This class implements a layer that trains fixed-length vector representations for the values of a discrete feature.
This layer can work only with one feature; when several values of the feature are passed, the sum of the corresponding vectors is returned.
// Size of the representation table
struct CLookupDimension {
int VectorCount; // the number of vectors
int VectorSize; // the vector length
void SetDimension( const CLookupDimension& newDimension );
Sets the size of the vector table.
CPtr<CDnnBlob> GetEmbeddings() const;
Gets the table with the trained vectors. The blob storing the table has the following dimensions:
is equal toGetDimension().VectorCount
is equal toGetDimension().VectorSize
The single input accepts a blob with int
data that contains the feature values, of the dimensions:
BatchLength * BatchWidth * ListSize
is the number of different values the feature can takeHeight * Width * Depth * Channels
is the number of values in the set
The single output contains a blob with the sum of vector representations of the given feature values. The blob dimensions are:
is equal to the inputBatchLength
is equal to the inputBatchWidth
is equal to the inputListSize
is equal to1
is equal to1
is equal to1
is equal toGetDimension().VectorSize