9.4.0 (2023-10-16)
- enabled JSON.stringify (cdeca58)
- islongitudinal no label (3522b09)
- labels for kmeans (1af28f3)
- longitudinal domain vs dataset (0a0c8f3)
- longitudinal label (fb5a0b9)
- mask Formula if no algorithm implements it (5cb4ed2)
- moved preprocessing strategy variable at first place (94dfa5f)
- contributing doc (b06860e)
- fixed longitudinal label (7632b39)
- Galaxy workflow 404 placeholder (c22746f)
- hierarchical table reworked (82e2c23)
- kmeans 3d (f483ccb)
- Longitudinal data handling (9e55b40)
- longitudinal params if longitudinal datasets (56673b8)
9.4.0-beta.1 (2023-08-03)
- moved preprocessing strategy variable at first place (94dfa5f)
- Galaxy workflow 404 placeholder (c22746f)
- Longitudinal data handling (9e55b40)
- longitudinal params if longitudinal datasets (56673b8)
9.3.1 (2023-05-11)
9.3.0 (2023-03-23)
- Add dropdown on histogram grouping (5a5f88a)
- Change label Select Parameters (9b10e81)
- exareme: Descriptive Analysis message when no variables selected (e58efa8), closes #11
- export: TableResult image export (acbdf1d)
- Form invalid prevents submit experiment (fffb362), closes #9
- graph: Revert Highcharts (b944145), closes #5
- groupedVariables localstorage (13687a4)
- Remove JSON export on descriptive statistics (49c1af1)
- reverted semantic release to 9.4.2 (decc633)
- type error (83b39ea)
9.3.0-rc.3 (2023-03-19)
- Change label Select Parameters (9b10e81)
- exareme: Descriptive Analysis message when no variables selected (e58efa8), closes #11
- Remove JSON export on descriptive statistics (49c1af1)
9.3.0-rc.2 (2023-03-19)
- Add dropdown on histogram grouping (5a5f88a)
9.3.0-rc.1 (2023-03-12)
- export: TableResult image export (acbdf1d)
- Form invalid prevents submit experiment (fffb362), closes #9
- graph: Revert Highcharts (b944145), closes #5
- groupedVariables localstorage (13687a4)
- reverted semantic release to 9.4.2 (decc633)
- type error (83b39ea)
9.3.0-beta.3 (2023-03-12)
- Form invalid prevents submit experiment (fffb362), closes #9
- graph: Revert Highcharts (b944145), closes #5
9.3.0-beta.2 (2023-03-11)
- export: TableResult image export (acbdf1d)
9.3.0-beta.1 (2023-03-11)
- groupedVariables localstorage (13687a4)
- reverted semantic release to 9.4.2 (decc633)
- type error (83b39ea)
9.2.0 (2022-11-19)
- round numbers in DataTable (f2a809f)
- yarn: Bumped vitejs to 2.2.0 (2f0fd3c)
9.1.2 (2022-10-20)
- caddy: Missing port in host (6567f24)
9.1.1 (2022-10-20)
- guide: Issue with missing element in page (616d3b7)
9.1.0 (2022-10-19)
- Error when opening Galaxy (JSON) (bf4e8a9)
- Experiment list fullname instead of username (d726744)
- Issue with config.json (undefined not valid) (b3cafbd)
- Issue with old tutorial still used (e13f56e)
- Viewed was not set after experiment display (9dbbd2a)
- Interactive user guide (87c63eb)
9.1.0-beta.3 (2022-10-19)
- Error when opening Galaxy (JSON) (bf4e8a9)
9.1.0-beta.2 (2022-10-19)
- Issue with old tutorial still used (e13f56e)
9.1.0-beta.1 (2022-10-19)
- Interactive user guide (87c63eb)
9.0.1-beta.2 (2022-10-13)
- Issue with config.json (undefined not valid) (b3cafbd)
- Viewed was not set after experiment display (9dbbd2a)
9.0.1-beta.1 (2022-10-11)
- Experiment list fullname instead of username (d726744)
9.0.0 (2022-10-05)
- Algorithm name comparison issue (f271177)
- algorithm parameter value set type to string (1479f74)
- Apollo cache collision (05080e0)
- Apollo config error (xsrf token) (60fd8b3)
- Apollo error display (5dcfc37)
- Bokeh charts not updating when data changes (77aef96)
- Bubble not spliting text correctly (4fa7d5a)
- Cache policy on configuration causing issue (af8af3c)
- Descriptive stats has no covariables (76c1930)
- ECMAScript's version compilation target (43a24ef)
- Error message when loading access page (5909826)
- Experiment list was not refreshing auto (a0e99c4)
- Favicon wrong extension name (c3235ad)
- Filter variables not present in query (39545bb)
- Heap space limite JS (98eae2e)
- Issue graphql was call twice (260b600)
- Issue graphql was call twice in descriptive (637be7f)
- Issue mixed up result state (index key issue) (356eac2)
- Issue when creating component filter (10034ea)
- Issue when editing chart (6367960)
- Issue with number input (bee5790)
- load domains for all pages (b281033)
- Matomo not loading correctly (44550fd)
- Missing port in host param from caddy (6aeae66)
- Missing table name (be2561a)
