0.6.0 (2024-12-19)
Full Changelog Changes:
- Upgrade Python support to include 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12
- Drop support for Python 3.* < 3.6 (Python 2.7 remains)
- Fix tox and github action so they work nicely together
- Add a release workflow to Pypi which uses trusted publisher
0.5.1 (2018-02-28)
Full Changelog Merged pull requests:
0.5.0 (2018-02-27)
Full Changelog Merged pull requests:
- proper fix for #230: on secure, only pass the requested number of bytes to the parsers #239 (jmichiel)
- fixed runtime error: Set changed size during iteration #233 (kamwoh)
- Adds argument to set block value on gevent get command in WebSocketClient.receive() #221 (thaffenden)
- Clarifies this project is on hiatus in README
0.4.3 (2017-12-19)
Full Changelog Merged pull requests:
- Change threaded client test to test ssl socket #213 (awelkie)
- Create MANIFEST.in with LICENSE #215 (pmlandwehr)
- exclude certain headers when requested #217 (klattimer)
- change from type() to isinstance() #236 (noam-graetz)
- Various test cleanups
- Disable build for Python 3.4 as running into pypa/setuptools#951 (Thinking of dropping official support for it too)
0.4.2 (2017-03-29)
Merged pull requests:
0.4.1 (2017-03-26)
Merged pull requests:
0.4.0 (2017-03-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- exception not catch in websocket.py always #70
Fixed bugs:
- Last send never happens #167
Closed issues:
- PyPI latest release 0.3.5 does not include #205 and therefore breaks with cherrypy #209
- Unable to reconnect #207
- CherryPy does not use its own wsgiserver anymore, which ws4py depended on #205
- py2exe / python2.7 / syntax error in "yield from" lines #202
- Missing 0.3.5 changelog and tag #192
- ws4py 0.3.5 doesn't receive all messages over wss #191
- SSL: received_message not getting called #183
- Python 2.6 support #182
- Overridden close() not called under windows #178
- Enabling cpstats causes ws4py to crash #177
- Only support Python 3.0+ ? #175
- IOError(interrupted system call) on dropping privilages #172
- error: configure_logger(stdout=False, filepath="ws4py.log") #171
- Python 3.4 and gevent 1.1 #170
- Is it possible to extract headers from WebSocketProtocol using asyncio #169
- server, opened() is called each time a message is send #162
- tlm #160
- In opened(), closing connection would crash the server #159
- Server crashes with broken pipe if client disconnects ungracefully? #150
- Client connection hangs when using Cherrypy #146
- low priority: wsgiref example doesn't work #145
- CherryPy: simple example of an echo server #140
- WebSocketClient.closed() always returns code 1006 if reason string empty. #137
- Server Side Connection Drops Immediately #134
- Calling WebSocketClient.terminate() results in AttributeError #131
- ConnectionRefusedError: [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it #130
- AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'fileno' #129
- wss is always one message behind #128
- Asyncio Issues #125
Merged pull requests:
- change cherrypy.wsgiserver to cheroot.server #206 (raven38)
- This change is to address the issue with run_forever() terminating too early. #201 (steowens)
- Don't crash with broken pipe when trying to close a connection #198 (cristi8)
- adding heartbeat for gevent_client #195 (alexmnt)
- minor - typo #193 (johnwheeler)
- Eliminate a protocol error when first chunk is last too. #186 (plu9in)
- Allow WebSocketWSGIHandler to work even in presence of a middleware #185 (bozzzzo)
- Give application status code 1005 when no good status code is parsed/received #181 (isonmad)
- Fix server "Bad file descriptor" error under gevent 1.1, #170 #180 (hyt-hz)
- Version of example that doesn't need jquery, fix IOError on resume, f… #173 (EternityForest)
