Decision tree is a classification method that involves comparing the object features with a set of threshold values; the result tells us to move to one of the children nodes. Once we reach a leaf node we assign the object to the class this node represents.
In NeoML library this method is implemented by the CDecisionTreeTrainingModel
class. It exposes a Train
method that allows you to train a multi-class classification model.
The parameters are represented by a CDecisionTreeTrainingModel::CParams
- MinContinuousSubsetSize — [for continuous features] the minimum number of vectors corresponding to a node subtree.
- MinDiscreteSubsetSize — [for discrete features] the minimum number of vectors corresponding to a node subtree.
- MinDiscreteSubsetPart — [for discrete features] the minimum weight of the vectors in a subtree relative to the parent node weight (may be from 0 to 1).
- MinContinuousSubsetPart — [for continuous features] the minimum weight of the vectors in a subtree relative to the parent node weight (may be from 0 to 1).
- MinSplitSize — the minimum number of vectors in a node subtree when it may be divided further.
- MaxTreeDepth — the maximum depth of the tree.
- MaxNodesCount — the maximum number of nodes.
- SplitCriterion — the criterion for subset splitting.
- ConstNodeThreshold — the ratio of the equal elements in the subset which should be the threshold for creating a constant node (may be from 0 to 1).
- RandomSelectedFeaturesCount — no more than this number of randomly selected features will be used for each node. Set the value to
to use all features every time.
The trained model is a tree with every non-leaf node containing a pair (feature index, a set of its values), and every leaf node containing the probability for the object to belong to one of the classes.
To classify a given vector, the algorithm travels along the tree from the root node, in each node comparing the value of the specified feature with the set threshold; the result of comparison selects the next node.
The model is described by an IDecisionTreeModel
// Trained classification model interface
class NEOML_API IDecisionTreeModel : public IModel {
virtual ~IDecisionTreeModel() = 0;
// Gets the number of children nodes
virtual int GetChildrenCount() const = 0;
// Gets the child node with the specified index
virtual CPtr<IDecisionTreeModel> GetChild( int index ) const = 0;
// Gets the node information
virtual void GetNodeInfo( CDecisionTreeNodeInfo& info ) const = 0;
// Serialize the model
virtual void Serialize( CArchive& ) = 0;
See a simple example of training a decision tree classifier. The input data set contains only vectors with continuous features.
CPtr<IDecisionTreeModel> buildModel( IProblem* data )
CDecisionTreeTrainingModel::CParams param;
param.MinContinuousSubsetPart = 0.10; // Each subtree should contain no less than 10% of all nodes
param.MinContinuousSubsetSize = 128; // Suppose only continuous features are used
param.MinSplitSize = 16; // Each subtree should contain no less than 16 nodes
param.MaxTreeDepth = 10; // The tree depth shouldn't be more than 10
param.SplitCriterion = CDecisionTreeTrainingModel::SC_InformationGain;
CDecisionTreeTrainingModel builder( param );
return dynamic_cast<IDecisionTreeModel*>( builder.Train( data ).Ptr() );