These instructions are checked against Ubuntu, but they should work for Debian and probably for many derivatives of it.
$ lsb_release -a
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
Release: 18.04
Codename: bionic
A+ can be deployed with Apache 2 or NGINX. Bot web servers work well enough and can support Shibboleth authentication too. Sadly, combination of NGINX, uWSGI protocol, uWSGI and Shibboleth is not yet tested, but the HTTP proxy version works.
Aalto University is currently running following combinations:
- Apache, uWSGI protocol, uWSGI, Shibboleth, uWSGI logs written to a file
- NGINX, HTTP proxy, gunicorn, Shibboleth, Gunicorn logs written to journald
- NGINX, uWSGI protocol, uWSGI, uWSGI logs written to journald
- Common system configuration
- The Application
- Common Shibboleth configuration
- Apache 2 configuration
- NGINX configuration
- Final steps
Install required packages
sudo apt-get install \ git gettext \ postgresql memcached \ uwsgi-core uwsgi-plugin-python3 \ python3-virtualenv \ python3-certifi python3-lz4 python3-psycopg2 python3-reportlab python3-reportlab-accel
Create a new user for a-plus
sudo adduser --system --group \ --shell /bin/bash --home /srv/aplus \ --gecos "A-plus LMS webapp server" \ aplus
Create a database and add permissions
sudo -Hu postgres createuser aplus sudo -Hu postgres createdb -O aplus aplus
Create a run directory
echo "d /run/aplus 0750 aplus www-data - -" \ | sudo tee /etc/tmpfiles.d/aplus.conf > /dev/null sudo systemd-tmpfiles --create
Change to our service user
sudo -u aplus -Hi
Clone the Django application
# as user aplus in /srv/aplus git clone --branch production mkdir a-plus/static \ a-plus/media
Install virtualenv
# as user aplus in /srv/aplus python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 --system-site-packages venv . venv/bin/activate pip install -r a-plus/requirements.txt pip install -r a-plus/requirements_prod.txt
Configure Django
# as user aplus in /srv/aplus cat > a-plus/aplus/ <<EOF BASE_URL = "https://$(hostname)/" SERVER_EMAIL = "aplus@$(hostname)" EOF awk '/(BASE_URL|DEBUG|SECRET_KEY|SERVER_EMAIL)/ {next}; /^## (Database|Cache|Logging)/ {while (/^#/ && getline>0); next} 1' \ a-plus/aplus/ >> a-plus/aplus/ cat >> a-plus/aplus/ <<EOF ## Database DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'NAME': 'aplus', } } ## Cache CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache', 'LOCATION': '', } } EOF
Run Django deployment tasks
# as user aplus in /srv/aplus . venv/bin/activate pushd a-plus # migrate db ./ migrate # compile localisation files ./ compilemessages # collect static files to be served via dedicated web server ./ collectstatic --no-input popd
Create uWSGI configuration
# as user aplus in /srv/aplus cat > uwsgi-aplus-web.ini <<EOF [uwsgi] home=/srv/aplus/venv module=aplus.wsgi:application enable-threads=True processes=4 threads=2 max-requests=10000 harakiri=40 env=LANG=en_US.UTF-8 EOF cat > uwsgi-aplus-api.ini <<EOF [uwsgi] home=/srv/aplus/venv module=aplus.wsgi:application enable-threads=False processes=2 threads=1 max-requests=10000 harakiri=40 env=LANG=en_US.UTF-8 EOF
NOTE: Select number of processes and threads based on number of of CPUs. Probably a good number is around two times cpus for the web (as there is a lot of io wait) and number of cpus for the API.
You can gracefully chain reload uWSGI services by touching (editing) above files. In addition,
sudo systemctl restart aplus-*-uwsgi.service
will also do a chain reload. To fully reload python engine, dostop
and thenstart
for these services. -
Exit the aplus user shell and return to the admin
To configure Shibboleth, follow a guide for your federation. Because A+ is used a lot in Finnish Universities, we have some examples using HAKA, the identity federation for Finnish universities.
