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Cheat Sheets

Python for Scientists

Identity vs equality

  • use "==" for equality, "is" for identity.
  • Python keeps an array of small integer objects (i.e., integers between -5 and 256):
a = b = 1
print("a is b", bool(a is b))  # yes
c = d = 999
print("c is d", bool(c is d))  # false

Shallow and Deep Copy

list1 = [1, 2]
list2 = list1  # reference
list3 = list1[:]  # shallow copy
list4 = list1.copy()  # shallow copy
  • The difference between shallow and deep copying is only relevant for compound objects (objects that contain other objects, like lists or class instances):
    • A shallow copy constructs a new compound object and then (to the extent possible) inserts references into it to the objects found in the original.
    • A deep copy constructs a new compound object and then, recursively, inserts copies into it of the objects found in the original.
    • Use: from copy import deepcopy ; list3 = deepcopy(list1)

Name resolution

LEGB scope resolution (Local -> Enclosed -> Global -> Built-in)

  • Local can be inside a function or class method, for example.
  • Enclosed can be its enclosing function, e.g., if a function is wrapped inside another function.
  • Global refers to the uppermost level of the executing script itself
  • Built-in are special names that Python reserves for itself.

global, nonlocal

global and nonlocal keywords are used to modify the scope of variables.

  • global is used to declare that a variable inside the function is global (outside the function).
  • nonlocal is used to declare that a variable inside a nested function (function inside a function) is not local to it, meaning it lies in the outer inclosing function.
x = "global"

def outer_function():
    x = "inner"

    def inner_function_1():
        nonlocal x
        print(x)  # prints "inner"

    def inner_function_2():
        global x
        print(x)  # prints "global"


Division and Modulo

  • Modulo: (-5) % 4 = (-2 × 4 + 3) % 4 = 3
  • get remainder: quotient, remainder = divmod(a, b)


a = a or [] sets a to [] if a is None


def transpose_list(list_of_lists):
    return [list(row) for row in zip(*list_of_lists)]

Error handling

    print("in try:")
    print("do some stuff")
except ValueError:
    print("an error occurred")
    print("no error occurred")
    print("always execute finally")

Pass by value or reference?

  • Not by value
a = [1, 2]

def f(x):
    x[0] = 5

print(a)  # prints [5, 2]
  • Not by reference
a = 3

def f(x):
    x = 5

print(a)  # prints 3

PyName and PyObject

- the parameter passed in is actually a reference to an object (but the reference is passed by value)

Library, Packages, Modules

  • A module is a bunch of related code grouped together. A module is any python file, it can contain submodules.
  • A package is a collection of various modules. contains the initialization code for the package. For example, you can control the functions you are exposing from the package by importing those specific functions into file.
  • A library is a collection of modules and packages.

python -m

python -m lets you run modules as scripts.

If your module is just one .py file it'll be executed (which usually means code under if __name__ == '__main__').

If your module is a directory, Python will look for (next to and will run it. is run when you import a package into a running python program.

For instance, import idlelib within a program, runs idlelib/, which does not do anything as its only purpose is to mark the idlelib directory as a package.

On the otherhand, tkinter/ contains most of the tkinter code and defines all the widget classes.

You might see __all__ in some files. This is a list of names that will be imported when you do from package import *. is run as __main__ when you run a package as the main program.

For instance, python -m idlelib at a command line runs idlelib/, which starts Idle.

Similarly, python -m tkinter runs tkinter/



The @overload decorator is used to provide multiple function signatures for the same function. It allows the type checker to understand the different ways a function can be called and to narrow down the type of the result.

Sometimes the types of several variables are related, such as “if x is type A, y is type B, else y is type C”. Basic type hints cannot describe such relationships, making type checking cumbersome or inaccurate. We can instead use @typing.overload to represent type relationships properly.

from typing import overload

def double(
    input_: int,
) -> int: ...  # ellipsis is a placeholder for the actual implementation

def double(
    input_: Sequence[int],
) -> list[int]: ...  # ellipsis is a placeholder for the actual implementation

def double(input_: int | Sequence[int]) -> int | list[int]:
    if isinstance(input_, Sequence):
        return [i * 2 for i in input_]
    return input_ * 2

All @overload definitions must come before the implementation, and multiple implementations are not allowed.

Use object instead of Any

It’s common to overuse typing.Any. This is dangerous, since Any entirely disables type checking for a variable, allowing any operation.

If you’re using Any to mean “this object could be any type, and I don’t care what”, you probably want to use object instead. Every object in Python inherits from object, which makes it an “opaque” type that only allows operations common to everything. Therefore we could pass, print, or store such variables in a container, but we couldn’t do anything more specific.

from typing import Any

x: Any = 1  # No pyright error, but runtime error

x: object = 1  # Pyright error

Generics and TypeVar

The aim of generics are to:

  • Allow functions, methods and classes to work with arguments of any type whilst maintaining the information on the relationships between things, such as arguments and return values.
  • Better define how types can mix

Let's build a method that returns the first element of a sequence:

def first(container):
    return container[0]

Let's add type hints:

from typing import Sequence, TypeVar

T = TypeVar("T")  # generic type

def first(container: Sequence[T]) -> T:
    return container[0]

Much better! Now we can see that the function takes a sequence of T and returns a T. But what is T? It's a type variable. It's a placeholder for a type that will be provided later.

T = TypeVar("T", A, B) means type variable T has value restrictions of classes A and B, but because it's invariant... it only accepts those two (and not any child classes of A or B).

T = TypeVar("T", bound=A) is a type variable with upper bound A. It can be substituted for any type that is a subclass of A.

T and U are commonly used names in generics to represent type variables.

Generics are not just used for function and method parameters. They can also be used to define classes that can contain, or work with, multiple types.

In our previous example, we use Sequence[T]. The Sequence is a generic type. It's a type that takes a type variable. It's a generic container type, like List, Tuple, Dict, Set, etc. Most container types in the Typing module are generic.

If we did not define a type on instantiation, then it assumes Any. That means that my_list: List = ['a'] and my_list: List[Any] = ['a'] are the same.

from typing import TypeVar, Generic

T = TypeVar("T")

class Box(Generic[T]):
    def __init__(self, content: T) -> None:
        self.content = content

    def get_content(self) -> T:
        return self.content

box = Box(1)
reveal_type(box)  # Revealed type is 'Box[]'
reveal_type(box.get_content())  # Revealed type is ''

Advanced example: we want a class with an attribute .jobs that has a different type depending on an input parameter.

from typing import Generic, Literal, TypeVar, cast, overload, reveal_type

InputType = Literal["TEXT", "IMAGE", "VIDEO"]

# we don't fill the class for this example...
class TextJob: ...

class ImageJob: ...

class VideoJob: ...