- Fix typo #161 (hexchain)
- added a word #157 (Mrmaxmeier)
- Removed unnecessary try/except and cleaned for some PEP8 #155 (warvariuc)
- Improve Origin handling in Client #154 (rdbhost)
- Fix: closing handshake does not work correctly when reason is empty #149 (schiermike)
- pass ssl_options to SSLIOStream() to ensure certificate validation works #147 (szweep)
- Explained why wsgiref not for produciton #144 (Seanny123)
- Added Port to Host in handshake header. #139 (thiagorcdl)
- Don't fail when websocket was not inited. #135 (eraviart)
- ws4py/__init__.py: fix configure_logger by importing loging.handlers as handlers #133 (andrew-canaday)
0.3.5 (2014-04-01)
Closed issues:
- No longer working on Chome 34.0.1847.76 #124
v0.3.4 (2014-03-30)
Fixed bugs:
- ws4py 0.3.3 installation broken #123
v0.3.3 (2014-03-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- Upload releases to PyPI for compatibility with new pip versions #99
- Gradually drop support for Python <2.7 and <3.3.2 #91
Fixed bugs:
- Catch MemoryError when uploading a music file(size: 16M) #113
- ws4py 0.2.2 no longer working on Chrome version 30 #108
Closed issues:
- Exception in thread WebSocketClient during unit testing #122
- TypeError: __str__ returned non-string (type bytes) #121
- While using the Gevent WebSocket client an os error, OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files, occurs #120
- AttributeError: 'MyClient' object has no attribute '_cleanup' #119
- Message string representation does not work in Python 3 #117
- Not able to install a specific version of an unsecure package #115
- How to use WebSocketManager with server? #111
- client: KeyboardInterrupt silently catched #109
- unittests2 shouldn't be needed with python >= 2.7 and >= 3.2 #106
Merged pull requests:
- base example documentation fix #118 (husio)
- fix: changed gevent server to use a real gevent.pool.Pool #114 (fischerq)
- Tutorial should import TornadoWebSocketClient. #112 (ajdavis)
- Fix cherrypy logging #107 (UncleRus)
v0.3.2 (2013-09-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Move back to unicode and byte litterals #100
- remove implicit gevent monkey patching in the gevent client #90
- Busy loop in SelectPoller that is consuming a lot of CPU #87
- tornado expects bytes but TornadoWebSocketClient gives strings #71
Fixed bugs:
- AssertionError: Header values must be strings #103
- remove implicit gevent monkey patching in the gevent client #90
- ws4py.server.wsgiutils.py got some error in python 3.3 #88
- Busy loop in SelectPoller that is consuming a lot of CPU #87
- Socket not properly closed in Win7 #69
Closed issues:
- NameError: global name 'dec' is not defined (in Python 2.7.5) #102
- Allow cherrypy users to pass in a custom poller to the manager #95
- IPv6 sockets not supported #86
- Support
scheme #76 - Strange traceback with WebSocket.send #73
Merged pull requests:
- fixed some old references to removed functions enc() and dec() #101 (flaviogrossi)
- ws4py.client classes should support client certificates #98 (EliAndrewC)
- Code correction in built-in client tutorial #96 (elmiko)
- Fixed a couple of typos in the docs #92 (rakiru)
- Fix typo in 'ws4y.websocket' #89 (jodal)
- Fix for bytestrings in Tornado client. #85 (lbolla)
v0.3.0-beta (2013-03-16)
Closed issues:
- Threaded WebSocket client always exits randomly #78
- test_cherrypy.py fails with py3 #72
- A simpler gevent server example? #66
Merged pull requests:
- select.select() on Windows does not allow empty rlist. #83 (Who8MyLunch)
- DOC: add omitted default value for closed() in Client example #80 (y-p)
- README: Mention to wsaccel #79 (methane)
- Faster utf8validate. #75 (methane)
- Cleanup indent and trailing spaces. #74 (methane)