For HAKA, you need at least schemas from here and metadata certificate from here. In addition, you can start from apache2/shibboleth2.xml or nginx/shibboleth2.xml. More details below for both web servers.
Here is a command to create sp-key.pem
and sp-cert.pem
As of writing, shib-keygen
does create too small keys and uses sha1 for hashing.
Due to security considerations, you should use following instead:
# set your domain here and then copy-paste command below
cd /etc/shibboleth
printf '[req]\ndistinguished_name=req\n[san]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:%s, URI:%s\n' "$host" "$entityid" | \
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes \
-newkey rsa:4096 -keyout sp-key.pem \
-days 3650 -out sp-cert.pem \
-subj "/CN=$host" -extensions san -config /dev/stdin
chown _shibd:_shibd sp-cert.pem sp-key.pem
chmod 0400 sp-key.pem
You can print the certificate information with this command:
openssl x509 -in /etc/shibboleth/sp-cert.pem -noout -text
Resources for Apache 2 configuration can be found under apache2 directory.
Following instructions expect that the applocation is installed under /srv/aplus/a-plus/
Install packages
sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-uwsgi sudo a2enmod uwsgi sudo a2enmod ssl
Configure Apache 2
sudo ln -s ../sites-available/$(hostname).conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-$(hostname).conf sed -e "s/__HOSTNAME__/$(hostname)/g" /srv/aplus/a-plus/doc/apache2/aplus-apache2.conf \ | sudo tee /etc/apache2/sites-available/$(hostname).conf > /dev/null
Create systemd service files for uWSGI processes
sudo cp /srv/aplus/a-plus/doc/apache2/aplus-*-uwsgi.service \ /etc/systemd/system sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable aplus-web-uwsgi.service aplus-api-uwsgi.service sudo systemctl start aplus-web-uwsgi.service aplus-api-uwsgi.service
Reload Apache 2
sudo systemctl restart apahce2.service
If you are using shibboleth
Install Shibboleth 2
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-shib2 sudo a2enmod shib2
Configure Shibboleth for your federation or organization
Configuration is under directory
. For HAKA, there is apache2/shibboleth2.xml. -
Shibboleth configuration in The
Map your federations variables to ones used in A+. Most of the values are common, so only defining
should be enough. Currently,STUDENT_DOMAIN
is a required variable, as A+ presumes student numbers to be from a single domain. Rest of the options are documented
.sudo tee -a /srv/aplus/a-plus/aplus/ << EOF # Shibboleth SHIBBOLETH_ENVIRONMENT_VARS = { 'PREFIX': 'SHIB_', 'STUDENT_DOMAIN': '', # XXX: change this! } EOF
Reload shibboleth
sudo systemctl restart shibd.service
Resources for NGINX configuration can be found under nginx directory.
Following instructions expect that the applocation is installed under /srv/aplus/a-plus/
Install packges
sudo apt-get install nginx
Configure NGINX
if [ -d /etc/nginx/sites-available ] && grep -qs sites-enabled /etc/nginx/nginx.conf; then dest=/etc/nginx/sites-available/$(hostname).conf sudo ln -s ../sites-available/$(hostname).conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/$(hostname).conf else dest=/etc/nginx/conf.d/$(hostname).conf fi sed -e "s/__HOSTNAME__/$(hostname)/g" /srv/aplus/a-plus/doc/nginx/aplus-nginx.conf \ | sudo tee "$dest" > /dev/null
NOTE: If you are going to use shibboleth, then use file nginx/aplus-nginx-shib.conf.
Create systemd service files for uWSGI processes
sudo cp /srv/aplus/a-plus/doc/nginx/aplus-*-uwsgi.service \ /etc/systemd/system sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable aplus-web-uwsgi.service aplus-api-uwsgi.service sudo systemctl start aplus-web-uwsgi.service aplus-api-uwsgi.service
If you prefer to use Gunicorn, then you can use nginx/aplus-gunicorn.service.