T = TypeVar("T", TextJob, ImageJob, VideoJob)

class MyMainClass(Generic[T]):
    jobs: T  # we don't know the type yet, but we know it will be one of the 3 classes above

    # we use overload to define the different signatures of the __init__ method
    def __init__(self: "MyMainClass[TextJob]", input_type: Literal["TEXT"]) -> None: ...

    def __init__(
        self: "MyMainClass[ImageJob]", input_type: Literal["IMAGE"]
    ) -> None: ...

    def __init__(
        self: "MyMainClass[VideoJob]", input_type: Literal["VIDEO"]
    ) -> None: ...

    # we usually start with the "real" implementation and then we define the overload above
    def __init__(self, input_type: InputType) -> None:
        # we set the jobs attribute to the correct type depending on the input_type
        # we also cast the result to the correct type
        # note that cast(typ, val) does nothing at runtime, it's only for type checking
        if input_type == "TEXT":
   = cast(T, TextJob())
        elif input_type == "IMAGE":
   = cast(T, ImageJob())
        elif input_type == "VIDEO":
   = cast(T, VideoJob())

# now we can instantiate the class with the correct type
my_class = MyMainClass(input_type="TEXT")
reveal_type(my_class)  # Revealed type is 'MyMainClass[TextJob]'
reveal_type(  # Revealed type is 'TextJob'


from typing import Final

PI: Final = 3.14


TYPE_CHECKING is a special constant that is always False at runtime, but is True when type checking. It can be used to avoid importing modules only needed for type checking.

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    import pandas as pd

def export_as_df() -> pd.DataFrame: ...

Covariance and contravariance

Covariance: CovariantType[SubType, ...] <: CovariantType[SuperType, ...]

class Animal: ...

class Dog(Animal): ...  # Dog <: Animal, "Dog is a subtype of Animal"

an_animal = Animal()
dog_1 = Dog()
dog_2 = Dog()

animals = (an_animal, dog_1)
dogs = (dog_1, dog_2)

dogs = animals  # mypy error:
# Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type
#   "Tuple[Animal, ...]", variable has type "Tuple[Dog, ...]")

We see in the example above that Tuple is covariant in all its arguments: Tuple[SubType, ...] <: Tuple[SuperType, ...]

In python, most containers are covariant:

  • tuple
  • frozensets
  • union (It’s safe to use an object of the type Union[Dog, Meat] where an object of the type Union[Animal, Food] is expected, but not the other way around.)
  • callable (only the return type!)

Contravariance: ContravariantType[SuperType, ...] <: ContravariantType[SubType, ...]

The definition is almost the same as of “covariance”, but with <: relation switched.

class Animal: ...

class Dog(Animal): ...

class Kangaroo(Animal): ...

# this function type is `Callable[[Animal], None]`
def animal_run(animal: Animal) -> None:
    print("An animal is running!")

# this function type is `Callable[[Dog], None]`
def dog_run(dog: Dog) -> None:
    print("A dog is running!")

As we see above, Callable is contravariant in its arguments: we can use an argument of the type Animal on the function dog_run with type Callable[[Dog], None], but not the other way around.


An invariant type is neither covariant nor contravariant.

List is invariant!

Why is Tuple covariant but not List? It's because lists are mutable, tuples are not.

Consider a class Employee with a subclass Manager. Now, suppose we have a function with an argument annotated def my_function(arg: List[Employee]). Should we be allowed to call this function with a variable of type List[Manager] as its argument? Many people would answer “yes, of course” without even considering the consequences. But unless we know more about the function, a type checker should reject such a call: the function might append an Employee instance to the list, which would violate the variable’s type in the caller:

def my_function(arg: List[Employee]) -> None:

a = [Manager()]
my_function(a)  # This should be rejected by a type checker!
# because a is a List[Manager] and not a List[Employee]

Other invariant types are Set, Dict, and many more mutable containers.

None vs Noreturn

Python will always add an implicit return None to the end of any function. This means that a function that doesn’t explicitly return anything will always return None.

Use NoReturn to indicate that a function never returns normally. For example, it always raises an exception or has an infinite loop.

TypeGuard, TypeIs

Narrowing types with TypeIs:


Filter Map Reduce

  • filter/map/reduce(lambda x: x, sequence)
  • Mapping: Items in the new iterable are produced by calling the transformation function on each item in the original iterable.
  • Filtering: Items in the new iterable are produced by filtering out any items in the original iterable that make the predicate function return false.
  • Reducing: applying a reduction function to an iterable to produce a single cumulative value.

Comprehension lists/dicts

  • comprehension list faster than for loop: it doesn't have to look up the list and its append method on every iteration.

Custom sort

x = sorted(x, key=functools.cmp_to_key(greater))

Custom max

max_len_string = max(list_of_strings, key=len)


  • islice(iterable, N): return an iterator of N selected elements from an iterable (islice('ABCDEFG', 2) --> A B)
  • chain(*iterables): return an iterator that combines the elements of several iterators into a single sequential iterator (chain('ABC', 'DEF') --> A B C D E F)
  • groupby(iterable, key=None): return an iterator that produces sets of values organized by a common key. MAKE SURE TO SORT THE ITERABLE FIRST! (groupby('AAAABBBCC') --> A B C)
  • pairwise(iterable): return an iterator that produces pairs of consecutive elements from an iterable (pairwise('ABCDEFG') --> AB BC CD DE EF FG)
  • takewhile(predicate, iterable): return an iterator that produces elements from the iterable as long as the predicate is true (takewhile(lambda x: x<5, [1,4,6,4,1]) --> 1 4)

Generators, Iterators

  • An iterable is anything you’re able to loop over. It’s an object that has an __iter__ method which returns an iterator.
  • An iterator is the object that does the actual iterating. It has a __next__ method which returns the next value and raises a StopIteration exception when there are no more values.
  • iterators are also iterables and their iterator is themselves.
  • Python: range is not an iterator!
  • 4 ways:
    1. yield
    2. generator a_generator = (i for i in range(0))
    3. class with __iter__ and __next__ (and __reversed__ if reverse needed)
    4. class with __getitem__ and iterate on it (and __len__ if reverse needed)
  • A generator IS an iterator
  • 4 ways have pros and cons: yield and generator cannot be reversed

yield from

  • yield from is a way to delegate iteration to a subgenerator. It allows you to write a generator that is a wrapper around another generator.
def starting_five() -> Generator[int, None, None]:
    """Generator that returns integers from 1-5"""
    for n in range(1, 6):
        yield n

def ending_five() -> Generator[int, None, None]:
    """Generator that returns integers from 6-10"""
    for n in range(6, 11):
        yield n

def all_ten() -> Generator[int, None, None]:
    """Generator that relies on other generators"""
    yield starting_five()  # This is broken, we need to use yield from
    yield ending_five()  # This is broken, we need to use yield from

Data structures

  • Everything is immutable except list, dict, set
  • from collections import deque for stacks and queues


  • list = list + a not in place
  • list += a in place (same id)
  • Out of range list slicing
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(my_list[899:])  # no error!


  • x = car.setdefault("model", "Bronco") with car being a dictionnary. The setdefault() method returns the value of the item with the specified key. If the key does not exist, insert the key, with the specified value ("Bronco")
  • car = collections.defaultdict(lambda:"Bronco")
  • resizing:


  • are a regular dictionary
  • typecheckers will warn you of errors.
  • But at run time no check is performed.
  • no way to customize magic methods (for equality, properties, etc.)


A = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}
B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
print("Union :", A | B)  # set([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8])
print("Intersection :", A & B)  # set([2, 4])
print("Difference :", A - B)  # set([8, 0, 6])
print("Symmetric difference :", A ^ B)  # set([0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8])

Frozen sets



  • str1.rfind(pattern, begin=0, end=len(str1))


from enum import Enum, auto

class Color(Enum):
    RED = auto()  # auto() assigns a value automatically. Here RED = 1
    GREEN = auto()
    BLUE = auto()

print(Color.RED)  # Color.RED

Can also have typed enums:

from enum import Enum

class Color(Enum):
    RED: int = 1
    GREEN: int = 2
    BLUE: int = 3

print(Color.RED)  # Color.RED

For string enums, you can use str:

from enum import Enum

class Color(str, Enum):
    RED = "red"
    GREEN = "green"
    BLUE = "blue"

The advantage of using str is that it will be serialized as a string:

import json

json.dumps({"color": Color.RED})  # '{"color": "red"}'

Data Classes


  • ok for small data structures
  • they can be typed.
Point = typing.NamedTuple("Point", [("x", int), ("y", int)])

# or the class way:
class Point(NamedTuple):
    x: int
    y: int = 1  # Set default value
  • hard to add default values
  • are immutable.


  • More powerful than dataclasses
  • Attrs supports both ways. The default is to allow positional and keyword arguments like data classes. You can enable kw-only arguments by passing kw_only=True to the class decorator.
  • When you need more features (more control over the generated class or data validation and conversion), you should use attrs.


Inspired by attrs, but smaller feature set. Added to the standard library in Python 3.7.

  • TypedDict with attributes...
  • mostly contain data but they can also include methods
  • they reduce the boilerplate you have to write.
  • Basic functionality is already implemented (equality, print, etc.).
  • They can be made immutable: @dataclass(frozen=True). But be careful cause attributes can be mutable...
  • no type validation is done at runtime.
  • Data classes support positional as well as keyword arguments.
from dataclasses import dataclass

class DataClassCard:
    rank: str
    suit: str = 42
Tips and Tricks

Unfortunately, it's not possible to only set some attributes frozen. But you can bypass the dataclass __setattr__ method to set the attribute:

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class FrozenClass:
    attr: str = field(init=False)  # init=False to not set it during init

    def __post_init__(self):
            self, "attr", "some_value"
        )  # bypass the dataclass __setattr__


  • gives you a class which gives you both static and runtime type safety.
  • data validation
  • convert data (json, yaml, etc.) to your dataclass in python
  • Pydantic models enforce keyword only arguments when creating new instances.
  • pydantic allows you to use mutable objects like lists or dicts as default values. pydantic deep-copies the default value for each new instance.
  • attrs and data classes are much faster than pydantic when no validation is needed. They also use a lot less memory.
  • If you need extended input validation and data conversion, Pydantic is the tool of choice.
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class Item(BaseModel):
    name: str
    price: float = Field(gt=0, description="The price must be greater than zero")
    description: Optional[str] = Field(
        None, title="Description of the item", max_length=300

You can enable validate-on-assignment mode by setting the validate_assignment class attribute to True:

class User(BaseModel, validate_assignment=True):
    name: str

user = User(name="Samuel") = 42  # raises ValidationError

Pydantic vs attrs vs dataclasses


  • runtime checking and data validation


  • has slots set by default
  • can set some attributes frozen and others not (dataclasses can't)


  • in the standard library: which can be a con since it is not updated as often as attrs and pydantic
  • faster than attrs and pydantic


def validate_summary(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        data = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if len(data["summary"]) > 80:
            raise ValueError("Summary too long")
        return data

    return wrapper
class MyDecorator:
    def __init__(self, function):
        self.function = function

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # DO STUFF
        self.function(*args, **kwargs)
        # DO STUFF

# adding class decorator to the function
def function(arg1, arg2):

function("foo", "bar")

Difference between @decorator and @decorator():

  • @pytest.fixture is a regular decorator, equivalent to my_decorated_method = pytest.fixture(my_method).
  • @pytest.fixture() is a method that returns a decorator/callable, equivalent to my_decorated_method = pytest.fixture()(my_method).
  • For pytest.fixture, there is no difference, you can use both since pytest.fixture() without arguments will return the decorator pytest.fixture.

functools.wraps is used to preserve the metadata of the decorated function.

from functools import wraps

def my_decorator(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        # Do something with func
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

def example():

print(example.__name__)  # example
print(example.__doc__)  # Docstring

How to properly annotate sync/async function decorators: microsoft/pyright#2142

Context managers (with)

Use context managers (with...) instead of try + finally!

Just need a class with __enter__ and __exit__ implemented.

But, if you still prefer to use try + finally, you can use contextlib.contextmanager:

from contextlib import contextmanager

def my_context_manager():
    res = get_resource()
        yield res  # might crash here

Note that with @contextmanager your context manager can also be used as a decorator (,

def my_function(): ...

It is possible to open multiple contexts at once:

with open("file1.txt") as f1, open("file2.txt") as f2:
    ...  # do something with f1 and f2


  • super(): Comment marche réellement la fonction super() de Python
  • super().__init__(args...)
  • A Guide to Python's Magic Methods
  • __repr__ vs __str__:
    • __repr__ goal is to be unambiguous
    • __str__ goal is to be readable
  • __init__ is not a constructor! It is the static method __new__ (it is not a class method!) that creates and returns a new instance before __init__() is called
  • del x doesn’t directly call x.__del__():
    • del x decrements the reference count for x by one
    • x.__del__() is only called when x’s reference count reaches zero. It is called when an object is garbage collected which happens at some point after all references to the object have been deleted.
  • hasattr(self, attr_name) to check if instance.attr_name exists

Inheritance and MRO: Method Resolution Order

class A:
    def foo(self):
        print("class A")

class B(A):

class C(A):
    def foo(self):
        print("class C")

class D(B, C):

D().foo()  # prints class C, searches in B first!

print([c.__name__ for c in D.__mro__])  # [D, B, C, A, object]
class A:
    x = 1

class B(A):

class C(A):

A.x, B.x, C.x  # (1, 1, 1)
B.x = 2  # B.x is now 2
A.x, B.x, C.x  # (1, 2, 1)
A.x = 3  # A.x is now 3
A.x, B.x, C.x  # (3, 2, 3) # C.x is now 3 !!!

Since C.x is not defined, it searches in A, and since A.x is now 3, C.x is now 3.

ABC: Abstract Base Classes

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class AbstractClass(ABC):
    def foo(self):
        raise NotImplementedError  # or pass or ...

class ConcreteClass(AbstractClass):
    def foo(self):
        return "foo"

There are many abstract classes in the standard library:

For example, if you are defining a custom container, you can inherit from and you will have to implement __contains__. This will allow you to use in on your custom container.