v0.2.4 (2012-12-13)
Closed issues:
- echo_cherrypy_server with Python 3.2 fails on client connection #62
Merged pull requests:
- Doc build improvements #65 (jodal)
- Don't broadcast messages to terminated WebSockets #64 (jodal)
- Fixup/readme #63 (richo)
v0.2.3 (2012-10-27)
Closed issues:
- urlsplit in Python 2.6.1 and earlier doesn't parse ws or wss properly. #59
- Inconsistent tabs/spaces #58
- Bug in documentation #55
- wss server support #40
- Port to Python 3 #29
Merged pull requests:
- Work around Python 2.6.X bug in urlparse.urlsplit() #60 (dsully)
- Bug fix in WebSocketPlugin.broadcast() #54 (ralhei)
- Minor fix which turns an unintentional and confusing error message into the intended error message #53 (EliAndrewC)
v0.2.2 (2012-06-21)
Closed issues:
- memory leak in streaming.Stream #51
- ws4py shouldn't send a masked message to the client #50
- In client/__init__.py: remaining 'body' bytes ignored #46
- ws4py.client.threadedclient is not compatible with ws4py.server.cherrypyserver #44
- infinite loop in threadedclient.py when server closes websocket #23
Merged pull requests:
- Change Sec-WebSocket-Origin header to Origin as per RFC #49 (jtakkala)
- Testing: Add support for
python setup.py test
, tox, and Travis CI #47 (msabramo) - Fixed geventclient.WebSocketClient.receive() blocking forever #45 (aluzzardi)
- Doctest fixed at ws4py.framing in Frame #43 (stuntgoat)
- Delete greenlet start() #42 (yrttyr)
v0.2.1 (2012-03-28)
Closed issues:
- wsgi.input _sock not working #41
- ImportError: No module named gevent #39
- HandshakeError: WebSocket version required #36
- tools.websocket.version should allow more than one version #34
- TornadoWebSocketClient doesn't support SSL #32
- Problem creating a websocket #31
- KeyboardInterrupt ignored in WebSocketClient #30
Merged pull requests:
- Delete start() #38 (yrttyr)
- Tornado implementation fix #37 (protoss-player)
- Fix SSL support in TornadoWebSocketClient and add missing import #33 (patrickod)
- Fix SSL Clients #27 (chadselph)
- send() really shouldn't fail silently when getting an unknown data type #26 (chadselph)
v0.2.0 (2012-02-23)
Closed issues:
- Incorrect args in TornadoWebSocketClient constructor #25
- Typo in echo_client example #24
- Typos following recent code changes... #22
- ThreadedHandler still referenced #21
- memory leak #20
- Please store the close code and reason in WebSocketBaseClient #19
- Exception when running with gevent 1.0 #18
- Version 0.1.5 is not installable #17
- TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str #16
- All frames from the client should be masked #15
- chrome 16.0.912.41 beta return code 400 #11
v0.1.5 (2011-12-15)
Closed issues:
- Bad code for binary send in client/__init__.py ?? #14
- Server not handling "Upgrade" header case-insensitively, as it should #13
Merged pull requests:
- support for wss:// connections using ssl.wrap_socket #12 (EliAndrewC)
v0.1.4 (2011-11-12)
Closed issues:
- Handle Connection: keep-alive, Upgrade header from Firefox 7.0 #3
Merged pull requests:
- Hello, I had to make some minor changes to get the echo server to work for me. Thank for the excellent work. I am looking forward to incorporating it into my site :). Regards, Derrick #10 (dpetzold)
- Added io_loop parameter to TornadoWebSocketClient constructor #9 (swax)
- Websocket threading client ignores initial data send by the server #7 (majek)
- Fixed hangup in Tornado implementation #6 (protoss-player)
- Added a gevent client and fixed a major flaw in the gevent/"wsgi" server handler #5 (progrium)
- Some JSON functionality #4 (protoss-player)
v0.1.3 (2011-09-07)
Merged pull requests:
v0.1.2 (2011-08-23)
Merged pull requests:
v0.1.1 (2011-08-21)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator