diff --git a/ce7454/README.md b/ce7454/README.md index e8915de..9c8c391 100644 --- a/ce7454/README.md +++ b/ce7454/README.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ We specially build the tiny codebase here (in this directory) to help our students to quickly get started. First off, let's clone or fork the codebase and enter in the `ce7454` directory. Don't forget to star the repo if you find the assignment is interesting and instructive. -Then we download the data [here](https://entuedu-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/jingkang001_e_ntu_edu_sg/El0TuNPJWyVJqw6agAzd7l0BU_Tr9gJEgUzLbZggaAKyHg?e=cFPqNF) and unzip the data at the correct place. Eventually, your `ce7454` folder should looks like this: +Then we download the data [here](https://entuedu-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/jingkang001_e_ntu_edu_sg/EpU1E9PvC1RNrrhrubGs8gMBGy5ayyfPo6I8HcA5BU7g2Q?e=cJjmgy) and unzip the data at the correct place. Eventually, your `ce7454` folder should looks like this: ``` ce7454 ├── checkpoints