Workload plan
- Main (joe)
- Creates objects
- Setup script
- Descision system (joe to set up, then everyone)
- Wifi Debug (joe)
- MotorControl (joe)
- Servos
- Motors
- Distance calibration (kyle)
- LineSense (joe)
- Junction detection (kyle)
- line following
- BlockSweep (orla, joe, kyle)
- Sensing block
- senses block for magnet
- picking up block
- MagnetSense (kyle)
- DistanceSense (orla)
- Ultrasound
- Infrared
- distance calculation
- Recovery (kyle)
- TunnelSensor
- TiltSensor (joe)
The descision system executes every loop, with an interval of TICK_TIME
State enumerables:
- Location
- Purpose: What the robot is trying to achieve
- Task: The specific current action.
Timing variables:
- s (int): time in seconds since robot started
- m (int): millisecond counter from 0-999 then loops every second back to zero. In increments of
currently set to 10ms.
- location
- purpose
- task
- time in seconds (potentially millliseconds also)
- linesensors
- linefollow sensors
- junction sensor
- distance sensors
- ultrasound
- IR
- MotorControl
Block collection area:
rotate on spot (may need to reverse first)
locate gaps in central obstacle
calculate allignment
rotate until perpendicular to line
forward movement line is detected
allign robot with line via rotation
set task according to purpose?
possibly returning robot to previous tasks starting location?
- accidental collisions with block
Starting side:
rotate on spot (may need to reverse first)
locate gaps in central obstacle
calculate allignment
rotate until perpendicular with line and facing line
forward movement perpendicular to line until line is detected
allign robot with line via rotation
set task according to purpose?
possibly returning robot to previous tasks starting location?
- Line detecting box instead of main line
Tunnel: -rotate on spot (may need to reverse first) -locate gaps in central obstacle -calculate allignment -rotate to be paralel with tunnel -set forward movement
-robot still stuck to wall
Ramp: designed only considering robot veering close to wall
- reverse until linesense detects the line
- falling off ramp
- a loop of forwards and backwards movement
- Starts with robot on cross
- Rotates 180 degrees anticlockwise
- while rotating logs angle block is detected and angle block is no longer detected
- rotates back to midpoint of these angles
- measures distance
- moves forward to that distance minus some small constant
- iniates grab sequence
- reverses distance from before
- rotates back to line face forwards
- set tasks to line follow