- Notification text typo (1df1fca)
- Notification text typos (59cd7f8)
- prevent setState if no user changes (ef6d861)
- Redirect to main page if already logged (ed3cb00)
- Refactor filter and formula (GraphQL usage) (10d3624)
- Remove GA env variable (not used anymore) (2f68a44)
- Storybook updated for vite (664de1b)
- Table style changed property name (35be099)
- Type issues in Graphs (3d1f1b0)
- User guide cannot be shown (872d67e)
- User not redirected after tos (5eb4fd9)
- Vite configuration for Caddy (6ef2fab)
- Add AlertResult display (bc72a58)
- Add branding and configuration for connectors (49599b7)
- Add bundle visualizer (dev purpose) (8968127)
- Add export csv on table results (7156259)
- Add histogram grouping option (03230c2)
- Add login page and user state management (d51ed25)
- Add Spinner element on route loading (9f45de0)
- Added HBP logo in the footer (2de5ea8)
- Algorithms migration Exareme 2 (7e14cee)
- Allows html tags in TOS markdown (d8b05d2)
- Datasets filter on variables and groups (dafb227)
- Experiment export (PDF & JSON) (51b2b44)
- Externalization of Caddy's configuration (5deac2b)
- Filter and Formula can be hidden (c66fde2)
- Integration of bubble chart and bar chart (5f6abf9)
- Matomo integration (72b82dd)
- Migration to Vite (aece755)
- Refresh token after expiration (401) (354548b)
- Retrieve algorithms through GraphQL (814b29f)
- Unit result export and axis editable (6b7357b)
- Update license (3cd3e81)
- Update storybook (5b0317e)
- New Gateway API needed
- Updated Login Page links
- Integrated new portal backend experiment status logic
- Formula UI
- Interaction and transformation operation on contiunous data
- Integrated for Descriptive Statistics and Logistic Regression
- GraphQL type definitions available for frontend
- Added Storybook.
- Table and GroupTable visual components.
- Integrated new Descriptive Statistics output
- GraphQL implementation for Metadata
- GraphQL implementation for Descriptive Statistics
- Moved web server from nginx to Caddy
- Integration with new Backend API
- One-way Anova integration
- CART: typo
- Logout handling
- Scaling charts & visualisation fix
- Cart & bug fixes
- New Login page
- Better labels display in Bubble hierarchy
- Boostrap Components updated to v4
- Data Model replacement by experiment parameters
- Experiment module, search, delete, pagination
- Refactored tests
- Basic SEO ls+json
- Styling harmonized
- Various UI improvements
- nginx timeout for backend increased
- nominal replaces multinominal % binominal types (Breaking change)
- New Logistic Regression integration
- New Naive Bayes integration
- React.Strict component
- Removed moment.js for Day.js
- moving XMLHTTPRequest from request to Axios library
- CART: added samples value
- Naive Bayes visualisations #283
- Updated MIP Screens Tutorial
- MIP Tutorial
- Check parameters for null
- nginx timeout set to 300
- Fixed available algorithms rules parsing #288
- Fixed filter formating output
- Added 3C algorithm + test
- Current R implementation matters about the order of the x variables sent in an array
- Added filter box
- Various minor bug fixes
- Renamed federation to datacatalogueUrl for main server
- Fixed error handling in summary_statistics
- New test data for TBI
- Fixes for
- Kaplan Meyer
- Statistics
- Calibration Belt
- Longitudinal data
- Cart new output
- Removed timeout for experiment
- Fixed IE broken link
- Fixed scaling of containers for browser resizing or large screen #174
- Needs a refactoring of current Highchart implementation
- Highcharts lib update
- Refactored variable lookup function, Bubbles should react faster
- Fix for stalled session #176
- Fix for missing datastests on saved models #162
- Fix for wrong dataset selection #175
- New error message when user don't have access to roles/pathologies #153
- Added link to MIP website for requesting access #6
- No more unecessary call if not logged in #24
- Cleanup CSS / removed unused code
- UI splash Radial background
- Fixed error handling for stats
- Mip deployment fixes
- Updated MIP deployment test server with python deployment
- New statistics fixes
- Filter fixes
- Error handling for tables
- Datacatalogue integration for Federation
- New Descriptive statistics integration
- Kaplan Meier new integration
- Fixed XSRF regression
- Fixed XSRF token parsing in cookie
- Fixed Terms Of Service form for local instances.