Class Decorators

  • staticmethod: code that belongs to a class, but that doesn't use the object itself at all
  • classmethod: Class methods are methods that are not bound to an object, but to… a class
  • abstractmethod: method defined in a base class, but that may not provide any implementation
  • property: access or compute property


__new__ is the first step of instance creation. It's called first, and is responsible for returning a new instance of your class. In contrast, __init__ doesn't return anything; it's only responsible for initializing the instance after it's been created.

You can use __new__ to create a singleton class for example:

class MyClass:
    _self = None

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if not cls._self:
            cls._self = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
        return cls._self


Since classes are objects, you can create them on the fly, like any object.

Metaclasses are the "stuff" that creates classes. They are classes that create classes.

Well, metaclasses are what create these objects. They are the classes' classes, you can picture them this way:

MyClass = MetaClass()
my_object = MyClass()

type is the metaclass Python uses to create all classes behind the scenes.

The __class__ of any __class__ is type.

type has an ability: it can create classes on the fly. type can take the description of a class as parameters, and return a class.

type works this way: type(name: str, bases: tuple, attrs: dict)

  • name: name of the class
  • bases: tuple of the parent class (used for inheritance, can be left empty)
  • attrs: dictionary containing attributes names and values

You can thus create a class with type:

MyClass = type("MyClass", (), {"bar": True})
my_instance = MyClass()

# same as
class MyClass:
    bar = True

To create a metaclass, you need to subclass type:

class MyMetaClass(type):

    Prints a message every time a class is created.

    Also automatically add a 'bar' attribute set to True to every class.

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        print("Creating class %s" % name)
        dct["bar"] = True
        return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)

class MyClass(metaclass=MyMetaClass):  # MyClass is created by Meta

my_instance = MyClass()
print(  # True


Let's create a singleton metaclass:

class Singleton(type):
    _instances = {}

    def __call__(
        cls, *args, **kwargs
    ):  # Note that we are using __call__ here, not __new__.
        if cls not in cls._instances:
            cls._instances[cls] = super().__call__(
                *args, **kwargs
            )  # super().__call__ calls __new__ and __init__
        return cls._instances[cls]

class MyClass(metaclass=Singleton):

my_instance = MyClass()
my_instance2 = MyClass()
print(my_instance is my_instance2)  # True




  • GIL, Global Interpreter Lock
  • a mutex that allows only one thread to hold the control of the Python interpreter.
  • only one thread can be in a state of execution at any point in time.
  • it can be a performance bottleneck in CPU-bound and multi-threaded code.
  • Why GIL?
    • Python uses reference counting for memory management.
    • The problem was that this reference count variable needed protection from race conditions where two threads increase or decrease its value simultaneously.
  • Imagine you have two threads, each one having to add an element to a dictionary.
  • This operation, adding an element to a dictionary, is not a single operation in the underlying C code. It is a series of instructions.
  • The problem is that if two threads try at the same time to add an element to that dictionary, the order in which the series of instructions (which are executed twice, once per each thread) above is interleaved may end up making a mess.
  • So you need to ensure that the series of instructions is executed by only one thread at a time. How to do so?
  • You use a lock. A lock is basically a guarantee that the first thread that needs to execute those instructions, will execute them without any other thread touching that dictionary until it's done adding that element.
  • Now the problem moves to how granular you want the lock to be. Clearly, if one thread is acting on one dictionary, and another thread is acting on another dictionary, they don't conflict with each other and they can work in parallel, but then you need to add a lock to every dictionary. The same applies to every list, every mutable structure, external or internal. This is a lot of locks to handle and manage. And each lock occupies memory, and each lock requires time to be grabbed, and time to be released.
  • So a simpler solution is to have One lock (TM). The first thread that grabs it wins, and does whatever it wants until it's done. Even if the second thread has no intention of touching anything that the first thread is modifying, it will have to wait until the first thread is done.

Thread fork vs spawn

A fork process is a shallow copy of the parent process. The forked process will read the memory of the parent process directly. This is recommended if the child process is not going to modify the memory of the parent process.

If the fork process wants to write, the system will deepcopy the memory first. This is called Copy On Write (CoW).

A spawn process is a new process. It will not share the memory of the parent process. This is recommended if the child process is going to modify the memory of the parent process. It is slower.

Python ooooopssiieess

Mutable default arguments

# the default value for a function argument is only evaluated once, at the time that the function is defined. Each time the function is called, the same list is used.
def foo(bar=[]):
    return bar

lru_cache or cache on class methods

Putting a @cache or @lru_cache on a class method with a self argument will cache the result for the same self argument. This is probably not what you want.

import time
from functools import lru_cache

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, sleep: int) -> None:
        self._sleep = sleep

    def double(self, arg: int) -> int:
        return arg * 2

a = MyClass(1)
b = MyClass(1)

# CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=1, maxsize=128, currsize=1)
print(a.double.cache_info(), b.double.cache_info())

# CacheInfo(hits=1, misses=1, maxsize=128, currsize=1)
print(a.double.cache_info(), b.double.cache_info())

# CacheInfo(hits=1, misses=2, maxsize=128, currsize=2)  # we would expect 2 hits!
print(a.double.cache_info(), b.double.cache_info())

@lru_cache decorator is intended for use with pure functions, meaning functions that always return the same output for a given input.

Timing code

import timeit

print(timeit.timeit(my_function, number=100000))
  • the timeit function requires you to pass only the name of the function (in this case my_function)
  • the %timeit magic command requires the function call my_function() itself. %timeit sum(range(100))
  • python -m cProfile -s tottime (Profiling and optimizing your Python code)

Don't use time.time()! It's not monotonic! Use time.monotonic_ns() instead to measure a time difference.

Caching code

On expensive functions, you can use functools.lru_cache to cache the result of the function for the same arguments:

from pydantic import TypeAdapter

TypeAdapter = lru_cache(TypeAdapter)

Modules import time

python -X importtime -c "import my_module"



virtualenv --python=c:\Python25\python.exe path/to/new/env/envname



Please don't log to stdout - that's meant for program output, so you can pipe data from one program to the next. Use stderr instead.

stdlib logger

Note that Loggers should NEVER be instantiated directly, but always through the module-level function: logging.getLogger(name).

import logging

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING)  # minimum level that will be logged
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # create a logger for the current module

logging.debug("")  # won't be logged"")  # won't be logged

Python doesn’t provide any logging handlers by default, resulting in not seeing anything but an error from the logging package itself...

Add a handler to the root logger so we can see the actual errors:

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)  # minimum level that will be logged
# add a handler to the root logger. StreamHandler() will log to the console. You can use FileHandler() to log to a file.

