- Various blocks will now automatically cull non-visible faces, improving performance and visibility in spectator
- Modifying Light Block Level now shows in the action bar for the modified light level
- Water Machine now also allows you to fill an empty bucket with water
- Refurbished GUI Screen:
- Now shows the block name you are editing, it's location and the nearest station
- You may now click the arrows on number text field to increment/decrement, or use your mouse's scroll wheel to control
- You may now discard the new block settings by clicking the "Discard Settings" button (Still save by default if you hit the Esc key)
- The official chinese name for JCM is now named: "常磐裝飾模組" (TC) / "常磐装饰模组" (SC)
- Incompatibility with ImmediatelyFast v1.2+
- PIDS Preset not working on Minecraft Forge 1.19.3 and above
- Subsidy Machine cooldown will no longer includes an extra second
- The Discount Dollar displayed on the Fare Saver Machine no longer shifts down as the value gets longer
- GUI Element (e.g. Text Field/Checkbox) will no longer reset their state/value when the Minecraft window is resized
- The mod is now open source