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292 lines (212 loc) · 6.01 KB


08/10/2021 KevinZonda

Fractions & Rational Numbers/分数与比例

Law of arithmetic (dist.) are only valid when fractions express the same radio.

Rational Numbers satisfy Ring laws + [a × a-1 = 1 if a ≠ 0] (multiplicative inverse), so it is a field.

Multiplicative cancellation is valid in every field.

Fraction is be represented by $\mathbb{Q}$ (有理数数集).


Aka Largest Common Factor (LCF), Greatest Common Factor (GCF), Greatest Common denominator (GCD), Highest Common Factor (HCF), Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)

LCF(a, b), b = 0, a ≠ 0


public static int Lcf(int x, int y)
    while (true)
        if (x > y)
            x -= y;
        else if (x < y)
            y -= x;
            return x;

解释: 存在数 $x$$y$,假定其公约数为 $g$
则必然存在 $x=g\times k_0$ 以及 $y=g\times k_1$
如果 $k_0=k_1$, 则 $x = y$,那么其本身就为最大公约数
如果不是,可以假定 $x &gt; y$

$$ x = x - y = g × (k_0 - k_1) = g × k_2\\ y = g × k_1 $$

对于新生成的 $x, y$ 进行再次大数减小数,直到求出 $x = y$ 的时刻。

其逻辑使用了基础为: $$ N_{\text{greater}}=N_{\text{less}}+N_{\text{r}}\ N_{\text{r}}=N_{\text{LCF}}\times K_0\ N_{\text{greater}}=N_{\text{LCF}}\times K_1\ N_{\text{less}}=N_{\text{LCF}}\times K_2 $$

通过算式寻求为 $K_1=K_2$ 的场景

Euclidean Algorithm/辗转相除法

Aka 欧几里得算法

lcf(a, b)
x <- a
y <- b
while (y != 0) {
    r <- x mod y
    x <- y
    y <- r
public static int Lcf(int x, int y)
    while (y != 0)
        int r = x % y;
        x = y;
        y = r;
    return x;

解释: 辗转相除法本质上是对更相减损术的优化。通过更相减损术的基础逻辑,我们可以获得定义

$$ N_{\text{greater}} = N_{\text{less}} + N_{\text{r}} $$

但是如果 $N_{\text{greater}}$ 足够大,那我们可以存在以下关系式

$$ N_{\text{greater}}=K \times N_{\text{less}}+R, R \in [0, N_{\text{less}}), K \in \Z^+ $$

如果使用更相减损术,我们需要进行 $K$ 次相减。而如果使用取模运算,我们则可以一次性得出所需要的部分 $R$

$$ N_{\text{greater}} \mod N_{\text{less}} = R $$


$$ a = qb + r\ a, b, q, r \in Z $$ 所以 $\text{GCD}(a, b) = \text{GCD}(b, r)$

Pf. if $d \mid a$ and $d \mid b$, then $d \mid b$ and $d \mid r = (a - qb)$
if $d \mid b$ and $d \mid r$, then $d \mid (qb + r), d \mid a$
Then $a$, $b$ 的公因子集合与 $b$$r$ 的公因子集合相同,继而最大公因子相同


Loop invariant: lcf(a, b) = lcf (x, y)

Before start of the loop: Yes, because x contains a and y contains b. (Ground case)

Inductive Step: Assume lcf(a, b) = lcf(x, y)

If p is a factor of x and y, x = s × p, y = t × p

r = x - m × y = s × p - m × t × p = (s - m × t) × p

x <- y
y <- r


Bézout's Identity/裴蜀等式

aka 贝祖定理/Bézout's lemma

  • 对于不全为 0 的整数 $a, b, d$,方程 $sa + tb = d$ 存在整数解 s 当且仅当 LCF(a, b)|d
  • 方程 $sa + tb = d$ 称作裴蜀等式

In $\Z_m$, assume that m in a prime number

$$ a \neq 0 \text{ in } \Z_m \\ \text{lcf}(a, m) = 1 = u \times a + v \times m \equiv u \times a\\ a^{-1} = u $$

If $m$ is prime, then every number in $\Z_m$, ≠ 0, has a multiplication inverse. Hence, $\Z_m$ is a field.

Example: $m = 2$

× 0 1
0 0 0
1 0 1

$\Z_2$ aka GF(2), "Galois Field".

Example: $m = 5$

× 0 1 2 3 4
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 [1] 2 3 4
2 0 2 4 [1] 3
3 0 3 [1] 4 2
4 0 4 3 2 [1]

$1^{-1} = 1$
$2^{-1} = 3$
$3^{-1} = 2$
$4^{-1} = 4$

$\Z_5$ or GF(5) is a field.

Example: $m = 4$

× 0 1 2 3
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 [1] 2 3
2 0 2 0 2
3 0 3 2 [1]

$1^{-1} = 1$
$2^{-1}$ does not exist
$3^{-1} = 3$

$\Z_4$ or GF(4) is NOT a field.


GCD(210, 715)

             210  715 715=3*210+85
210=2*85+40  210  85
              40  85  85=2*40+5
   40=8*5+0   40  5
               0  5
GCD(715, 210) = 5
5 = 85 - 2 * 40
             ^^ = 85 - 2 * (210 - 2 * 85)
  = 5 * 85 - 2 * 210
        ^^      = 5 * (715 - 3 * 210) - 2 * 210
  = 5 * 715 - 17  * 210
        ^^^         ^^^


  • 充分性
    • 通过回代法可知 $sa+tb = \text{GCD}(a, b)$存在整数解,设其为 $s_0, t_0$
    • $d = k \times \text{GCD}(a, b)$,则其 $k \times s_0, k \times t_0$是方程的一个解
  • 必要性
    • 若方程 $sa + tb = d$ 存在整数解 $s$$t$$\text{GCD}(a, b) \mid (sa+tb)=d$

Extended Euclidean Algorithm/扩展欧几里得算法

x <- a
y <- b

u_x <- 1
v_x <- 0

u_y <- 0
v_y <- 1

while (y != 0) {
    r <- x mod y
    k <- x div y

    u <- u_x
    v <- v_x

    u_x <- u_y
    v_x <- v_y

    u_y <- u - k * u_y
    v_y <- v - k * v_y

    x <- y
    y <- r
return x, u_x, v_x
public static (int x, int u, int v) GetBezoutIdentity(int x, int y)
    int u_x = 1,
        v_x = 0;
    int u_y = 0,
        v_y = 1;

    while (y != 0)
        int r = x % y;
        int k = x / y;

        int u = u_x;
        int v = v_x;

        u_x = u_y;
        v_x = v_y;

        u_y = u - k * u_y;
        v_y = v - k * v_y;

        x = y;
        y = r;
    return (x, u_x, v_x);
