sweep Wallet":"Wallet löschen","Sweeping Wallet...":"Leere Wallet...","Tap and hold to show":"Anzeigen durch tippen und halten","Tap to retry":"Zum Wiederholen antippen","Terms of Use":"Nutzungsbedingungen","The authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Groestlcoin network.":"Die Autoren der Software, Mitarbeiter, Inhaber von Urheberrechten, können nicht Ihre privaten Schlüssel oder Kennwörter abrufen, wenn diese verloren gehen oder vergessen werden und können die Durchführung von Transaktionen, auch nach Bestätigungen, nicht garantieren, da sie keine Kontrolle über das Groestlcoin-Netzwerk haben.","The derivation path":"Die Ableitungsstruktur","The Ledger Chrome application is not installed":"Die Chrome-Anwendung für Ledger ist nicht installiert","The password of the recovery phrase (if set)":"Das Passwort der Wiederherstellungsphrase (wenn eingestellt)","The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen":"Die Zahlung wurde erzeugt, kann aber nicht abgeschlossen werden. Bitte erneut über die Startseite versuchen","The payment was removed by creator":"Die Zahlung wurde vom Ersteller entfernt","The recovery phrase could require a password to be imported":"Um die Wiederherstellungsphrase zu importieren könnte ein Passwort nötig sein","The request could not be understood by the server":"Die Anforderung konnte nicht vom Server interpretiert werden","The software does not constitute an account other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your groestlcoin.":"Die Software erzeugt kein Benutzerkonto, oder sonstige Dritte als Finanzvermittler oder Verwalter der Groestlcoin fungieren.","The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet.":"Die Software, die genutzt werden soll, fungiert als freies, quelloffenes und digitales mehrfachunterschriften Wallet.","The spend proposal is not pending":"Der Zahlungsvorschlag ist nicht ausstehend","The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted":"Wallet \"{{walletName}}\" wurde gelöscht","The Wallet Recovery Phrase could require a password to be imported":"Um die Wiederherstellungsphrase zu importieren könnte ein Passwort nötig sein","The wallet service URL":"Die URL des Wallet-Diensts","There are no wallets to make this payment":"Es gibt keine Wallets, um diese Zahlung auszuführen","There is a new version of GroestlPay. Please update":"Es gibt eine neue Version von GroestlPay. Bitte aktualisieren","There is an error in the form":"Es ist ein Fehler im Formular aufgetreten","This recovery phrase was created with a password. To recover this wallet both the recovery phrase and password are needed.":"Diese Wiederherstellungsphrase entstand mit einem Passwort. Zur Wiederherstellung der Wallet sind die Wiederherstellungsphrase und das Passwort erforderlich.","This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt.":"Diese Transaktion ist wurde ungültig; dies kann durch eine versuchte Doppelzahlung verursacht worden sein.","This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information.":"Dieses Wallet ist nicht beim angegebenen Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS) registriert. Bitte aus den lokalen Informationen wiederherstellen","Time":"Zeit","To":"An","To restore this {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} shared wallet you will need":"Voraussetzungen um dieses geteilte {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} Wallet wiederherzustellen","To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement.":"Unter voller Ausschöpfung geltenden Rechts wird diese Software \"wie besehen\" zur Verfügung gestellt ohne irgendwelche Zusicherungen oder Gewährleistungen aller Art, ausdrücklich oder stillschweigend, einschließlich aber nicht beschränkt auf Garantien der Handelstauglichkeit, Brauchbarkeit oder eines bestimmten Zwecks oder der Nichtverletzung der Rechte Dritter.","too long!":"zu lang!","Total Locked Balance":"Ingesamt gesperrter Gesamtsaldo","Total number of copayers":"Gesamtanzahl der GroestlPayer","Touch ID Failed":"Touch-ID gescheitert","Transaction":"Transaktion","Transaction already broadcasted":"Transaktion wurde bereits übermittelt","Transaction History":"Transaktionsverlauf","Translation Credits":"Danksagung an die Übersetzer","Translators":"Übersetzer","Try again":"Nochmal versuchen","Type the Recovery Phrase (usually 12 words)":"Wiederherstellungsphrase eingeben (in der Regel 12 Wörter)","Unconfirmed":"Unbestätigt","Unit":"Währungseinheit","Unsent transactions":"Nicht vesendete Transaktionen","Updating transaction history. Please stand by.":"Aktualisieren des Transaktionsverlaufs. Bitte warten.","Updating Wallet...":"Wallet aktualisieren...","Use Unconfirmed Funds":"Unbestätigte Mittel einsetzen","Validating recovery phrase...":"Überprüfe Wiederherstellungsphrase...","Validating wallet integrity...":"Überprüfe Wallet-Integrität...","Version":"Version","View":"Ansicht","Waiting for copayers":"Warte auf copayer","Waiting for Ledger...":"Warte auf Ledger...","Waiting for Trezor...":"Warte auf Trezor...","Waiting...":"Warte...","Wallet already exists":"Wallet exstiert bereits","Wallet already in GroestlPay":"Wallet ist bereits in GroestlPay","Wallet Configuration (m-n)":"Wallet-Konfiguration (m-n)","Wallet Export":"Wallet-Export","Wallet Id":"Wallet-Id","Wallet incomplete and broken":"Wallet unvollständig oder defekt","Wallet Information":"Wallet-Informationen","Wallet Invitation":"Wallet Einladung","Wallet Invitation is not valid!":"Wallet Einladung nicht gültig!","Wallet is full":"Maximale Teilnehmerzahl erreicht","Wallet is locked":"Wallet ist gesperrt","Wallet is not complete":"Wallet ist unvollständig","Wallet name":"Name des Wallets","Wallet Name (at creation)":"Wallet-Name (bei der Erzeugung)","Wallet needs backup":"Wallet braucht Sicherung","Wallet Network":"Wallet-Netzwerk","Wallet not found":"Wallet nicht gefunden","Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your recovery phrase":"Wallet ist nicht beim Wallet-Service registiert. Neu erzeugen mit \"Neues Wallet erzeugen\" und \"Erweiterte Optionen\" um die Wiederherstellungsphrase anzugeben","Wallet Preferences":"Wallet Voreinstellungen","Wallet Recovery Phrase":"Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase","Wallet Recovery Phrase is invalid":"Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase ist ungültig","Wallet recovery phrase not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export.":"Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase ist nicht verfügbar. Export über Erweitert > Wallet exportieren ist noch möglich.","Wallet service not found":"Wallet-Dienst nicht gefunden","WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet.":"Warnung: Ableitung der Schlüssel funktioniert nicht auf diesem Gerät/Wallet. Aktionen können nicht mit dieser Wallet durchgeführt werden.","WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.":"WARNUNG: Ohne das Hinzufügen des privaten Schlüssels, ist es möglich das Guthaben und die Transaktionshistorie einzusehen, sowie Zahlungsvorschläge zu erzeugen. Allerdings können Vorschläge nicht ausgeführt (unterschrieben) werden und es ist kein Zugriff auf Guthaben möglich.","WARNING: The password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the password.":"Warnung: Das Passwort kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Achten Sie darauf, es aufzuschreiben. Das Wallet kann nicht ohne das Passwort wiederhergestellt werden.","WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.":"WARNUNG: Der private Schlüssel ist nicht verfügbar. Dieser Export ermöglicht das Guthaben und die Transaktionshistorie zu prüfen, sowie Zahlungsvorschläge zu erzeugen. Allerdings können Vorschläge nicht ausgeführt (unterschrieben) werden und so ist kein Zugriff auf Guthaben möglich.","Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs":"Warnung: Diese Transaktion hat unbestätigte Eingänge","WARNING: UNTRUSTED CERTIFICATE":"WARNUNG: NICHT VERTRAUENSWÜRDIGES ZERTIFIKAT","WARNING: Wallet not registered":"WARNUNG: Wallet nicht registriert","Warning!":"Warnung!","We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time.":"Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, diese Erklärung von Zeit zu Zeit zu ändern.","WELCOME TO COPAY":"Willkommen bei COPAY","While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software.":"Solange sich diese Software im Betastadium befindet und weiterhin durch Feedback der Open-Source Nutzer und Entwickler-Community verbessert wird, können wir nicht garantieren, dass diese frei von Fehlern ist.","Write your wallet recovery phrase":"Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase notieren","Wrong number of recovery words:":"Falsche Anzahl von Wiederherstellungswörtern:","Wrong spending password":"Falscher Berechtigungscode","Yes":"Ja","You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws.":"Sie bestätigen, die Software nach eigenem Ermessen und in Übereinstimmung der anwendbaren Gesetze zu verwenden.","You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software.":"Sie sind verantwortlich für die Verwahrung Ihrer Kennwörter, privaten Schlüsselpaaren, PINs und anderen Codes, die zum Zugriff auf die Software verwendet werden.","You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software.":"Sie übernehmen allen Risiken im Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung der Software.","You backed up your wallet. You can now restore this wallet at any time.":"Sie haben Ihre Wallet gesichert. Sie können sie nun jederzeit wiederherstellen.","You can safely install your wallet on another device and use it from multiple devices at the same time.":"Das Wallet kann sicher auf einem anderen Gerät installiert und von mehreren Geräten gleichzeitig verwendet werden.","You do not have any wallet":"Kein Wallet vorhanden","You need the wallet recovery phrase to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe.":"Sie benötigen die Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase, um Ihre persönliche Wallet wiederherzustellen. Schreiben Sie sie auf und bewahren Sie sie an einem sicheren Ort auf.","Your nickname":"Name des Teilnehmers","Your password":"Passwort","Your spending password":"Ihr Berechtigungscode","Your wallet has been imported correctly":"Das Wallet wurde korrekt importiert","Your wallet key will be encrypted. The Spending Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down":"Ihr Wallet wird verschlüsselt werden. Der Berechtigungscode kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Achten Sie darauf, ihn aufzuschreiben","Your wallet recovery phrase and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend.":"Die Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase und der Zugriff auf den Server, die die Wallet ursprünglich erzeugten. Es werden noch {{index.m}} Schlüssel benötigt."}); - gettextCatalog.setStrings('el', {"(possible double spend)":"(πιθανό διπλό ξόδεμα)","(Trusted)":"(Εμπιστευτικό)","[Balance Hidden]":"[Υπόλοιπο Κρυμένο]","{{fee}} will be deducted for groestlcoin networking fees":"{{fee}}, θα προεξοφληθεί ώς τέλος του δικτύου Groestlcoin","{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction":"{{feeRateStr}} της συναλλαγής","{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}":"{{index.m}}-του-{{index.n}}","{{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}} more":"{{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}} περισσότερα","{{index.txProgress}} transactions downloaded":"{{index.txProgress}} οι συναλλαγές μεταφορτώθηκαν","{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}":"{{item.m}}-του-{{item.n}}","* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created.":"Μια πρόταση πληρωμής μπορεί να διαγραφεί εάν 1) είστε ο δημιουργός, και κανένας άλλος χρήστης του GroestlPay δεν έχει υπογράψει, ή 2) έχουν περάσει 24 ώρες απο την ώρα που η πρόταση δημιουργήθηκε.","IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR GroestlPay WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY GROESTLCOINS YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT GroestlPay WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE.":"ΕΑΝ ΧΑΣΕΤΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΡΟΣΒΑΣΗ ΝΑ ΣΑΣ ΣΤΟ ΠΟΡΤΟΦΌΛΙ GroestlPay Ή ΣΤΑ ΚΡΥΠΤΟΓΡΑΦΗΜΕΝΑ ΙΔΙΩΤΙΚΑ ΣΑΣ ΚΛΕΙΔΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΔΕΝ ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΣΑΤΕ ΧΩΡΙΣΤΆ ΕΝΑ ΑΝΤΙΓΡΑΦΟ ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑΣ ΤΟΥ ΠΟΡΤΟΦΟΛΙΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΣΤΟΙΧΟΥ ΚΩΔΙΚΟΥ ΠΡΌΣΒΑΣΗΣ, ΑΠΟΔΕΧΕΣΤΕ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΜΦΩΝΕΙΤΕ ΟΤΙ ΟΠΟΙΑΔΗΠΟΤΕ ΠΟΣΟΤΗΤΑ GROESTLCOIN ΠΟΥ ΕΧΕΤΕ ΣΥΣΧΕΤΙΣΕΙ ΜΕ ΤΟ ΠΟΡΤΟΦΟΛΙ ΤΟΥ GroestlPay ΘΑ ΓΙΝΟΥΝ ΑΠΡΟΣΠΕΛΑΣΤΑ.","A multisignature groestlcoin wallet":"Ένα πορτοφόλι Groestlcoin με δυνατότητα πολλαπλών υπογραφών","About GroestlPay":"Σχετικά με το GroestlPay","Accept":"Αποδοχή","Account":"Λογαριασμός","Account Number":"Αριθμός λογαριασμού","Activity":"Δραστηριότητα","Add a new entry":"Προσθέστε Καταχώρηση","Add a Password":"Προσθέστε Κωδικό","Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase":"Προσθέστε προαιρετικό κωδικό για να ασφαλίσετε τη φράση επαναφοράς","Add comment":"Προσθήκη σχολίου","Add wallet":"Προσθήκη Πορτοφολιού","Address":"Διεύθυνση","Address Type":"Τύπος Διεύθυνσης","Advanced":"Για προχωρημένους","Alias":"Ψευδώνυμο","Alias for {{index.walletName}}":"Ψευδώνυμο για {{index.walletName}}","All contributions to GroestlPay's translation are welcome. Sign up at crowdin.com and join the GroestlPay project at":"Όλες οι εισηγήσεις στην μετάφραση του GroestlPay είναι ευπρόσδεκτες. Εγγραφείτε στο crowdin.com για να συμμετάσχετε στο έργο GroestlPay","All transaction requests are irreversible.":"Όλες οι αιτήσεις για συναλλαγές είναι αμετάκλητες.","Alternative Currency":"Εναλλακτικό Νόμισμα","Amount":"Ποσό","Amount below minimum allowed":"Ποσό χαμηλότερο από το κατώτερο επιτρεπόμενο","Amount in":"Ποσό εισόδου","Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?":"Σίγουρα θέλετε να σβήσετε τη φράση επαναφοράς;","Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?":"Είσαι σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτό το πορτοφόλι?","Auditable":"Ελέγξιμο","Available Balance":"Διαθέσιμο Υπόλοιπο","Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes":"Μέσος χρόνος επιβεβαίωσης: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} λεπτά","Back":"Πίσω","Backup":"Αντίγραφο Ασφαλείας","Backup failed":"Αποτυχία αντιγράφου επαναφοράς","Backup Needed":"Απαιτείται αντίγραφο επαναφοράς","Backup now":"Πάρτε Αντίγραφο Ασφαλείας τώρα","Bad wallet invitation":"Κακή πρόσκληση πορτοφολιού","Balance By Address":"Υπόλοιπο ανά διεύθυνση","Before receiving funds, you must backup your wallet. If this device is lost, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup.":"Για να μπορέσετε να λάβετε κεφάλαια, πρέπει πρώτα να δημιουργήσετε ένα αντίγραφο ασφαλείας (backup). Στην περίπτωση που χαθεί αυτή η συσκευή, θα είναι αδύνατο να έχετε πρόσβαση στα κεφάλαια σας χωρίς το αντίγραφο ασφαλείας.","BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:":"ΒΕΤΑ: Δοκιμή παραγωγής κλειδιού:","BIP32 path for address derivation":"διαδρομή BIP32 για παραγωγή διεύθυνσης","Groestlcoin address":"Διεύθυνση Groestlcoin","Groestlcoin Network Fee Policy":"Πολιτική Χρέωσης Δικτύου Groestlcoin","Groestlcoin transactions may include a fee collected by miners on the network. The higher the fee, the greater the incentive a miner has to include that transaction in a block. Current fees are determined based on network load and the selected policy.":"Οι συναλλαγές Groestlcoin μπορεί να περιλαμβάνουν μια αμοιβή που εισπράττουν οι miners του δικτύου. Όσο υψηλότερο είναι αυτό το τέλος, τόσο μεγαλύτερο είναι και το κίνητρο ενός miner να συμπεριλάβει αυτή τη συναλλαγή σε ένα block. Οι παρουσιαζόμενη αμοιβή καθορίζεται με βάση το φορτίο του δικτύου και την επιλεγμένη πολιτική.","Groestlcoin URI is NOT valid!":"Το σύστημα Groestlcoin URI δεν είναι έγκυρο!","Broadcast Payment":"Μετάδοση Πληρωμής","Broadcasting transaction":"Μεταδίδοντας την συναλλαγή","Browser unsupported":"Ο πλοηγός δέν υποστηρίζεται","Calculating fee":"Υπολογισμός αμοιβής","Cancel":"Άκυρο","Cancel and delete the wallet":"Ακύρωση και διαγραφή του πορτοφολιού","Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η δημιουργία συναλλαγής. Ανεπαρκή κεφάλαια","Cannot join the same wallet more that once":"Δεν μπορείτε να ενταχθείτε στο ίδιο πορτοφόλι περισσότερες απο μία φορές","Cannot sign: The payment request has expired":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η υπογραφή: Η αίτηση πληρωμής έχει λήξει","Certified by":"Πιστοποιήθηκε από","Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name.":"Αλλάζοντας το ψευδώνυμο του πορτοφολιού επηρεάζει μόνο το τοπικό όνομα πορτοφολιού.","Chinese":"Κινεζικά","Choose a backup file from your computer":"Επιλέξτε ένα αντίγραφο ασφαλείας απο τον υπολογιστή σας","Clear cache":"Εκκαθάριση προσωρινής μνήμης (cache)","Close":"Κλείσιμο","Color":"Χρώμα","Comment":"Σχόλιο","Commit hash":"Δέσμευση λύσης","Confirm":"Επιβεβαίωση","Confirm your wallet recovery phrase":"Επιβεβαιώσετε τη φράση αποκατάστασης για το πορτοφόλι σας","Confirmations":"Επιβεβαιώσεις","Congratulations!":"Συγχαρητήρια!","Connecting to Coinbase...":"Συνδέεται στο Coinbase...","Connecting to Glidera...":"Συνδέεται στο Glidera...","Connection reset by peer":"Επαναφορά σύνδεσης","Continue":"Συνεχίστε","copayer already in this wallet":"copayers ήδη σε αυτό το πορτοφόλι","copayer already voted on this spend proposal":"copayer που έχουν ήδη ψηφίσει αυτή την πρόταση","copayer data mismatch":"Ασυμφωνία δεδομένων του copayer","copayers":"Μέλη του πορτοφολιού GroestlPay","Copied to clipboard":"Αντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο","Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)":"Αντιγράψτε αυτο το κείμενο ώς έχει σε ασφαλές μέρος (σε εφαρμογή κειμένου ή ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο)","Copy to clipboard":"Αντιγραφή στο πρόχειρο","Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η πρόσβαση στο πορτοφόλι στον διακομιστή. Παρακαλώ ελέγξετε:","Could not access wallet":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η πρόσβαση στο πορτοφόλι","Could not access Wallet Service: Not found":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η πρόσβαση στην υπηρεσία του πορτοφολιού: δεν βρέθηκε","Could not broadcast payment":"Δεν μπορέσαμε να μεταδώσουμε την πληρωμή","Could not build transaction":"Δε μπορώ να δημιουργήσω τη συναλλαγή","Could not create address":"Δεν μπορέσαμε να δημιουργήσουμε την διεύθυνση","Could not create payment proposal":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η δημιουργία πρότασης πληρωμής","Could not create using the specified extended private key":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η δημιουργία χρησιμοποιώντας το συγκεκριμένο ιδιωτικό κλειδί επέκτασης","Could not create using the specified extended public key":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η δημιουργία χρησιμοποιώντας το συγκεκριμένο εκτεταμένο δημόσιο κλειδί","Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η δημιουργία: Μη έγκυρη φράση αποκατάστασης πορτοφολιού","Could not decrypt file, check your password":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αποκρυπτογράφηση του αρχείου, ελέγξτε τον κωδικό σας","Could not delete payment proposal":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η διαγραφή της πρότασης πληρωμής","Could not fetch payment information":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η ανάκτηση των στοιχείων πληρωμής","Could not get fee value":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η λήψη της αξίας της αμοιβής","Could not import":"Η εισαγωγή απέτυχε","Could not import. Check input file and spending password":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η εισαγωγή. Ελέγξτε το αρχείο και τον κωδικό πρόσβασης","Could not join wallet":"Δεν μπορείτε να συμμετάσχετε στο πορτοφόλι","Could not recognize a valid Groestlcoin QR Code":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αναγνώριση ενός έγκυρου κωδικού QR για Βitcoin","Could not reject payment":"Δεν μπορέσαμε να απορρίψουμε την πληρωμή","Could not send payment":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η αποστολή της πληρωμής","Could not update Wallet":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η ενημέρωση του πορτοφολιού","Create":"Δημιουργία","Create {{requiredcopayers}}-of-{{totalcopayers}} wallet":"Δημιουργία {{requiredcopayers}} των {{totalcopayers}} του πορτοφολιού","Create new wallet":"Δημιουργήστε νέο πορτοφόλι","Create, join or import":"Δημιουργία, συμμετοχή ή εισαγωγή","Created by":"Δημιουργήθηκε από","Creating transaction":"Δημιουργία συναλλαγής","Creating Wallet...":"Δημιουργία του Πορτοφολιού...","Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB":"Σημερινό ποσοστό αμοιβής για αυτήν την πολιτική: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB","Czech":"Τσέχικα","Date":"Ημερομηνία","Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open.":"Η αποκρυπτογράφηση ενός χάρτινου πορτοφολιού μπορεί να πάρει περίπου 5 λεπτά σε αυτή την συσκευή. Κάντε υπομονή και κρατήστε την εφαρμογή ανοικτή.","Delete it and create a new one":"Διαγράψετε το και δημιουργήστε ένα νέο","Delete Payment Proposal":"Διαγράψτε την Πρόταση Πληρωμής","Delete recovery phrase":"Σβήσιμο φράσης επαναφοράς","Delete Recovery Phrase":"Σβήσιμο φράσης επαναφοράς","Delete wallet":"Διαγραφή Πορτοφολιού","Delete Wallet":"Διαγραφή Πορτοφολιού","Deleting Wallet...":"Διαγραφή πορτοφολιού...","Derivation Path":"Διαδρομή παραγωγής","Derivation Strategy":"Στρατηγική παραγωγής","Description":"Περιγραφή","Details":"Λεπτομέρειες","Disabled":"Απενεργοποιημένο","Do not include private key":"Μην συμπεριλάβετε το ιδιωτικό κλειδί","Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language.":"Δεν βλέπετε τη γλώσσα σας στο Crowdin; Επικοινωνήστε με τον ιδιοκτήτη στο Crowdin! Θα θέλαμε να υποστηρίξουμε τη γλώσσα σας.","Done":"Ολοκλήρωση","Download":"Μεταφόρτωση","Economy":"Οικονομία","Edit":"Έπεξεργασία","Edit comment":"Επεξεργασία σχολίου","Edited by":"Επεξεργασία από","Email for wallet notifications":"Το ηλεκτρονικό σας ταχυδρομείο για τις ειδοποιήσεις του πορτοφόλιού σας","Email Notifications":"Ειδοποιήσεις Email","Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated.":"Το όριο άδειων διευθύνσεων ξεπεράστηκε. Δεν μπορούν να δημιουργηθούν νέες διευθύνσεις.","Enable Coinbase Service":"Ενεργοποιήση υπηρεσίας Coinbase","Enable Glidera Service":"Ενεργοποίηση υπηρεσίας Glidera","Enable push notifications":"Ενεργοποίηση ειδοποιήσεων push","Encrypted export file saved":"Η εξαγωγή κρυπτογραφημένου αρχείου αποθηκεύτηκε","Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)":"Εισάγετε τη φράση αποκατάστασης (BIP39)","Enter your password":"Παρακαλώ εισάγετε τον κωδικό σας","Enter your spending password":"Εισάγετε τον κωδικό πληρωμών","Error at Wallet Service":"Σφάλμα στην υπηρεσία του πορτοφολιού","Error creating wallet":"Σφάλμα στην δημιουργία πορτοφολιού","Expired":"Έληξε","Expires":"Λήγει","Export options":"Επιλογές εξαγωγής","Export to file":"Εξαγωγή σε αρχείο","Export Wallet":"Εξαγωγή πορτοφολιού","Exporting via QR not supported for this wallet":"Η εξαγωγή μέσω QR δεν υποστηρίζεται για αυτο το πορτοφόλι","Extended Public Keys":"Εκτεταμένα δημόσια κλειδιά","Family vacation funds":"Χρήματα διακοπών της οικογένειας","Fee":"Αμοιβή","Fetching Payment Information":"Λήψη Πληροφοριών Πληρωμής","Finish":"Τερματισμός","French":"Γαλλικά","Funds are locked by pending spend proposals":"Τα χρήματα είναι κλειδωμένα από εν αναμονή προτάσεις αποστολής","Funds received":"Χρήματα ελήφθησαν","Generate new address":"Δημιουργία νέας διεύθυνσης","Generate QR Code":"Δημιουργία Κώδικα QR","Generating .csv file...":"Δημιουργία .csv αρχείου...","German":"Γερμανικά","Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ...":"Λήψη διεύθυνσης για το πορτοφόλι {{selectedWalletName}} ...","Hardware wallet":"Υλικό πορτοφόλι","Hide advanced options":"Απόκρυψη Προχωρημένων επιλογών","I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms.":"Βεβαιώνω ότι έχω διαβάσει, κατανοήσει και συμφωνήσει με αυτούς τους όρους.","Import":"Εισαγωγή","Import backup":"Εισαγωγή αντιγράφου ασφαλείας","Import wallet":"Εισαγωγή πορτοφολιού","In no event shall the authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software.":"Σε καμία περίπτωση οι συντάκτες του λογισμικού, οι συνεργάτες του, οι κατόχοι πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων, ή η ευθύνεται για οποιαδήποτε αξίωση, ζημία ή άλλη ευθύνη, είτε βαση κάποιας σύμβασης, αδικοπραξίας, ή άλλο, που προκύπτει από την σχέση σας με το λογισμικό.","Incorrect address network":"Εσφαλμένη διεύθυνση δικτύου","Insufficient funds":"Ανεπαρκές χρηματικό υπόλοιπο","Insufficient funds for fee":"Ανεπαρκής χρηματοδότηση για την αμοιβή","Invalid":"Μη έγκυρο","Invalid address":"Μη έγκυρη διεύθυνση","Invitation to share a GroestlPay Wallet":"Πρόσκληση για τον διαμοιρασμό ενός πορτοφολιού GroestlPay","Japanese":"Ιαπωνικά","John":"Ιωάννης","Join":"Συμμετοχή","Join my GroestlPay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download GroestlPay for your phone or desktop at https://GroestlPay.io":"Συμμετάσχετε στο πορτοφόλι μου GroestlPay. Εδώ είναι ο κωδικός πρόσκλησης: {{secret}} μπορείτε να κατεβάσετε το GroestlPay για το τηλέφωνο σας ή τον υπολογιστή σας στο https://GroestlPay.io","Join shared wallet":"Συμμετοχή σε κοινόχρηστο πορτοφόλι","Joining Wallet...":"Εισαγωγή στο Πορτοφόλι...","Language":"Γλώσσα","Last Wallet Addresses":"Διευθύνσεις τελευταίων πορτοφολιών","Loading...":"Φόρτωση...","locked by pending payments":"κλειδωμένο από εκκρεμούσες πληρωμές","Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal":"Κλείδωμα σε ισχύ. Σας παρακαλώ περιμένετε για να δημιουργήσετε μια νέα πρόταση","Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal":"Κλείδωμα σε ισχύ. 