Reload NGINX
sudo systemctl restart nginx.service
This guide bases on NGINX module nginx-http-shibboleth. This module uses fastcgi and shibboleth scripts to provide similar integration as Apache 2 plugin.
With Ubuntu xenial or before NGINX 1.11
With Ubuntu xenial (16.04) and before NGINX 1.11, dynamic modules are not supported, so you need to rebuild the whole NGINX package.
sudo -i cd /usr/src apt-get install build-essential devscripts apt-get source nginx apt-get build-dep nginx git clone pushd nginx-1.*/ # add shib module to be build: debian/rules patch -l -p1 <<PATCH --- a/debian/rules +++ b/debian/rules @@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ --with-mail \\ --with-mail_ssl_module \\ --with-threads \\ + --add-module=\$(MODULESDIR)/headers-more-nginx-module \\ + --add-module=/usr/src/nginx-http-shibboleth/ \\ --add-module=\$(MODULESDIR)/nginx-auth-pam \\ --add-module=\$(MODULESDIR)/nginx-dav-ext-module \\ --add-module=\$(MODULESDIR)/nginx-echo \\ @@ -126,6 +128,7 @@ --with-stream_ssl_module \\ --with-threads \\ --add-module=\$(MODULESDIR)/headers-more-nginx-module \\ + --add-module=/usr/src/nginx-http-shibboleth/ \\ --add-module=\$(MODULESDIR)/nginx-auth-pam \\ --add-module=\$(MODULESDIR)/nginx-cache-purge \\ --add-module=\$(MODULESDIR)/nginx-dav-ext-module \\ PATCH # Create debian release dch -lshib "Add Shibboleth" dch -r "" # build debian packages dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us popd # install the packages dpkg -i $(ls nginx-common_*shib*_all.deb | sort | tail -n1) \ $(ls nginx-full_*shib*_amd64.deb | sort | tail -n1) exit # exit sudo session
Starting from Ubuntu Bionic or NGINX 1.11 we can dynamic modules
Write down instructions for this.
Get NGINX supporting files
cd /etc/nginx wget
Install required packages
sudo apt-get install \ shibboleth-sp2-common \ shibboleth-sp2-utils \ shibboleth-sp2-schemas \ xmltooling-schemas
Create systemd services and sockets for shibboleth scripts
sudp cp /srv/aplus/a-plus/doc/nginx/shib*.socket \ /srv/aplus/a-plus/doc/nginx/shib*.service \ /etc/systemd/system sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable shibauthorizer.socket shibresponder.socket sudo systemctl start shibauthorizer.socket shibresponder.socket
Configure Shibboleth for your federation or organization
Configuration is under directory
. For HAKA, there is nginx/shibboleth2.xml. -
Shibboleth configuration in The
Map your federations variables to ones used in A+. Most of the values are common, so only defining
should be enough. Currently,STUDENT_DOMAIN
is a required variable, as A+ presumes student numbers to be from a single domain. Rest of the options are documented
.sudo tee -a /srv/aplus/a-plus/aplus/ << EOF # Shibboleth SHIBBOLETH_ENVIRONMENT_VARS = { 'PREFIX': 'HTTP_SHIB_', 'STUDENT_DOMAIN': '', # XXX: change this! } EOF
Reload shibboleth
sudo systemctl restart shibd.service
Create or set a superuser.
It is not typically needed to create local superuser, thus you can skip the first part.
sudo -Hu aplus sh -c "cd /srv/aplus/a-plus; ../venv/bin/python3 ./ createsuperuser"
Instead, it is recommended to setup Shibboleth or Social Auth and login your first admin. After that, you can make an existing user a superuser:
sudo -Hu aplus sh -c "cd /srv/aplus/a-plus; ../venv/bin/python3 ./ set_superuser"
NOTE: You might need to use
to limit the number of users. -
Create privacy notices
Copy privacy notice templates
sudo -Hu aplus sh -c " mkdir -p /srv/aplus/a-plus/local_templates/ cp /srv/aplus/a-plus/templates/privacy_notice_* \ /srv/aplus/a-plus/local_templates/ "
Edit your local templates in
to match your local information.