To keep a single logger for the whole app:


def get_logger():
    global LOGGER

    if LOGGER is not None:
        return LOGGER

    LOGGER = logging.getLogger("my_app")
    LOGGER.handlers.clear()  # remove all handlers
    return LOGGER



import dataclasses
import json
import sys
import traceback

from loguru import logger
from pydantic import BaseModel

# or

from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder

_logger_initiated = False

def init_logger() -> None:
    global _logger_initiated
    if _logger_initiated:

    _logger_initiated = True


def _sink_serializer(message):
    record = message.record

    # for datadog
    log_entry = {
        "timestamp": record["time"].strftime(r"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"),
        "level": record["level"].name.upper(),
        "severity": record["level"].name.upper(),
        "module": record["module"],
        "name": record["name"],
        "message": record["message"],

    extra_as_dict = jsonable_encoder(record["extra"])

    for key, value in extra_as_dict.items():
        if key in log_entry:
            raise ValueError(f"Key {key} is already in log_entry")
        log_entry[key] = value

    if "exception" in record and record["exception"] is not None:
        log_entry["exception"] = {
            "type": record["exception"].type.__name__,
            "value": str(record["exception"].value),
            "traceback": "\n".join(traceback.format_tb(record["exception"].traceback)),

    serialized = json.dumps(log_entry)
    print(serialized, file=sys.stderr)

Then, in your code:

from loguru import logger
from my_logger import init_logger

init_logger()"Hello world!", param="value")

def my_function(x, y, z):
    # Do something
    return x / y

Organize Python code

Find unused deps

Python Testing


Pytest provides some built-in fixtures that can be used in tests:

  • tmp_path: A temporary directory unique to each test function, as a pathlib.Path object.

Every test function will get the fixture below that sets args:

def setup_tests():
    # DO stuff
    yield object  # or return...
    # clean if needed

This will block all people from using requests.get in their tests:

def disable_network_calls(monkeypatch):
    def stunted_get():
        raise RuntimeError("Network access not allowed during testing!")

    monkeypatch.setattr(requests, "get", lambda *args, **kwargs: stunted_get())

Compare floats

assert output_value == pytest.approx(expected_value)

unittest (mock, patch, MagicMock)

  • Mock class
  • mock provides a patch() decorator that handles patching module and class level attributes within the scope of a test
  • along with sentinel for creating unique objects.
  • Mock and MagicMock classes are interchangeable. As the MagicMock is the more capable class it makes a sensible one to use by default.


mock = Mock()
mock.__str__ = Mock()
mock.__str__.return_value = "fooble"
str(mock)  # prints 'fooble'
mock = Mock(return_value=42)
mock()  # 42
book = Mock(author=Mock(first_name="Tatjana"))
print(  # "Tatjana"

book = Mock() = "Evgenij"
print(  # "Evgenij"

book = Mock()
)  # <Mock name='' id='140504918800992'>
book = Mock() = ""
print(  # ""

book = Mock(author=Mock(get_full_name=Mock(return_value="Aleksandr Pushkin")))
print(  # "Aleksandr Pushkin"
book = Mock()
book.get_review.return_value.reviewer = {"name": "Natalia"}
print(book.get_review(type="oldest").reviewer.get("name", "unknown"))  # "Natalia"

⚠ careful with name attribute, it is used to describe the Mock name:

author = Mock(name="Pushkin")
print(  # <Mock name='' id='140504918800992'>

When we are mocking a deeply nested attribute, we don’t need to explicitly create sub-Mocks at every level. As soon as we access an attribute/function/property, a new Mock will automatically be created, if none exists:

book.get_review(sort="date", order="desc").reviewer.get_country().short_name  # valid
from unittest import mock

def test_my_function():
    r = Mock()
    r.content = b'{"success": true}'
    with mock.patch(
        "requests.get", return_value=r
    ) as get:  # Avoid doing actual GET request
        some_function()  # Function that calls requests.get
def some_method(target, value):
    return target.apply(value)

def test_method():
    target = mock.Mock()
    some_method(target, "value")


m.return_value = 42
assert m() == 42


To mock a method in a class with @patch.object but return a different value each time it is called, use side_effect:

  • iterator

    mock = Mock(side_effect=[...])
  • exception

    user = Mock()
    user.social_accounts.add.side_effect = SocialAlreadyClaimedException
  • as a substitute class/function (But it must be a function or a class not a different type of object and it must accept the same variables as the original function/class.)

    create_url = Mock(side_effect=substitue_create_url)

You can also define a list of side effects:

mock = Mock(side_effect=[1, 2, 3])
print(mock())  # 1
print(mock())  # 2
print(mock())  # 3
print(mock())  # StopIteration

Mock useful functions

All useful functions:

  • mock_obj.assert_called() # doesn't work with autospec=True? just assert obj.called
  • mock_obj.assert_called_once()
  • mock_obj.assert_called_with(100, "Natalia")
  • mock_obj.assert_called_once_with(100, "Natalia")
  • mock_obj.assert_not_called()
  • mock_obj.reset_mock()

When we don't care to know all function parameters or don't care to set them all, we can use ANY as a placeholder.

from mock import ANY

mock_obj.assert_called_once_with(ANY, "Natalia")

What about when the mocked function is called more than once:

from mock import call

        call(None, "Evgenij"),
        call(100, "Natalia"),

Special attributes:

# Number of times you called loads():

# The last loads() call:
call('{"key": "value"}')

# List of loads() calls:
[call('{"key": "value"}')]

# List of calls to json's methods (recursively):
[call.loads('{"key": "value"}')]


Put simply, it preconfigures mocks to only respond to methods that actually exist in the spec class. There are several ways to define specs, but the easiest is to simply pass autospec=True to the patch call, which will configure the Mock to behave as the object being mocked, raising exceptions for missing attributes and incorrect signatures as required.

When configuring a Mock, you can pass an object specification to the spec parameter. The spec parameter accepts a list of names or another object and defines the mock’s interface. If you attempt to access an attribute that does not belong to the specification, Mock will raise an AttributeError:

book = Mock(spec=["is_weekday", "get_holidays"])
print(item.slug)  # attribute error since "slug" is not in "spec"


One way to implement automatic specifications is create_autospec.

The mock.create_autospec method creates a functionally equivalent instance to the provided class. What this means, practically speaking, is that when the returned instance is interacted with, it will raise exceptions if used in illegal ways.

More specifically, if a method is called with the wrong number of arguments, an exception will be raised.

def test_upload_complete():
    mock_removal_service = mock.create_autospec(RemovalService)  # creates instance
    reference = UploadService(mock_removal_service)
    reference.upload_complete("my uploaded file")
    mock_removal_service.rm.assert_called_with("my uploaded file")

You should always use the create_autospec method and the autospec parameter with the @patch and @patch.object decorators.


MagicMock is a subclass of Mock with default implementations of most of the magic methods. You can use MagicMock without having to configure the magic methods yourself:

mock = MagicMock()
mock[3] = (
    "fish"  # MagicMock already has __getitem__ implemented, this would crash with Mock
mock.__setitem__.assert_called_with(3, "fish")  # true
mock.__getitem__.return_value = "result"
mock[2]  # 'result'


it produces a MagicMock

Generally speaking, the target is constructed like this: <prefix><suffix><optional suffix>:

  • The prefix is: the path to the module, which will import the function/class/module we are mocking.
  • The suffix is: the last part of the from .. import.. statement which imports the object we are mocking, everything after import.
  • The optional suffix is: If the suffix is the name of a module or class, then the optional suffix can the a class in this module or a function in this class. This way we can mock only 1 function in a class or 1 class in a module.