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THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED":"Να διαγράφεί μόνιμα αυτό το πορτοφόλι? ΑΥΤΗ Η ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑ ΔΕΝ ΜΠΟΡΕΙ ΝΑ ΑΝΤΙΣΤΡΑΦΕΙ","Personal Wallet":"Προσωπικό πορτοφόλι","Please enter the required fields":"Παρακαλώ εισάγετε τα απαιτούμενα πεδία","Please upgrade GroestlPay to perform this action":"Παρακαλώ αναβαθμίστε το GroestlPay για να εκτελέσετε αυτήν την ενέργεια","Please, select your backup file":"Παρακαλώ, επιλέξτε το αρχείο αντιγράφου ασφαλείας","Polish":"Πολωνικά","Preferences":"Προτιμήσεις","Preparing backup...":"Προετοιμασία δημιουργίας αντιγράφων ασφαλείας...","preparing...":"Προετοιμασία...","Press again to exit":"Πιέστε ξανά για έξοδο","Priority":"Προτεραιότητα","Private key is encrypted, cannot sign":"Το ιδιωτικό κλειδί είναι κρυπτογραφημένο, η υπογραφή δεν ήταν εφικτή","Push notifications for GroestlPay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app.":"Οι ειδοποιήσεις push για GroestlPay είναι απενεργοποιημένη αυτήν τη στιγμή. Ενεργοποιήστε τες στις Ρυθμίσεις της εφαρμογής.","QR Code":"Κωδικός QR","QR-Scanner":"Σαρωτής QR","Receive":"Λάβετε","Received":"Ληφθέντα","Recipients":"Παραλήπτες","Recovery Phrase":"Φράση ανάκτησης","Recovery phrase deleted":"Η Φράση Ανάκτησης διαγράφηκε","Recreate":"Αναδημιουργία","Recreating Wallet...":"Αναδημιουργία πορτοφολιού...","Reject":"Απόρριψη","Release Information":"Πληροφορίες Έκδοσης","Remove":"Αφαίρεση","Repeat password":"Επανάληψη κωδικού","Repeat the password":"Επανάληψη κωδικού","Repeat the spending password":"Επανάληψη κωδικού πληρωμών","Request a specific amount":"Ζητήστε ένα συγκεκριμένο ποσό","Request Spending Password":"Αίτηση κωδικού πληρωμών","Required":"Απαιτείτε","Required number of signatures":"Απαιτούμενος αριθμός υπογραφών","Retrieving inputs information":"Ανάκτηση πληροφοριών εισαγωγής","Russian":"Ρωσσικά","Save":"Αποθήκευση","Scan addresses for funds":"Σάρωση διευθύνσεων για χρήματα","Scan Fingerprint":"Σάρωση δακτυλικού αποτυπωμάτως","Scan Finished":"Η σάρωση ολοκληρώθηκε","Scan status finished with error":"Η σάρωση έχει τελειώσει με σφάλματα","Scan Wallet Funds":"Σάρωση κεφαλαίων πορτοφολιού","Scan your fingerprint please":"Σαρώστε το δακτυλικό σας αποτύπωμα","Scanning Wallet funds...":"Σάρωση χρημάτων Πορτοφολιού...","Search transactions":"Αναζήτηση συναλλαγών","Search Transactions":"Αναζήτηση συναλλαγών","Security preferences":"Ρυθμίσεις ασφαλείας","See it on the blockchain":"Δείτε τη συναλλαγή στην αλυσίδα συναλλαγών","Select a backup file":"Επιλέξτε ένα αρχείο αντιγράφου ασφαλείας","Select a wallet":"Επιλέξτε ένα πορτοφόλι","Send":"Αποστολή","Send by email":"Αποστολή με email","Sent":"Εξερχόμενα","Session log":"Ημερολόγιο συνεδριών","SET":"Ορισμός","Set up a password":"Ορίστε έναν κωδικό πρόσβασης","Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more.":"Ενεργοποιώντας τις ενημερώσεις μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου μπορεί να μειωθεί η ιδιωτικότητα σας, εάν ο πάροχος του πορτοφολιού παραβιαστεί. Οι πληροφορίες που θα διαθέτει ένας εισβολέας θα περιλαμβάνουν τις διευθύνσεις του πορτοφόλιου σας και το ποσόν των χρημάτων σας, αλλά τίποτα περισσότερο.","Share address":"Μοιραστείτε τη διεύθυνση","Share invitation":"Μοιραστείτε μια πρόσκληση","Share this invitation with your copayers":"Μοιραστείτε αυτήν την πρόσκληση με άλλους copayers","Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them.":"Μοιραστείτε αυτή τη διεύθυνση πορτοφόλιού ώστε να λάβετε πληρωμές. Για την προστασία της ιδιωτικότητας σας, νέες διευθύνσεις δημιουργούνται αυτόματα μόλις χρησιμοποιήσετε τις παλιές.","Shared Wallet":"Κοινόχρηστο πορτοφόλι","Show advanced options":"Εμφάνιση προχωρημένων επιλογών","Signatures rejected by server":"Οι υπογραφές απορρίφθηκαν από το διακομιστή","Spanish":"Ισπανικά","Spend proposal is not accepted":"Η πρόταση δεν έγινε αποδεκτή","Spend proposal not found":"Η πρόταση δεν βρέθηκε","Success":"Επιτυχία","Tap to retry":"Πατήστε για να προσπαθήσετε ξανά","Terms of Use":"Όροι Χρήσης","The authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Groestlcoin network.":"Οι συγγραφείς του λογισμικού, οι εργαζόμενοι και οι συνεργάτες του οι κατόχοι πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων, δεν μπορούν να ανακτήσουν ιδιωτικά κλειδιά ή τους κωδικούς πρόσβασης σας, εάν χάσετε ή ξεχασετε αυτούς και δεν μπορούν να εγγυηθούν την επιβεβαίωση της συναλλαγής, δεδομένου ότι δεν έχουν τον έλεγχο του δικτύου Groestlcoin.","The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen":"Η πληρωμή δημιουργήθηκε, αλλά δεν ήταν δυνατό να ολοκληρωθεί. Παρακαλώ ξαναπροσπαθήστε από την αρχική οθόνη","The payment was removed by creator":"Η πληρωμή έχει αφαιρεθεί από τον δημιουργό της","The software does not constitute an account other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your groestlcoin.":"Το λογισμικό δεν αποτελεί ένα λογαριασμό όπου άλλα τρίτα μέρη χρησιμεύουν ως ενδιάμεσοι χρηματοπιστωτικοί οργανισμοί ή θεματοφύλακες των Groestlcoin σας.","The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet.":"Το λογισμικό που πρόκειται να χρησιμοποιήσετε λειτουργεί ως ένα δωρεάν, ανοικτού κώδικα και πολλαπλών υπογραφών ψηφιακό πορτοφόλι.","The spend proposal is not pending":"Δεν εκκρεμεί η πρόταση","The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted":"Διαγράφηκε το πορτοφόλι \"{{walletName}}\"","There are no wallets to make this payment":"Δεν υπάρχουν πορτοφόλια για να πραγματοποιηθεί η πληρωμή","There is an error in the form":"Υπάρχει ένα λάθος στη φόρμα εισαγωγής","This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt.":"Αυτή η συναλλαγή είναι άκυρη, πιθανόν λόγω μιας προσπάθειας διπλού ξοδέματος.","This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information.":"Το πορτοφόλι δεν έχει καταχωρηθεί στη Βάση Δεδομένων Πορτοφολιών Bitcore (BWS). Μπορείτε να την ξαναδημιουργήσετε από τις τοπικές πληροφορίες.","Time":"Ώρα","To":"Προς","To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement.":"Στο μέγιστο βαθμό που επιτρέπει το δίκαιο, το λογισμικό παρέχεται \"ως έχει\" και καμία δήλωση ή εγγύηση μπορεί να γίνει του κάθε είδους, ρητή ή σιωπηρή, συμπεριλαμβανομένων, αλλά μη περιορισμένων, των εγγυήσεων εμπορευσιμότητας, καταλληλότητας ή συγκεκριμένου σκοπού και νομιμότητας.","too long!":"πάρα πολύ μεγάλο μέγεθος!","Total Locked Balance":"Συνολικό Κλειδωμένο Υπόλοιπο","Transaction":"Συναλλαγή","Transaction already broadcasted":"Συναλλαγή που έχει ήδη μεταδοθεί","Translation Credits":"Λεπτομέρειες Μετάφρασης","Translators":"Μεταφραστές","Unconfirmed":"Ανεπιβεβαίωτες","Unit":"Μονάδα","Unsent transactions":"Μη Απεσταλμένες συναλλαγές","Updating Wallet...":"Ενημέρωση πορτοφολιού...","Use Unconfirmed Funds":"Χρήση Ανεπιβεβαίωτων Ποσών","Version":"Έκδοση","Waiting for copayers":"Αναμονή για copayers","Waiting...":"Σε αναμονή...","Wallet already exists":"Υπάρχει ήδη το πορτοφόλι","Wallet incomplete and broken":"Πορτοφόλι ελλιπές και χαλασμένο","Wallet Invitation":"Πρόσκληση πορτοφολιού","Wallet Invitation is not valid!":"Η πρόσκληση πορτοφολιού δεν είναι έγκυρη!","Wallet is full":"Το πορτοφόλι είναι γεμάτο","Wallet is not complete":"Το πορτοφόλι δεν είναι πλήρες","Wallet name":"Όνομα πορτοφολιού","Wallet not found":"Το πορτοφόλι δεν βρέθηκε","Wallet service not found":"Η υπηρεσία του πορτοφολιού δεν βρέθηκε","Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs":"Προειδοποίηση: αυτή η συναλλαγή έχει ανεπιβεβαίωτες εισροές","WARNING: Wallet not registered":"Προειδοποίηση: Το πορτοφόλι δεν έχει καταχωρηθεί","Warning!":"Προειδοποίηση!","We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time.":"Διατηρούμε το δικαίωμα να τροποποιήσουμε αυτή την αποποίηση ευθυνών από καιρό σε καιρό.","WELCOME TO COPAY":"ΚΑΛΩΣ ΗΛΘΑΤΕ ΣΤΟ COPAY","While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software.":"Ενώ το λογισμικό έχει υποβληθεί σε δοκιμή beta και συνεχίζει να βελτιώνεται από χρήστες ανοικτού κώδικα και την κοινότητα των προγραμματιστών, εμείς δεν μπορούμε να εγγυηθούμε ότι δεν θα υπάρξει κανένα σφάλμα στο λογισμικό.","Yes":"Ναι","You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws.":"Αναγνωρίζετε ότι η χρήση αυτού του λογισμικού είναι στην κρίση σας και σε συμφωνία με όλους τους ισχύοντες νόμους.","You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software.":"Είστε υπεύθυνος για τη διαφύλαξή των κωδικών πρόσβασής σας, το ιδιωτικό ζεύγος κλειδιών, τετραψήφιων κωδικών PIN και οποιουσδήποτε άλλους κωδικούς που χρησιμοποιείτε για να έχετε πρόσβαση στο λογισμικό.","You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software.":"Αναλάμβανετε κάθε κινδύνο που συνδέεται με τη χρήση του λογισμικού.","Your nickname":"Το ψευδώνυμό σας","Your password":"Ο κωδικός σας","Your wallet has been imported correctly":"Το πορτοφόλι σας έχει εισαχθεί σωστά"}); + gettextCatalog.setStrings('cs', {"(possible double spend)":"(pravděpodobná dvojitá platba)","(Trusted)":"(Věrohodný)","[Balance Hidden]":"[skrytý zůstatek]","{{fee}} will be deducted for groestlcoin networking fees":"{{fee}} bude odečteno jako poplatek Groestlcoinové síti","{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction":"{{feeRateStr}} z transakce","{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}":"{{index.m}} z {{index.n}}","{{index.txProgress}} transactions downloaded":"{{index.txProgress}} transakce stažena","{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}":"{{item.m}} z {{item.n}}","* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created.":"* Návrh k platbě může být odstraněn pokud 1) jste jej vytvořil(a) a žádný spoluplátce jej nepodepsal 2) Uběhlo 24 hodin od vytvoření návrhu.","IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR GROESTLPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY GROESTLCOINS YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT GROESTLPAY WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE.":"POKUD ZTRATÍTE PŘÍSTUP K VAŠI SPOLUPLÁTCOVSKÉ PENĚŽENCE NEBO VAŠÍM ŠIFROVANÝM KLÍČŮM A NEMÁTE ULOŽENOU ZÁLOHU VAŠI PENĚŽENKY A HESLEM ZVLÁŠTĚ, BERETE NA VĚDOMÍ ŽE VŠECHNY GROESTLCOINY ULOŽENÉ V TÉTO SPOLUPLÁTCOVSKÉ PENĚŽENCE NEBUDOU DOSTUPNÉ. ","A multisignature groestlcoin wallet":"A vícepodpisová Groestlcoin peněženka","About GroestlPay":"O GroestlPay","Accept":"Přijmout","Account":"Účet","Account Number":"Číslo účtu","Activity":"Aktivita","Add a new entry":"Přidat nový záznam","Add wallet":"Přidat peněženku","Address":"Adresa","Address Type":"Typ adresy","Advanced":"Pokročilé","Alias":"Název","Alias for {{index.walletName}}":"Název pro {{index.walletName}}","All contributions to GroestlPay's translation are welcome. Sign up at crowdin.com and join the GroestlPay project at":"Všichni spoluúčastníci překladů GroestlPay jsou vítání. Přihlaště se na crowdin.com a přidejte se k projektu GroestlPay na","All transaction requests are irreversible.":"Všechny žádosti o platbu jsou nevratné.","Alternative Currency":"Alternativní měna","Amount":"Částka","Amount in":"Částka v","Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?":"Opravdu si přejete odstranit tuto peněženku?","Available Balance":"Dostupný zůstatek","Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes":"Průměrný čas potvrzení je: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minut","Back":"Zpět","Backup":"Záloha","Backup failed":"Chyba zálohování","Backup Needed":"Vyžadována záloha","Backup now":"Vytvořit zálohu","Bad wallet invitation":"Chybný požadavek do peněženky","Balance By Address":"Zůstatek adres","BIP32 path for address derivation":"BIP32 cesta pro derivaci adres","Groestlcoin address":"Groestlcoin adresa","Groestlcoin Network Fee Policy":"Zásady poplatků Groestlcoinové sítě","Groestlcoin URI is NOT valid!":"Groestlcoin URI neni platná!","Broadcast Payment":"Vysílání platby","Broadcasting transaction":"Vysílání transakce","Browser unsupported":"Nepodporovaný prohlížeč","Calculating fee":"Vypočítávám poplatek","Cancel":"Zrušit","Cancel and delete the wallet":"Zrušit a odstranit peněženku","Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds":"Nelze vytvořit transakci. Nedostatek prostředků","Cannot join the same wallet more that once":"Nelze spojit stejnou peněženku více než jednou","Cannot sign: The payment request has expired":"Chyba podpisu: Návrh platby vypršel","Certified by":"Ověřeno od","Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name.":"Změna názvu peněženky bude aktualizovat pouze název na tomto zařízení.","Choose a backup file from your computer":"Vyberte zálohu z PC","Clear cache":"Vymazat cache","Close":"Zavřít","Color":"Barva","Commit hash":"Hash softwaru","Confirm":"Potvrdit","Confirmations":"Potvrzení","Congratulations!":"Gratulujeme!","Connection reset by peer":"Spojení obnoveno uzlem","Continue":"Pokračovat","copayer already in this wallet":"Spoluplátce je již v peněžence","copayer already voted on this spend proposal":"Spoluplátce pro tento návrh již hlasoval","copayer data mismatch":"Data spoluplátce nesouhlasí","copayers":"Spoluplátci","Copied to clipboard":"Zkopírováno","Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)":"Zkopírujte tento text do bezpečného místa (např. email nebo poznámkový blok)","Copy to clipboard":"Zkopírovat","Could not access Wallet Service: Not found":"Nebylo možné navázat spojení se službou peněženky: Nebyla nalezena","Could not broadcast payment":"Nebylo možné vyslat platbu","Could not build transaction":"Nebylo možné sestavit transakci","Could not create address":"Nebylo možné vytvořit adresu","Could not create payment proposal":"Nebylo možné vytvořit návrh platby","Could not create using the specified extended private key":"Nebylo možné vytvořit rozšířený veřejný klíč","Could not create using the specified extended public key":"Nebylo možné vytvořit rozšířený veřejný klíč","Could not delete payment proposal":"Nepodařilo se odstranit návrh platby","Could not fetch payment information":"Nebylo možné získat údaje platby","Could not get fee value":"Nebylo možné získat hodnotu poplatku","Could not import":"Chyba importu","Could not join wallet":"Chyba spojování peněženek","Could not recognize a valid Groestlcoin QR Code":"Groestlcoin QR kód nebyl rozpoznán","Could not reject payment":"Chyba odmítnutí platby","Could not send payment":"Chyba při odesílání platby","Could not update Wallet":"Chyba při aktualizování platby","Create":"Vytvořit","Create {{requiredcopayers}}-of-{{totalcopayers}} wallet":"Vytvořit peněženku {{requiredcopayers}}-z-{{totalcopayers}}","Create new wallet":"Vytvořit novou peněženku","Create, join or import":"Vytvořit, spojit nebo importovat","Created by":"Vytvořil","Creating transaction":"Vytvářím transakci","Creating Wallet...":"Vytvářím peněženku...","Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB":"Současná zásadu poplatků je: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB","Date":"Datum","Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open.":"Dešifrování papírové peněženky může na tomto zařízení trvat okolo 5 minut, buďte prosím trpělivý a nechejte aplikaci otevřenou.","Delete it and create a new one":"Smazat a vytvořit novou","Delete Payment Proposal":"Odstranit návrh platby","Delete wallet":"Odstranit peněženku","Delete Wallet":"Odstranit peněženku","Deleting Wallet...":"Mažu peněženku...","Derivation Path":"Cesta derivace","Derivation Strategy":"Způsob derivace","Details":"Detail","Disabled":"Nedostupné","Do not include private key":"Nevyplňujte soukromý klíč","Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language.":"Nevidíte na Crowdin váš jazyk? Kontaktujte správce repozitáře na Crowdin. Rádi váš jazyk přidáme.","Done":"Hotovo","Download":"Stáhnout","Economy":"Ekonomický","Edit":"Upravit","Email for wallet notifications":"Email pro upozornění","Email Notifications":"Email upozornění","Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated.":"Limit prázdných adres dovrše. Nové adresy nemohou být vytvořeny.","Enable push notifications":"Povolit notifikace","Encrypted export file saved":"Šifrovaný soubor byl vytvořen","Enter your password":"Vyplňte heslo","Error at Wallet Service":"Chyba Služby Peněženky","Error creating wallet":"Chyba vytváření peněženky","Expired":"Vyprošelo","Expires":"Vyprší","Export options":"Možnosti exportu","Export to file":"Exportovat do souboru","Export Wallet":"Exportovat peněženku","Extended Public Keys":"Rozšířený veřejný klíč","Failed to export":"Chyba exportu","Failed to verify backup. Please check your information":"Chyba ověření zálohy. Zkontrolujte zadané informace","Family vacation funds":"Úspory rodiny na dovolenou","Fee":"Poplatek","Fetching Payment Information":"Stahuji platební údaje","Finish":"Konec","French":"Francouzština","Funds are locked by pending spend proposals":"Zůstatky jsou blokovány probíhajícím návrhem platby","Funds found":"Zůstatky nalezeny","Funds received":"Obdržena platba","Funds will be transferred to":"Částka bude převedena k","Generate new address":"Vytvořit novou adresu","Generate QR Code":"Vytvořit QR kód","Generating .csv file...":"Vytvářím .csv soubor...","German":"Němčina","Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ...":"Získávání adres peněženky {{selectedWalletName}} ...","Global preferences":"Obecná nastavení","Hardware wallet":"Hardware peněženka","Hardware Wallet":"Hardwarová peněženka","Hide advanced options":"Skrýt rozšířená nastavení","I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms.":"Potvrzuji, že jsem si přečetl, porozuměl a odsouhlasil uvedené podmínky.","I AGREE. GET STARTED":"SOUHLASÍM. ZAČÍT","Import":"Import","Import backup":"Import zálohy","Import wallet":"Import peněženky","Importing Wallet...":"Importuji peněženku...","In no event shall the authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software.":"Za žádných okolností autoři softwaru, zaměstnanci a přidružené osoby, vlastníci ochranných známek, nejsou odpovědni za škody nebo náhradu nákladů, plynoucí z používání tohoto softwaru.","Incorrect address network":"Neplatná síť adres","Insufficient funds":"Nedostatečná částka","Insufficient funds for fee":"Nedostatečný zůstatek pro poplatek","Invalid":"Neplatné","Invalid account number":"Neplatné číslo účtu","Invalid address":"Neplatná adresa","Invalid derivation path":"Neplatná cesta derivace","Invitation to share a GroestlPay Wallet":"Pozvánka ke sdílené GroestlPay Peněžence","Japanese":"Japonština","John":"John","Join":"Spojit","Join my GroestlPay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download GroestlPay for your phone or desktop at https://GroestlPay.io":"Propojení mé GroestlPay peněženky. Toto je kód pozvánky: {{secret}} GroestlPay je možné stáhnout do telefonu nebo počítače na https://GroestlPay.io","Join shared wallet":"Spojit sdílenou peněženku","Joining Wallet...":"Spojuji peněženky...","Key already associated with an existing wallet":"Klíč je již spojený s některou z peněženek","Label":"Štítek","Language":"Jazyk","Last Wallet Addresses":"Poslední adresa peněženky","Learn more about GroestlPay backups":"Dozvědět se více o zálohování GroestlPay","Loading...":"Načítám...","locked by pending payments":"zablokováno probíhající platbou","Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal":"Čekání na locktime. Prosím vyčkejte na vytvoření nového platebního návrhu","Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal":"Čekání na locktime. Prosím vyčkejte na vytvoření tohoto platebního návrhu","Make a payment to":"Vytvořit platbu pro","Matches:":"Shody:","me":"já","Me":"Já","Memo":"Poznámka","Merchant message":"Zpráva obchodníka","Message":"Zpráva","Missing private keys to sign":"Chybějící soukromý klíč pro podpis","Moved":"Přesunuto","Multiple recipients":"Více příjemců","My Groestlcoin address":"Moje Groestlcoin adresa","My contacts":"Moje kontakty","My wallets":"Moje peněženky","Need to do backup":"Vyžaduje zálohu","Network":"Síť","Network connection error":"Chyba síťového spojení","New Payment Proposal":"Nový návrh platby","No hardware wallets supported on this device":"Toto zařízení nejsou podporována žádná hardware zařízení","No transactions yet":"Žádné transakce","Normal":"Normální","Not authorized":"Neautorizováno","Not completed":"Nedokončeno","Not valid":"Neplatné","Note":"Poznámka","Note: a total of {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} were excluded. The maximum size allowed for a transaction was exceeded":"Poznámka: celkem {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} bylo vyloučeno. Byla překročena maximální povolená velikost transakce","Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided.":"Pozn.: bylo vyloučeno celkem {{amountBelowFeeStr}}. Tyto prostředky pocházejí z menších UTXO, než kolik činí poplatek sítě.","Official English Disclaimer":"Oficiální Disclaimer v Angličtině","Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time.":"Viditelné jsou pouze hlavní (ne adresy pro vratky). Adresy na tomto seznamu nebyly lokálně ověřeny.","Open Settings app":"Otevřít nastavení aplikace","optional":"nepovinný","Paper Wallet Private Key":"Soukromý klíč papírové peněženky","Participants":"Účastníci","Passphrase":"Heslo","Password":"Heslo","Paste invitation here":"Pozvánku zkopírujte sem","Paste the backup plain text code":"Zálohu zkopírujte sem","Paste your paper wallet private key here":"Soukromý klíč papírové peněženky zkopírujte sem","Pasted from clipboard":"Zkopírovano","Pay To":"Placeno komu","Payment Accepted":"Platba přijata","Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted":"Platba přijata, ale doposud nebyla odeslána","Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created.":"Platba přijata. Bude vyslánat do sítě pomocí Glidera. V případě, že nastanou komplikace, může být odstraněna po 6 hodinách od vytvoření.","Payment details":"Údaje platby","Payment expires":"Expirace platby","Payment Proposal":"Návrh platby","Payment Proposal Created":"Návrh platby byl vytvořen","Payment Proposal Rejected":"Návrh platby byl odmítnut","Payment Proposal Rejected by copayer":"Návrh platby odmítnut spoluplátcem","Payment Proposal Signed by copayer":"Návrh platby byl podepsán spoluplátcem","Payment Proposals":"Návrhy plateb","Payment Protocol Invalid":"Neplatný platební protokol","Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App":"Chrome App nepodporuje Platební protokol","Payment Rejected":"Platba odmítnuta","Payment request":"Žádost platby","Payment Sent":"Platba odeslána","Payment to":"Platba komu","Pending Confirmation":"Vyčkávající potvrzení","Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED":"Trvalé odstraněné této peněženky. NELZE VRÁTIT ZPĚT","Personal Wallet":"Osobní peněženka","Please enter the required fields":"Vyplňte požadovaná pole","Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written.":"Potvrďte pořadí slov pro potvrzení správnosti zálohy.","Please upgrade GroestlPay to perform this action":"Pro tuto funkci je potřeba aktualizovat GroestlPay","Please, select your backup file":"Vyberte soubor zálohy","Preparing backup...":"Připravuji zálohu...","Press again to exit":"Pro ukončení stiskněte tlačítko znovu","Priority":"Priorita","Private key is encrypted, cannot sign":"Soukromý klíč je šifrovaný, nelze podepsat","Push notifications for GroestlPay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app.":"Oznámení pro GroestlPay jsou v současné době zakázána. Povolte v nastavení aplikace.","QR Code":"QR kód","QR-Scanner":"QR čtečka","Receive":"Přijmout","Received":"Přijato","Recipients":"Příjemci","Recreate":"Znovu vytvářím","Recreating Wallet...":"Znovu vytvářím peněženku...","Reject":"Odmítnout","Release Information":"Vypouštění informací","Remove":"Odstranit","Repeat password":"Heslo znovu","Request a specific amount":"Vyžádat konkrétní částku","Required":"Vyžadováno","Required number of signatures":"Vyžadováno více podpisuů","Retrieving inputs information":"Načítání informací vstupů","Russian":"Ruština","Save":"Uložit","Scan addresses for funds":"Naskenujte adresu pro zobrazení zůstatku","Scan Fingerprint":"Skenovat otisk","Scan Finished":"Skenování dokončeno","Scan status finished with error":"Status skenování je chybová","Scan Wallet Funds":"Skenovat zůstatek peněženky","Scan your fingerprint please":"Naskenujte prosím svůj otisk","Scanning Wallet funds...":"Skenuji zůstatek peněženky...","Search transactions":"Vyhledávám transakce","Security preferences":"Nastavení zabezpečení","See it on the blockchain":"Zobrazit na blockchainu","Select a backup file":"Vybrat soubor zálohy","Select a wallet":"Vybrat peněženku","Self-signed Certificate":"Vlastnoručně podepsaný certifikát","Send":"Odesláno","Send addresses by email":"Odeslat adresy emailem","Send groestlcoin":"Odeslat GRS","Send by email":"Odeslat emailem","Send Max":"Odeslat max","Sending":"Odesílám","Sending transaction":"Odesílání transakce","Sent":"Odesláno","Server response could not be verified":"Server nemůže být ověřen","Session log":"Log sekce","SET":"NASTAVIT","Set default url":"Nastavit výchozí URL","Set up a password":"Nastavit heslo","Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more.":"Nastavení emailových notifikací může snížit vaše soukromí, pokud je poskytovatel emailu napaden. Útočník by mohl mít k dispozici vaše adresy peněženek a zůstatek, soukromé klíče k ovládání zůstatků ne.","Settings":"Nastavení","Share address":"Sdílet adresu","Share invitation":"Sdílet pozvánku","Share this invitation with your copayers":"Sdílet tuto pozvánku se spoluplátci","Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them.":"Sdílet adresu této peněženky pro přijímání plateb. Pro ochranu soukromí po použití adresy je generována nová.","Shared Wallet":"Sdílená peněženka","Show advanced options":"Zobrazit rozšířená nastavení","Signatures rejected by server":"Podpisy byly serverem odmítnuty","Spanish":"Španělština","Spend proposal is not accepted":"Návrh platby nebyl přijat","Spend proposal not found":"Návrh platby nebyl nalezen","Success":"Úspěšné","Sweep paper wallet":"Převést papírovou peněženku","Sweep Wallet":"Převést peněženku","Tap to retry":"Klikněte pro zopakování pokusu","Terms of Use":"Podmínky používání","The authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Groestlcoin network.":"Autoři tohoto software, zaměstnanci a ostatní, vlastníci ochranných známek, nemůže obnovit vaše soukromé klíče nebo hesla, pokud dojde ke ztrátě a negarantuje potvrzení transakcí, protože nedrží kontrolu nad Groestlcoin sítí.","The Ledger Chrome application is not installed":"Chrome aplikace pro Leger není instalována","The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen":"Platba byla vytvořena ale nemohla být dokončena. Opakujte akci z domovské obrazovky","The payment was removed by creator":"Platba byla odstraněna tvůrcem","The request could not be understood by the server":"Požadavek nebyl serverem pochopen","The software does not constitute an account where other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your groestlcoin.":"Tento software nepředstavuje účet kde jiné třetí strany slouží jako finanční zprostředkovatelé nebo správci vašeho Groestlcoin.","The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet.":"Software který hodláte začít používat je zdarma, open-source, vícepodpisová digitální peněženka.","The spend proposal is not pending":"Platební návrh neočekává další schválení","The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted":"Peněženka \"{{walletName}}\" byla odstraněna","There are no wallets to make this payment":"Pro platbu je potřeba založit peněženku","There is a new version of GroestlPay. Please update":"Existuje nová verze GroestlPay. Proveďte aktualizaci","There is an error in the form":"Na formuláři je chyba","This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt.":"Transakce je neplatná, zřejmě kvůli pokusu o dvojí platbu.","This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information.":"Tato peněženka není registrována na Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). Můžete jej znovu vytvořit z lokální informací.","Time":"Čas","To":"Komu","To restore this {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} shared wallet you will need":"Pro obnovu této {{index.m}} z {{index.n}} sdílené peněženky potřebujete","To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement.":"V plném rozsahu povoleném zákonem tento software je poskytován \"tak jak je\" a žádné prohlášení ani záruky nemohou být zaručeny.","too long!":"příliš dlouho!","Total Locked Balance":"Blokovaný zůstatek","Total number of copayers":"Počet spoluplátců","Touch ID Failed":"Chyba Touch ID","Transaction":"Transakce","Transaction already broadcasted":"Transakce byla již odeslána","Transaction History":"Historie transakcí","Translation Credits":"Poděkování