Both the REST and event-level APIs require a set of server urls and protocols to be specified. E.g. in REST, APIs are typically presented at a URL like - server blocks are how you specify this.
To see how to specify the servers, look at the following example:
servers {
server = "{port:8080}"
environment = PROD
"Production Google Pubsub server"
server = ""
environment = PROD
protocol = GOOGLE_PUBSUB
This says that for the Swagger definition, use the "" URL with a port specified by the "port" variable. If the port variable is not found, use 8080. Similarly, it says that for the events / AsyncAPI spec, use "".
You can pass variables to reslang using the --var option. You can also indicate which environment is to be used - by default the env is PROD.
./reslang /models/servers --vars port=1230,prefix=servers --env PROD
If you don't specify any servers, the following are included by default from ./src/library:
// this is included by default if no other server block is found
servers {
server = ""
environment = PROD
"Production Google Pubsub server"
server = ""
environment = PROD
protocol = GOOGLE_PUBSUB
A few points are worth bearing in mind:
- only the servers that match the chosen env will be included
- the REST endpoints will have the main module appended. e.g. ""
- the events endpoints will not have the main module appended - the module name is already present in the topic name
- only a single events server can be present for a given env