See level 5 here:

def test_rm(mock_os):
    rm("any path")  # calls rm (that calls patched os.remove inside)
    mock_os.remove.assert_called_with("any path")  # test parameters match
def test_rm(mock_os, mock_path):
    mock_path.isfile.return_value = False  # set up the mock
    rm("any path")  # don't delete file since file doesn't exist
    assert not mock_os.remove.called
    mock_path.isfile.return_value = True  # make the file 'exist'
    rm("any path")  # should call os.remove
    mock_os.remove.assert_called_with("any path")
from unittest import mock

def test_my_function():
    with mock.patch("module.some_function") as some_function:  # Used as context manager
        my_function()  # function that calls `some_function`

        some_function.assert_called_with(2, "x")

@mock.patch("module.func")  # Used as decorator
def test_my_function(some_function):
    module.func(10)  # Calls patched function
    some_function.assert_called_with(10)  # True

By default, mock.patch() will create a new mock object and use that as the replacement value. You can pass a different object using mock.patch(new=other_object) if want it to be used in place of a newly created mock object.

Where to patch?

A good rule of thumb is to patch() the object where it is looked up.

import my_calendar
from unittest.mock import patch

with patch("my_calendar.is_weekday"):  # lookup function in my_calendar module
    my_calendar.is_weekday()  # <MagicMock name='is_weekday()' id='4336501256'>
from my_calendar import is_weekday  # is_weekday has local scope, it won't be patched
from unittest.mock import patch

with patch("my_calendar.is_weekday"):
    is_weekday()  # False!!! It called the real function...

Do this instead:

from my_calendar import is_weekday
from unittest.mock import patch

with patch("__main__.is_weekday"):
    is_weekday()  # <MagicMock name='is_weekday()' id='4502362992'>

@mock.patch pitfall: decorator order

When using multiple decorators on your test methods, order is important.

def test_something(mock_os_path, mock_os, mock_sys):

Since the patch to sys is the outermost patch, it will be executed last, making it the last parameter in the actual test method arguments.


Also called partial class mocking.

The only difference is that patch takes a string as the target while patch.object needs a reference. patch.object is thus used for patching individual functions of a class.

object() takes the same configuration parameters that patch() does. But instead of passing the target’s path, you provide the target object, itself, as the first parameter.

@mock.patch.object(facebook.GraphAPI, "put_object", autospec=True)
def test_post_message(mock_put_object):  # instance of class GraphAPI
    sf = simple_facebook.SimpleFacebook()
    sf.post_message(message="Hello World!")
    mock_put_object.assert_called_with(message="Hello World!")
from unittest import mock

def test_my_function():
    with mock.patch.object(
        SomeClass, "method_of_class", return_value=None
    ) as mock_method:
        instance = SomeClass()
        mock_method.assert_called_with("arg")  # True
@patch.object(requests, "get", side_effect=requests.exceptions.Timeout)
def test_get_holidays_timeout(mock_requests):
    with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.Timeout):

Patch dictionary

Besides objects and attributes, you can also patch() dictionaries with patch.dict().

with mock.patch.dict("os.environ", {"MY_VAR": "testing"}):
    assert os.environ["MY_VAR"] == "testing"

os.path.dict does not return a mocker:

@mock.patch("os.getcwd", return_value="/home/")
@mock.patch.dict("os.environ", {"MY_VAR": "testing"})
def test_patch_builtin_dict_decorators(self, mock_print, mock_getcwd):
    pass  # do stuff

Property mocking

from mock import PropertyMock

@patch.object(Square, "area", new_callable=PropertyMock)
def test(mock_square):
    pass  # do stuff

Patch constant

@patch("code.MY_CONSTANT", new=3)
def test():
    assert code.MY_CONSTANT == 3


my_method = MagicMock(wraps=my_method) will return a MagicMock object that wraps the original method. This means that when you call the MagicMock object, the original method will be called.

from unittest.mock import MagicMock

def my_method():
    return 1

my_method = MagicMock(wraps=my_method)
print(my_method())  # 1


You can also use the spy feature of pytest-mock plugin:

pytest monkeypatch fixture

pytest monkeypatch is a pytest fixture that allows you to modify objects, dictionaries or os.environ variables, etc. It is a very powerful tool that allows you to modify the environment before running your tests.

monkeypatch is available as a parameter in each test function, and once inside the function we can use monkeypatch.setattr() to patch our command line arguments:

def test_blabla(monkeypatch, tmp_path):
    monkeypatch.setattr("sys.argv", ["pytest", "--name", "logfilename.log"])
    ## Test as usual here

every test function will get the fixture below that sets args:

def mock_sys_args(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr("sys.argv", ["pytest", "--name", "logfilename.log"])

pytest-mock plugin mocker fixture

pytest-mock is a pytest plugin thats:

  • adds a mocker fixture which uses mock under the hood but with a surface area / api similar to monkeypatch.
  • Basically all of the features of mock, but with the api of monkeypatch.
from pytest_mock import MockerFixture

def test_blabla(mocker: MockerFixture):
    mocker.patch("sys.argv", ["pytest", "--name", "logfilename.log"])
    ## Test as usual here



Use .assign to create multiple new columns:

    new_column_1=df["temp_c"] * 9 / 5 + 32,
    new_column_2=lambda x: x["column_1"] - x["column_2"],

Async await

Async/await is a feature in Python that allows for asynchronous programming.

Asynchronous programming is a programming model where multiple tasks are executed concurrently, with each task running independently without waiting for the other tasks to finish.

This is in contrast to synchronous programming, where each task runs in sequence and waits for the previous task to complete before starting the next one.

How is it different from threads?

  • Threads can be interrupted by the OS at any time, but async functions yield control back to the event loop when they are waiting for an IO operation to complete.
  • This is a cooperative multitasking model: the event loop will only switch to another task when the current task yields control back to the event loop.
  • async/await runs in a single thread, so it can be more efficient than threads if you are doing a lot of IO-bound work (reading/writing files, making network requests, etc.).
  • Indeed, when using threads you have to do a lot of context switching between threads, which is expensive.
  • However, async/await is not suitable for CPU-bound work (computing stuff locally), as it will only use a single CPU core. Better to use threads for this.

In general:

  • async/await is a good choice for I/O-bound tasks, where tasks spend most of their time waiting for I/O operations to complete (network, read/write file to disk, etc.).
  • threads are a good choice for CPU-bound tasks, where tasks spend most of their time performing computations.

Remember: Async/await is not parallelism, it's concurrency.

  • It's a way to write code that looks like it's running in parallel, but it's actually running in a single thread.
  • There is not code being executed in parallel, it's just that the code is being executed in a way that makes it look like it's running in parallel.
  • Everytime we use await, we are yielding control back to the event loop, which can then switch to another task.
  • Python async only optimizes IDLE time.