překladatelům","Translators":"Překladatelé","Try again":"Zkusit znovu","Unconfirmed":"Nepotvrzené","Unit":"Jednotka","Unsent transactions":"Neodeslaná transakce","Updating transaction history. Please stand by.":"Aktualizuji historii transakcí.","Updating Wallet...":"Aktualizuji peněženku...","Use Unconfirmed Funds":"Použít nepotvrzené částky","Version":"Verze","View":"Pohled","Waiting for copayers":"Vyčkávání na spoluplátce","Waiting...":"Vyčkávání...","Wallet already exists":"Peněženka již existuje","Wallet Configuration (m-n)":"Nastavení peněženky (m z n)","Wallet Export":"Export peněženky","Wallet Id":"Id peněženky","Wallet incomplete and broken":"Peněženka je neúplná a chybná","Wallet Information":"Údaje peněženky","Wallet Invitation":"Pozvánka peněženky","Wallet Invitation is not valid!":"Neplatná pozvánka peněženky!","Wallet is full":"Peněženka je plná","Wallet is locked":"Peněženka je zablokována","Wallet is not complete":"Peněženka není úplná","Wallet name":"Název peněženky","Wallet Name (at creation)":"Název peněženky (při vytváření)","Wallet Network":"Síť peněženky","Wallet not found":"Peněženka nenalezena","Wallet service not found":"Služba peněženky nenalezena","WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.":"VAROVÁNÍ: Bez vložení soukromého klíče je možná kontrola zůstatků peněženek, historie transakcí a vytváření návrhů plateb z exportu. Nicméně, tyto údaje neumožňují (podepsat) návrhy plateb, tudíž zůstatky nebudou z exportů ovladatelné.","WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.":"VAROVÁNÍ: Soukromý klíč této peněženky není dostupný. Export umožňuje kontrolu zůstatků peněženky, historii transakcí, vytvoření návrhu platby z exportu. Nicméně neumožňuje potvrdit (podepsat) návrhy, zůstatky budou z exportu neovladatelné.","Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs":"Varování: Tato transakce odesílá nepotvrzené zůstatky","WARNING: UNTRUSTED CERTIFICATE":"VAROVÁNÍ: NEDŮVĚRYHODNÝ CERTIFIKÁT","WARNING: Wallet not registered":"VÁROVÁNÍ: Neregistrovaná peněženka","Warning!":"Varování!","We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time.":"Rezervujeme si právu upravit podmínky užívání.","WELCOME TO COPAY":"VÍTEJTE V GroestlPay","While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software.":"Zatímco software byl podroben testování beta a nadále je vylepšován zpětnou vazbou od open source uživatelské a vývojářské komunity, nemůžeme zaručit, že nedojde k žádným chybám v softwaru.","Yes":"Ano","You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws.":"Potvrzujete, že používáte tento software na vlastní uvážení a v souladu se všemi platnými zákony.","You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software.":"Jste odpovědni za bezpečné uchování hesel, soukromých klíčů, PINů a další údajů potřebných pro ovládání softwaru.","You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software.":"Berete na vědomí risk spojený s používání tohoto softwaru.","You backed up your wallet. You can now restore this wallet at any time.":"Zálohovali jste peněženku. Nyní je možné přistoupit k obnově.","You can safely install your wallet on another device and use it from multiple devices at the same time.":"Bezpečně můžete instalovat peněženku na jiné zařízení a použít jej z jiného zařízení ve stejnou dobu.","Your nickname":"Vaše přezdívka","Your password":"Vaše heslo","Your wallet has been imported correctly":"Vaše peněženka byla úspěšně importována"}); + gettextCatalog.setStrings('de', {"(possible double spend)":"(mögliche Doppelausgabe)","(Trusted)":"(Vertraut)","[Balance Hidden]":"[Guthaben versteckt]","{{fee}} will be deducted for groestlcoin networking fees":"{{fee}} wird als Netzwerkgebühr abgezogen","{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction":"{{feeRateStr}} der Transaktion","{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}":"{{index.m}}-von-{{index.n}}","{{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}} more":"{{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}} weitere","{{index.txProgress}} transactions downloaded":"{{index.txProgress}} Transaktionen werden heruntergeladen","{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}":"{{item.m}}-von-{{item.n}}","* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created.":"* Ein Zahlungsvorschlag kann gelöscht werden, wenn 1) Du diesen erzeugt hast und noch kein anderer GroestlPayer unterschrieben hat, oder 2) 24 Stunden vergangen sind, seit der Vorschlag erstellt wurde.","IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR GROESTLPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY GROESTLCOINS YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT GROESTLPAY WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE.":"WENN DER ZUGRIFF AUF DAS GROESTLPAY WALLET ODER DEN VERSCHLÜSSELTEN PRIVATEN SCHLÜSSELN VERLOREN GEHT UND KEINE SICHERUNG DES WALLETS UND KORRESPONDIERENDEM PASSWORT EXISTIERT, DANN WIRD BESTÄTIGT UND AKZEPTIERT, DASS AUF ALLE MIT DIESEM WALLET VERBUNDENEN GROESTLCOIN KEIN ZUGRIFF MEHR MÖGLICH IST.","OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet recovery phrases (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet recovery phrases of any of the other copayers).":"ODER 1 Exportdatei des Wallets und und die noch benötigten Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrasen (z.B. für ein 3-5 Wallet: 1 Exportdatei + 2 Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrasen anderer GroestlPayer).","OR the wallet recovery phrase of all copayers in the wallet":"ODER die Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrasen aller GroestlPayer des Wallets","OR the wallet recovery phrases of all copayers in the wallet":"ODER die Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrasen aller GroestlPayer des Wallets","A multisignature groestlcoin wallet":"Ein Groestlcoin Wallet mit Mehrfachunterschriften","About GroestlPay":"Über GroestlPay","Accept":"Akzeptieren","Account":"Benutzerkonto","Account Number":"Kontonummer","Activity":"Aktivität","Add a new entry":"Einen neuen Eintrag hinzufügen","Add a Password":"Passwort festlegen","Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase":"Ein optionales Passwort zur Sicherung der Wiederherstellungsphrase hinzufügen","Add comment":"Kommentar hinzufügen","Add wallet":"Wallet hinzufügen","Address":"Adresse","Address Type":"Adresstyp","Advanced":"Erweitert","Alias":"Alias","Alias for {{index.walletName}}":"Alias für {{index.walletName}}","All contributions to GroestlPay's translation are welcome. Sign up at crowdin.com and join the GroestlPay project at":"Alle Beiträge zur Übersetzung von GroestlPay sind willkommen. Melde Dich bei crowdin.com an verbinde Dich mit dem GroestlPay-Projekt über","All transaction requests are irreversible.":"Transaktionen können unmöglich rückgängig gemacht werden.","Alternative Currency":"Alternative Währung","Amount":"Betrag","Amount below minimum allowed":"Betrag unter zulässigem Minimum","Amount in":"Betrag in","Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Wiederherstellungsphrase löschen möchten?","Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?":"Soll das Wallet wirklich gelöscht werden?","Auditable":"Prüffähig","Available Balance":"Verfügbarer Gesamtbetrag","Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes":"Durchschnittliche Zeit für die Bestätigung der Transaktion: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} Minuten","Back":"Zurück","Backup":"Sicherung","Backup failed":"Backup ist fehlgeschlagen","Backup Needed":"Backup wird benötigt","Backup now":"Jetzt sichern","Bad wallet invitation":"Ungültige Einladung","Balance By Address":"Guthaben nach Adresse","Before receiving funds, you must backup your wallet. If this device is lost, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup.":"Es ist notwendig Ihre Brieftasche zu sichern bevor Sie Beträge empfangen. Wenn Sie dieses Gerät verlieren, ist es ohne Sicherung unmöglich auf empfangene Beträge zuzugreifen.","BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:":"BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:","BIP32 path for address derivation":"BIP32 Pfad für die Adressen-Ableitung","Groestlcoin address":"Groestlcoinadresse","Groestlcoin Network Fee Policy":"Groestlcoin-Netzwerk Gebührenübersicht","Groestlcoin transactions may include a fee collected by miners on the network. The higher the fee, the greater the incentive a miner has to include that transaction in a block. Current fees are determined based on network load and the selected policy.":"Für Groestlcoin-Transaktionen können Gebühren hinzugefügt werden. Transaktionen mit höheren Gebühren werden meist schneller verarbeitet und bestätigt. Die tatsächlichen Gebühren werden anhand der Netzwerklast und der ausgewählte Richtlinie bestimmt.","Groestlcoin URI is NOT valid!":"Groestlcoin URI ist NICHT gültig!","Broadcast Payment":"Zahlung übermitteln","Broadcasting transaction":"Übermittlung der Transaktion","Browser unsupported":"Der eingesetzte Browser wird nicht unterstützt","Calculating fee":"Mining-Fee Berechnung","Cancel":"Abbruch","Cancel and delete the wallet":"Abbrechen und Brieftasche löschen","Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds":"Transaktion kann nicht erstellt werden. Keine Deckung","Cannot join the same wallet more that once":"An einem Wallet kann nicht mehrfach teilgenommen werden","Cannot sign: The payment request has expired":"Signieren nicht möglich: die Zahlungsanforderung ist abgelaufen","Certified by":"Zertifiziert von","Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name.":"Änderung der Aliases hat nur Auswirkungen auf den lokalen Namen des Wallets","Chinese":"Chinesisch","Choose a backup file from your computer":"Bitte eine Sicherungsdatei vom Computer wählen","Clear cache":"Cache leeren","Close":"Schließen","Color":"Farbe","Comment":"Kommentar","Commit hash":"Hash übertragen","Confirm":"Bestätigen","Confirm your wallet recovery phrase":"Bestätigen Sie Ihre Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase","Confirmations":"Bestätigungen","Congratulations!":"Herzlichen Glückwunsch!","Connecting to Coinbase...":"Verbinde mit Coinbase...","Connecting to Glidera...":"Verbinde mit Glidera...","Connection reset by peer":"Verbindung von Peer zurückgesetzt","Continue":"Weiter","copayer already in this wallet":"GroestlPayer nimmt bereits teil","copayer already voted on this spend proposal":"GroestlPayer hat schon für diesen Zahlungsvorschlag angestimmt","copayer data mismatch":"GroestlPayer Datenkonflikt","copayers":"GroestlPayer","Copied to clipboard":"In die Zwischenablage kopiert","Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)":"Diesen Text an einem sichern Ort einfügen (Notepad oder E-Mail)","Copy to clipboard":"In die Zwischenablage kopieren","Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:":"Kein Zugriff auf Wallet des Servers. Überprüfen Sie bitte:","Could not access wallet":"Auf Wallet konnte nicht zugegriffen werden","Could not access Wallet Service: Not found":"Auf den Wallet-Dienst konnte nicht zugegriffen werden: Nicht gefunden","Could not broadcast payment":"Zahlung konnte nicht gesendet werden","Could not build transaction":"Transaktion konnte nicht erstellt werden","Could not create address":"Adresse konnte nicht erstellt werden","Could not create payment proposal":"Es kann kein Zahlungsvorschlag erzeugt werden","Could not create using the specified extended private key":"Erzeugung mit erweiterten privaten Schlüssel nicht möglich","Could not create using the specified extended public key":"Erzeugung mit dem angegebenen erweiterten öffentlichen Schlüssel nicht möglich","Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase":"Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase nicht gültig","Could not decrypt file, check your password":"Datei konnte nicht entschlüsselt werden, bitte das Passwort überprüfen","Could not delete payment proposal":"Zahlungsvorschlag konnte nicht gelöscht werden","Could not fetch payment information":"Zahlungsinformationen können nicht abgerufen werden","Could not get fee value":"Gebühr konnte nicht ermittelt werden","Could not import":"Import nicht möglich","Could not import. Check input file and spending password":"Import nicht möglich. Bitte Datei und Berechtigungscode überprüfen","Could not join wallet":"Beteiligung am Wallet nicht möglich","Could not recognize a valid Groestlcoin QR Code":"Es konnte kein gültiger Groestlcoin-QR-Code erkannt werden","Could not reject payment":"Zahlung konnte nicht abgelehnt werden","Could not send payment":"Zahlung kann nicht gesendet werden","Could not update Wallet":"Wallet kann nicht aktualisiert werden","Create":"Erzeugen","Create {{requiredcopayers}}-of-{{totalcopayers}} wallet":"Ein {{requiredcopayers}}-von-{{totalcopayers}} Wallet erzeugen","Create new wallet":"Neues Wallet erzeugen","Create, join or import":"NEU | TEILNAHME | IMPORT","Created by":"Erstellt von","Creating transaction":"Transaktion erstellen","Creating Wallet...":"Wallet erstellen...","Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB":"Aktuelle Gebühr für dieses Einstellung: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/KiB","Czech":"Tschechisch","Date":"Datum","Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open.":"Das Entschlüsseln eines Paperwallets kann auf diesem Gerät bis zu 5 Minuten dauern. Bitte abwarten und die App nicht beenden.","Delete it and create a new one":"Löschen und neues Wallet erzeugen","Delete Payment Proposal":"Zahlungsvorschlag löschen","Delete recovery phrase":"Wiederherstellungsphrase löschen","Delete Recovery Phrase":"Wiederherstellungsphrase löschen","Delete wallet":"Wallet löschen","Delete Wallet":"Wallet löschen","Deleting Wallet...":"Wallet wird gelöscht...","Derivation Path":"Ableitungsstruktur","Derivation Strategy":"Ableitungstrategie","Description":"Beschreibung","Details":"Details","Disabled":"Deaktiviert","Do not include private key":"Den privaten Schlüssel nicht einbeziehen","Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language.":"Wird deine Sprache auf Crowdin nicht angezeigt? Kontaktiere den Support von Crowdin, denn wir würden deine Sprache gerne hinzufügen.","Done":"Fertig","Download":"Herunterladen","Economy":"Wirtschaftlich","Edit":"Bearbeiten","Edit comment":"Kommentar bearbeiten","Edited by":"Editiert von","Email for wallet notifications":"E-Mail für Wallet Benachrichtigungen","Email Notifications":"Benachrichtigunen per E-Mail","Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated.":"Obergrenze für leere Adressen erreicht. Neue Adressen können nicht generiert werden.","Enable Coinbase Service":"Coinbase-Dienst aktivieren","Enable Glidera Service":"Glidera-Dienst aktivieren","Enable push notifications":"Pushbenachrichtigungen aktivieren","Encrypted export file saved":"Verschlüsselte Exportdatei gespeichert","Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)":"Wiederherstellungsphrase eingeben (BIP39)","Enter your password":"Passwort eingeben","Enter your spending password":"Berechtigungscode eingeben","Error at Wallet Service":"Fehler beim Wallet-Dienst","Error creating wallet":"Fehler beim Erstellen des Wallets","Expired":"Abgelaufen","Expires":"Gültig bis","Export options":"Export-Optionen","Export to file":"In eine Datei exportieren","Export Wallet":"Wallet exportieren","Exporting via QR not supported for this wallet":"Für diese Wallet ist Export per QR nicht unterstützt","Extended Public Keys":"Erweiterte öffentliche Schlüssel","Extracting Wallet Information...":"Entpacke Wallet...","Failed to export":"Fehler beim Exportieren","Failed to verify backup. Please check your information":"Die Überprüfung der Sicherung ist gescheitert. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Angaben","Family vacation funds":"Familienurlaub","Fee":"Gebühr","Fetching Payment Information":"Zahlungsinformationen abrufen","File/Text":"Datei/Text","Finger Scan Failed":"Abtasten des Fingerabdrucks gescheitert","Finish":"Beenden","For audit purposes":"Zur Kontrolle","French":"Français","From the destination device, go to Add wallet > Import wallet and scan this QR code":"Gehen Sie auf Wallet Hinzufügen > Wallet Importieren von dem Zielgerät und scannen Sie diesen QR-Code","Funds are locked by pending spend proposals":"Beträge sind durch ausstehende Zahlungsvorschläge gesperrt","Funds found":"Beträge gefunden","Funds received":"Beträge empfangen","Funds will be transferred to":"Beträge werden überwiesen an","Generate new address":"Neue Adresse erzeugen","Generate QR Code":"QR-Code generieren","Generating .csv file...":"CSV-Datei erzeugen...","German":"Deutsch","Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ...":"Ermittle die Adresse des Wallets {{selectedWalletName}}...","Global preferences":"Globale Einstellungen","Hardware wallet":"Hardware-Wallet","Hardware Wallet":"Hardware-Wallet","Hide advanced options":"Erweiterte Optionen ausblenden","I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms.":"Ich bestätige, dass ich diese Bedingungen gelesen habe, diese verstehe und diesen zustimme.","I AGREE. GET STARTED":"Ich stimme zu. Lege los!","Import":"Import","Import backup":"Importiere Sicherung","Import wallet":"Wallet importieren","Importing Wallet...":"Wallet wird importiert...","In no event shall the authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software.":"Die Autoren der Software, Mitarbeiter, Inhaber von Urheberrechten, haften in keinem Fall für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die sich im Rahmen einer Klage zum Vertrag, unerlaubter Handlung, auf andere Weise oder aus bzw. im Zusammenhang mit der Software ergeben.","In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your password:":"Um die Sicherung der Wallet zu überprüfen, geben Sie bitte Ihr Passwort ein:","Incorrect address network":"Falsche Netzwerk-Adresse","Incorrect code format":"QR code hat falsches Format","Insufficient funds":"Nicht ausreichendes Guthaben","Insufficient funds for fee":"Nicht ausreichendes Guthaben für die Gebühr","Invalid":"Ungültig","Invalid account number":"Ungültige Kontonummer","Invalid address":"Ungültige Adresse","Invalid derivation path":"Ungültige Ableitungsstruktur","Invitation to share a GroestlPay Wallet":"Einladung zum GroestlPay-Wallet teilen","Italian":"Italienisch","Japanese":"日本語","John":"Sascha","Join":"Teilnehmen","Join my GroestlPay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download GroestlPay for your phone or desktop at https://GroestlPay.io":"GroestlPay Wallet beitreten. Hier ist der Einladungscode: {{secret}} Die Desktopversion oder die App fürs Handy kann auf https://GroestlPay.io heruntergeladen werden","Join shared wallet":"Gemeinschaftliches Wallet","Joining Wallet...":"Teilnahme am Wallet einrichten...","Key already associated with an existing wallet":"Schlüssel ist bereits mit einem existierenden Wallet verbunden","Label":"Beschreibung","Language":"Sprache","Last Wallet Addresses":"Letzte Wallet-Adressen","Learn more about GroestlPay backups":"Erfahren Sie mehr über GroestlPay-Sicherungen","Loading...":"Lade...","locked by pending payments":"durch ausstehende Zahlungen gesperrt","Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal":"Zeitsperre aktiv. Bitte mit neuem Zahlungsvorschlag warten","Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal":"Zeitsperre aktiv. Bitte auf die Entfernung des Zahlungsvorschlags warten","Make a payment to":"Sende eine Zahlung an","Matches:":"Übereinstimmungen:","me":"Ich","Me":"Ich","Memo":"Notiz","Merchant message":"Händlernachricht","Message":"Nachricht","Missing parameter":"Angabe fehlt","Missing private keys to sign":"Zum Signieren fehlen die privaten Schlüssel","Moved":"Verschoben","Multiple recipients":"Mehrere Empfänger","My Groestlcoin address":"Eigene Groestlcoinadresse","My contacts":"Meine Kontakte","My wallets":"Meine Wallets","Need to do backup":"Zuerst ist eine Sicherung notwendig","Network":"Netzwerk","Network connection error":"Netzwerkverbindungsfehler","New Payment Proposal":"Neue Zahlungsvorschlag","New Random Recovery Phrase":"Neue zufällige Wiederherstellungsphrase","No hardware wallets supported on this device":"Hardware-Wallets werden auf diesem Gerät nicht unterstützt","No transactions yet":"Noch keine Transaktionen","Normal":"Normal","Not authorized":"Nicht berechtigt","Not completed":"Nicht abgeschlossen","Not enough funds for fee":"Das Guthaben reicht nicht für die Gebühr","Not valid":"Nicht gültig","Note":"Notiz","Note: a total of {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} were excluded. The maximum size allowed for a transaction was exceeded":"Hinweis: insgesamt wurden {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} ausgeschlossen. Die maximale Größe für eine Transaktion wurde überschritten","Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided.":"Hinweis: insgesamt {{amountBelowFeeStr}} wurden ausgeschlossen. Diese Gelder stammen aus UTXOs, die kleiner sind als die Netzwerkgebühr.","NOTE: To import a wallet from a 3rd party software, please go to Add Wallet > Create Wallet, and specify the Recovery Phrase there.":"Hinweis: Um eine Brieftasche aus einer 3rd-Party-Software zu importieren, gehen Sie bitte auf Wallet Hinzufügen > Wallet Importieren, und geben Sie die Wiederhestellungsphrase ein.","Official English Disclaimer":"Offizieller englischer Haftungsausschluss","OKAY":"Okay","Once you have copied your wallet recovery phrase down, it is recommended to delete it from this device.":"Sobald Sie Ihre Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase kopiert haben, wird empfohlen, diese vom Gerät zu löschen.","Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time.":"Nur die Haupt (unveränderbaren) Adressen werden angezeigt. Die Adressen in dieser Liste sind momentan noch nicht lokal überprüft.","Open Settings app":"Einstellungen öffnen","optional":"zusätzlich","Paper Wallet Private Key":"Privater Schlüssel des Paperwallets","Participants":"Teilnehmer","Passphrase":"Passphrase","Password":"Passwort","Password required. Make sure to enter your password in advanced options":"Passwort erforderlich. Geben Sie Ihr Passwort in den erweiterten Optionen ein","Paste invitation here":"Einladung hier einfügen","Paste the backup plain text code":"Den Klartext der Sicherung einfügen","Paste your paper wallet private key here":"Privaten Schlüssel des Paperwallets hier einfügen","Pasted from clipboard":"Aus der Zwischenablage eingefügt","Pay To":"Zahle an","Payment Accepted":"Zahlung angenommen","Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted":"Zahlung akzeptiert, aber noch nicht übermittelt","Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created.":"Zahlung akzeptiert. Sie wird durch Glidera übermittelt. Falls ein Problem auftritt, kann sie nach einer Wartezeit von 6 Stunden gelöscht werden.","Payment details":"Zahlungsdetails","Payment expires":"Zahlung läuft ab","Payment Proposal":"Zahlungsvorschlag","Payment Proposal Created":"Zahlungsvorschlag erstellt","Payment Proposal Rejected":"Zahlungsvorschlag abgelehnt","Payment Proposal Rejected by copayer":"Zahlungsvorschlag wurde vom GroestlPayer abgelehnt","Payment Proposal Signed by copayer":"Zahlungsvorschlag wurde vom GroestlPayer abgezeichnet","Payment Proposals":"Zahlungsvorschläge","Payment Protocol Invalid":"Ungültiges Zahlungsprotokoll","Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App":"Zahlungsprotokoll wird nicht von der Chrome App unterstützt","Payment Rejected":"Zahlung abgelehnt","Payment request":"Zahlungsanforderung","Payment Sent":"Zahlung gesendet","Payment to":"Zahlung an","Pending Confirmation":"Ausstehende Bestätigung","Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED":"Wallet dauerhaft löschen. DIESE AKTION KANN NICHT RÜCKGÄNGIG GEMACHT WERDEN","Personal Wallet":"Persönliches Wallet","Please enter the recovery phrase":"Bitte geben Sie die Wiederherstellungsphrase ein","Please enter the required fields":"Bitte die benötigten Felder ausfüllen","Please enter the wallet recovery phrase":"Bitte geben Sie die Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase ein","Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written.":"Bitte tippen Sie auf die Wörter, um zu bestätigen, dass Ihre Backup-Phrase richtig geschrieben ist.","Please upgrade GroestlPay to perform this action":"Bitte GroestlPay aktualisieren, um diese Aktion auszuführen","Please wait to be redirected...":"Bitte warten Sie bis Sie umgeleitet werden...","Please, select your backup file":"Bitte die Sicherungsdatei wählen","Polish":"Polnisch","Preferences":"Einstellungen","Preparing backup...":"Sicherung wird vorbereitet...","preparing...":"in Arbeit...","Press again to exit":"Zum Beenden erneut drücken","Priority":"höchste Priorität","Private key is encrypted, cannot sign":"Der private Schlüssel ist verschlüsselt, signieren ist nicht möglich","Push notifications for GroestlPay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app.":"Pushbenachrichtigungen für GroestlPay sind derzeit deaktiviert. Aktivieren sie Sie in den Einstellungen.","QR Code":"QR-Code","QR-Scanner":"QR-Scanner","Receive":"Empfangen","Received":"Empfangen","Recipients":"Empfänger","Recovery Phrase":"Wiederherstellungsphrase","Recovery phrase deleted":"Wiederherstellungsphrase gelöscht","Recreate":"Wiederherstellen","Recreating Wallet...":"Wallet wiederherstellen...","Reject":"Ablehnen","Release Information":"Information zur Veröffentlichung","Remove":"Entfernen","Repeat password":"Passwort wiederholen","Repeat the password":"Passwort wiederholen","Repeat the spending password":"Berechtigungscode wiederholen","Request a specific amount":"Einen bestimmten Betrag anfordern","Request Spending Password":"Berechtigungscode abfragen","Required":"Benötigt","Required number of signatures":"Erforderliche Anzahl von Signaturen","Retrieving inputs information":"Eingänge werden abgerufen","Russian":"Pусский","Save":"Speichern","Scan addresses for funds":"Adresse auf neue Beträge überprüfen","Scan Fingerprint":"Fingerabdruck scannen","Scan Finished":"Überprüfung abgeschlossen","Scan status finished with error":"Überprüfung wurde mit Fehlern beendet","Scan Wallet Funds":"Prüfe Beträge des Wallets","Scan your fingerprint please":"Scannen Sie bitte Ihren Fingerabdruck","Scanning Wallet funds...":"Prüfe Wallet auf neue Beträge...","Search transactions":"Transaktionen durchsuchen","Search Transactions":"Transaktionen durchsuchen","Security preferences":"Sicherheitseinstellungen","See it on the blockchain":"Im Blockchain anzeigen","Select a backup file":"Eine Sicherungsdatei auswählen","Select a wallet":"Wallet wählen","Self-signed Certificate":"Selbstsigniertes Zertifikat","Send":"Senden","Send addresses by email":"Adressen per e-Mail versenden","Send groestlcoin":"Groestlcoins senden","Send by email":"Per E-Mail versenden","Send Max":"Alles senden","Sending":"Senden","Sending transaction":"Sende Transaktion","Sent":"Gesendet","Server response could not be verified":"Antwort des Servers konnte nicht verifiziert werden","Session log":"Sitzungsprotokoll","SET":"EINRICHTEN","Set default url":"Festlegen der Standard-URL","Set up a password":"Passwort einrichten","Set up a spending password":"Berechtigungscode einrichten","Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more.":"Das Einrichten einer E-Mail