The class implements a layer that scales up a set of two-dimensional multi-channel images. The new pixels are filled up by repeating the existing pixels' values.
void SetHeightCopyCount( int newHeightCopyCount );
void SetWidthCopyCount( int newHeightCopyCount );
The layer has no trainable parameters.
Each of the inputs accepts a blob with a set of images:
BatchLength * BatchWidth * ListSize
is the number of images in the setHeight
is the images' heightWidth
is the images' widthDepth * Channels
is the number of channels the image format uses
For each input, the corresponding output returns a blob with the upscaled image. Upsampling is performed by repetition of original pixels without any interpolation.
The blob dimensions are:
, andChannels
equal the input dimensionsHeight
times larger than the inputHeight
times larger than the inputWidth