- Fixed Galaxy access
- Keycloak and Galaxy Error handling
- Bug fix for enumerations without a label
- Reworked filter comparison, fixes a refresh bug in filters
- Added dataset, amyloid42_status, p_tau_status to filters
- Error message for Galaxy
- Pathology label on views
- Dataset Labels for Analysis
- Tests refactoring
- mip-deployment stack added as a git submodule
- Longitudinal bug fix
- ROHAN Service link (Ontologies for Neurosciences)
- Kaplan Meyer and longitudinal datasets integration
- Exareme 20.0.0 integration
- Added alert message for Keycloack Forbidden 403 response
- polynominal => multinominal change
- Reworked Histogram variables
- Reworked Cart last node + center zoom
- Cart algorithm integrated
- Updated Typescript & d3.js librairies
- Histogram grouping variables fixes
- Annotation module for Highchart
- Changed TBI CDEs Mortality to Categorical type
- hbpmip/exareme:dev_v14.2
- Calibration Belt dynamic variables integration
- Added Annotation module for Highcharts
- Reverted x<->y for multiple histograms
- New API for Galaxy integration
- Dockerized tests - (run-test.sh)
- Calibration Belt integration
- Removed hint on algorithm hover
- Histogram fixes
- Removed local/federated mode
- Added training videos in help
- Bug fixes
- UI improvements
- Added more static filters for dementia
- Bug fixes
- PCA integrated
- Multiple Histogram integrated
- NaiveBayes integrated
- TTEST_PAIRED integrated
- ID3 tree view visualisation (dendogram)
- TTEST_ONESAMPLE integrated
- Better tooltip on algorithms
- Default parameters and enum from Exareme integrated
- Prevent user to perform an experiment without any selected dataset
- Logout button in Profile, call GET /logout
- Dropdown for Histograms
- Replace label by code if not exists in metadata
- KMeans integration + tests
- CircleCI script, not working, as their docker service logs doesn't produce outputs on CircleCI and local CircleCI doesn't have the same implementation
- Tests updated
- Galaxy Workflow Engine embedded in Federation Mode
- Workflow error handling for Galaxy based algorithms
- Algorithm widgets
- factorial/additive
- levels selection for categorical variables
- Removed Woken calls
- Using Exareme for
- descriptive statisticsd
- histograms
- algorithms
- ID3
- Naive Bayes with cross validation
- Removed unused visjs library
- Navigation reworked
- Explore layout redesigned
- Removed lots of css, migrating to styled-components
- Galaxy iFrame integration
- multipathologies
- Exareme statistics replace Woken summary statistics
- Removed /v3 path
- React Login
- Re-enabled Bugsnag for production build
- Removed Angular
- Switched React Linter from TSLint to ESLint
- Removed ID3 and Naive Bayes standalone ( => 5.0 )
- Histograms:
- Local version with Woken
- Federated version with Exareme
- Galaxy Workflow Error handling
- Exareme histograms error handling
- Galaxy Workflow POC
- Naive Bayes
- Multi pathologies POC
- Exareme Algorithms integration
- Pearson correlation
- Histograms
- Logistic regression
- Anova
- Naive Bayes
- ID3
- EE page
- Exareme Histograms
- React/D3 hook architecture
- Local/central algorithm list
- Homepage draft (/v3/home)
- Types cleanup
- Bug fixes
- Enabled KNN
- Filter tests by plateform in CI, do
yarn test woken
oryarn test exareme
- Fixed Mime type bug due to Mime type bug on on Woken see
- Fixed config.mode for federation
- Removed Heatmaply (Too heavy ~7 mo)
- Test suite can now run as a standalone docker to test any live installation, see /app/v3/README.md
- Fixed footer
- Tag release, no changes
- Highcharts to 6.1.0 (angular security fix)
- Reworked Heatmap test
- Idem than 2.16.3 - Previous merge failed
- Fixed CircleCI build & test
- Exareme tests are disabled as datasets are not aligned ( can't save a model on the backend if the dataset doesn't exist)
- However tests pass on web-anayltics-demo, branch research_datasets
- To be fixed in Exareme integration
- Fixed Heatmap bug
- Reworked mining cache
- Added test for exareme filters
- Added footer to Experiment pages
- default kfold value to 3
- Removed validation for local mode
- Tests fixes
- Fixed kfold for kmeans
- Algorithm tests completed, testing 20 algorithms (Woken, Exareme) see ./app/v3/src/components/API/tests/Integration/Experiments/README.txt
- Algorithm fixes
- Updated yarn libraries (react, highcharts)
- Various UI fixes (Dropdown, results)
- Implemented Helpdesk forms (Angular, React)
- New Term of Services page
- Quick implementation of linear regression from Exareme
- UI fixes
- Fixed filter bug
- Fixed heatmap visualisation
- Libs; swaped numeral (buggy) for numbro
- Formatted linearRegression
- Fixed filter query bug
- Modularized plotly.js -> -1.20 Mo on build
- Integration and e2e test for Heatmap API
- Fixed Heatmap formating bugs for federation
- numeral lib added for scientific notation
- Fixed visualisation bug to Woken format (see HBPLD-256 in jira)
- More testing for linear regression federated, 1 or several datasets
- Updated react libs
- Fixed typing, imports, canvas testing, ansync tests
- Migrated from create-react-app-typescript to Create React App
- Tests
- Jest and Enzyme config for Typescript
yarn test
- Render tests for top level components, App, Results, Create
- API Integration tests for Model: create and update
- E2E tests based on mocks, federated mode
- naivebayes
- linearregression
- React version
- Updated all librairies to latest version
- Added bugsnag client
- Fixed kfold polynominal presponse processing bug