Benachrichtigung schwächt die Privatsphäre, wenn der Wallet Service Anbieter kompromittiert wurde. Der Angreifer kann jedoch nur Wallet Adresse und Guthaben erfahren, mehr nicht.","Settings":"Einstellungen","Share address":"Adresse teilen","Share invitation":"Einladung teilen","Share this invitation with your copayers":"Einladung mit GroestlPayern teilen","Share this wallet address to receive payments":"Geben Sie diese Adresse weiter um Zahlungen zu erhalten","Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them.":"Um Zahlungen zu empfangen, die hier angegebene Adresse teilen. Um die Privatsphäre zu schützen wird nach jeder Nutzung eine neue Adresse erzeugt.","Shared Wallet":"Wallet teilen","Show advanced options":"Erweiterte Optionen anzeigen","Signatures rejected by server":"Signaturen wurden vom Server abgelehnt","Signing transaction":"Unterschreibe Transaktion","Single Address Wallet":"Wallet mit einer einzigen Adresse","Spanish":"Español","Specify Recovery Phrase...":"Wiederherstellungsphrase angeben...","Spend proposal is not accepted":"Zahlungsvorschlag wurde nicht akzeptiert","Spend proposal not found":"Zahlungsvorschlag wurde nicht gefunden","Spending Password needed":"Berechtigungscode erforderlich","Spending Passwords do not match":"Berechtigungscodes stimmen nicht überein","Success":"Erfolgreich","Super Economy":"Niedrigste Priorität","Sweep paper wallet":"Paperwallet löschen","Sweep Wallet":"Wallet löschen","Sweeping Wallet...":"Leere Wallet...","Tap and hold to show":"Anzeigen durch tippen und halten","Tap to retry":"Zum Wiederholen antippen","Terms of Use":"Nutzungsbedingungen","The authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Groestlcoin network.":"Die Autoren der Software, Mitarbeiter, Inhaber von Urheberrechten, können nicht Ihre privaten Schlüssel oder Kennwörter abrufen, wenn diese verloren gehen oder vergessen werden und können die Durchführung von Transaktionen, auch nach Bestätigungen, nicht garantieren, da sie keine Kontrolle über das Groestlcoin-Netzwerk haben.","The derivation path":"Die Ableitungsstruktur","The Ledger Chrome application is not installed":"Die Chrome-Anwendung für Ledger ist nicht installiert","The password of the recovery phrase (if set)":"Das Passwort der Wiederherstellungsphrase (wenn eingestellt)","The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen":"Die Zahlung wurde erzeugt, kann aber nicht abgeschlossen werden. Bitte erneut über die Startseite versuchen","The payment was removed by creator":"Die Zahlung wurde vom Ersteller entfernt","The recovery phrase could require a password to be imported":"Um die Wiederherstellungsphrase zu importieren könnte ein Passwort nötig sein","The request could not be understood by the server":"Die Anforderung konnte nicht vom Server interpretiert werden","The software does not constitute an account other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your groestlcoin.":"Die Software erzeugt kein Benutzerkonto, oder sonstige Dritte als Finanzvermittler oder Verwalter der Groestlcoin fungieren.","The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet.":"Die Software, die genutzt werden soll, fungiert als freies, quelloffenes und digitales mehrfachunterschriften Wallet.","The spend proposal is not pending":"Der Zahlungsvorschlag ist nicht ausstehend","The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted":"Wallet \"{{walletName}}\" wurde gelöscht","The Wallet Recovery Phrase could require a password to be imported":"Um die Wiederherstellungsphrase zu importieren könnte ein Passwort nötig sein","The wallet service URL":"Die URL des Wallet-Diensts","There are no wallets to make this payment":"Es gibt keine Wallets, um diese Zahlung auszuführen","There is a new version of GroestlPay. Please update":"Es gibt eine neue Version von GroestlPay. Bitte aktualisieren","There is an error in the form":"Es ist ein Fehler im Formular aufgetreten","This recovery phrase was created with a password. To recover this wallet both the recovery phrase and password are needed.":"Diese Wiederherstellungsphrase entstand mit einem Passwort. Zur Wiederherstellung der Wallet sind die Wiederherstellungsphrase und das Passwort erforderlich.","This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt.":"Diese Transaktion ist wurde ungültig; dies kann durch eine versuchte Doppelzahlung verursacht worden sein.","This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information.":"Dieses Wallet ist nicht beim angegebenen Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS) registriert. Bitte aus den lokalen Informationen wiederherstellen","Time":"Zeit","To":"An","To restore this {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} shared wallet you will need":"Voraussetzungen um dieses geteilte {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} Wallet wiederherzustellen","To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement.":"Unter voller Ausschöpfung geltenden Rechts wird diese Software \"wie besehen\" zur Verfügung gestellt ohne irgendwelche Zusicherungen oder Gewährleistungen aller Art, ausdrücklich oder stillschweigend, einschließlich aber nicht beschränkt auf Garantien der Handelstauglichkeit, Brauchbarkeit oder eines bestimmten Zwecks oder der Nichtverletzung der Rechte Dritter.","too long!":"zu lang!","Total Locked Balance":"Ingesamt gesperrter Gesamtsaldo","Total number of copayers":"Gesamtanzahl der GroestlPayer","Touch ID Failed":"Touch-ID gescheitert","Transaction":"Transaktion","Transaction already broadcasted":"Transaktion wurde bereits übermittelt","Transaction History":"Transaktionsverlauf","Translation Credits":"Danksagung an die Übersetzer","Translators":"Übersetzer","Try again":"Nochmal versuchen","Type the Recovery Phrase (usually 12 words)":"Wiederherstellungsphrase eingeben (in der Regel 12 Wörter)","Unconfirmed":"Unbestätigt","Unit":"Währungseinheit","Unsent transactions":"Nicht vesendete Transaktionen","Updating transaction history. Please stand by.":"Aktualisieren des Transaktionsverlaufs. Bitte warten.","Updating Wallet...":"Wallet aktualisieren...","Use Unconfirmed Funds":"Unbestätigte Mittel einsetzen","Validating recovery phrase...":"Überprüfe Wiederherstellungsphrase...","Validating wallet integrity...":"Überprüfe Wallet-Integrität...","Version":"Version","View":"Ansicht","Waiting for copayers":"Warte auf copayer","Waiting for Ledger...":"Warte auf Ledger...","Waiting for Trezor...":"Warte auf Trezor...","Waiting...":"Warte...","Wallet already exists":"Wallet exstiert bereits","Wallet already in GroestlPay":"Wallet ist bereits in GroestlPay","Wallet Configuration (m-n)":"Wallet-Konfiguration (m-n)","Wallet Export":"Wallet-Export","Wallet Id":"Wallet-Id","Wallet incomplete and broken":"Wallet unvollständig oder defekt","Wallet Information":"Wallet-Informationen","Wallet Invitation":"Wallet Einladung","Wallet Invitation is not valid!":"Wallet Einladung nicht gültig!","Wallet is full":"Maximale Teilnehmerzahl erreicht","Wallet is locked":"Wallet ist gesperrt","Wallet is not complete":"Wallet ist unvollständig","Wallet name":"Name des Wallets","Wallet Name (at creation)":"Wallet-Name (bei der Erzeugung)","Wallet needs backup":"Wallet braucht Sicherung","Wallet Network":"Wallet-Netzwerk","Wallet not found":"Wallet nicht gefunden","Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your recovery phrase":"Wallet ist nicht beim Wallet-Service registiert. Neu erzeugen mit \"Neues Wallet erzeugen\" und \"Erweiterte Optionen\" um die Wiederherstellungsphrase anzugeben","Wallet Preferences":"Wallet Voreinstellungen","Wallet Recovery Phrase":"Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase","Wallet Recovery Phrase is invalid":"Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase ist ungültig","Wallet recovery phrase not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export.":"Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase ist nicht verfügbar. Export über Erweitert > Wallet exportieren ist noch möglich.","Wallet service not found":"Wallet-Dienst nicht gefunden","WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet.":"Warnung: Ableitung der Schlüssel funktioniert nicht auf diesem Gerät/Wallet. Aktionen können nicht mit dieser Wallet durchgeführt werden.","WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.":"WARNUNG: Ohne das Hinzufügen des privaten Schlüssels, ist es möglich das Guthaben und die Transaktionshistorie einzusehen, sowie Zahlungsvorschläge zu erzeugen. Allerdings können Vorschläge nicht ausgeführt (unterschrieben) werden und es ist kein Zugriff auf Guthaben möglich.","WARNING: The password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the password.":"Warnung: Das Passwort kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Achten Sie darauf, es aufzuschreiben. Das Wallet kann nicht ohne das Passwort wiederhergestellt werden.","WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.":"WARNUNG: Der private Schlüssel ist nicht verfügbar. Dieser Export ermöglicht das Guthaben und die Transaktionshistorie zu prüfen, sowie Zahlungsvorschläge zu erzeugen. Allerdings können Vorschläge nicht ausgeführt (unterschrieben) werden und so ist kein Zugriff auf Guthaben möglich.","Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs":"Warnung: Diese Transaktion hat unbestätigte Eingänge","WARNING: UNTRUSTED CERTIFICATE":"WARNUNG: NICHT VERTRAUENSWÜRDIGES ZERTIFIKAT","WARNING: Wallet not registered":"WARNUNG: Wallet nicht registriert","Warning!":"Warnung!","We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time.":"Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, diese Erklärung von Zeit zu Zeit zu ändern.","WELCOME TO COPAY":"Willkommen bei COPAY","While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software.":"Solange sich diese Software im Betastadium befindet und weiterhin durch Feedback der Open-Source Nutzer und Entwickler-Community verbessert wird, können wir nicht garantieren, dass diese frei von Fehlern ist.","Write your wallet recovery phrase":"Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase notieren","Wrong number of recovery words:":"Falsche Anzahl von Wiederherstellungswörtern:","Wrong spending password":"Falscher Berechtigungscode","Yes":"Ja","You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws.":"Sie bestätigen, die Software nach eigenem Ermessen und in Übereinstimmung der anwendbaren Gesetze zu verwenden.","You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software.":"Sie sind verantwortlich für die Verwahrung Ihrer Kennwörter, privaten Schlüsselpaaren, PINs und anderen Codes, die zum Zugriff auf die Software verwendet werden.","You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software.":"Sie übernehmen allen Risiken im Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung der Software.","You backed up your wallet. You can now restore this wallet at any time.":"Sie haben Ihre Wallet gesichert. Sie können sie nun jederzeit wiederherstellen.","You can safely install your wallet on another device and use it from multiple devices at the same time.":"Das Wallet kann sicher auf einem anderen Gerät installiert und von mehreren Geräten gleichzeitig verwendet werden.","You do not have any wallet":"Kein Wallet vorhanden","You need the wallet recovery phrase to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe.":"Sie benötigen die Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase, um Ihre persönliche Wallet wiederherzustellen. Schreiben Sie sie auf und bewahren Sie sie an einem sicheren Ort auf.","Your nickname":"Name des Teilnehmers","Your password":"Passwort","Your spending password":"Ihr Berechtigungscode","Your wallet has been imported correctly":"Das Wallet wurde korrekt importiert","Your wallet key will be encrypted. The Spending Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down":"Ihr Wallet wird verschlüsselt werden. Der Berechtigungscode kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Achten Sie darauf, ihn aufzuschreiben","Your wallet recovery phrase and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend.":"Die Wallet-Wiederherstellungsphrase und der Zugriff auf den Server, die die Wallet ursprünglich erzeugten. Es werden noch {{index.m}} Schlüssel benötigt."}); + gettextCatalog.setStrings('el', {"(possible double spend)":"(πιθανό διπλό ξόδεμα)","(Trusted)":"(Εμπιστευτικό)","[Balance Hidden]":"[Υπόλοιπο Κρυμένο]","{{fee}} will be deducted for groestlcoin networking fees":"{{fee}}, θα προεξοφληθεί ώς τέλος του δικτύου Groestlcoin","{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction":"{{feeRateStr}} της συναλλαγής","{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}":"{{index.m}}-του-{{index.n}}","{{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}} more":"{{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}} περισσότερα","{{index.txProgress}} transactions downloaded":"{{index.txProgress}} οι συναλλαγές μεταφορτώθηκαν","{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}":"{{item.m}}-του-{{item.n}}","* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created.":"Μια πρόταση πληρωμής μπορεί να διαγραφεί εάν 1) είστε ο δημιουργός, και κανένας άλλος χρήστης του GroestlPay δεν έχει υπογράψει, ή 2) έχουν περάσει 24 ώρες απο την ώρα που η πρόταση δημιουργήθηκε.","IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR GROESTLPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY GROESTLCOINS YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT GROESTLPAY WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE.":"ΕΑΝ ΧΑΣΕΤΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΡΟΣΒΑΣΗ ΝΑ ΣΑΣ ΣΤΟ ΠΟΡΤΟΦΌΛΙ GROESTLPAY Ή ΣΤΑ ΚΡΥΠΤΟΓΡΑΦΗΜΕΝΑ ΙΔΙΩΤΙΚΑ ΣΑΣ ΚΛΕΙΔΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΔΕΝ ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΣΑΤΕ ΧΩΡΙΣΤΆ ΕΝΑ ΑΝΤΙΓΡΑΦΟ ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑΣ ΤΟΥ ΠΟΡΤΟΦΟΛΙΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΣΤΟΙΧΟΥ ΚΩΔΙΚΟΥ ΠΡΌΣΒΑΣΗΣ, ΑΠΟΔΕΧΕΣΤΕ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΜΦΩΝΕΙΤΕ ΟΤΙ ΟΠΟΙΑΔΗΠΟΤΕ ΠΟΣΟΤΗΤΑ GROESTLCOIN ΠΟΥ ΕΧΕΤΕ ΣΥΣΧΕΤΙΣΕΙ ΜΕ ΤΟ ΠΟΡΤΟΦΟΛΙ ΤΟΥ GROESTLPAY ΘΑ ΓΙΝΟΥΝ ΑΠΡΟΣΠΕΛΑΣΤΑ.","A multisignature groestlcoin wallet":"Ένα πορτοφόλι Groestlcoin με δυνατότητα πολλαπλών υπογραφών","About GroestlPay":"Σχετικά με το GroestlPay","Accept":"Αποδοχή","Account":"Λογαριασμός","Account Number":"Αριθμός λογαριασμού","Activity":"Δραστηριότητα","Add a new entry":"Προσθέστε Καταχώρηση","Add a Password":"Προσθέστε Κωδικό","Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase":"Προσθέστε προαιρετικό κωδικό για να ασφαλίσετε τη φράση επαναφοράς","Add comment":"Προσθήκη σχολίου","Add wallet":"Προσθήκη Πορτοφολιού","Address":"Διεύθυνση","Address Type":"Τύπος Διεύθυνσης","Advanced":"Για προχωρημένους","Alias":"Ψευδώνυμο","Alias for {{index.walletName}}":"Ψευδώνυμο για {{index.walletName}}","All contributions to GroestlPay's translation are welcome. Sign up at crowdin.com and join the GroestlPay project at":"Όλες οι εισηγήσεις στην μετάφραση του GroestlPay είναι ευπρόσδεκτες. Εγγραφείτε στο crowdin.com για να συμμετάσχετε στο έργο GroestlPay","All transaction requests are irreversible.":"Όλες οι αιτήσεις για συναλλαγές είναι αμετάκλητες.","Alternative Currency":"Εναλλακτικό Νόμισμα","Amount":"Ποσό","Amount below minimum allowed":"Ποσό χαμηλότερο από το κατώτερο επιτρεπόμενο","Amount in":"Ποσό εισόδου","Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?":"Σίγουρα θέλετε να σβήσετε τη φράση επαναφοράς;","Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?":"Είσαι σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτό το πορτοφόλι?","Auditable":"Ελέγξιμο","Available Balance":"Διαθέσιμο Υπόλοιπο","Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes":"Μέσος χρόνος επιβεβαίωσης: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} λεπτά","Back":"Πίσω","Backup":"Αντίγραφο Ασφαλείας","Backup failed":"Αποτυχία αντιγράφου επαναφοράς","Backup Needed":"Απαιτείται αντίγραφο επαναφοράς","Backup now":"Πάρτε Αντίγραφο Ασφαλείας τώρα","Bad wallet invitation":"Κακή πρόσκληση πορτοφολιού","Balance By Address":"Υπόλοιπο ανά διεύθυνση","Before receiving funds, you must backup your wallet. If this device is lost, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup.":"Για να μπορέσετε να λάβετε κεφάλαια, πρέπει πρώτα να δημιουργήσετε ένα αντίγραφο ασφαλείας (backup). Στην περίπτωση που χαθεί αυτή η συσκευή, θα είναι αδύνατο να έχετε πρόσβαση στα κεφάλαια σας χωρίς το αντίγραφο ασφαλείας.","BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:":"ΒΕΤΑ: Δοκιμή παραγωγής κλειδιού:","BIP32 path for address derivation":"διαδρομή BIP32 για παραγωγή διεύθυνσης","Groestlcoin address":"Διεύθυνση Groestlcoin","Groestlcoin Network Fee Policy":"Πολιτική Χρέωσης Δικτύου Groestlcoin","Groestlcoin transactions may include a fee collected by miners on the network. The higher the fee, the greater the incentive a miner has to include that transaction in a block. Current fees are determined based on network load and the selected policy.":"Οι συναλλαγές Groestlcoin μπορεί να περιλαμβάνουν μια αμοιβή που εισπράττουν οι miners του δικτύου. Όσο υψηλότερο είναι αυτό το τέλος, τόσο μεγαλύτερο είναι και το κίνητρο ενός miner να συμπεριλάβει αυτή τη συναλλαγή σε ένα block. Οι παρουσιαζόμενη αμοιβή καθορίζεται με βάση το φορτίο του δικτύου και την επιλεγμένη πολιτική.","Groestlcoin URI is NOT valid!":"Το σύστημα Groestlcoin URI δεν είναι έγκυρο!","Broadcast Payment":"Μετάδοση Πληρωμής","Broadcasting transaction":"Μεταδίδοντας την συναλλαγή","Browser unsupported":"Ο πλοηγός δέν υποστηρίζεται","Calculating fee":"Υπολογισμός αμοιβής","Cancel":"Άκυρο","Cancel and delete the wallet":"Ακύρωση και διαγραφή του πορτοφολιού","Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η δημιουργία συναλλαγής. Ανεπαρκή κεφάλαια","Cannot join the same wallet more that once":"Δεν μπορείτε να ενταχθείτε στο ίδιο πορτοφόλι περισσότερες απο μία φορές","Cannot sign: The payment request has expired":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η υπογραφή: Η αίτηση πληρωμής έχει λήξει","Certified by":"Πιστοποιήθηκε από","Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name.":"Αλλάζοντας το ψευδώνυμο του πορτοφολιού επηρεάζει μόνο το τοπικό όνομα πορτοφολιού.","Chinese":"Κινεζικά","Choose a backup file from your computer":"Επιλέξτε ένα αντίγραφο ασφαλείας απο τον υπολογιστή σας","Clear cache":"Εκκαθάριση προσωρινής μνήμης (cache)","Close":"Κλείσιμο","Color":"Χρώμα","Comment":"Σχόλιο","Commit hash":"Δέσμευση λύσης","Confirm":"Επιβεβαίωση","Confirm your wallet recovery phrase":"Επιβεβαιώσετε τη φράση αποκατάστασης για το πορτοφόλι σας","Confirmations":"Επιβεβαιώσεις","Congratulations!":"Συγχαρητήρια!","Connecting to Coinbase...":"Συνδέεται στο Coinbase...","Connecting to Glidera...":"Συνδέεται στο Glidera...","Connection reset by peer":"Επαναφορά σύνδεσης","Continue":"Συνεχίστε","copayer already in this wallet":"copayers ήδη σε αυτό το πορτοφόλι","copayer already voted on this spend proposal":"copayer που έχουν ήδη ψηφίσει αυτή την πρόταση","copayer data mismatch":"Ασυμφωνία δεδομένων του copayer","copayers":"Μέλη του πορτοφολιού GroestlPay","Copied to clipboard":"Αντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο","Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)":"Αντιγράψτε αυτο το κείμενο ώς έχει σε ασφαλές μέρος (σε εφαρμογή κειμένου ή ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο)","Copy to clipboard":"Αντιγραφή στο πρόχειρο","Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η πρόσβαση στο πορτοφόλι στον διακομιστή. Παρακαλώ ελέγξετε:","Could not access wallet":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η πρόσβαση στο πορτοφόλι","Could not access Wallet Service: Not found":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η πρόσβαση στην υπηρεσία του πορτοφολιού: δεν βρέθηκε","Could not broadcast payment":"Δεν μπορέσαμε να μεταδώσουμε την πληρωμή","Could not build transaction":"Δε μπορώ να δημιουργήσω τη συναλλαγή","Could not create address":"Δεν μπορέσαμε να δημιουργήσουμε την διεύθυνση","Could not create payment proposal":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η δημιουργία πρότασης πληρωμής","Could not create using the specified extended private key":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η δημιουργία χρησιμοποιώντας το συγκεκριμένο ιδιωτικό κλειδί επέκτασης","Could not create using the specified extended public key":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η δημιουργία χρησιμοποιώντας το συγκεκριμένο εκτεταμένο δημόσιο κλειδί","Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η δημιουργία: Μη έγκυρη φράση αποκατάστασης πορτοφολιού","Could not decrypt file, check your password":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αποκρυπτογράφηση του αρχείου, ελέγξτε τον κωδικό σας","Could not delete payment proposal":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η διαγραφή της πρότασης πληρωμής","Could not fetch payment information":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η ανάκτηση των στοιχείων πληρωμής","Could not get fee value":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η λήψη της αξίας της αμοιβής","Could not import":"Η εισαγωγή απέτυχε","Could not import. Check input file and spending password":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η εισαγωγή. Ελέγξτε το αρχείο και τον κωδικό πρόσβασης","Could not join wallet":"Δεν μπορείτε να συμμετάσχετε στο πορτοφόλι","Could not recognize a valid Groestlcoin QR Code":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αναγνώριση ενός έγκυρου κωδικού QR για Βitcoin","Could not reject payment":"Δεν μπορέσαμε να απορρίψουμε την πληρωμή","Could not send payment":"Δεν είναι δυνατή η αποστολή της πληρωμής","Could not update Wallet":"Δεν ήταν δυνατή η ενημέρωση του πορτοφολιού","Create":"Δημιουργία","Create {{requiredcopayers}}-of-{{totalcopayers}} wallet":"Δημιουργία {{requiredcopayers}} των {{totalcopayers}} του πορτοφολιού","Create new wallet":"Δημιουργήστε νέο πορτοφόλι","Create, join or import":"Δημιουργία, συμμετοχή ή εισαγωγή","Created by":"Δημιουργήθηκε από","Creating transaction":"Δημιουργία συναλλαγής","Creating Wallet...":"Δημιουργία του Πορτοφολιού...","Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB":"Σημερινό ποσοστό αμοιβής για αυτήν την πολιτική: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB","Czech":"Τσέχικα","Date":"Ημερομηνία","Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open.":"Η αποκρυπτογράφηση ενός χάρτινου πορτοφολιού μπορεί να πάρει περίπου 5 λεπτά σε αυτή την συσκευή. Κάντε υπομονή και κρατήστε την εφαρμογή ανοικτή.","Delete it and create a new one":"Διαγράψετε το και δημιουργήστε ένα νέο","Delete Payment Proposal":"Διαγράψτε την Πρόταση Πληρωμής","Delete recovery phrase":"Σβήσιμο φράσης επαναφοράς","Delete Recovery Phrase":"Σβήσιμο φράσης επαναφοράς","Delete wallet":"Διαγραφή Πορτοφολιού","Delete Wallet":"Διαγραφή Πορτοφολιού","Deleting Wallet...":"Διαγραφή πορτοφολιού...","Derivation Path":"Διαδρομή παραγωγής","Derivation Strategy":"Στρατηγική παραγωγής","Description":"Περιγραφή","Details":"Λεπτομέρειες","Disabled":"Απενεργοποιημένο","Do not include private key":"Μην συμπεριλάβετε το ιδιωτικό κλειδί","Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language.":"Δεν βλέπετε τη γλώσσα σας στο Crowdin; Επικοινωνήστε με τον ιδιοκτήτη στο Crowdin! Θα θέλαμε να υποστηρίξουμε τη γλώσσα σας.","Done":"Ολοκλήρωση","Download":"Μεταφόρτωση","Economy":"Οικονομία","Edit":"Έπεξεργασία","Edit comment":"Επεξεργασία σχολίου","Edited by":"Επεξεργασία από","Email for wallet notifications":"Το ηλεκτρονικό σας ταχυδρομείο για τις ειδοποιήσεις του πορτοφόλιού σας","Email Notifications":"Ειδοποιήσεις Email","Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated.":"Το όριο άδειων διευθύνσεων ξεπεράστηκε. Δεν μπορούν να δημιουργηθούν νέες διευθύνσεις.","Enable Coinbase Service":"Ενεργοποιήση υπηρεσίας Coinbase","Enable Glidera Service":"Ενεργοποίηση υπηρεσίας Glidera","Enable push notifications":"Ενεργοποίηση ειδοποιήσεων push","Encrypted export file saved":"Η εξαγωγή κρυπτογραφημένου αρχείου αποθηκεύτηκε","Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)":"Εισάγετε τη φράση αποκατάστασης (BIP39)","Enter your password":"Παρακαλώ εισάγετε τον κωδικό σας","Enter your spending password":"Εισάγετε τον κωδικό πληρωμών","Error at Wallet Service":"Σφάλμα στην υπηρεσία του πορτοφολιού","Error creating wallet":"Σφάλμα στην δημιουργία πορτοφολιού","Expired":"Έληξε","Expires":"Λήγει","Export options":"Επιλογές εξαγωγής","Export to file":"Εξαγωγή σε αρχείο","Export Wallet":"Εξαγωγή πορτοφολιού","Exporting via QR not supported for this wallet":"Η εξαγωγή μέσω QR δεν υποστηρίζεται για αυτο το πορτοφόλι","Extended Public Keys":"Εκτεταμένα δημόσια κλειδιά","Family vacation funds":"Χρήματα διακοπών της οικογένειας","Fee":"Αμοιβή","Fetching Payment Information":"Λήψη Πληροφοριών Πληρωμής","Finish":"Τερματισμός","French":"Γαλλικά","Funds are locked by pending spend proposals":"Τα χρήματα είναι κλειδωμένα από εν αναμονή προτάσεις αποστολής","Funds received":"Χρήματα ελήφθησαν","Generate new address":"Δημιουργία νέας διεύθυνσης","Generate QR Code":"Δημιουργία Κώδικα QR","Generating .csv file...":"Δημιουργία .csv αρχείου...","German":"Γερμανικά","Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ...":"Λήψη διεύθυνσης για το πορτοφόλι {{selectedWalletName}} ...","Hardware wallet":"Υλικό πορτοφόλι","Hide advanced options":"Απόκρυψη Προχωρημένων επιλογών","I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms.":"Βεβαιώνω ότι έχω διαβάσει, κατανοήσει και συμφωνήσει με αυτούς τους όρους.","Import":"Εισαγωγή","Import backup":"Εισαγωγή αντιγράφου ασφαλείας","Import wallet":"Εισαγωγή πορτοφολιού","In no event shall the authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software.":"Σε καμία περίπτωση οι συντάκτες του λογισμικού, οι συνεργάτες του, οι κατόχοι πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων, ή η ευθύνεται για οποιαδήποτε αξίωση, ζημία ή άλλη ευθύνη, είτε βαση κάποιας σύμβασης, αδικοπραξίας, ή άλλο, που προκύπτει από την σχέση σας με το λογισμικό.","Incorrect address network":"Εσφαλμένη διεύθυνση δικτύου","Insufficient funds":"Ανεπαρκές χρηματικό υπόλοιπο","Insufficient funds for fee":"Ανεπαρκής χρηματοδότηση για την αμοιβή","Invalid":"Μη έγκυρο","Invalid address":"Μη έγκυρη διεύθυνση","Invitation to share a GroestlPay Wallet":"Πρόσκληση για τον διαμοιρασμό ενός πορτοφολιού GroestlPay","Japanese":"Ιαπωνικά","John":"Ιωάννης","Join":"Συμμετοχή","Join my GroestlPay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download GroestlPay for your phone or desktop at https://GroestlPay.io":"Συμμετάσχετε στο πορτοφόλι μου GroestlPay. Εδώ είναι ο κωδικός πρόσκλησης: {{secret}} μπορείτε να κατεβάσετε το GroestlPay για το τηλέφωνο σας ή τον υπολογιστή σας στο https://GroestlPay.io","Join shared wallet":"Συμμετοχή σε κοινόχρηστο πορτοφόλι","Joining Wallet...":"Εισαγωγή στο Πορτοφόλι...","Language":"Γλώσσα","Last Wallet Addresses":"Διευθύνσεις τελευταίων πορτοφολιών","Loading...":"Φόρτωση...","locked by pending payments":"κλειδωμένο από εκκρεμούσες πληρωμές","Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal":"Κλείδωμα σε ισχύ. Σας παρακαλώ περιμένετε για να δημιουργήσετε μια νέα πρόταση","Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal":"Κλείδωμα σε ισχύ. Σας παρακαλώ περιμένετε για να αφαιρέσετε αυτή την