Reads records from Iguazio Data Science Platform v3io streams.
Path | Type | Description |
partitions | list of int | List of partitions on which this function receives events |
seekTo | string | The location within the stream from which to start reading - "earliest" or "latest" ; (defaults to "latest" ) |
readBatchSize | int | The number of records to read from the stream in a single request; (defaults to 64) |
pollingIntervalMs | int | The duration, in milliseconds, to wait between partition reads; (defaults to 500) |
username | string | Iguazio Data Science Platform username |
password | string | Iguazio Data Science Platform password |
kind: v3ioStream
partitions: [0, 1, 2]
numContainerWorkers: 1
seekTo: earliest
readBatchSize: 64
pollingIntervalMs: 250
username: myusername
password: mypassword