The downside of async is that you need to use libs that support it. For example, requests or urllib3 do not support async, so we need to use aiohttp or httpx instead.


Async functions (also called coroutines) are functions that can be paused and resumed at a later time. They are defined using the async keyword.

async def my_function():  # this is a coroutine function
    # Pause the function for 1 second. This is a coroutine function.
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    print("World")  # Run the function until it is complete.

An async method (coroutine) has to be awaited for it to run:

async def my_coroutine():

my_coroutine()  # this will not run the coroutine, it will just return a coroutine object
await my_coroutine()  # this will run the coroutine

Await expression

Await is used to pause the function until the coroutine is complete. The await keyword can only be used inside an async function.

Await tells Python interpreter to run other code in the meantime, and then return to the await statement later.

async def read_data(db):
    data = await db.fetch("SELECT ...")

await, suspends execution of read_data coroutine until db.fetch awaitable completes and returns the result data.

There are three main types of awaitable objects:

  1. coroutines

    async def some_coroutine(): ...
  2. Tasks

    task = asyncio.create_task(some_coroutine())
    await task
  3. Futures

    await some_future

Event loop

The event loop is exactly what it sounds like, there is a queue of events/jobs and a loop that just constantly pulls jobs off the queue and runs them.

These jobs are called coroutines. They are a small set of instructions, including which events to put back on to the queue, if any., is responsible for getting the event loop, running tasks until they are marked as complete, and then closing the event loop. is a function that runs the passed coroutine, taking care of managing the asyncio event loop and finalizing asynchronous generators.

import asyncio

async def main(some_var_to_return):  # main is async since it uses await
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    return some_var_to_return

ret ="lol"))  # Run the function until it is complete.
print(ret)  # "lol"


Let's simulate an example of a server request taking some time to answer:

import asyncio
import aiohttp  # use this instead of requests

async def query_something(url: str, fake_delay: int = 0):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get(url) as response:
            await asyncio.sleep(fake_delay)
            return await response.text()

async def main():  # main is async since it uses await
    first, second, third = await asyncio.gather(
        query_something("", 1),
        query_something("", 2),
        query_something("", 3),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # This will take around 3 seconds (max(1,2,3)) to complete! In a sync program, it would take 6 seconds.

Note that the order of the results is the same as the order of the coroutines passed to gather().


Is a function that creates a task from a coroutine. It's similar to asyncio.gather() but it does not wait for the tasks to complete.

task1 = asyncio.create_task(query_something("", 1))
result = await task1

❗❗❗ The task is launched as soon as it is created.

❗❗❗ If you don't hold a reference to the task object returned by create_task then the task may disappear without warning when Python runs garbage collection. In other words, the code in your task will stop running with no obvious indication why.

You can also cancel a task:



Is a function that takes an iterable of coroutines and returns a generator that yields the results as they become available.

async def main():
    tasks = [
        asyncio.create_task(query_something("", 1)),
        asyncio.create_task(query_something("", 2)),
        asyncio.create_task(query_something("", 3)),

    for task in asyncio.as_completed(tasks):
        result = await task


Wait for an awaitable to complete with a timeout. When the timeout expires, the task is cancelled.

Note that you need to await the result of wait_for()!


Like as_completed(), it takes awaitables in an iterable.

It will return two sets:

  • the awaitables that are done
  • those that are still pending.

It’s up to you to await them and to determine which result belongs to what.

Since the ones from the done bucket are guaranteed to be done, you can also introspect their results using Task.result() and Task.exception().

done, pending = await asyncio.wait([task_f, task_g])

You can tell wait() to not wait until all awaitables are done using the return_when argument. By default it’s set to asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED which does exactly what it sounds like. But you can also set it to asyncio.FIRST_EXCEPTION that also waits for all awaitables to finish, unless one of them raises an exception – then it will make it return immediately. Finally, asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED returns the moment any of the awaitables finishes.


A queue is a data structure that allows you to put items in it and get them out in the same order.


Async context managers

Async context managers are a new feature in Python 3.7. They are similar to regular context managers, but they are used with the async with statement instead of the regular with statement.

class AsyncContextManager:
    async def __aenter__(self):
        await log("entering context")

    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb):
        await log("exiting context")

async def main():
    async with AsyncContextManager():
        await log("inside context")

Async decorators

Sometimes, you might want to decore either sync or async functions.

import inspect

from import Awaitable, Callable
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any

def decorator(func: Callable) -> Callable:
    if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func):

        async def async_wrapped(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Awaitable:
            return await func(*args, **kwargs)

        return async_wrapped


        def sync_wrapped(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
            return func(*args, **kwargs)

        return sync_wrapped


FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints.

pip install "fastapi[all]"

In FastApi, we define paths operations. A path operation is a function that handles an HTTP request.

In a url like, the path would be /items/foo.

from fastapi import FastAPI
from typing import Optional

app = FastAPI()  # create an instance of the FastAPI class

@app.get("/")  # decorator to tell FastAPI which path operation this function handles
def read_root():
    return {"message": "Hello World"}  # return a dict that will be converted into JSON

@app.get("/items/{item_id}")  # you can define path parameters with {}
def read_item(item_id: int, q: Optional[str] = None):
    return {"item_id": item_id, "q": q}

async def read_burgers():  # async function
    burgers = await get_burgers(2)  # await the async function get_burgers
    return burgers

Run the server with:

uvicorn main:app --reload

--reload: make the server restart after code changes. Only do this for development.

Check it, open your browser at

You will see the json response:

    "item_id": 5,
    "q": "somequery"

q is an optional query parameter. If you don't provide it, it will be None.

Now, to send data to the server, we can use the POST method:

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Item(BaseModel):
    name: str
    price: float"/items/")  # POST method
async def create_item(item: Item):
    return {"message": f"Item {} created!"}

BaseModel is a class that allows us to define the fields of our data model. It will also validate the data we send to the server.

Now, we can send a POST request to with the following body:

    "name": "Cheese Burger",
    "price": 4.99

And we will get the following response:

    "message": "Item Cheese Burger created!"

HTTP methods

When building APIs, you normally use these specific HTTP methods to perform a specific action.

Normally you use:

  • POST: to create data.
  • GET: to read data. @app.get
  • PUT: to update data. @app.put
  • DELETE: to delete data. @app.delete

In FastApi, the return of methods can be a dict, a list, a str, a int, a float, a bool, or a Pydantic model. Anything that can be converted to JSON.

Order matters

The order of the path operations matters. If you define a path operation with a path of /users/me and another with /users/{user_id}, the first will be matched before the second. Because /users/me will match /users/{user_id}.