πρόταση","Make a payment to":"Κάντε μια πληρωμή σε","me":"Εγώ","Me":"Εγώ","Memo":"Σημείωση","Merchant message":"Μήνυμα Εμπόρου","Message":"Μήνυμα","Missing parameter":"Λείπει παράμετρος","Moved":"Μετακινήθηκε","Multiple recipients":"Πολλαπλοί παραλήπτες","My Groestlcoin address":"Η διεύθυνση Groestlcoin μου","My contacts":"Οι επαφές μου","My wallets":"Τα πορτοφόλια μου","Network":"Δίκτυο","Network connection error":"Σφάλμα σύνδεσης δικτύου","New Payment Proposal":"Νέα Πρόταση Πληρωμής","No transactions yet":"Δεν υπάρχουν συναλλαγές ακόμα","Normal":"Κανονική","Not authorized":"Δεν επιτρέπεται","Not valid":"Δεν είναι έγκυρη","Note":"Σημείωση","optional":"προαιρετικό","Paper Wallet Private Key":"Προσωπικό κλειδί χάρτινου πορτοφολιού","Participants":"Συμμετέχοντες","Passphrase":"Φράση κωδικός","Password":"Κωδικός πρόσβασης","Paste invitation here":"Επικολλήστε την πρόσκληση σας εδώ","Paste the backup plain text code":"Επικολλήστε τον κώδικα δημιουργίας αντιγράφων ασφαλείας εδώ","Pay To":"Πληρωμή Πρός","Payment Accepted":"Πληρωμή Αποδεκτή","Payment details":"Λεπτομέρειες πληρωμής","Payment Proposal":"Πρόταση Πληρωμής","Payment Proposal Created":"Πρόταση Πληρωμής Δημιουργήθηκε","Payment Proposal Rejected":"Πρόταση Πληρωμής Απορρίφθηκε","Payment Proposal Rejected by copayer":"Το copayer Απέρριψε την Πρόταση Πληρωμής","Payment Proposal Signed by copayer":"Η Πρόταση Πληρωμής Υπογράφηκε από το copayer","Payment Proposals":"Πρόταση Πληρωμής","Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App":"Το Πρωτόκολλο Πληρωμής δεν υποστηρίζεται στην εφαρμογή Chrome","Payment Rejected":"Πληρωμή Απερρίφθη","Payment request":"Αίτηση πληρωμής","Payment Sent":"Πληρωμή Εστάλη","Payment to":"Πληρωμή σε","Pending Confirmation":"Υπό επιβεβαίωση","Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED":"Να διαγράφεί μόνιμα αυτό το πορτοφόλι? ΑΥΤΗ Η ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑ ΔΕΝ ΜΠΟΡΕΙ ΝΑ ΑΝΤΙΣΤΡΑΦΕΙ","Personal Wallet":"Προσωπικό πορτοφόλι","Please enter the required fields":"Παρακαλώ εισάγετε τα απαιτούμενα πεδία","Please upgrade GroestlPay to perform this action":"Παρακαλώ αναβαθμίστε το GroestlPay για να εκτελέσετε αυτήν την ενέργεια","Please, select your backup file":"Παρακαλώ, επιλέξτε το αρχείο αντιγράφου ασφαλείας","Polish":"Πολωνικά","Preferences":"Προτιμήσεις","Preparing backup...":"Προετοιμασία δημιουργίας αντιγράφων ασφαλείας...","preparing...":"Προετοιμασία...","Press again to exit":"Πιέστε ξανά για έξοδο","Priority":"Προτεραιότητα","Private key is encrypted, cannot sign":"Το ιδιωτικό κλειδί είναι κρυπτογραφημένο, η υπογραφή δεν ήταν εφικτή","Push notifications for GroestlPay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app.":"Οι ειδοποιήσεις push για GroestlPay είναι απενεργοποιημένη αυτήν τη στιγμή. Ενεργοποιήστε τες στις Ρυθμίσεις της εφαρμογής.","QR Code":"Κωδικός QR","QR-Scanner":"Σαρωτής QR","Receive":"Λάβετε","Received":"Ληφθέντα","Recipients":"Παραλήπτες","Recovery Phrase":"Φράση ανάκτησης","Recovery phrase deleted":"Η Φράση Ανάκτησης διαγράφηκε","Recreate":"Αναδημιουργία","Recreating Wallet...":"Αναδημιουργία πορτοφολιού...","Reject":"Απόρριψη","Release Information":"Πληροφορίες Έκδοσης","Remove":"Αφαίρεση","Repeat password":"Επανάληψη κωδικού","Repeat the password":"Επανάληψη κωδικού","Repeat the spending password":"Επανάληψη κωδικού πληρωμών","Request a specific amount":"Ζητήστε ένα συγκεκριμένο ποσό","Request Spending Password":"Αίτηση κωδικού πληρωμών","Required":"Απαιτείτε","Required number of signatures":"Απαιτούμενος αριθμός υπογραφών","Retrieving inputs information":"Ανάκτηση πληροφοριών εισαγωγής","Russian":"Ρωσσικά","Save":"Αποθήκευση","Scan addresses for funds":"Σάρωση διευθύνσεων για χρήματα","Scan Fingerprint":"Σάρωση δακτυλικού αποτυπωμάτως","Scan Finished":"Η σάρωση ολοκληρώθηκε","Scan status finished with error":"Η σάρωση έχει τελειώσει με σφάλματα","Scan Wallet Funds":"Σάρωση κεφαλαίων πορτοφολιού","Scan your fingerprint please":"Σαρώστε το δακτυλικό σας αποτύπωμα","Scanning Wallet funds...":"Σάρωση χρημάτων Πορτοφολιού...","Search transactions":"Αναζήτηση συναλλαγών","Search Transactions":"Αναζήτηση συναλλαγών","Security preferences":"Ρυθμίσεις ασφαλείας","See it on the blockchain":"Δείτε τη συναλλαγή στην αλυσίδα συναλλαγών","Select a backup file":"Επιλέξτε ένα αρχείο αντιγράφου ασφαλείας","Select a wallet":"Επιλέξτε ένα πορτοφόλι","Send":"Αποστολή","Send by email":"Αποστολή με email","Sent":"Εξερχόμενα","Session log":"Ημερολόγιο συνεδριών","SET":"Ορισμός","Set up a password":"Ορίστε έναν κωδικό πρόσβασης","Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more.":"Ενεργοποιώντας τις ενημερώσεις μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου μπορεί να μειωθεί η ιδιωτικότητα σας, εάν ο πάροχος του πορτοφολιού παραβιαστεί. Οι πληροφορίες που θα διαθέτει ένας εισβολέας θα περιλαμβάνουν τις διευθύνσεις του πορτοφόλιου σας και το ποσόν των χρημάτων σας, αλλά τίποτα περισσότερο.","Share address":"Μοιραστείτε τη διεύθυνση","Share invitation":"Μοιραστείτε μια πρόσκληση","Share this invitation with your copayers":"Μοιραστείτε αυτήν την πρόσκληση με άλλους copayers","Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them.":"Μοιραστείτε αυτή τη διεύθυνση πορτοφόλιού ώστε να λάβετε πληρωμές. Για την προστασία της ιδιωτικότητας σας, νέες διευθύνσεις δημιουργούνται αυτόματα μόλις χρησιμοποιήσετε τις παλιές.","Shared Wallet":"Κοινόχρηστο πορτοφόλι","Show advanced options":"Εμφάνιση προχωρημένων επιλογών","Signatures rejected by server":"Οι υπογραφές απορρίφθηκαν από το διακομιστή","Spanish":"Ισπανικά","Spend proposal is not accepted":"Η πρόταση δεν έγινε αποδεκτή","Spend proposal not found":"Η πρόταση δεν βρέθηκε","Success":"Επιτυχία","Tap to retry":"Πατήστε για να προσπαθήσετε ξανά","Terms of Use":"Όροι Χρήσης","The authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Groestlcoin network.":"Οι συγγραφείς του λογισμικού, οι εργαζόμενοι και οι συνεργάτες του οι κατόχοι πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων, δεν μπορούν να ανακτήσουν ιδιωτικά κλειδιά ή τους κωδικούς πρόσβασης σας, εάν χάσετε ή ξεχασετε αυτούς και δεν μπορούν να εγγυηθούν την επιβεβαίωση της συναλλαγής, δεδομένου ότι δεν έχουν τον έλεγχο του δικτύου Groestlcoin.","The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen":"Η πληρωμή δημιουργήθηκε, αλλά δεν ήταν δυνατό να ολοκληρωθεί. Παρακαλώ ξαναπροσπαθήστε από την αρχική οθόνη","The payment was removed by creator":"Η πληρωμή έχει αφαιρεθεί από τον δημιουργό της","The software does not constitute an account other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your groestlcoin.":"Το λογισμικό δεν αποτελεί ένα λογαριασμό όπου άλλα τρίτα μέρη χρησιμεύουν ως ενδιάμεσοι χρηματοπιστωτικοί οργανισμοί ή θεματοφύλακες των Groestlcoin σας.","The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet.":"Το λογισμικό που πρόκειται να χρησιμοποιήσετε λειτουργεί ως ένα δωρεάν, ανοικτού κώδικα και πολλαπλών υπογραφών ψηφιακό πορτοφόλι.","The spend proposal is not pending":"Δεν εκκρεμεί η πρόταση","The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted":"Διαγράφηκε το πορτοφόλι \"{{walletName}}\"","There are no wallets to make this payment":"Δεν υπάρχουν πορτοφόλια για να πραγματοποιηθεί η πληρωμή","There is an error in the form":"Υπάρχει ένα λάθος στη φόρμα εισαγωγής","This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt.":"Αυτή η συναλλαγή είναι άκυρη, πιθανόν λόγω μιας προσπάθειας διπλού ξοδέματος.","This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information.":"Το πορτοφόλι δεν έχει καταχωρηθεί στη Βάση Δεδομένων Πορτοφολιών Bitcore (BWS). Μπορείτε να την ξαναδημιουργήσετε από τις τοπικές πληροφορίες.","Time":"Ώρα","To":"Προς","To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement.":"Στο μέγιστο βαθμό που επιτρέπει το δίκαιο, το λογισμικό παρέχεται \"ως έχει\" και καμία δήλωση ή εγγύηση μπορεί να γίνει του κάθε είδους, ρητή ή σιωπηρή, συμπεριλαμβανομένων, αλλά μη περιορισμένων, των εγγυήσεων εμπορευσιμότητας, καταλληλότητας ή συγκεκριμένου σκοπού και νομιμότητας.","too long!":"πάρα πολύ μεγάλο μέγεθος!","Total Locked Balance":"Συνολικό Κλειδωμένο Υπόλοιπο","Transaction":"Συναλλαγή","Transaction already broadcasted":"Συναλλαγή που έχει ήδη μεταδοθεί","Translation Credits":"Λεπτομέρειες Μετάφρασης","Translators":"Μεταφραστές","Unconfirmed":"Ανεπιβεβαίωτες","Unit":"Μονάδα","Unsent transactions":"Μη Απεσταλμένες συναλλαγές","Updating Wallet...":"Ενημέρωση πορτοφολιού...","Use Unconfirmed Funds":"Χρήση Ανεπιβεβαίωτων Ποσών","Version":"Έκδοση","Waiting for copayers":"Αναμονή για copayers","Waiting...":"Σε αναμονή...","Wallet already exists":"Υπάρχει ήδη το πορτοφόλι","Wallet incomplete and broken":"Πορτοφόλι ελλιπές και χαλασμένο","Wallet Invitation":"Πρόσκληση πορτοφολιού","Wallet Invitation is not valid!":"Η πρόσκληση πορτοφολιού δεν είναι έγκυρη!","Wallet is full":"Το πορτοφόλι είναι γεμάτο","Wallet is not complete":"Το πορτοφόλι δεν είναι πλήρες","Wallet name":"Όνομα πορτοφολιού","Wallet not found":"Το πορτοφόλι δεν βρέθηκε","Wallet service not found":"Η υπηρεσία του πορτοφολιού δεν βρέθηκε","Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs":"Προειδοποίηση: αυτή η συναλλαγή έχει ανεπιβεβαίωτες εισροές","WARNING: Wallet not registered":"Προειδοποίηση: Το πορτοφόλι δεν έχει καταχωρηθεί","Warning!":"Προειδοποίηση!","We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time.":"Διατηρούμε το δικαίωμα να τροποποιήσουμε αυτή την αποποίηση ευθυνών από καιρό σε καιρό.","WELCOME TO COPAY":"ΚΑΛΩΣ ΗΛΘΑΤΕ ΣΤΟ COPAY","While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software.":"Ενώ το λογισμικό έχει υποβληθεί σε δοκιμή beta και συνεχίζει να βελτιώνεται από χρήστες ανοικτού κώδικα και την κοινότητα των προγραμματιστών, εμείς δεν μπορούμε να εγγυηθούμε ότι δεν θα υπάρξει κανένα σφάλμα στο λογισμικό.","Yes":"Ναι","You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws.":"Αναγνωρίζετε ότι η χρήση αυτού του λογισμικού είναι στην κρίση σας και σε συμφωνία με όλους τους ισχύοντες νόμους.","You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software.":"Είστε υπεύθυνος για τη διαφύλαξή των κωδικών πρόσβασής σας, το ιδιωτικό ζεύγος κλειδιών, τετραψήφιων κωδικών PIN και οποιουσδήποτε άλλους κωδικούς που χρησιμοποιείτε για να έχετε πρόσβαση στο λογισμικό.","You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software.":"Αναλάμβανετε κάθε κινδύνο που συνδέεται με τη χρήση του λογισμικού.","Your nickname":"Το ψευδώνυμό σας","Your password":"Ο κωδικός σας","Your wallet has been imported correctly":"Το πορτοφόλι σας έχει εισαχθεί σωστά"}); gettextCatalog.setStrings('en', {"(possible double spend)":"(possible double spend)","(Trusted)":"(Trusted)","{{fee}} will be deducted for groestlcoin networking fees":"{{fee}} will be deducted for Groestlcoin networking fees","{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}":"{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}","{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}":"{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}","{{len}} wallets imported. Funds scanning in progress. Hold on to see updated balance":"{{len}} wallets imported. Funds scanning in progress. Hold on to see updated balance","* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created.":"* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created.","IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR GroestlPay WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY GROESTLCOINS YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT GroestlPay WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE.":"IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR GroestlPay WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY GROESTLCOIN YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT GroestlPay WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE.","OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet seeds (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet seeds of any of the other copayers).":"OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet seeds (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet seeds of any of the other copayers).","OR the wallet seed of all copayers in the wallet":"OR the wallet seed of all copayers in the wallet","OR the wallet seeds of all copayers in the wallet":"OR the wallet seeds of all copayers in the wallet","A multisignature groestlcoin wallet":"A multisignature Groestlcoin wallet","About GroestlPay":"About GroestlPay","Accept":"Accept","Add a Seed Passphrase":"Add a Seed Passphrase","Add an optional passphrase to secure the seed":"Add an optional passphrase to secure the seed","Add wallet":"Add wallet","Address":"Address","Address Type":"Address Type","Advanced":"Advanced","Advanced Send":"Advanced Send","Agree":"Agree","Alias for {{index.walletName}}":"Alias for {{index.walletName}}","All contributions to GroestlPay's translation are welcome. Sign up at crowdin.com and join the GroestlPay project at":"All contributions to GroestlPay's translation are welcome. Sign up at crowdin.com and join the GroestlPay project at","All transaction requests are irreversible.":"All transaction requests are irreversible.","Already have a wallet?":"Already have a wallet?","Alternative Currency":"Alternative Currency","Amount":"Amount","Amount below dust threshold":"Amount below dust threshold","Amount in":"Amount in","Applying changes":"Applying changes","Are you sure you want to delete the backup words?":"Are you sure you want to delete the backup words?","Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?":"Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?","Available Balance":"Available Balance","Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes":"Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minuta","Back":"Back","Backup":"Backup","Backup now":"Backup now","Backup words deleted":"Backup words deleted","Bad wallet invitation":"Bad wallet invitation","Balance By Address":"Balance By Address","Before receiving funds, it is highly recommended you backup your wallet keys.":"Before receiving funds, it is highly recommended you backup your wallet keys.","Groestlcoin address":"Groestlcoin address","Groestlcoin Network Fee Policy":"Groestlcoin Network Fee Policy","Groestlcoin transactions may include a fee collected by miners on the network. The higher the fee, the greater the incentive a miner has to include that transaction in a block. Actual fees are determined based on network load and the selected policy.":"Groestlcoin transactions may include a fee collected by miners on the network. The higher the fee, the greater the incentive a miner has to include that transaction in a block. Actual fees are determined based on network load and the selected policy.","Groestlcoin URI is NOT valid!":"Groestlcoin URI is NOT valid!","Broadcast Payment":"Broadcast Payment","Broadcasting Payment":"Broadcasting Payment","Broadcasting transaction":"Broadcasting transaction","Browser unsupported":"Browser unsupported","Cancel":"Cancel","CANCEL":"CANCEL","Cannot join the same wallet more that once":"Cannot join the same wallet more that once","Certified by":"Certified by","Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name.":"Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name.","Choose a backup file from your computer":"Choose a backup file from your computer","Choose a wallet to send funds":"Choose a wallet to send funds","Close":"Close","Color":"Color","Commit hash":"Commit hash","Confirm":"Confirm","Confirmations":"Confirmations","Connecting to {{create.hwWallet}} Wallet...":"Connecting to {{create.hwWallet}} Wallet...","Connecting to {{import.hwWallet}} Wallet...":"Connecting to {{import.hwWallet}} Wallet...","Connecting to {{join.hwWallet}} Wallet...":"Connecting to {{join.hwWallet}} Wallet...","copayer already in this wallet":"GroestlPayer already in this wallet","copayer already voted on this spend proposal":"GroestlPayer already voted on this spend proposal","copayer data mismatch":"GroestlPayer data mismatch","copayers":"GroestlPayers","Copied to clipboard":"Copied to clipboard","Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)":"Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)","Copy to clipboard":"Copy to clipboard","Could not accept payment":"Could not accept payment","Could not access Wallet Service: Not found":"Could not access Wallet Service: Not found","Could not broadcast payment":"Could not broadcast payment","Could not create address":"Could not create address","Could not create payment proposal":"Could not create payment proposal","Could not create using the specified extended private key":"Could not create using the specified extended private key","Could not create using the specified extended public key":"Could not create using the specified extended public key","Could not create: Invalid wallet seed":"Could not create: Invalid wallet seed","Could not decrypt":"Could not decrypt","Could not decrypt file, check your password":"Could not decrypt file, check your password","Could not delete payment proposal":"Could not delete payment proposal","Could not fetch payment information":"Could not fetch payment information","Could not fetch transaction history":"Could not fetch transaction history","Could not import":"Could not import","Could not import. Check input file and password":"Could not import. Check input file and password","Could not join wallet":"Could not join wallet","Could not recognize a valid Groestlcoin QR Code":"Could not recognize a valid Groestlcoin QR Code","Could not reject payment":"Could not reject payment","Could not send payment":"Could not send payment","Could not update Wallet":"Could not update Wallet","Create":"Create","Create {{requiredcopayers}}-of-{{totalcopayers}} wallet":"Create {{requiredcopayers}}-of-{{totalcopayers}} wallet","Create new wallet":"Create new wallet","Create, join or import":"Create, join or import","Created by":"Created by","Creating Profile...":"Creating Profile...","Creating transaction":"Creating transaction","Creating Wallet...":"Creating Wallet...","Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB":"Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB","Date":"Date","Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open.":"Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open.","Delete it and create a new one":"Delete it and create a new one","Delete Payment Proposal":"Delete Payment Proposal","Delete wallet":"Delete wallet","Delete Wallet":"Delete Wallet","DELETE WORDS":"DELETE WORDS","Deleting payment":"Deleting payment","Derivation Strategy":"Derivation Strategy","Details":"Details","Disabled":"Disabled","Do not include private key":"Do not include private key","Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language.":"Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language.","Download":"Download","Download CSV file":"Download CSV file","Economy":"Economy","Email":"Email","Email for wallet notifications":"Email for wallet notifications","Email Notifications":"Email Notifications","Encrypted export file saved":"Encrypted export file saved","Enter the seed words (BIP39)":"Enter the seed words (BIP39)","Enter your password":"Enter your password","Error at Wallet Service":"Error at Wallet Service","Error creating wallet":"Error creating wallet","Error importing wallet:":"Error importing wallet:","Expires":"Expires","Export":"Export","Export options":"Export options","Extended Public Keys":"Extended Public Keys","External Private Key:":"External Private Key:","Failed to export":"Failed to export","Failed to import wallets":"Failed to import wallets","Family vacation funds":"Family vacation funds","Fee":"Fee","Fee Policy":"Fee Policy","Fee policy for this transaction":"Fee policy for this transaction","Fetching Payment Information":"Fetching Payment Information","File/Text Backup":"File/Text Backup","French":"French","Funds are locked by pending spend proposals":"Funds are locked by pending spend proposals","Funds found":"Funds found","Funds received":"Funds received","Funds will be transfered to":"Funds will be transfered to","Generate new address":"Generate new address","Generate QR Code":"Generate QR Code","Generating .csv file...":"Generating .csv file...","German":"German","GET STARTED":"GET STARTED","Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ...":"Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ...","Global settings":"Global settings","Go back":"Go back","Greek":"Greek","Hardware wallet":"Hardware wallet","Hardware Wallet":"Hardware Wallet","Have a Backup from GroestlPay v0.9?":"Have a Backup from GroestlPay v0.9?","Hide advanced options":"Hide advanced options","Hide Wallet Seed":"Hide Wallet Seed","History":"History","Home":"Home","I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms.":"I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms.","Import":"Import","Import backup":"Import backup","Import from Ledger":"Import from Ledger","Import from the Cloud?":"Import from the Cloud?","Import from TREZOR":"Import from TREZOR","Import here":"Import here","Import wallet":"Import wallet","Importing wallet...":"Importing wallet...","Importing...":"Importing...","In no event shall the authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software.":"In no event shall the authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software.","Incorrect address network":"Incorrect address network","Insufficient funds":"Insufficient funds","Insufficient funds for fee":"Insufficient funds for fee","Invalid":"Invalid","Invalid address":"Invalid address","Invitation to share a GroestlPay Wallet":"Invitation to share a GroestlPay Wallet","Italian":"Italian","Japanese":"Japanese","John":"John","Join":"Join","Join my GroestlPay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download GroestlPay for your phone or desktop at https://GroestlPay.io":"Join my GroestlPay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download GroestlPay for your phone or desktop at https://GroestlPay.io","Join shared wallet":"Join shared wallet","Joining Wallet...":"Joining Wallet...","Key already associated with an existing wallet":"Key already associated with an existing wallet","Language":"Language","Last Wallet Addresses":"Last Wallet Addresses","Learn more about GroestlPay backups":"Learn more about GroestlPay backups","Learn more about Wallet Migration":"Learn more about Wallet Migration","Loading...":"Loading...","locked by pending payments":"locked by pending payments","Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal":"Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal","Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal":"Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal","Make a payment to":"Make a payment to","me":"me","Me":"Me","Memo":"Memo","Merchant message":"Merchant message","Message":"Message","More":"More","Moved":"Moved","Multisignature wallet":"Multisignature wallet","My Groestlcoin address":"My Groestlcoin address","Network":"Network","Network connection error":"Network connection error","New Payment Proposal":"New Payment Proposal","No Private key":"No Private key","No transactions yet":"No transactions yet","Normal":"Normal","Not authorized":"Not authorized","Not valid":"Not valid","Note":"Note","Official English Disclaimer":"Official English Disclaimer","Once you have copied your wallet seed down, it is recommended to delete it from this device.":"Once you have copied your wallet seed down, it is recommended to delete it from this device.","Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time.":"Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time.","optional":"optional","Paper Wallet Private Key":"Paper Wallet Private Key","Participants":"Participants","Passphrase":"Passphrase","Passphrase (if you have one)":"Passphrase (if you have one)","Password":"Password","Password needed":"Password needed","Passwords do not match":"Passwords do not match","Paste invitation here":"Paste invitation here","Paste the backup plain text code":"Paste the backup plain text code","Paste your paper wallet private key here":"Paste your paper wallet private key here","Pay To":"Pay To","Payment Accepted":"Payment Accepted","Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted":"Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted","Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created.":"Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created.","Payment details":"Payment details","Payment Proposal":"Payment Proposal","Payment Proposal Created":"Payment Proposal Created","Payment Proposal Rejected":"Payment Proposal Rejected","Payment Proposal Rejected by copayer":"Payment Proposal Rejected by GroestlPayer","Payment Proposal Signed by copayer":"Payment Proposal Signed by GroestlPayer","Payment Proposals":"Payment Proposals","Payment Protocol Invalid":"Payment Protocol Invalid","Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App":"Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App","Payment rejected":"Payment rejected","Payment Rejected":"Payment Rejected","Payment request":"Payment request","Payment sent":"Payment sent","Payment Sent":"Payment Sent","Payment to":"Payment to","Pending Confirmation":"Pending Confirmation","Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED":"Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED","Personal Wallet":"Personal Wallet","Please enter the required fields":"Please enter the required fields","Please enter the seed words":"Please enter the seed words","Please enter the wallet seed":"Please enter the wallet seed","Please upgrade GroestlPay to perform this action":"Please upgrade GroestlPay to perform this action","Please, select your backup file":"Please, select your backup file","Portuguese":"Portuguese","Preferences":"Preferences","Preparing backup...":"Preparing backup...","Priority":"Priority","QR Code":"QR Code","QR-Scanner":"QR-Scanner","Receive":"Receive","Received":"Received","Recipients":"Recipients","Reconnecting to Wallet Service...":"Reconnecting to Wallet Service...","Recreate":"Recreate","Recreating Wallet...":"Recreating Wallet...","Reject":"Reject","Rejecting payment":"Rejecting payment","Release Information":"Release Information","Repeat password":"Repeat password","Request a specific amount":"Request a specific amount","Request Password for Spending Funds":"Request Password for Spending Funds","Requesting Ledger Wallet to sign":"Requesting Ledger Wallet to sign","Required":"Required","Required number of signatures":"Required number of signatures","Retrying...":"Retrying...","Russian":"Russian","Save":"Save","Saving preferences...":"Saving preferences...","Scan addresses for funds":"Scan addresses for funds","Scan Finished":"Scan Finished","Scan status finished with error":"Scan status finished with error","Scan Wallet Funds":"Scan Wallet Funds","Scanning wallet funds...":"Scanning wallet funds...","Scanning Wallet funds...":"Scanning Wallet funds...","See it on the blockchain":"See it on the blockchain","Seed passphrase":"Seed passphrase","Seed Passphrase":"Seed Passphrase","Select a backup file":"Select a backup file","Select a wallet":"Select a wallet","Self-signed Certificate":"Self-signed Certificate","Send":"Send","Send All":"Send All","Send all by email":"Send all by email","Send by email":"Send by email","Sending funds...":"Sending