- TL - Trust Model (Fides)
- NL - Networking Layer (Iris)
All messages are exchanged in one Redis channel. A structure of every message follows:
"type": "...",
"version": 1,
"data": {}
Metada of peer object contains:
"id": "foo",
- "id"
Initiated by TL
1.) TL sends information about starting sharing a file
severity has 2 purposes: it affects how fast authorized peers will be notified about existence of the file Slips can decide whether it wants for example only critical data description can contain w/e other needed object with data. For example size etc.
"type": "tl2nl_file_share",
"version": 1,
"expired_at": <unix time until when offer the file>
"severity": "CRITICAL"
"rights": <list of organisations IDs or empty (all)
"description": <optional blackbox metadata description for other instances>
"path": <path on local filesystem where the file is located>
2.) NL provides TL metadata about available file
"type": "nl2tl_file_share_received_metadata",
"version": 1,
"file_id": <id>
"severity": "CRITICAL"
"sender": <Metadata of peer who has provided the file metadata>
"description": <optional metadata description of file>
3.) TL wants to download a file
"type": "tl2nl_file_share_download",
"version": 1,
"file_id": <id>
4.) NL informs about successful file download
"type": "nl2tl_file_share_downloaded",
"version": 1,
"file_id": <id>
"sender": <Metadata of peer who has provided the file>,
"path": <path on local filesystem where the file is located>,
Initiated by TL
1.) TL wants to get thread intelligence about resource X from the closest network
"type": "tl2nl_intelligence_request"
"version": 1,
"payload": <blackbox for TL>
2.) NL forwards the alert to the network
"type": "nl2tl_intelligence_request",
"version": 1,
"request_id": <id>
"sender": <Metadata of peer who's asking>
"payload": <blackbox for TL>
3.) TL tells to NL thread intelligence information
"type": "tl2nl_intelligence_response",
"version": 1,
"request_id": <id>
"payload": <blackbox for TL>
4.) NL delivers threat intelligence information to TL
"type": "nl2tl_intelligence_response",
"version": 1,
"data": [
"sender": <metadata of peer who's asking>
"payload": <blackbox for TL>
Initiated by TL
1.) TL wants to notify the network about malicious resource X
"type": "tl2nl_alert",
"version": 1,
"payload": <blackbox for TL>
2.) NL forwards the alert to the network
"type": "nl2tl_alert",
"version": 1,
"sender": <Metadata of peer who's alerting>
"payload": <blackbox for TL>
Initiated by TL
1.) TL wants recommendation from peers X about peer Y
"type": "tl2nl_recommendation_request",
"version": 1,
"receiver_ids": <list of peer IDs X to ask>
"payload": <blackbox for TL>
2.) NL asks TL about recommendation
"type": "nl2tl_recommendation_request",
"version": 1,
"request_id": <id>
"sender": <Metadata of peer who's asking>
"payload": <blackbox for TL>
3.) TL responds with recommendation
"type": "tl2nl_recommendation_response",
"version": 1,
"request_id": <id of its matching redis request>,
"recipient_id": <id of peer who was asking>,
"payload": <blackbox for TL>,
4.) NL delivers reponse to TL
"type": "nl2tl_recommendation_response",
"version": 1,
"data": [
"sender": <Metadata of peer who's providing recommendation>,
"payload": <blackbox for TL>,
Initiated by NL
1.) NL reports peer
"type": "nl2tl_peer_report",
"version": 1,
"peer": <Metadata of peer who has provided the file metadata>
"reason": <optional reason for logs>
Initiated by NL. NL sends list of connected peers when there is a change. TL can use this information in Recommendation protocol
"type": "nl2tl_peers_list",
"version": 1,
"peers": <list of connected peers' Metadata>
Initiated by TL. TL sends new reliability of peers
"type": "tl2nl_peers_reliability",
"version": 1,
"data": [
"peer_id": <id>,
"reliability: <float>