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

async def read_user_me():
    return {"user_id": "the current user"}

async def read_user(user_id: str):
    return {"user_id": user_id}

The read_users_1 will always be used since the path matches first:

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

async def read_users_1():
    return ["Rick", "Morty"]

async def read_users_2():
    return ["Bean", "Elfo"]


Query parameters are optional parameters that are passed in the url.

async def read_item(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 10):
    return fake_items_db[skip : skip + limit]

You can use those parameters calling this url:

You can also declare optional query parameters with typing.Optional.

async def read_user_item(
    item_id: str, needy: str, skip: int = 0, limit: Union[int, None] = None
    item = {"item_id": item_id, "needy": needy, "skip": skip, "limit": limit}
    return item

item_id is a path parameter.

In this case, there are 3 query parameters:

  • needy, a required str.
  • skip, an int with a default value of 0.
  • limit, an optional int.


In FastApi, you can declare the routes as async or not.

If your route is async, you can use await to wait for the result of another async function.

async def read_burgers():  # async function
    burgers = await get_burgers(2)  # await the async function get_burgers
    return burgers

This is quite efficient since the server can handle other requests while waiting for the result of get_burgers.

If you declare the route as a normal def, FastApi will run it in a thread pool and wait for the result. The answer will be returned only when the function is finished. But while the function is running, the server can handle other requests.

def read_burgers():  # normal function
    burgers = get_burgers(2)  # get_burgers is a blocking function
    return burgers

If you want to process the task but return a response immeditaly, use background tasks to run a function in the background:

from fastapi import BackgroundTasks"/some-route/{q}")
async def send_notification(q: str, background_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
    # add the task to the background
    background_tasks.add_task(some_task_that_takes_some_time, q)
    # return a response immediately
    return {"message": "Notification sent in the background"}

Auto conversion from camelCase to snake_case

from pydantic import BaseModel
from humps import camelize

class CamelModel(BaseModel):
    class Config:
        alias_generator = camelize
        allow_population_by_field_name = True

class User(CamelModel):
    first_name: str
    last_name: str = None
    age: int

Fastapi docker


To properly convert a model to json, use .model_dump(mode="json).


SQLAlchemy is an object-relational mapper widely used in the Python. As an ORM, SQLAlchemy enables you to manipulate database records as Python objects.

For example, a row in your users table would be represented as a User object, which has attributes, methods, and so on.


The Session object is the entry point to SQLAlchemy’s ORM API. It represents the ORM’s “handle” to the database, and as such is most commonly used to issue queries via the Query object.

These objects are held in memory and need to be synchronised with its representation in your database at some interval, otherwise the in-memory representation differs from your persistent database record.

Sessions are a scope or context within which you can change these objects. Note that this does not necessarily mean any changes you make to the objects are (yet) synchronised back to the database.

Sessions have a natural lifecyle in which objects are first instantiated from the database record, changes are made to these objects, and then the changes are either persisted back to the database or discarded.

In most web applications, the established pattern is to begin and end the Session with each http request.

SQLAlchemy and threads

Session objects are not thread-safe, but are thread-local. What I recommend using is sessionmaker instead of Session. sessionmaker is a factory for Session objects. You can create a new Session object for each thread by calling sessionmaker().

engine = create_engine()
session_maker = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)

db: Session = session_maker()
    yield db

Expiring objects

In a session, objects can expire:

with Session() as session:
    user = session.query(User).first()
    print(  # "John Doe". This is the in-memory value. = "New name"
    # "New name". The change was made to the in-memory object. Not the DB!
    # session.expire_all()  # expire all objects
    session.expire(user)  # expire a single object
    )  # "John Doe". The change was discarded, the value was reloaded from the database. This is because the object was expired and the changes were not committed.

So when do you actually need to explicitly expire objects? You do so when you want to force an object to reload its data, because you know its current state is possibly stale.

Refreshing objects

Refreshing means to expire and then immediately get the latest data for the object from the database. It involves an immediate database query, which you may consider unnecessarily expensive.

Expire vs Refresh

Expire is a local operation, it does not involve a database query. Refresh is a database query.

  • Expire - I persisted some changes for an object to the database. I don't need this updated object anymore in the current method, but I don't want any subsequent methods to accidentally use the wrong attributes.
  • Refresh - I persisted some changes for an object to the database. I need to use this updated object within the same method.

Flushing objects

Flushing means to push all object changes to the database.

Note that this does not necessarily mean that changes have been made to the database records - you must still call db.session.commit() to update the database or db.session.rollback() to discard your changes.

If you configured your Session with autocommit=True:

  • you are essentially requesting SQLAlchemy to call db.session.commit() whenever a transaction is not present
  • therefore, db.session.flush() will automatically call db.session.commit() unless you explicitly started a transaction with db.session.begin().

Without calling db.session.commit(), the changes remain in the database transaction buffer and any calls to refresh will get the unchanged values.

Committing objects

Committing an object does flush it to the database, but it also commits the transaction.


Here's how I decide what to use:

  • Expire
    • I've made some changes to an object and don't need it immediately but don't want any subsequent methods to use stale values.
  • Refresh
    • I've made some changes to an object and need its updated values immediately.
    • Costs extra database call as it expires and reads from database immediately.
  • Flush
    • Push changes from memory to your database's transaction buffer. No database statements are issued yet.
    • If Session has autocommit: False, must still call commit() to persist the changes or rollback() to discard changes.
    • If Session has autocommit: True and you are not explicitly in a transaction, commit() will be automatically called.
  • Commit
    • Persist changes in your database's transaction buffer to the database. Database statements are issued.
    • Automatically expires objects.
  • Merge
    • Used when you may have more than 1 in-memory objects which map to the same database record with some key.
    • Merging causes the in-memory objects to be synchronised with each other, does not necessarily persist to the database.



  • Add echo=True to the create_engine function to see the SQL statements that are being executed.
  • Add doc and comment to your tables and columns to document them.
  • When using alembic, put the datetime in the migration file name. This way, the migrations will be applied in the correct order.
  • Use db.session.rollback() to discard changes.
  • To get a session from the session maker:
    db: Session = session_maker()
    yield db
    db.commit()  # might not be necessary if autocommit=True in session_maker
except Exception as e:
    raise e
  • To get a test session maker:
def fake_session_maker() -> Generator[Session, None, None]:
    tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()  # create a new db for each test

    SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL = f"sqlite:///{}.db"

        engine = create_engine(
            connect_args={"check_same_thread": False},
        test_session_maker = sessionmaker(
            autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine

        yield test_session_maker



When doing poetry install, poetry will detect if it's running in a virtual environment. If it is, it will install the dependencies in the virtual environment. If it's not, it will create a new virtual environment and install the dependencies in the virtual environment.

You can decide to disable creating a virtual environment by doing poetry config virtualenvs.create false. This will install the dependencies in the global python environment, like pip install.

Or decide to create the virtual env in the project directory by doing poetry config true. This can be useful in a CI for caching the virtual environment:

    - .venv/

  stage: test
  image: python3.8-slim
    - poetry config true
    - poetry install
    - poetry run python -m pytest tests

To have the from PACKAGE_NAME import __version__, put this in the root file of the package:

import importlib.metadata

__version__ = importlib.metadata.version("PACKAGE_NAME")