funds...","Sent":"Sent","Server":"Server","Server response could not be verified":"Server response could not be verified","Session log":"Session log","SET":"SET","Set up a Export Password":"Set up a Export Password","Set up a password":"Set up a password","Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more.":"Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more.","settings":"settings","Share address":"Share address","Share invitation":"Share invitation","Share this invitation with your copayers":"Share this invitation with your copayers","Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them.":"Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them.","Shared Wallet":"Shared Wallet","Show advanced options":"Show advanced options","Show Wallet Seed":"Show Wallet Seed","Signatures rejected by server":"Signatures rejected by server","Signing payment":"Signing payment","SKIP BACKUP":"SKIP BACKUP","Spanish":"Spanish","Specify your wallet seed":"Specify your wallet seed","Spend proposal is not accepted":"Spend proposal is not accepted","Spend proposal not found":"Spend proposal not found","Still not done":"Still not done","Success":"Success","Sweep paper wallet":"Sweep paper wallet","Sweep Wallet":"Sweep Wallet","Tap to retry":"Tap to retry","Terms of Use":"Terms of Use","Testnet":"Testnet","The authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Groestlcoin network.":"The authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Groestlcoin network.","The Ledger Chrome application is not installed":"The Ledger Chrome application is not installed","The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen":"The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen","The payment was created but could not be signed. Please try again from home screen":"The payment was created but could not be signed. Please try again from home screen","The payment was removed by creator":"The payment was removed by creator","The payment was signed but could not be broadcasted. Please try again from home screen":"The payment was signed but could not be broadcasted. Please try again from home screen","The private key for this wallet is encrypted. Exporting keep the private key encrypted in the export archive.":"The private key for this wallet is encrypted. Exporting keep the private key encrypted in the export archive.","The seed could require a passphrase to be imported":"The seed could require a passphrase to be imported","The software does not constitute an account where other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your groestlcoin.":"The software does not constitute an account where other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your Groestlcoin.","The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet.":"The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet.","The spend proposal is not pending":"The spend proposal is not pending","The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted":"The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted","There are no wallets to make this payment":"There are no wallets to make this payment","There is an error in the form":"There is an error in the form","This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt.":"This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt.","This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information.":"This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information.","Time":"Time","To":"To","To restore this {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} shared wallet you will need":"To restore this {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} shared wallet you will need","To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement.":"To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement.","too long!":"too long!","Total":"Total","Total Locked Balance":"Total Locked Balance","Total number of copayers":"Total number of copayers","Transaction":"Transaction","Transaction already broadcasted":"Transaction already broadcasted","Translation Credits":"Translation Credits","Translators":"Translators","Type the Seed Word (usually 12 words)":"Type the Seed Word (usually 12 words)","Unable to send transaction proposal":"Unable to send transaction proposal","Unconfirmed":"Unconfirmed","Unit":"Unit","Unsent transactions":"Unsent transactions","Updating Wallet...":"Updating Wallet...","Use Ledger hardware wallet":"Use Ledger hardware wallet","Use TREZOR hardware wallet":"Use TREZOR hardware wallet","Use Unconfirmed Funds":"Use Unconfirmed Funds","Username":"Username","Version":"Version","View":"View","Waiting for copayers":"Waiting for copayers","Waiting...":"Waiting...","Wallet":"Wallet","Wallet Alias":"Wallet Alias","Wallet already exists":"Wallet already exists","Wallet Already Imported:":"Wallet Already Imported:","Wallet already in GroestlPay:":"Wallet already in GroestlPay:","Wallet Configuration (m-n)":"Wallet Configuration (m-n)","Wallet Export":"Wallet Export","Wallet Id":"Wallet Id","Wallet incomplete and broken":"Wallet incomplete and broken","Wallet Information":"Wallet Information","Wallet Invitation":"Wallet Invitation","Wallet Invitation is not valid!":"Wallet Invitation is not valid!","Wallet is full":"Wallet is full","Wallet is not complete":"Wallet is not complete","Wallet name":"Wallet name","Wallet Name (at creation)":"Wallet Name (at creation)","Wallet Network":"Wallet Network","Wallet not found":"Wallet not found","Wallet not registed at the Wallet Service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your seed":"Wallet not registed at the Wallet Service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your seed","Wallet Seed":"Wallet Seed","Wallet Seed could require a passphrase to be imported":"Wallet Seed could require a passphrase to be imported","Wallet seed is invalid":"Wallet seed is invalid","Wallet seed not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export.":"Wallet seed not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export.","Wallet service not found":"Wallet service not found","WARNING: Backup needed":"WARNING: Backup needed","WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.":"WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.","WARNING: Passphrase cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the passphrase.":"WARNING: Passphrase cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the passphrase.","WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.":"WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.","WARNING: This seed was created with a passphrase. To recover this wallet both the mnemonic and passphrase are needed.":"WARNING: This seed was created with a passphrase. To recover this wallet both the mnemonic and passphrase are needed.","Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs":"Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs","WARNING: UNTRUSTED CERTIFICATE":"WARNING: UNTRUSTED CERTIFICATE","WARNING: Wallet not registered":"WARNING: Wallet not registered","Warning!":"Warning!","We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time.":"We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time.","WELCOME TO COPAY":"WELCOME TO GroestlPay","While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software.":"While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software.","Write it down and keep them somewhere safe.":"Write it down and keep them somewhere safe.","Wrong number of seed words:":"Wrong number of seed words:","Wrong password":"Wrong password","Yes":"Yes","You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws.":"You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws.","You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software.":"You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software.","You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software.":"You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software.","You can safely install your wallet on another device and use it from multiple devices at the same time.":"You can safely install your wallet on another device and use it from multiple devices at the same time.","You do not have a wallet":"You do not have a wallet","You need the wallet seed to restore this personal wallet.":"You need the wallet seed to restore this personal wallet.","Your backup password":"Your backup password","Your export password":"Your export password","Your nickname":"Your nickname","Your password":"Your password","Your profile password":"Your profile password","Your wallet has been imported correctly":"Your wallet has been imported correctly","Your wallet key will be encrypted. Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down":"Your wallet key will be encrypted. Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down","Your Wallet Seed":"Your Wallet Seed","Your wallet seed and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend.":"Your wallet seed and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend."}); gettextCatalog.setStrings('es', {"(possible double spend)":"(Posible doble gasto)","(Trusted)":"(De confianza)","[Balance Hidden]":"[Balance Oculto]","{{fee}} will be deducted for groestlcoin networking fees":"{{fee}} se descontará por comisión de la red Groestlcoin","{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction":"{{feeRateStr}} de la transacción","{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}":"{{index.m}}-de-{{index.n}}","{{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}} more":"{{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}} más","{{index.txProgress}} transactions downloaded":"{{index.txProgress}} transacciones descargadas","{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}":"{{item.m}}-de-{{item.n}}","* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created.":"* Una propuesta de pago puede ser eliminada si 1) Ud. es el creador, y ningún otro copayer la haya firmado, o 2) hayan transcurrido 24 horas desde la creación de la propuesta.","IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR GroestlPay WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY GROESTLCOINS YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT GroestlPay WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE.":"SI UD. PIERDE ACCESO A SU MONEDERO GroestlPay O A SUS CLAVES PRIVADAS ENCRIPTADAS Y NO HA GUARDADO POR SEPARADO UNA COPIA DE SEGURIDAD DE SU MONEDERO Y CONTRASEÑA CORRESPONDIENTES, USTED RECONOCE Y ACEPTA QUE CUALQUIER GROESTLCOIN QUE HA ASOCIADO CON ESE MONEDERO GroestlPay SERÁ INACCESIBLE.","OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet recovery phrases (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet recovery phrases of any of the other copayers).":"O 1 archivo exportado del monedero y el quórum restante de la frase de recuperación (por ejemplo en un monedero 3-5: 1 archivo exportado + 2 frases de recuperación del monedero de cualquiera de los otros copayers).","OR the wallet recovery phrase of all copayers in the wallet":"O la frase de recuperación de todos los copayers del monedero","OR the wallet recovery phrases of all copayers in the wallet":"O las frases de recuperación de todos los copayers del monedero","A multisignature groestlcoin wallet":"Monedero multifirma de Groestlcoin","About GroestlPay":"Acerca de GroestlPay","Accept":"Aceptar","Account":"Cuenta","Account Number":"Número de cuenta","Activity":"Actividad","Add a new entry":"Agregar una nueva entrada","Add a Password":"Agregar una contraseña","Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase":"Agregar una contraseña opcional para asegurar la frase de recuperación","Add comment":"Añadir comentario","Add wallet":"Agregar monedero","Address":"Dirección","Address Type":"Tipo de Dirección","Advanced":"Avanzado","Alias":"Alias","Alias for {{index.walletName}}":"Alias de {{index.walletName}}","All contributions to GroestlPay's translation are welcome. Sign up at crowdin.com and join the GroestlPay project at":"Todas las contribuciones a la traducción de GroestlPay son bienvenidas. Regístrese en crowdin.com y únase al proyecto GroestlPay en","All transaction requests are irreversible.":"Todas las solicitudes de transacciones son irreversibles.","Alternative Currency":"Moneda Alternativa","Amount":"Importe","Amount below minimum allowed":"Cantidad por debajo del mínimo permitido","Amount in":"Importe en","Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?":"¿Está seguro que quiere eliminar la frase de recuperación?","Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?":"¿Estas seguro de borrar este monedero?","Auditable":"Auditables","Available Balance":"Balance disponible","Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes":"Tiempo promedio de confirmación: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutos","Back":"Volver","Backup":"Copia de seguridad","Backup failed":"Falló la copia de seguridad","Backup Needed":"Se requiere hacer copia de seguridad","Backup now":"Realizar copia de seguridad ahora","Bad wallet invitation":"Invitación incorrecta al monedero","Balance By Address":"Balance por Dirección","Before receiving funds, you must backup your wallet. If this device is lost, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup.":"Antes de recibir fondos, es necesario hacer una copia de seguridad de su monedero. Si pierde este dispositivo, es imposible tener acceso a sus fondos sin una copia de seguridad.","BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:":"BETA: Prueba de derivación de claves Android:","BIP32 path for address derivation":"BIP32 para el camino de derivación de direcciones","Groestlcoin address":"Dirección Groestlcoin","Groestlcoin Network Fee Policy":"Política de Comisión de la Red Groestlcoin","Groestlcoin transactions may include a fee collected by miners on the network. The higher the fee, the greater the incentive a miner has to include that transaction in a block. Current fees are determined based on network load and the selected policy.":"Las transacciones de Groestlcoin pueden incluir una comisión colectada por los mineros en la red. Cuanto mayor sea la comisión, mayor será el incentivo para que el minero incluya esa transacción en un bloque. Las comisiones actuales se determinan en base a la carga de la red y a la política seleccionada.","Groestlcoin URI is NOT valid!":"¡Groestlcoin URI no es válida!","Broadcast Payment":"Enviar Pago","Broadcasting transaction":"Finalizando transacción","Browser unsupported":"Navegador no soportado","Buy and Sell":"Comprar y Vender","Calculating fee":"Calculando comisión","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cancel and delete the wallet":"Cancelar y borrar el monedero","Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds":"No se puede crear transacciones. Insuficiencia de fondos","Cannot join the same wallet more that once":"No puede unirse al mismo monedero más de una vez","Cannot sign: The payment request has expired":"No se pudo firmar: la solicitud de pago ha expirado","Certified by":"Certificado por","Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name.":"Cambiar el alias del monedero solo afecta al nombre del monedero local.","Chinese":"Chino","Choose a backup file from your computer":"Seleccione el archivo de copia de seguridad de su computadora","Clear cache":"Limpiar cache","Close":"Cerrar","Color":"Color","Comment":"Comentario","Commit hash":"Commit hash","Confirm":"Confirmar","Confirm your wallet recovery phrase":"Confirmar frase de recuperación del monedero","Confirmations":"Confirmaciones","Congratulations!":"¡Felicitaciones!","Connecting to Coinbase...":"Conectando a Coinbase...","Connecting to Glidera...":"Conectando a Glidera...","Connection reset by peer":"Conexión re establecida","Continue":"Continuar","copayer already in this wallet":"Ya se encuentra en este monedero","copayer already voted on this spend proposal":"Ya ha votado en esta propuesta de gasto","copayer data mismatch":"Discrepancia en los datos del GroestlPayer","copayers":"GroestlPayers","Copied to clipboard":"Copiado al portapapeles","Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)":"Copiar el texto como esta en un lugar seguro (bloc de notas o correo electrónico)","Copy to clipboard":"Copiar al portapapeles","Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:":"No se pudo acceder al monedero del servidor. Por favor verificar:","Could not access wallet":"No se pudo acceder al monedero","Could not access Wallet Service: Not found":"No se pudo acceder a Wallet Service: No encontrado","Could not broadcast payment":"No se pudo enviar el pago","Could not build transaction":"No se pudo construir la transacción","Could not create address":"No se pudo crear la dirección","Could not create payment proposal":"No se pudo crear la propuesta de pago","Could not create using the specified extended private key":"No se pudo crear el monedero usando la clave privada ingresada","Could not create using the specified extended public key":"No se pudo crear con la clave pública extendida especificada","Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase":"No se pudo crear: frase de recuperación inválida","Could not decrypt file, check your password":"No se pudo descifrar el archivo, verifique su contraseña","Could not delete payment proposal":"No se pudo eliminar la propuesta de pago","Could not fetch payment information":"No se pudo obtener información del pago","Could not get fee value":"No se pudo obtener valor de la comisión","Could not import":"No se pudo importar","Could not import. Check input file and spending password":"No se pudo importar. Verifique el archivo y la contraseña para enviar","Could not join wallet":"No se pudo unir al monedero","Could not recognize a valid Groestlcoin QR Code":"No se reconoció el código QR de Groestlcoin válido","Could not reject payment":"No se pudo rechazar el pago","Could not send payment":"No se pudo enviar el pago","Could not update Wallet":"No se pudo actualizar el monedero","Create":"Crear","Create {{requiredcopayers}}-of-{{totalcopayers}} wallet":"Crea monedero {{requiredcopayers}}-de-{{totalcopayers}}","Create new wallet":"Crear un nuevo monedero","Create, join or import":"Crear, unirse o importar","Created by":"Creado por","Creating transaction":"Creando transacción","Creating Wallet...":"Creando monedero...","Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB":"Comisión actual para esta política: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB","Czech":"Checo","Date":"Fecha","Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open.":"Descifrar un monedero de papel podría tomar alrededor de 5 minutos en este dispositivo. Por favor, sea paciente y mantenga la aplicación abierta.","Delete it and create a new one":"Borrar y crear uno nuevo","Delete Payment Proposal":"Eliminar Propuesta de Pago","Delete recovery phrase":"Eliminar frase de recuperación","Delete Recovery Phrase":"Eliminar Frase de Recuperación","Delete wallet":"Eliminar monedero","Delete Wallet":"Eliminar Monedero","Deleting Wallet...":"Eliminando Monedero...","Derivation Path":"Camino de derivación","Derivation Strategy":"Estrategia de derivación","Description":"Descripción","Details":"Detalles","Disabled":"Deshabilitado","Do not include private key":"No incluir la clave privada","Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language.":"¿No ve su idioma en Crowdin? Contáctese con el encargado del proyecto! Nos encantaría soportar su idioma.","Done":"Listo","Download":"Descargar","Economy":"Económico","Edit":"Editar","Edit comment":"Editar comentario","Edited by":"Editado por","Email for wallet notifications":"Correo electrónico para notificaciones del monedero","Email Notifications":"Notificaciones por Correo electrónico","Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated.":"Se ha alcanzado el límite de direcciones vacías. No se pueden generar nuevas direcciones.","Enable Coinbase Service":"Habilitar Coinbase","Enable Glidera Service":"Habilitar Glidera","Enable push notifications":"Activar notificaciones push","Encrypted export file saved":"El archivo cifrado se ha exportado y guardado","Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)":"Introduzca la frase de recuperación (BIP39)","Enter your password":"Ingrese su contraseña","Enter your spending password":"Introduzca la contraseña para enviar","Error at Wallet Service":"Error en Wallet Service","Error creating wallet":"Error al crear monedero","Expired":"Expirada","Expires":"Expira","Export options":"Opciones de exportación","Export to file":"Exportar a archivo","Export Wallet":"Exportar Monedero","Exporting via QR not supported for this wallet":"Exportar vía código QR no es compatible para este monedero","Extended Public Keys":"Claves Públicas Extendidas","Extracting Wallet Information...":"Obteniendo Información del Monedero...","Failed to export":"Error al exportar","Failed to verify backup. Please check your information":"No se pudo comprobar la copia de seguridad. Por favor verifique su información","Family vacation funds":"Fondos para vacaciones en familia","Fee":"Comisión","Fetching Payment Information":"Obteniendo información del pago","File/Text":"Archivo/Texto","Finger Scan Failed":"Fallo en la verificación de la huella","Finish":"Finalizar","For audit purposes":"Para propósitos de auditoría","French":"Francés","From the destination device, go to Add wallet > Import wallet and scan this QR code":"Desde el dispositivo de destino, ir a Agregar monedero > Importar y escanear este código QR","Funds are locked by pending spend proposals":"Los fondos están bloqueados por propuestas de gastos pendientes","Funds found":"Fondos encontrados","Funds received":"Fondos Recibidos","Funds will be transferred to":"Los fondos serán transferidos a","Generate new address":"Generar nueva dirección","Generate QR Code":"Generar código QR","Generating .csv file...":"Generando archivo .csv...","German":"Alemán","Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ...":"Obteniendo direcciones para el monedero {{selectedWalletName}} ...","Global preferences":"Preferencias globales","Hardware wallet":"Monedero de Hardware","Hardware Wallet":"Monedero Físico","Hide advanced options":"Ocultar opciones avanzadas","I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms.":"Confirmo haber leído, entendido y aceptado estos términos.","I AGREE. GET STARTED":"DE ACUERDO. COMENZAR","Import":"Importar","Import backup":"Importar copia de seguridad","Import wallet":"Importar monedero","Importing Wallet...":"Importando Monedero...","In no event shall the authors of the software, employees and affiliates of disclaimer, copyright holders, be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software.":"En ningún caso los autores, empleados, los titulares de derechos de autor, serán declarados responsables de los reclamos, daños o cualquier otra responsabilidad, ya sea en una acción de contrato, agravio o de otra manera, que surja fuera de la conexión con el software.","In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your password:":"Con el fin de verificar la copia de seguridad del monedero, por favor escriba su contraseña:","Incorrect address network":"Dirección de red incorrecta","Incorrect code format":"Formato de código incorrecto","Insufficient funds":"Fondos insuficientes","Insufficient funds for fee":"Fondos insuficientes para el pago de la comisión","Invalid":"Inválido","Invalid account number":"Número de cuenta inválido","Invalid address":"Dirección inválida","Invalid derivation path":"Camino de derivación no válido","Invitation to share a GroestlPay Wallet":"Invitación para compartir un monedero de GroestlPay","Italian":"Italiano","Japanese":"Japonés","John":"Juan","Join":"Unirse","Join my GroestlPay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download GroestlPay for your phone or desktop at https://GroestlPay.io":"Únase a mi monedero GroestlPay. Aquí esta el código de invitación: {{secret}}. Puedes descargar GroestlPay a su teléfono o computadora desde https://GroestlPay.io","Join shared wallet":"Unirse a un monedero compartido","Joining Wallet...":"Uniéndose al monedero...","Key already associated with an existing wallet":"La clave ya esta asociada a un monedero existente","Label":"Etiqueta","Language":"Idioma","Last Wallet Addresses":"Últimas Direcciones del Monedero","Learn more about GroestlPay backups":"Más información sobre copias de seguridad en GroestlPay","Loading...":"Cargando...","locked by pending payments":"bloqueado por pagos pendientes","Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal":"Bloqueo temporal. Por favor espere para crear una nueva propuesta de gasto","Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal":"Bloqueo temporal. Por favor espere para eliminar esta propuesta de gasto","Make a payment to":"Hacer un pago a","Matches:":"Coincidencias:","me":"yo","Me":"Yo","Memo":"Nota","Merchant message":"Mensaje del negocio","Message":"Mensaje","Missing parameter":"Faltan parámetros","Missing private keys to sign":"Faltan las claves privadas para firmar","Moved":"Movido","Multiple recipients":"Varios destinatarios","My Groestlcoin address":"Mi dirección Groestlcoin","My contacts":"Mis contactos","My wallets":"Mis monederos","Need to do backup":"Necesita hacer una copias de seguridad","Network":"Red","Network connection error":"Error de conexión a la red","New Payment Proposal":"Nueva Propuesta de Pago","New Random Recovery Phrase":"Nueva frase de recuperación aleatoria","No hardware wallets supported on this device":"No hay monederos hardware compatibles con este dispositivo","No transactions yet":"Sin transacciones todavía","Normal":"Normal","Not authorized":"No autorizado","Not completed":"No completado","Not enough funds for fee":"No hay suficientes fondos para la comisión","Not valid":"No válido","Note":"Nota","Note: a total of {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} were excluded. The maximum size allowed for a transaction was exceeded":"Nota: se excluyeron un total de {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}}. El tamaño máximo permitido para una transacción se ha excedido","Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided.":"Nota: se excluyeron un total de {{amountBelowFeeStr}}. Estos fondos provienen de UTXOs más pequeños que la tarifa de red suministrada.","NOTE: To import a wallet from a 3rd party software, please go to Add Wallet > Create Wallet, and specify the Recovery Phrase there.":"Nota: Para importar un monedero de un software de tercero, por favor vaya a Añadir Monedero > Crear Monedero, y especificar la frase de recuperación allí.","Official English Disclaimer":"Renuncia oficial en inglés","OKAY":"LISTO","Once you have copied your wallet recovery phrase down, it is recommended to delete it from this device.":"Una vez que ha copiado la frase de recuperación del monedero en un papel, es recomendable eliminarla del dispositivo.","Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time.":"Sólo las direcciones principales aparecen (no las usadas para el vuelto). Las direcciones de esta lista no fueron verificadas localmente en este momento.","Open Settings app":"Abrir Configuración de la Aplicación","optional":"opcional","Paper Wallet Private Key":"Clave privada del monedero de