Before running any contract Plutip
under the hood creates dedicated UTxO at "own" wallet address to be used only as collateral. This UTxO is created by submitting transaction and spending "own" wallet's funds . For collateral Plutip
always uses 10 Ada at this point and if wallet address already has UTxO with 10 Ada on it, then Plutip will use it as collateral.
UTxO that was created or picked for collateral is stored in memory, so during Contract execution Plutip
will always use this exact same UTxO. Collateral UTxO has special properties - to guard it from being consumed by accident it is not accessible from Contract. I.e. calls like utxosAt
will not return UTxO used for collateral. This means, that users don't have to care really about collateral UTxO during contract execution.
The only place where collateral "sticks out" is the moment of wallet creation. Ii is also visible for cardano-cli
With cluster runners, when creating wallet with addSomeWallet [100_000_000]
, if you want to have UTxO with exactly 100 Ada while running the Contract, you should add 10 Ada more to wallet's initial distribution, or UTxO with 100 Ada will be used to create collateral.
main :: IO ()
main = do
let executeContract wallet contract =
ask >>= \cEnv -> runContract cEnv wallet contract
(st, _) <- startCluster def $ do
w <- addSomeWallet [100_000_000, 10_000_000] -- 10 Ada will be used as collateral
awaitWalletFunded w 1
result <- executeContract w someContract
doSomething result
stopCluster st
Or just make helper function:
addSomeWalletWithCollateral funds =
addSomeWallet (toAda 10 : funds)
For collateral handling in tasty integration see Collateral handling section.