papel","Participants":"Participantes","Passphrase":"Contraseña","Password":"Contraseña","Password required. Make sure to enter your password in advanced options":"Contraseña necesaria. Asegúrese de introducir su contraseña en opciones avanzadas","Paste invitation here":"Pegar invitación aquí","Paste the backup plain text code":"Pegar copia de seguridad en texto plano","Paste your paper wallet private key here":"Pegar la clave privada del monedero aquí","Pasted from clipboard":"Pegado desde el portapapeles","Pay To":"Pagar A","Payment Accepted":"Pago Aceptado","Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted":"Pago aceptado, pero aún no fue enviado","Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created.":"Pago aceptado. Se transmitirá por Glidera. En caso de que haya un problema, puede eliminar la transacción 6 horas después de fue creada.","Payment details":"Detalles del pago","Payment expires":"Pago expira","Payment Proposal":"Propuesta de Pago","Payment Proposal Created":"Propuesta de Pago Creada","Payment Proposal Rejected":"Propuesta de Pago Rechazada","Payment Proposal Rejected by copayer":"Propuesta de Pago Rechazada por GroestlPayer","Payment Proposal Signed by copayer":"Propuesta de Pago Firmada por GroestlPayer","Payment Proposals":"Propuestas de Pago","Payment Protocol Invalid":"Protocolo de Pago Inválido","Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App":"El protocolo de pago no está soportado en Chrome","Payment Rejected":"Pago Rechazado","Payment request":"Solicitud de pago","Payment Sent":"Pago Enviado","Payment to":"Pago a","Pending Confirmation":"Confirmación Pendiente","Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED":"Borrar permanentemente este monedero. ESTA ACCIÓN NO PUEDE SER REVERTIDA","Personal Wallet":"Monedero Personal","Please enter the recovery phrase":"Por favor ingrese la frase de recuperación","Please enter the required fields":"Por favor ingrese los campos requeridos","Please enter the wallet recovery phrase":"Por favor ingrese la frase de recuperación del monedero","Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written.":"Por favor presione las palabras para confirmar que su copia de seguridad está correctamente escrita.","Please upgrade GroestlPay to perform this action":"Por favor actualice GroestlPay para realizar esta acción","Please wait to be redirected...":"Por favor, espere a ser redirigido...","Please, select your backup file":"Por favor, seleccione el archivo de copia de seguridad","Polish":"Polaco","Preferences":"Preferencias","Preparing backup...":"Preparando copia de seguridad...","preparing...":"preparando...","Press again to exit":"Presione nuevamente para salir","Priority":"Prioritario","Private key is encrypted, cannot sign":"La clave privada esta encriptada, no puede firmar","Push notifications for GroestlPay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app.":"Notificaciones push para GroestlPay están deshabilitadas. Habilitarla en la configuración de la aplicación.","QR Code":"Código QR","QR-Scanner":"Lector de QR","Receive":"Recibir","Received":"Recibido","Recipients":"Destinatarios","Recovery Phrase":"Frase de Recuperación","Recovery phrase deleted":"Frase de recuperación eliminada","Recreate":"Recrear","Recreating Wallet...":"Recreando Monedero...","Reject":"Rechazar","Release Information":"Información de la versión","Remove":"Eliminar","Repeat password":"Escriba nuevamente la contraseña","Repeat the password":"Repetir la contraseña","Repeat the spending password":"Repetir la contraseña para enviar","Request a specific amount":"Solicitar importe específico","Request Spending Password":"Solicitar contraseña para enviar","Required":"Requerido","Required number of signatures":"Número requerido de firmas","Retrieving inputs information":"Recuperando información de las entradas","Russian":"Ruso","Save":"Guardar","Scan addresses for funds":"Busca direcciones con fondos","Scan Fingerprint":"Lector de huella digital","Scan Finished":"Búsqueda Finalizada","Scan status finished with error":"La búsqueda finalizó con error","Scan Wallet Funds":"Buscar fondos del monedero","Scan your fingerprint please":"Por favor ingrese su huella digital","Scanning Wallet funds...":"Buscando fondos en el Monedero...","Search transactions":"Buscar transacciones","Search Transactions":"Buscar transacciones","Security preferences":"Preferencias de seguridad","See it on the blockchain":"Ver en la blockchain","Select a backup file":"Seleccionar el archivo de copia de seguridad","Select a wallet":"Seleccionar un monedero","Self-signed Certificate":"Certificado autofirmado","Send":"Enviar","Send addresses by email":"Enviar las direcciones por email","Send groestlcoin":"Enviar Groestlcoin","Send by email":"Enviar por correo electrónico","Send Max":"Enviar máximo","Sending":"Enviando","Sending transaction":"Enviando transacción","Sent":"Enviado","Server response could not be verified":"La respuesta del servidor no se ha podido verificar","Session log":"Registro de sesión","SET":"ESTABLECER","Set default url":"Establecer URL predeterminada","Set up a password":"Configurar una contraseña","Set up a spending password":"Configurar contraseña para enviar","Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more.":"Configurar notificaciones por correo electrónico podría debilitar su privacidad, si el proveedor de Wallet Service se ve comprometido. La información disponible para un atacante incluiría sus direcciones del monedero y su balance, pero no más.","Settings":"Configuración","Share address":"Compartir dirección","Share invitation":"Compartir invitación","Share this invitation with your copayers":"Compartir esta invitación con sus copayers","Share this wallet address to receive payments":"Compartir esta dirección del monedero para recibir pagos","Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them.":"Compartir esta dirección para recibir pagos. Para proteger su privacidad, se generan nuevas direcciones automáticamente luego de recibir un pago.","Shared Wallet":"Monedero Compartido","Show advanced options":"Mostrar opciones avanzadas","Signatures rejected by server":"Firmas rechazadas por el servidor","Signing transaction":"Firmando transacción","Single Address Wallet":"Monedero de una sola dirección","Spanish":"Español","Specify Recovery Phrase...":"Especificar la frase de recuperación...","Spend proposal is not accepted":"La propuesta de gasto no se ha aceptado","Spend proposal not found":"La propuesta de gasto no se ha encontrado","Spending Password needed":"Se necesita la contraseña para enviar","Spending Passwords do not match":"Las contraseña para enviar no coinciden","Success":"Listo","Super Economy":"Súper Económico","Sweep paper wallet":"Importar monedero en papel","Sweep Wallet":"Importar Monedero","Sweeping Wallet...":"Leyendo el Monedero...","Tap and hold to show":"Tocar y mantener para mostrar","Tap to retry":"Toque para reintentar","Terms of Use":"Términos de Uso","The authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Groestlcoin network.":"Los autores de los software, empleados, los titulares de derechos de autor, no pueden recuperar sus claves privadas o contraseñas si se pierde o se olvida de ellos y no se puede garantizar la confirmación de la transacción, ya que no tienen control sobre la red Groestlcoin.","The derivation path":"La ruta de derivación","The Ledger Chrome application is not installed":"La aplicación Ledger de Chrome no esta instalada","The password of the recovery phrase (if set)":"La contraseña de la frase de recuperación (si existe)","The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen":"El pago fue creado pero no se pudo completar. Por favor intente nuevamente desde la pantalla de inicio","The payment was removed by creator":"El pago fue eliminado por el creador","The recovery phrase could require a password to be imported":"La frase de recuperación podría requerir una contraseña para ser importada","The request could not be understood by the server":"La solicitud no pudo ser comprendida por el servidor","The software does not constitute an account where other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your groestlcoin.":"El software no constituye una cuenta donde otras terceras partes sirven como intermediarios financieros o custodios de su Groestlcoin.","The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet.":"El software que va a utilizar es un monedero digital de código abierto y multi-firmas.","The spend proposal is not pending":"La propuesta de gasto no esta pendiente","The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted":"El monedero \"{{walletName}}\" fue eliminado","The Wallet Recovery Phrase could require a password to be imported":"La frase de recuperación del monedero podría requerir una contraseña para ser importado","The wallet service URL":"URL de Wallet Service","There are no wallets to make this payment":"No dispone de monederos para realizar este pago","There is a new version of GroestlPay. Please update":"Hay una nueva versión de GroestlPay. Por favor actualizar","There is an error in the form":"Hay un error en el formulario","This recovery phrase was created with a password. To recover this wallet both the recovery phrase and password are needed.":"Esta frase de recuperación fue creada con una contraseña. Para recuperar este monedero, la frase de recuperación y la contraseña son necesarios.","This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt.":"Esta transacción se ha invalidado; posiblemente debido a un intento de doble gasto.","This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information.":"Este monedero no esta registrado en el servidor de Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). Debe recrearlo con la información local disponible.","Time":"Hora","To":"Para","To restore this {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} shared wallet you will need":"Para restaurar el monedero compartido {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} necesitará","To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement.":"En la máxima medida permitida por la ley, este software se proporciona \"tal cual está\" y no asume la responsabilidad ni ofrece garantías de ningún tipo, expresa o implícita, incluyendo, pero no limitado a las garantías comerciales, de conveniencia o a un propósito particular.","too long!":"¡demasiado largo!","Total Locked Balance":"Balance Total Bloqueado","Total number of copayers":"Número total de copayers","Touch ID Failed":"Falló Touch ID","Transaction":"Transacción","Transaction already broadcasted":"La transacción ya fue enviada","Transaction History":"Historial de Transacciones","Translation Credits":"Créditos de traducción","Translators":"Traductores","Try again":"Vuelva a intentarlo","Type the Recovery Phrase (usually 12 words)":"Escriba la frase de recuperación (normalmente 12 palabras)","Unconfirmed":"Sin confirmar","Unit":"Unidad","Unsent transactions":"Transacciones no enviadas","Updating transaction history. Please stand by.":"Actualizando el historial de transacciones. Por favor aguarde un momento.","Updating Wallet...":"Actualizando Monedero...","Use Unconfirmed Funds":"Utilizar los fondos sin confirmar","Validating recovery phrase...":"Validando la frase de recuperación...","Validating wallet integrity...":"Validación de integridad del monedero...","Version":"Versión","View":"Ver","Waiting for copayers":"Esperando a los demás copayers","Waiting for Ledger...":"Esperando a Ledger...","Waiting for Trezor...":"Esperando a Trezor...","Waiting...":"Esperando...","Wallet already exists":"El monedero ya existe","Wallet already in GroestlPay":"El monedero ya existe en GroestlPay","Wallet Configuration (m-n)":"Configuración del Monedero (m-n)","Wallet Export":"Exportar Monedero","Wallet Id":"Id del Monedero","Wallet incomplete and broken":"Monedero incompleto y roto","Wallet Information":"Información del Monedero","Wallet Invitation":"Invitación para unirse al monedero","Wallet Invitation is not valid!":"¡Invitación no válida!","Wallet is full":"El monedero está completo","Wallet is locked":"Monedero bloqueado","Wallet is not complete":"El monedero no esta completo","Wallet name":"Nombre del monedero","Wallet Name (at creation)":"Nombre del Monedero (al crear)","Wallet needs backup":"El monedero requiere copia de seguridad","Wallet Network":"Red del Monedero","Wallet not found":"Monedero no encontrado","Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your recovery phrase":"El monedero no esta registrado en Wallet Service. Para volver a crear, utilice \"Crear Monedero\", \"Opciones avanzadas\" e ingrese la frase de recuperación","Wallet Preferences":"Preferencias del Monedero","Wallet Recovery Phrase":"Frase de recuperación del monedero","Wallet Recovery Phrase is invalid":"La frase de recuperación es inválida","Wallet recovery phrase not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export.":"La frase de recuperación del monedero no está disponible. Todavía puede exportar de avanzado > Exportar.","Wallet service not found":"Wallet Service no encontrado","WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet.":"ADVERTENCIA: Derivación de la clave no funciona en este dispositivo/monedero. Acciones no pueden realizarse en este monedero.","WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.":"ADVERTENCIA: No incluir la clave privada permite verificar el saldo del monedero, historial de transacciones y crear propuestas de gastos. Sin embargo, no permite aprobar propuestas (firmar), así que los fondos no serán accesibles al exportar.","WARNING: The password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the password.":"ADVERTENCIA: La contraseña no puede ser recuperada. Asegúrese de escribirlo en papel. El monedero no puede ser restaurado sin la contraseña.","WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.":"ADVERTENCIA: La clave privada de este monedero no está disponible. La exportación permite verificar el saldo del monedero, historial de transacciones y crear propuestas de gastos en la exportación. Sin embargo, no permite aprobar propuestas (firmar), así que los fondos no serán accesibles al exportar.","Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs":"Advertencia: esta operación tiene entradas sin confirmar","WARNING: UNTRUSTED CERTIFICATE":"ADVERTENCIA: NO ES DE CONFIANZA EL CERTIFICADO","WARNING: Wallet not registered":"ADVERTENCIA: Monedero no registrado","Warning!":"¡Advertencia!","We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time.":"Nos reservamos el derecho a modificar el presente aviso legal de vez en cuando.","WELCOME TO COPAY":"BIENVENIDO A COPAY","While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software.":"Mientras que el software ha experimentado pruebas en beta y aún sigue mejorando mediante la retroalimentación de la comunidad de desarrollador y usuarios de código abierto, no podemos garantizar que no habrá errores en el software.","Write your wallet recovery phrase":"Escriba la frase de recuperación del monedero","Wrong number of recovery words:":"Número incorrecto de palabras:","Wrong spending password":"Contraseña para enviar incorrecta","Yes":"Si","You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws.":"Usted reconoce que el uso de este software es bajo tu propia responsabilidad y en cumplimiento con todas las leyes aplicables.","You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software.":"Usted es responsable de la custodia de sus contraseñas, pares de claves privadas, PIN y cualquier otro código que se utiliza para acceder al software.","You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software.":"Usted asume todos los riesgos asociados con el uso del software.","You backed up your wallet. You can now restore this wallet at any time.":"Ya realizó una copia de seguridad de su monedero. Ahora puede restaurarlo en cualquier momento.","You can safely install your wallet on another device and use it from multiple devices at the same time.":"Con seguridad puede instalar su monedero en otro dispositivo y usarlo desde varios dispositivos al mismo tiempo.","You do not have any wallet":"No tienes ningún monedero","You need the wallet recovery phrase to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe.":"Necesita la frase de recuperación para restaurar su monedero personal. Anótela y guárdela en algún lugar seguro.","Your nickname":"Sobrenombre","Your password":"Contraseña","Your spending password":"Contraseña para enviar","Your wallet has been imported correctly":"El monedero se ha importado correctamente","Your wallet key will be encrypted. The Spending Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down":"La clave del monedero se cifrará. La contraseña para enviar no puede ser recuperada. Asegúrese de escribirla","Your wallet recovery phrase and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend.":"Su frase de recuperación del monedero y el acceso al servidor que coordina la creación del monedero inicial. Aún necesita de {{index.m}} claves para enviar."}); gettextCatalog.setStrings('fr', {"(possible double spend)":"(double dépense possible)","(Trusted)":"(Fiable)","[Balance Hidden]":"[Solde masqué]","{{fee}} will be deducted for groestlcoin networking fees":"{{fee}} seront déduits pour les frais de réseau Groestlcoin","{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction":"{{feeRateStr}} de la transaction","{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}":"{{index.m}}-sur-{{index.n}}","{{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}} more":"{{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}} de plus","{{index.txProgress}} transactions downloaded":"{{index.txProgress}} transactions téléchargées","{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}":"{{item.m}}-sur-{{item.n}}","* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created.":"* Une proposition de paiement peut être supprimée si vous en êtes le créateur et qu'aucun des autres copayers n'a signé, ou si 24 heures sont passées depuis la création de la proposition.","IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR GroestlPay WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY GROESTLCOINS YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT GroestlPay WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE.":"SI VOUS PERDEZ L'ACCÈS À VOTRE PORTEFEUILLE GroestlPay OU À VOS CLÉS PRIVÉES CHIFFRÉES ET QUE VOUS N'AVEZ PAS ENTREPOSÉ SÉPARÉMENT UNE SAUVEGARDE DE VOTRE PORTEFEUILLE ET LES MOTS DE PASSE CORRESPONDANT, VOUS RECONNAISSEZ ET ACCEPTEZ QUE LES GROESTLCOINS QUE VOUS AVEZ ASSOCIÉ À CE PORTEFEUILLE GroestlPay DEVIENNENT INACCESSIBLES.","OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet recovery phrases (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet recovery phrases of any of the other copayers).":"OU 1 fichier d'exportation de portefeuille et le quorum restant en phrases de récupération de portefeuille (ex. dans un portefeuille 3-5 : 1 fichier d'exportation du portefeuille + 2 phrases de récupération du portefeuille de n'importe quels autres copayers).","OR the wallet recovery phrase of all copayers in the wallet":"OU la phrase de récupération de portefeuille de tous les copayers du portefeuille","OR the wallet recovery phrases of all copayers in the wallet":"OU les phrases de récupération de portefeuille de tous les copayers du portefeuille","A multisignature groestlcoin wallet":"Un portefeuille Groestlcoin multi-signatures","About GroestlPay":"À propos de GroestlPay","Accept":"Accepter","Account":"Compte","Account Number":"Numéro de compte","Activity":"Activité","Add a new entry":"Ajouter une nouvelle entrée","Add a Password":"Ajouter un mot de passe","Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase":"Ajouter un mot de passe optionnel pour sécuriser la phrase de récupération","Add comment":"Ajouter un commentaire","Add wallet":"Ajouter portefeuille","Address":"Adresse","Address Type":"Type d'adresse","Advanced":"Paramètres avancés","Alias":"Alias","Alias for {{index.walletName}}":"Alias pour {{index.walletName}}","All contributions to GroestlPay's translation are welcome. Sign up at crowdin.com and join the GroestlPay project at":"Toutes les contributions à la traduction de GroestlPay sont les bienvenues. Inscrivez-vous sur crowdin.com et rejoignez le projet GroestlPay sur","All transaction requests are irreversible.":"Toutes les transactions sont irréversibles.","Alternative Currency":"Devise alternative","Amount":"Montant","Amount below minimum allowed":"Montant en dessous du minimum autorisé","Amount in":"Montant en","Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?":"Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir supprimer la phrase de récupération ?","Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?":"Êtes-vous certain(e) de vouloir supprimer ce portefeuille ?","Auditable":"Vérifiable","Available Balance":"Solde disponible","Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes":"Temps de confirmation moyen : {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes","Back":"Retour","Backup":"Sauvegarder","Backup failed":"La sauvegarde a échoué","Backup Needed":"Sauvegarde requise","Backup now":"Sauvegarder","Bad wallet invitation":"Mauvaise invitation de portefeuille","Balance By Address":"Solde par adresse","Before receiving funds, you must backup your wallet. If this device is lost, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup.":"Avant de recevoir des fonds, vous devez sauvegarder votre portefeuille. Si vous perdez cet appareil, vos fonds seront irrécupérables sans une sauvegarde.","BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:":"BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:","BIP32 path for address derivation":"Chemin BIP32 pour la dérivation de l'adresse","Groestlcoin address":"Adresse Groestlcoin","Groestlcoin Network Fee Policy":"Frais de réseau","Groestlcoin transactions may include a fee collected by miners on the network. The higher the fee, the greater the incentive a miner has to include that transaction in a block. Current fees are determined based on network load and the selected policy.":"Les transactions Groestlcoin peuvent inclure des frais prélevés par les mineurs du réseau. Plus les frais sont importants, et plus un mineur sera incité à inclure cette transaction dans un bloc. Les frais actuels sont déterminés en fonction de la charge du réseau et du choix sélectionné.","Groestlcoin URI is NOT valid!":"L'URI Groestlcoin n'est pas valide !","Broadcast Payment":"Diffuser le paiement","Broadcasting transaction":"Diffusion de la transaction","Browser unsupported":"Navigateur non supporté","Buy and Sell":"Acheter et Vendre","Calculating fee":"Calcul des frais","Cancel":"Annuler","Cancel and delete the wallet":"Annuler et supprimer le portefeuille","Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds":"Impossible de créer la transaction. Fonds insuffisants","Cannot join the same wallet more that once":"Impossible de rejoindre le même portefeuille plus d'une fois","Cannot sign: The payment request has expired":"Impossible de signer : la demande de paiement a expiré","Certified by":"Certifié par","Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name.":"La modification d'un alias de portefeuille affecte uniquement le nom du portefeuille local.","Chinese":"Chinois","Choose a backup file from your computer":"Choisissez un fichier de sauvegarde depuis votre ordinateur","Clear cache":"Vider le cache","Close":"Fermer","Color":"Couleur","Comment":"Commentaire","Commit hash":"Commit hash","Confirm":"Confirmer","Confirm your wallet recovery phrase":"Confirmez votre phrase de récupération du portefeuille","Confirmations":"Confirmations","Congratulations!":"Félicitations !","Connecting to Coinbase...":"Connexion à Coinbase...","Connecting to Glidera...":"Connexion à Glidera...","Connection reset by peer":"Connexion réinitialisée par un pair","Continue":"Continuer","copayer already in this wallet":"GroestlPayer déjà dans ce portefeuille","copayer already voted on this spend proposal":"Le GroestlPayer a déjà voté pour cette proposition de dépense","copayer data mismatch":"Les données GroestlPayer ne correspondent pas","copayers":"GroestlPayers","Copied to clipboard":"Copié dans le presse-papier","Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)":"Copiez ce texte présenté tel quel vers un endroit sûr (bloc-notes ou e-mail)","Copy to clipboard":"Copier dans le presse-papier","Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:":"Impossible d'accéder au portefeuille via le serveur. Veuillez vérifier :","Could not access wallet":"Impossible d’accéder au portefeuille","Could not access Wallet Service: Not found":"Impossible d'accéder au Wallet Service : Introuvable","Could not broadcast payment":"Impossible de diffuser le paiement","Could not build transaction":"Impossible de créer la transaction","Could not create address":"Impossible de créer l'adresse","Could not create payment proposal":"Impossible de créer la proposition de paiement","Could not create using the specified extended private key":"Impossible de créer en utilisant la clé privée étendue spécifiée","Could not create using the specified extended public key":"Impossible de créer en utilisant la clé publique étendue spécifiée","Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase":"Impossible de créer : Phrase de récupération du portefeuille invalide","Could not decrypt file, check your password":"Impossible de déchiffrer le fichier, vérifiez votre mot de passe","Could not delete payment proposal":"Impossible de supprimer la proposition de paiement","Could not fetch payment information":"Impossible de récupérer les informations de paiement","Could not get fee value":"Impossible d'obtenir la valeur des frais","Could not import":"Impossible d'importer","Could not import. Check input file and spending password":"Impossible d'importer. Vérifiez le fichier d'entrée et le code de dépenses","Could not join wallet":"Impossible de rejoindre le portefeuille","Could not recognize a valid Groestlcoin QR Code":"Impossible de reconnaître un code QR Groestlcoin valide","Could not reject payment":"Impossible de rejeter le paiement","Could not send payment":"Impossible d'envoyer le paiement","Could not update Wallet":"Impossible de mettre à jour le portefeuille","Create":"Créer","Create {{requiredcopayers}}-of-{{totalcopayers}} wallet":"Créer un portefeuille {{requiredcopayers}}-sur-{{totalcopayers}}","Create new wallet":"Créer","Create, join or import":"Créer, rejoindre ou importer","Created by":"Créée par","Creating transaction":"Création de la transaction","Creating Wallet...":"Création du portefeuille...","Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB":"Frais actuels pour ce choix : {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB","Czech":"Tchèque","Date":"Date","Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open.":"Le déchiffrement d'un portefeuille de papier peut prendre environ 5 minutes sur cet appareil. Veuillez être patient et gardez l'application ouverte.","Delete it and create a new one":"Le supprimer et en créer un nouveau","Delete Payment Proposal":"Supprimer la proposition de paiement","Delete recovery phrase":"Supprimer la phrase de récupération","Delete Recovery Phrase":"Supprimer la phrase de récupération","Delete wallet":"Supprimer le portefeuille","Delete Wallet":"Supprimer le portefeuille","Deleting Wallet...":"Suppression du portefeuille...","Derivation Path":"Chemin de dérivation","Derivation Strategy":"Stratégie de dérivation","Description":"Description","Details":"Détails","Disabled":"Désactivé","Do not include private key":"Ne pas inclure la clé privée","Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language.":"Vous ne voyez pas votre langue sur Crowdin ? Contactez le propriétaire sur Crowdin ! Nous serions ravis de prendre en charge votre langue.","Done":"Terminé","Download":"Télécharger","Economy":"Faibles","Edit":"Modifier","Edit comment":"Modifier le commentaire","Edited by":"Modifié par","Email for wallet notifications":"E-mail pour les notifications de portefeuille","Email Notifications":"Notifications e-mail","Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated.":"La limite d'adresses vides a été atteinte. Les nouvelles adresses ne peuvent plus être générées.","Enable Coinbase Service":"Activer le service Coinbase","Enable Glidera Service":"Activer le service Glidera","Enable push notifications":"Autoriser les notifications push","Encrypted export file saved":"Le fichier d'exportation chiffré a été enregistré","Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)":"Saisissez la phrase de récupération (BIP39)","Enter your password":"Écrivez votre mot de passe","Enter your spending password":"Saisissez votre code de dépenses","Error at Wallet Service":"Erreur au niveau de Wallet Service","Error creating wallet":"Erreur de création du portefeuille","Expired":"Expiré","Expires":"Expire","Export options":"Options d'exportation","Export to file":"Exporter vers un fichier","Export Wallet":"Exporter le portefeuille","Exporting via QR not supported for this wallet":"L'exportation via QR n'est pas supportée pour ce portefeuille","Extended Public Keys":"Clés publiques étendues","Extracting Wallet Information...":"Extraction des informations du portefeuille...","Failed to export":"Impossible d'exporter","Failed to verify backup. Please check your information":"Impossible de vérifier la sauvegarde. Veuillez vérifier vos informations","Family vacation funds":"Fonds pour les vacances familiales","Fee":"Frais","Fetching Payment Information":"Récupération des informations de paiement","File/Text":"Fichier / Texte","Finger Scan Failed":"La numérisation digitale a échoué","Finish":"Terminer","For audit purposes":"À des fins de vérification","French":"Français","From the destination device, go to Add wallet > Import wallet and scan this QR code":"Depuis le périphérique de destination, allez sur « Ajouter portefeuille » > « Importer » et numérisez ce code QR","Funds are locked by pending spend proposals":"Les fonds sont verrouillés par des propositions de dépenses en attente","Funds found":"Fonds trouvés","Funds received":"Fonds reçus","Funds will be transferred to":"Les fonds seront transférés à","Generate new address":"Générer une nouvelle adresse","Generate QR Code":"Générer un code QR","Generating .csv file...":"Génération du fichier .csv...","German":"Allemand","Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ...":"Obtention d'une adresse pour le portefeuille {{selectedWalletName}} ...","Global preferences":"Préférences globales","Hardware wallet":"Portefeuille matériel","Hardware Wallet":"Portefeuille matériel","Hide advanced options":"Masquer les options avancées","I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms.":"Je confirme que j'ai lu, compris et suis d'accord avec ces conditions.","I AGREE. GET STARTED":"J’ACCEPTE. COMMENCER","Import":"Importer","Import backup":"Importer la sauvegarde","Import wallet":"Importer","Importing Wallet...":"Importation du portefeuille...","In no event shall the authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software.":"En aucun cas les auteurs du logiciel, employés, détenteurs de droits d'auteur, ne peuvent être tenus responsables de toute réclamation, dommages ou autre responsabilité, que ce soit dans une action contractuelle, délictuelle ou autre, découlant ou en étant en connexion avec le logiciel.","In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your password:":"Afin de vérifier votre sauvegarde du portefeuille, veuillez saisir votre mot de passe :","Incorrect address network":"Adresse réseau incorrecte","Incorrect code format":"Format du code incorrect","Insufficient funds":"Fonds insuffisants","Insufficient funds for fee":"Fonds insuffisants pour les frais","Invalid":"Invalide","Invalid account number":"Numéro de compte invalide","Invalid address":"Adresse invalide","Invalid derivation path":"Chemin de dérivation invalide","Invitation to share a GroestlPay Wallet":"Invitation pour partager un portefeuille GroestlPay","Italian":"Italien","Japanese":"Japonais","John":"John","Join":"Rejoindre","Join my GroestlPay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download GroestlPay for your phone or desktop at https://GroestlPay.io":"Rejoignez mon portefeuille GroestlPay. Voici le code d'invitation : {{secret}} Vous pouvez télécharger GroestlPay pour votre téléphone ou pour votre ordinateur sur https://GroestlPay.io","Join shared wallet":"Rejoindre","Joining Wallet...":"Connexion au portefeuille...","Key already associated with an existing wallet":"La clé est déjà associée avec un portefeuille existant","Label":"Étiquette","Language":"Langue","Last Wallet Addresses":"Dernières adresses du portefeuille","Learn more about GroestlPay backups":"En savoir plus sur les sauvegardes de GroestlPay","Loading...":"Chargement...","locked by pending payments":"verrouillés par les paiements en attente","Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal":"Locktime effectif. Veuillez patienter pour créer une nouvelle proposition de dépense","Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal":"Locktime effectif. Veuillez patienter pour supprimer cette proposition de dépense","Make a payment to":"Faire un paiement à","Matches:":"Correspondances :","me":"moi","Me":"Moi","Memo":"Note","Merchant message":"Message marchand","Message":"Message","Missing parameter":"Paramètre manquant","Missing private keys to sign":"Clés privées manquantes pour signer","Moved":"Déplacés","Multiple recipients":"Plusieurs destinataires","My Groestlcoin address":"Mon adresse Groestlcoin","My contacts":"Mes contacts","My wallets":"Mes portefeuilles","Need to do backup":"Vous devez faire une sauvegarde","Network":"Réseau","Network connection error":"Erreur de connexion réseau","New Payment Proposal":"Nouvelle proposition de paiement","New Random Recovery Phrase":"Nouvelle phrase de récupération aléatoire","No hardware wallets supported on this device":"Aucun portefeuille matériel pris en charge sur cet appareil","No transactions yet":"Aucune transaction","Normal":"Normaux","Not authorized":"Non autorisé","Not completed":"Inachevée","Not enough funds for fee":"Pas assez de fonds pour les frais","Not valid":"Invalide","Note":"Note","Note: a total of {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} were excluded. The maximum size allowed for a transaction was exceeded":"Note : un total de {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} a été exclu. La taille maximale autorisée d'une transaction a été dépassée","Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided.":"Note : un total de {{amountBelowFeeStr}} a été exclu. Ces fonds proviennent d'une entrée plus petite que les frais de réseau prévus.","NOTE: To import a wallet from a 3rd party software, please go to Add Wallet > Create Wallet, and specify the Recovery Phrase there.":"Remarque : Pour importer un portefeuille d’un autre logiciel que GroestlPay, veuillez aller dans « Ajouter portefeuille » > « Créer » et spécifier la phrase de récupération.","Official English Disclaimer":"Clause de non-responsabilité anglaise officielle","OKAY":"OK","Once you have copied your wallet recovery phrase down, it is recommended to delete it from this device.":"Une fois que vous avez écrit votre phrase de récupération du portefeuille, il est recommandé de la supprimer de cet appareil.","Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time.":"Seules les adresses principales (pas celles de change) sont indiquées. Les adresses sur cette liste n'ont pas été vérifiées localement à ce moment.","Open Settings app":"Ouvrir les paramètres de l'appli","optional":"optionnelle","Paper Wallet Private Key":"Clé privée du portefeuille de papier","Participants":"Participants","Passphrase":"Phrase de passe","Password":"Mot de passe","Password required. Make sure to enter your password in advanced options":"Mot de passe requis. Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe dans les options avancées","Paste invitation here":"Collez l'invitation ici","Paste the backup plain text code":"Collez le code texte de sauvegarde","Paste your paper wallet private key here":"Collez ici votre clé privée du portefeuille de papier","Pasted from clipboard":"Collé depuis le presse-papier","Pay To":"Payer à","Payment Accepted":"Paiement accepté","Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted":"Paiement accepté, mais pas encore diffusé","Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created.":"Paiement accepté. Il sera diffusé par Glidera. Dans le cas où il y a un problème, il peut être supprimé 6 heures après avoir été créé.","Payment details":"Détails du paiement","Payment expires":"Paiement expiré","Payment Proposal":"Proposition de paiement","Payment Proposal Created":"Proposition de paiement créée","Payment Proposal Rejected":"Proposition de paiement rejetée","Payment Proposal Rejected by copayer":"Proposition de paiement rejetée par les GroestlPayer","Payment Proposal Signed by copayer":"Proposition de paiement signée par les GroestlPayers","Payment Proposals":"Propositions de paiement","Payment Protocol Invalid":"Protocole de paiement invalide","Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App":"Le protocole de paiement n'est pas supporté sur l'application Chrome","Payment Rejected":"Paiement rejeté","Payment request":"Demande de paiement","Payment Sent":"Paiement envoyé","Payment to":"Paiement à","Pending Confirmation":"Confirmation en attente","Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED":"Supprimer définitivement ce portefeuille.
CETTE ACTION NE PEUT PAS ÊTRE ANNULÉE","Personal Wallet":"Portefeuille personnel","Please enter the recovery phrase":"Veuillez saisir la phrase de récupération","Please enter the required fields":"Veuillez saisir les champs requis","Please enter the wallet recovery phrase":"Veuillez saisir la phrase de récupération du portefeuille","Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written.":"Veuillez sélectionner les mots afin de confirmer que votre phrase de sauvegarde est correctement écrite.","Please upgrade GroestlPay to perform this action":"Veuillez mettre à jour GroestlPay pour effectuer cette action","Please wait to be redirected...":"Veuillez attendre la redirection...","Please, select your backup file":"Veuillez sélectionner votre fichier de sauvegarde","Polish":"Polonais","Preferences":"Préférences","Preparing backup...":"Préparation de la sauvegarde...","preparing...":"préparation...","Press again to exit":"Appuyez de nouveau pour quitter","Priority":"Importants","Private key is encrypted, cannot sign":"La clé privée est chiffrée, impossible de signer","Push notifications for GroestlPay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app.":"Les notifications push de GroestlPay sont actuellement désactivées. Activez-les dans les paramètres de l'appli.","QR Code":"Code QR","QR-Scanner":"QR-Scanner","Receive":"Recevoir","Received":"Reçus","Recipients":"Destinataire(s)","Recovery Phrase":"Phrase de récupération","Recovery phrase deleted":"Phrase de récupération supprimée","Recreate":"Recréer","Recreating Wallet...":"Recréation du portefeuille...","Reject":"Rejeter","Release Information":"Informations de version","Remove":"Supprimer","Repeat password":"Confirmez le mot de passe","Repeat the password":"Confirmez le mot de passe","Repeat the spending password":"Confirmez le code de dépenses","Request a specific amount":"Demander un montant précis","Request Spending Password":"Demander un code de dépenses","Required":"Requis","Required number of signatures":"Nombre requis de signatures","Retrieving inputs information":"Récupération des informations d'entrée","Russian":"Russe","Save":"Valider","Scan addresses for funds":"Analyser les adresses pour des fonds","Scan Fingerprint":"Scanner l'empreinte digitale","Scan Finished":"Analyse terminée","Scan status finished with error":"Analyse terminée avec des erreurs","Scan Wallet Funds":"Analyser les fonds du portefeuille","Scan your fingerprint please":"Veuillez scanner votre empreinte digitale","Scanning Wallet funds...":"Analyse des fonds du portefeuille...","Search transactions":"Rechercher des transactions","Search Transactions":"Rechercher des transactions","Security preferences":"Préférences de sécurité","See it on the blockchain":"Voir sur la blockchain","Select a backup file":"Sélectionner un fichier de sauvegarde","Select a wallet":"Sélectionner un portefeuille","Self-signed Certificate":"Certificat auto-signé","Send":"Envoyer","Send addresses by email":"Envoyer les adresses par e-mail","Send groestlcoin":"Envoyer les Groestlcoins","Send by email":"Envoyer par e-mail","Send Max":"Envoyer le maximum","Sending":"Envoi","Sending transaction":"Envoi de la transaction","Sent":"Envoyés","Server response could not be verified":"La réponse du serveur n'a pas pu être vérifiée","Session log":"Journal de session","SET":"DÉFINIR","Set default url":"Définir l'url par défaut","Set up a password":"Spécifiez un mot de passe","Set up a spending password":"Configurer un code de dépenses","Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more.":"Configurer des notifications e-mail peut affaiblir votre anonymat si le fournisseur du service de portefeuille est compromis. Les informations disponibles à un attaquant incluent les adresses de votre portefeuille et leurs soldes, mais rien de plus.","Settings":"Paramètres","Share address":"Partager l'adresse","Share invitation":"Partager l'invitation","Share this invitation with your copayers":"Partagez cette invitation avec vos copayers","Share this wallet address to receive payments":"Partagez cette adresse de portefeuille pour recevoir des paiements","Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them.":"Partagez cette adresse de portefeuille pour recevoir des paiements. Pour protéger votre anonymat, de nouvelles adresses sont générées automatiquement une fois que vous les utilisez.","Shared Wallet":"Portefeuille partagé","Show advanced options":"Afficher les options avancées","Signatures rejected by server":"Signatures rejetées par le serveur","Signing transaction":"Signature de la transaction","Single Address Wallet":"Portefeuille d'adresse unique","Spanish":"Espagnol","Specify Recovery Phrase...":"Spécifier la phrase de récupération...","Spend proposal is not accepted":"La proposition de dépense n'est pas acceptée","Spend proposal not found":"Propostion de dépense introuvable","Spending Password needed":"Code de dépenses requis","Spending Passwords do not match":"Les codes de dépenses ne correspondent pas","Success":"Succès","Super Economy":"Infimes","Sweep paper wallet":"Balayer un portefeuille de papier","Sweep Wallet":"Balayer un portefeuille","Sweeping Wallet...":"Balayage du portefeuille...","Tap and hold to show":"Appuyez et maintenez pour afficher","Tap to retry":"Tapotez pour réessayer","Terms of Use":"Conditions d'utilisation","The authors of the software, employees, copyright holders, cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Groestlcoin network.":"Les auteurs de ce logiciel, employés, détenteurs de droits d'auteur, ne peuvent pas récupérer vos clés privées ou mots de passe si vous les perdez et ne peuvent pas garantir la confirmation des transactions étant donné qu'ils n'ont pas de contrôle sur le réseau Groestlcoin.","The derivation path":"Le chemin de dérivation","The Ledger Chrome application is not installed":"L'application Ledger pour Chrome n'est pas installée","The password of the recovery phrase (if set)":"Le mot de passe de la phrase de récupération (si configuré)","The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen":"Le paiement a été créé mais n'a pas pu être achevé. Veuillez réessayer depuis l'écran d'accueil","The payment was removed by creator":"Le paiement a été supprimé par le créateur","The recovery phrase could require a password to be imported":"La phrase de récupération pourrait demander un mot de passe pour être importée","The request could not be understood by the server":"La demande n'a pas été comprise par le serveur","The software does not constitute an account where other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your groestlcoin.":"Le logiciel ne constitue pas un compte ou des tiers, agissent comme des intermédiaires financiers ou dépositaires de vos Groestlcoins.","The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet.":"Le logiciel que vous êtes sur le point d'utiliser fonctionne comme un portefeuille numérique gratuit, open source et multi-signatures.","The spend proposal is not pending":"La proposition de dépense n'est pas en attente","The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted":"Le portefeuille \"{{walletName}}\" a été supprimé","The Wallet Recovery Phrase could require a password to be imported":"La phrase de récupération du portefeuille pourrait demander un mot de passe pour être importée","The wallet service URL":"L’URL du service de portefeuille","There are no wallets to make this payment":"Il n'y a pas de portefeuilles pour faire ce paiement","There is a new version of GroestlPay. Please update":"Il y a une nouvelle version de GroestlPay. Veuillez mettre à jour","There is an error in the form":"Il y a une erreur dans la forme","This recovery phrase was created with a password. To recover this wallet both the recovery phrase and password are needed.":"Cette phrase de récupération a été créée avec un mot de passe. Pour récupérer ce portefeuille, la phrase de récupération et le mot de passe sont requis.","This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt.":"Cette transaction est devenue invalide ; il s'agit peut-être d'une tentative de double dépense.","This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information.":"Ce portefeuille n'est pas enregistré dans le Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS) donné. Vous pouvez le recréer depuis l'information locale.","Time":"Ancienneté","To":"À","To restore this {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} shared wallet you will need":"Pour restaurer ce portefeuille partagé {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} vous aurez besoin de","To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement.":"Dans toute la mesure permise par la loi, ce logiciel est fourni “tel quel” et aucune représentation ou garantie ne peut être faite de toute nature, expresse ou implicite, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, aux garanties de qualité marchande, à la conformité ou à un usage particulier et absent de contrefaçon.","too long!":"trop long !","Total Locked Balance":"Solde verrouillé total","Total number of copayers":"Nombre total de copayers","Touch ID Failed":"Touch ID a échoué","Transaction":"Transaction","Transaction already broadcasted":"Transaction déjà diffusée","Transaction History":"Historique des transactions","Translation Credits":"Crédits de traduction","Translators":"Traducteurs","Try again":"Réessayer","Type the Recovery Phrase (usually 12 words)":"Saisissez la phrase de récupération (généralement 12 mots)","Unconfirmed":"Non confirmée","Unit":"Unité","Unsent transactions":"Transactions non envoyées","Updating transaction history. Please stand by.":"Mise à jour de l'historique des transactions. Veuillez patienter.","Updating Wallet...":"Mise à jour du portefeuille...","Use Unconfirmed Funds":"Utiliser les fonds non confirmés","Validating recovery phrase...":"Validation de la phrase de récupération...","Validating wallet integrity...":"Validation de l’intégrité du portefeuille...","Version":"Version","View":"Voir","Waiting for copayers":"Attente des copayers","Waiting for Ledger...":"En attente de Ledger...","Waiting for Trezor...":"En attente de Trezor...","Waiting...":"Attente...","Wallet already exists":"Le portefeuille existe déjà","Wallet already in GroestlPay":"Le portefeuille existe déjà dans GroestlPay","Wallet Configuration (m-n)":"Configuration du portefeuille (m-n)","Wallet Export":"Exportation du portefeuille","Wallet Id":"Id du portefeuille","Wallet incomplete and broken":"Portefeuille incomplet et cassé ","Wallet Information":"Informations du portefeuille","Wallet Invitation":"Invitation de portefeuille","Wallet Invitation is not valid!":"L'invitation de portefeuille n'est pas valide !","Wallet is full":"Le portefeuille est plein","Wallet is locked":"Le portefeuille est verrouillé","Wallet is not complete":"Le portefeuille n'est pas complet","Wallet name":"Nom du portefeuille","Wallet Name (at creation)":"Nom du portefeuille (à la création)","Wallet needs backup":"Le portefeuille a besoin d'une sauvegarde","Wallet Network":"Réseau du portefeuille","Wallet not found":"Portefeuille introuvable","Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your recovery phrase":"Le portefeuille n'est pas enregistré au Wallet Service. Vous pouvez le recréer depuis « Créer » en utilisant les « Options avancées » pour configurer votre phrase de récupération","Wallet Preferences":"Préférences du portefeuille","Wallet Recovery Phrase":"Phrase de récupération","Wallet Recovery Phrase is invalid":"La phrase de récupération du portefeuille est invalide","Wallet recovery phrase not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export.":"La phrase de récupération du portefeuille n'est pas disponible. Vous pouvez toujours l'exporter depuis les « Paramètres avancés » > « Exporter ».","Wallet service not found":"Wallet Service introuvable","WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet.":"ATTENTION : La dérivation de la clé ne fonctionne pas sur cet appareil / portefeuille. Impossible d’effectuer des actions sur ce portefeuille.","WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.":"ATTENTION : Ne pas inclure la clé privée permet de vérifier le solde du portefeuille, l'historique des transactions, et de créer des demandes de dépenses depuis le fichier exporté. Cependant, cela ne permet pas d'approuver (signer) les propositions et les fonds ne seront pas accessibles depuis le fichier exporté.","WARNING: The password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the password.":"ATTENTION : Le mot de passe ne peut pas être récupéré. Veillez l'écrire sur papier. Le portefeuille ne peut pas être restauré sans le mot de passe.","WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export.":"ATTENTION : La clé privée de ce portefeuille n'est pas disponible. L'exportation permet de vérifier le solde du portefeuille, l'historique des transactions, et de créer des propositions de dépenses depuis le fichier exporté. Cependant, cela ne permet pas d'approuver (signer) les propositions et les fonds ne seront pas accessibles depuis le fichier exporté.","Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs":"ATTENTION : Cette transaction a des entrées non confirmées","WARNING: UNTRUSTED CERTIFICATE":"ATTENTION : CERTIFICAT NON APPROUVÉ","WARNING: Wallet not registered":"ATTENTION : Portefeuille non enregistré","Warning!":"Attention !","We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time.":"Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier cette clause de non-responsabilité de temps à autre.","WELCOME TO COPAY":"BIENVENUE SUR COPAY","While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software.":"Bien que le logiciel ait subi des tests bêta et continue d'être amélioré par les retours d'utilisateurs et de développeurs de la communauté open source, nous ne pouvons pas garantir qu'il n'y aura plus de bugs dans le logiciel.","Write your wallet recovery phrase":"Écrivez votre phrase de récupération du portefeuille","Wrong number of recovery words:":"Nombre incorrect de mots de récupération :","Wrong spending password":"Code de dépenses incorrect","Yes":"Oui","You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws.":"Vous reconnaissez que votre utilisation de ce logiciel est à votre propre discrétion et est en conformité avec toutes les lois applicables.","You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software.":"Vous êtes responsable de la sauvegarde de vos mots de passe, paires de clés privées, codes PIN et autres codes que vous utilisez pour accéder au logiciel.","You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software.":"Vous assumez tous les risques associés à l'utilisation du logiciel.","You backed up your wallet. You can now restore this wallet at any time.":"Vous avez sauvegardé votre portefeuille. Vous pouvez maintenant restaurer ce portefeuille à n'importe quel moment.","You can safely install your wallet on another device and use it from multiple devices at the same time.":"Vous pouvez installer en toute sécurité votre portefeuille sur un autre appareil et l'utiliser à partir de plusieurs périphériques en même temps.","You do not have any wallet":"Vous n'avez aucun portefeuille","You need the wallet recovery phrase to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe.":"Vous avez besoin de la phrase de récupération du portefeuille pour restaurer ce portefeuille personnel. Notez-la et conservez-la dans un endroit sûr.","Your nickname":"Votre surnom","Your password":"Votre mot de passe","Your spending password":"Votre code de dépenses","Your wallet has been imported correctly":"Votre portefeuille a été correctement importé","Your wallet key will be encrypted. The Spending Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down":"La clé de votre portefeuille sera chiffrée. Le code de dépenses ne peut pas être récupéré. N'oubliez pas de l'écrire","Your wallet recovery phrase and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend.":"Votre phrase de récupération du portefeuille et l'accès au serveur qui a coordonné la création du portefeuille initial. Vous avez encore besoin de {{index.m}} clés pour dépenser."}); diff --git a/webkitbuilds/.desktop b/webkitbuilds/.desktop index 544e171f431..12bcd988f51 100644 --- a/webkitbuilds/.desktop +++ b/webkitbuilds/.desktop @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ [Desktop Entry] Type=Application -Version=2.7.0 +Version=2.7.2 Name=Copay Comment=A multisignature wallet Exec=copay diff --git a/webkitbuilds/setup-win.iss b/webkitbuilds/setup-win.iss index 42e48e57a55..876bca43131 100644 --- a/webkitbuilds/setup-win.iss +++ b/webkitbuilds/setup-win.iss @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ; SEE THE DOCUMENTATION FOR DETAILS ON CREATING INNO SETUP SCRIPT FILES! #define MyAppName "Groestlpay" -#define MyAppVersion "2.7.0" +#define MyAppVersion "2.7.2" #define MyAppPublisher "Groestlcoin" #define MyAppURL "http://groestlcoin.org" #define MyAppExeName "Groestlpay.exe"